89 research outputs found

    Computer-language based data prefetching techniques

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    Data prefetching has long been used as a technique to improve access times to persistent data. It is based on retrieving data records from persistent storage to main memory before the records are needed. Data prefetching has been applied to a wide variety of persistent storage systems, from file systems to Relational Database Management Systems and NoSQL databases, with the aim of reducing access times to the data maintained by the system and thus improve the execution times of the applications using this data. However, most existing solutions to data prefetching have been based on information that can be retrieved from the storage system itself, whether in the form of heuristics based on the data schema or data access patterns detected by monitoring access to the system. There are multiple disadvantages of these approaches in terms of the rigidity of the heuristics they use, the accuracy of the predictions they make and / or the time they need to make these predictions, a process often performed while the applications are accessing the data and causing considerable overhead. In light of the above, this thesis proposes two novel approaches to data prefetching based on predictions made by analyzing the instructions and statements of the computer languages used to access persistent data. The proposed approaches take into consideration how the data is accessed by the higher-level applications, make accurate predictions and are performed without causing any additional overhead. The first of the proposed approaches aims at analyzing instructions of applications written in object-oriented languages in order to prefetch data from Persistent Object Stores. The approach is based on static code analysis that is done prior to the application execution and hence does not add any overhead. It also includes various strategies to deal with cases that require runtime information unavailable prior to the execution of the application. We integrate this analysis approach into an existing Persistent Object Store and run a series of extensive experiments to measure the improvement obtained by prefetching the objects predicted by the approach. The second approach analyzes statements and historic logs of the declarative query language SPARQL in order to prefetch data from RDF Triplestores. The approach measures two types of similarity between SPARQL queries in order to detect recurring query patterns in the historic logs. Afterwards, it uses the detected patterns to predict subsequent queries and launch them before they are requested to prefetch the data needed by them. Our evaluation of the proposed approach shows that it high-accuracy prediction and can achieve a high cache hit rate when caching the results of the predicted queries.Precargar datos ha sido una de las técnicas más comunes para mejorar los tiempos de acceso a datos persistentes. Esta técnica se basa en predecir los registros de datos que se van a acceder en el futuro y cargarlos del almacenimiento persistente a la memoria con antelación a su uso. Precargar datos ha sido aplicado en multitud de sistemas de almacenimiento persistente, desde sistemas de ficheros a bases de datos relacionales y NoSQL, con el objetivo de reducir los tiempos de acceso a los datos y por lo tanto mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones que usan estos datos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los enfoques existentes utilizan predicciones basadas en información que se encuentra dentro del mismo sistema de almacenimiento, ya sea en forma de heurísticas basadas en el esquema de los datos o patrones de acceso a los datos generados mediante la monitorización del acceso al sistema. Estos enfoques presentan varias desventajas en cuanto a la rigidez de las heurísticas usadas, la precisión de las predicciones generadas y el tiempo que necesitan para generar estas predicciones, un proceso que se realiza con frecuencia mientras las aplicaciones acceden a los datos y que puede tener efectos negativos en el tiempo de ejecución de estas aplicaciones. En vista de lo anterior, esta tesis presenta dos enfoques novedosos para precargar datos basados en predicciones generadas por el análisis de las instrucciones y sentencias del lenguaje informático usado para acceder a los datos persistentes. Los enfoques propuestos toman en consideración cómo las aplicaciones acceden a los datos, generan predicciones precisas y mejoran el rendimiento de las aplicaciones sin causar ningún efecto negativo. El primer enfoque analiza las instrucciones de applicaciones escritas en lenguajes de programación orientados a objetos con el fin de precargar datos de almacenes de objetos persistentes. El enfoque emplea análisis estático de código hecho antes de la ejecución de las aplicaciones, y por lo tanto no afecta negativamente el rendimiento de las mismas. El enfoque también incluye varias estrategias para tratar casos que requieren información de runtime no disponible antes de ejecutar las aplicaciones. Además, integramos este enfoque en un almacén de objetos persistentes y ejecutamos una serie extensa de experimentos para medir la mejora de rendimiento que se puede obtener utilizando el enfoque. Por otro lado, el segundo enfoque analiza las sentencias y logs del lenguaje declarativo de consultas SPARQL para precargar datos de triplestores de RDF. Este enfoque aplica dos medidas para calcular la similtud entre las consultas del lenguaje SPARQL con el objetivo de detectar patrones recurrentes en los logs históricos. Posteriormente, el enfoque utiliza los patrones detectados para predecir las consultas siguientes y precargar con antelación los datos que necesitan. Nuestra evaluación muestra que este enfoque produce predicciones de alta precisión y puede lograr un alto índice de aciertos cuando los resultados de las consultas predichas se guardan en el caché.Postprint (published version

