56 research outputs found

    OCL-based Runtime Monitoring of JVM hosted Applications

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    In this paper we present an approach that enables users to monitor and verify the behavior of an application running on a virtual machine at the model level. Concrete implementations of object-oriented software usually contain a lot of technical classes. Thus, the central parts of an application, e.g., the business rules, may be hidden among peripheral functionality like user-interface classes or classes managing persistency. Our approach makes use of modern virtual machines and allows the devloper to profile an application in order to achieve an abstract monitoring and verification of central application components. We represent virtual machine bytecode in form of a so-called platform-aligned model (PAM) comprising OCL invariants and pre- and postconditions. In contrast to related work, our approach uses the original source or bytecode of the monitored application as it stands and does not require any changes. We show a prototype implementation as an extension of the UML and OCL tool USE. Also, we investigate the impact of our approach to the execution time of a monitored system

    On Formalizing UML and OCL Features and Their Employment to Runtime Verification

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    Model-driven development (MDD) has been identified as a promising approach for developing software. By using abstract models of a system and by generating parts of the system out of these models, one tries to improve the efficiency of the overall development process and the quality of the resulting software. In the context of MDD the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its related textual Object Constraint Language (OCL) have gained a high recognition. To be able to generate systems of high quality and to allow for interoperability between modeling tools, a well-defined semantics for these languages is required. This thesis summarizes published work in this context that employs an endogenous metamodeling approach to define the semantics of newer elements of the UML. While the covered elements are exhaustively used to define relations between elements of the metamodel of the UML, the UML specification leaves out a precise definition of their semantics. Our proposed approach uses models, not only to define the abstract syntax, but also to define the semantics of UML. By using UML and OCL for this, existing modeling tools can be used to validate the definition. The second part of this thesis covers work on the usage of UML and OCL models for runtime verification. It is shown how models can still be used at the end of a software development process, i. e., after an implementation has manually been added to generated parts, even though they are not used as central parts of the development process. This work also influenced the integration of protocol state machines into a modeling tool, which lead to publications about the runtime semantics of state machines and the capabilities to declaratively specify behavior using state machines

    Abstract runtime monitoring with USE

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    Adsorption and photodecomposition of formic acid on rutile TiO2 (110) have been investigated with infrared reflection–absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) employing p- and s-polarized light along the [001] and [ 11⎯⎯0 ] crystal directions. The single crystal surfaces were prepared either by sputtering and annealing in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) to obtain a reduced surface (r-TiO2), or by sputtering without annealing to create a rough, highly defective surface (sp-TiO2). Results are compared with corresponding measurements on rutile nanocrystals performed in synthetic air. IRRAS spectra obtained on r-TiO2 and rutile nanocrystals are very similar, and show that in both cases formic acid dissociates and is predominately adsorbed as a bridging bidentate formate species, and that the formate adsorption structure on the nanocrystals is dominated by interactions with majority (110) surfaces. In contrast, the IRRAS spectra on sp-TiO2 are different, with only minor spectral features associated with (110) surfaces and lost azimuthal symmetry, both of which imply changed adsorption geometry due to bonding to low-coordinated Ti atoms with lower valences. The UV-induced rate of formate photodecomposition is about 30 times higher on rutile nanocrystals in synthetic air compared with sp-TiO2 under UHV conditions, and even larger than on r-TiO2. These differences are explained by the lack of oxygen and limited hydroxyl coverage under UHV conditions. The difference in reactivity between the r-TiO2 and sp-TiO2 surfaces is attributed to a high concentration of strongly bonded bridging bidentate formate species on the (110) surface, which lowers its reactivity. The results point to a pressure gap where the availability of molecular oxygen and the hydroxyl concentration limit the photoreactivity in UHV leading to an almost 20-fold decrease of the formate degradation rate in UHV. In contrast, the structure represented by the single crystal (110) surface is shown to capture the essential structural properties, which dictates the formic acid adsorption and adsorption structure of rutile nanocrystals

    Kevoree Modeling Framework (KMF): Efficient modeling techniques for runtime use

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    The creation of Domain Specific Languages(DSL) counts as one of the main goals in the field of Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE). The main purpose of these DSLs is to facilitate the manipulation of domain specific concepts, by providing developers with specific tools for their domain of expertise. A natural approach to create DSLs is to reuse existing modeling standards and tools. In this area, the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) has rapidly become the defacto standard in the MDSE for building Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and tools based on generative techniques. However, the use of EMF generated tools in domains like Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing or Models@Runtime reaches several limitations. In this paper, we identify several properties the generated tools must comply with to be usable in other domains than desktop-based software systems. We then challenge EMF on these properties and describe our approach to overcome the limitations. Our approach, implemented in the Kevoree Modeling Framework (KMF), is finally evaluated according to the identified properties and compared to EMF.Comment: ISBN 978-2-87971-131-7; N° TR-SnT-2014-11 (2014