    Computer-language based data prefetching techniques

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    Data prefetching has long been used as a technique to improve access times to persistent data. It is based on retrieving data records from persistent storage to main memory before the records are needed. Data prefetching has been applied to a wide variety of persistent storage systems, from file systems to Relational Database Management Systems and NoSQL databases, with the aim of reducing access times to the data maintained by the system and thus improve the execution times of the applications using this data. However, most existing solutions to data prefetching have been based on information that can be retrieved from the storage system itself, whether in the form of heuristics based on the data schema or data access patterns detected by monitoring access to the system. There are multiple disadvantages of these approaches in terms of the rigidity of the heuristics they use, the accuracy of the predictions they make and / or the time they need to make these predictions, a process often performed while the applications are accessing the data and causing considerable overhead. In light of the above, this thesis proposes two novel approaches to data prefetching based on predictions made by analyzing the instructions and statements of the computer languages used to access persistent data. The proposed approaches take into consideration how the data is accessed by the higher-level applications, make accurate predictions and are performed without causing any additional overhead. The first of the proposed approaches aims at analyzing instructions of applications written in object-oriented languages in order to prefetch data from Persistent Object Stores. The approach is based on static code analysis that is done prior to the application execution and hence does not add any overhead. It also includes various strategies to deal with cases that require runtime information unavailable prior to the execution of the application. We integrate this analysis approach into an existing Persistent Object Store and run a series of extensive experiments to measure the improvement obtained by prefetching the objects predicted by the approach. The second approach analyzes statements and historic logs of the declarative query language SPARQL in order to prefetch data from RDF Triplestores. The approach measures two types of similarity between SPARQL queries in order to detect recurring query patterns in the historic logs. Afterwards, it uses the detected patterns to predict subsequent queries and launch them before they are requested to prefetch the data needed by them. Our evaluation of the proposed approach shows that it high-accuracy prediction and can achieve a high cache hit rate when caching the results of the predicted queries.Precargar datos ha sido una de las técnicas más comunes para mejorar los tiempos de acceso a datos persistentes. Esta técnica se basa en predecir los registros de datos que se van a acceder en el futuro y cargarlos del almacenimiento persistente a la memoria con antelación a su uso. Precargar datos ha sido aplicado en multitud de sistemas de almacenimiento persistente, desde sistemas de ficheros a bases de datos relacionales y NoSQL, con el objetivo de reducir los tiempos de acceso a los datos y por lo tanto mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones que usan estos datos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los enfoques existentes utilizan predicciones basadas en información que se encuentra dentro del mismo sistema de almacenimiento, ya sea en forma de heurísticas basadas en el esquema de los datos o patrones de acceso a los datos generados mediante la monitorización del acceso al sistema. Estos enfoques presentan varias desventajas en cuanto a la rigidez de las heurísticas usadas, la precisión de las predicciones generadas y el tiempo que necesitan para generar estas predicciones, un proceso que se realiza con frecuencia mientras las aplicaciones acceden a los datos y que puede tener efectos negativos en el tiempo de ejecución de estas aplicaciones. En vista de lo anterior, esta tesis presenta dos enfoques novedosos para precargar datos basados en predicciones generadas por el análisis de las instrucciones y sentencias del lenguaje informático usado para acceder a los datos persistentes. Los enfoques propuestos toman en consideración cómo las aplicaciones acceden a los datos, generan predicciones precisas y mejoran el rendimiento de las aplicaciones sin causar ningún efecto negativo. El primer enfoque analiza las instrucciones de applicaciones escritas en lenguajes de programación orientados a objetos con el fin de precargar datos de almacenes de objetos persistentes. El enfoque emplea análisis estático de código hecho antes de la ejecución de las aplicaciones, y por lo tanto no afecta negativamente el rendimiento de las mismas. El enfoque también incluye varias estrategias para tratar casos que requieren información de runtime no disponible antes de ejecutar las aplicaciones. Además, integramos este enfoque en un almacén de objetos persistentes y ejecutamos una serie extensa de experimentos para medir la mejora de rendimiento que se puede obtener utilizando el enfoque. Por otro lado, el segundo enfoque analiza las sentencias y logs del lenguaje declarativo de consultas SPARQL para precargar datos de triplestores de RDF. Este enfoque aplica dos medidas para calcular la similtud entre las consultas del lenguaje SPARQL con el objetivo de detectar patrones recurrentes en los logs históricos. Posteriormente, el enfoque utiliza los patrones detectados para predecir las consultas siguientes y precargar con antelación los datos que necesitan. Nuestra evaluación muestra que este enfoque produce predicciones de alta precisión y puede lograr un alto índice de aciertos cuando los resultados de las consultas predichas se guardan en el caché

    GraphScope Flex: LEGO-like Graph Computing Stack

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    Graph computing has become increasingly crucial in processing large-scale graph data, with numerous systems developed for this purpose. Two years ago, we introduced GraphScope as a system addressing a wide array of graph computing needs, including graph traversal, analytics, and learning in one system. Since its inception, GraphScope has achieved significant technological advancements and gained widespread adoption across various industries. However, one key lesson from this journey has been understanding the limitations of a "one-size-fits-all" approach, especially when dealing with the diversity of programming interfaces, applications, and data storage formats in graph computing. In response to these challenges, we present GraphScope Flex, the next iteration of GraphScope. GraphScope Flex is designed to be both resource-efficient and cost-effective, while also providing flexibility and user-friendliness through its LEGO-like modularity. This paper explores the architectural innovations and fundamental design principles of GraphScope Flex, all of which are direct outcomes of the lessons learned during our ongoing development process. We validate the adaptability and efficiency of GraphScope Flex with extensive evaluations on synthetic and real-world datasets. The results show that GraphScope Flex achieves 2.4X throughput and up to 55.7X speedup over other systems on the LDBC Social Network and Graphalytics benchmarks, respectively. Furthermore, GraphScope Flex accomplishes up to a 2,400X performance gain in real-world applications, demonstrating its proficiency across a wide range of graph computing scenarios with increased effectiveness

    Fifth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This document contains copies of those technical papers received in time for publication prior to the Fifth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies held September 17 - 19, 1996, at the University of Maryland, University Conference Center in College Park, Maryland. As one of an ongoing series, this conference continues to serve as a unique medium for the exchange of information on topics relating to the ingestion and management of substantial amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. This year's discussion topics include storage architecture, database management, data distribution, file system performance and modeling, and optical recording technology. There will also be a paper on Application Programming Interfaces (API) for a Physical Volume Repository (PVR) defined in Version 5 of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Reference Model (RM). In addition, there are papers on specific archives and storage products

    Granite: A scientific database model and implementation

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    The principal goal of this research was to develop a formal comprehensive model for representing highly complex scientific data. An effective model should provide a conceptually uniform way to represent data and it should serve as a framework for the implementation of an efficient and easy-to-use software environment that implements the model. The dissertation work presented here describes such a model and its contributions to the field of scientific databases. In particular, the Granite model encompasses a wide variety of datatypes used across many disciplines of science and engineering today. It is unique in that it defines dataset geometry and topology as separate conceptual components of a scientific dataset. We provide a novel classification of geometries and topologies that has important practical implications for a scientific database implementation. The Granite model also offers integrated support for multiresolution and adaptive resolution data. Many of these ideas have been addressed by others, but no one has tried to bring them all together in a single comprehensive model. The datasource portion of the Granite model offers several further contributions. In addition to providing a convenient conceptual view of rectilinear data, it also supports multisource data. Data can be taken from various sources and combined into a unified view. The rod storage model is an abstraction for file storage that has proven an effective platform upon which to develop efficient access to storage. Our spatial prefetching technique is built upon the rod storage model, and demonstrates very significant improvement in access to scientific datasets, and also allows machines to access data that is far too large to fit in main memory. These improvements bring the extremely large datasets now being generated in many scientific fields into the realm of tractability for the ordinary researcher. We validated the feasibility and viability of the model by implementing a significant portion of it in the Granite system. Extensive performance evaluations of the implementation indicate that the features of the model can be provided in a user-friendly manner with an efficiency that is competitive with more ad hoc systems and more specialized application specific solutions

    Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data: Results of the LOD2 Project

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    Database Management; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems and Communication Servic


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    As more and larger genomics studies appear, there is a growing need for comprehensive and queryable cross-study summaries. We focus primarily on nearly 20,000 RNA-sequencing studies in human and mouse, consisting of more than 750,000 sequencing runs, and the coverage summaries derived from their alignment to their respective gnomes. In addition to the summarized RNA-seq derived data itself we present tools (Snaptron, Monorail, Megadepth, and recount3) that can be used by downstream researchers both to process their own data into comparable summaries as well as access and query our processed, publicly available data. Additionally we present a related study of errors in the splicing of long read transcriptomic alignments, including comparison to the existing splicing summaries from short reads already described (LongTron)

    24th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    In the last three decades information modelling and knowledge bases have become essentially important subjects not only in academic communities related to information systems and computer science but also in the business area where information technology is applied. The series of European – Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC) originally started as a co-operation initiative between Japan and Finland in 1982. The practical operations were then organised by professor Ohsuga in Japan and professors Hannu Kangassalo and Hannu Jaakkola in Finland (Nordic countries). Geographical scope has expanded to cover Europe and also other countries. Workshop characteristic - discussion, enough time for presentations and limited number of participants (50) / papers (30) - is typical for the conference. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: 1. Conceptual modelling: Modelling and specification languages; Domain-specific conceptual modelling; Concepts, concept theories and ontologies; Conceptual modelling of large and heterogeneous systems; Conceptual modelling of spatial, temporal and biological data; Methods for developing, validating and communicating conceptual models. 2. Knowledge and information modelling and discovery: Knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and knowledge management; Advanced data mining and analysis methods; Conceptions of knowledge and information; Modelling information requirements; Intelligent information systems; Information recognition and information modelling. 3. Linguistic modelling: Models of HCI; Information delivery to users; Intelligent informal querying; Linguistic foundation of information and knowledge; Fuzzy linguistic models; Philosophical and linguistic foundations of conceptual models. 4. Cross-cultural communication and social computing: Cross-cultural support systems; Integration, evolution and migration of systems; Collaborative societies; Multicultural web-based software systems; Intercultural collaboration and support systems; Social computing, behavioral modeling and prediction. 5. Environmental modelling and engineering: Environmental information systems (architecture); Spatial, temporal and observational information systems; Large-scale environmental systems; Collaborative knowledge base systems; Agent concepts and conceptualisation; Hazard prediction, prevention and steering systems. 6. Multimedia data modelling and systems: Modelling multimedia information and knowledge; Contentbased multimedia data management; Content-based multimedia retrieval; Privacy and context enhancing technologies; Semantics and pragmatics of multimedia data; Metadata for multimedia information systems. Overall we received 56 submissions. After careful evaluation, 16 papers have been selected as long paper, 17 papers as short papers, 5 papers as position papers, and 3 papers for presentation of perspective challenges. We thank all colleagues for their support of this issue of the EJC conference, especially the program committee, the organising committee, and the programme coordination team. The long and the short papers presented in the conference are revised after the conference and published in the Series of “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence” by IOS Press (Amsterdam). The books “Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases” are edited by the Editing Committee of the conference. We believe that the conference will be productive and fruitful in the advance of research and application of information modelling and knowledge bases. Bernhard Thalheim Hannu Jaakkola Yasushi Kiyok