    Self-Adaptive Performance Monitoring for Component-Based Software Systems

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    Effective monitoring of a software system’s runtime behavior is necessary to evaluate the compliance of performance objectives. This thesis has emerged in the context of the Kieker framework addressing application performance monitoring. The contribution includes a self-adaptive performance monitoring approach allowing for dynamic adaptation of the monitoring coverage at runtime. The monitoring data includes performance measures such as throughput and response time statistics, the utilization of system resources, as well as the inter- and intra-component control flow. Based on this data, performance anomaly scores are computed using time series analysis and clustering methods. The self-adaptive performance monitoring approach reduces the business-critical failure diagnosis time, as it saves time-consuming manual debugging activities. The approach and its underlying anomaly scores are extensively evaluated in lab experiments

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practices of programming in Java. The conference focuses on the different aspects of the Java programming language and its applications

    Model-Based Run-time Verification of Software Components by Integrating OCL into Treaty

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    Model Driven Development is used to improve software quality and efficiency by automatically transforming abstract and formal models into software implementations. This is particularly sensible if the model’s integrity can be proven formally and is preserved during the model’s transformation. A standard to specify software model integrity is the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Another topic of research is the dynamic development of software components, enabling software system composition at component run-time. As a consequence, the system’s verification must be realized during system run-time (and not during transformation or compile time). Many established verification techniques cannot be used for run-time verification. A method to enable model-based run-time verification will be developed during this work. How OCL constraints can be transformed into executable software artifacts and how they can be used in the component-based system Treaty will be the major task of this diploma thesis.Modellgetriebene Entwicklung dient der Verbesserung von Qualität und Effizienz in der Software-Entwicklung durch Automatisierung der notwendigen Transformationen von abstrakten bzw. formalen Modellen bis zur Implementierung. Dies ist insbesondere dann sinnvoll, wenn die Integrität der ursprünglichen Modelle formal bewiesen werden kann und durch die Transformation gewährleistet wird. Ein Standard zur Spezifikation der Integrität von Softwaremodellen ist die Object Constraint Language (OCL). Eine weitere Forschungsrichtung im Software-Engineering ist die Entwicklung von dynamischen Komponenten-Modellen, die die Komposition von Softwaresystemen im laufenden Betrieb ermöglichen. Dies bedeutet, dass die Systemverifikation im laufenden Betrieb realisiert werden muss. Die meisten der etablierten Verifikationstechniken sind dazu nicht geeignet. In der Diplomarbeit soll ausgehend von diesem Stand der Technik eine Methode zur modellbasierten Verifikation zur Laufzeit entwickelt werden. Insbesondere soll untersucht werden, wie OCL-Constraints zur Laufzeit in ausführbare Software-Artefakte übersetzt und in dem komponentenbasierten System Treaty verwendet werden können

    Parallel and Distributed Execution of Model Management Programs

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    The engineering process of complex systems involves many stakeholders and development artefacts. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is an approach to development which aims to help curtail and better manage this complexity by raising the level of abstraction. In MDE, models are first-class artefacts in the development process. Such models can be used to describe artefacts of arbitrary complexity at various levels of abstraction according to the requirements of their prospective stakeholders. These models come in various sizes and formats and can be thought of more broadly as structured data. Since models are the primary artefacts in MDE, and the goal is to enhance the efficiency of the development process, powerful tools are required to work with such models at an appropriate level of abstraction. Model management tasks – such as querying, validation, comparison, transformation and text generation – are often performed using dedicated languages, with declarative constructs used to improve expressiveness. Despite their semantically constrained nature, the execution engines of these languages rarely capitalize on the optimization opportunities afforded to them. Therefore, working with very large models often leads to poor performance when using MDE tools compared to general-purpose programming languages, which has a detrimental effect on productivity. Given the stagnant single-threaded performance of modern CPUs along with the ubiquity of distributed computing, parallelization of these model management program is a necessity to address some of the scalability concerns surrounding MDE. This thesis demonstrates efficient parallel and distributed execution algorithms for model validation, querying and text generation and evaluates their effectiveness. By fully utilizing the CPUs on 26 hexa-core systems, we were able to improve performance of a complex model validation language by 122x compared to its existing sequential implementation. Up to 11x speedup was achieved with 16 cores for model query and model-to-text transformation tasks

    Model-Driven Online Capacity Management for Component-Based Software Systems

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    Capacity management is a core activity when designing and operating distributed software systems. It comprises the provisioning of data center resources and the deployment of software components to these resources. The goal is to continuously provide adequate capacity, i.e., service level agreements should be satisfied while keeping investment and operating costs reasonably low. Traditional capacity management strategies are rather static and pessimistic: resources are provisioned for anticipated peak workload levels. Particularly, enterprise application systems are exposed to highly varying workloads, leading to unnecessarily high total cost of ownership due to poor resource usage efficiency caused by the aforementioned static capacity management approach. During the past years, technologies emerged that enable dynamic data center infrastructures, e. g., leveraged by cloud computing products. These technologies build the foundation for elastic online capacity management, i.e., adapting the provided capacity to workload demands based on a short-term horizon. Because manual online capacity management is not an option, automatic control approaches have been proposed. However, most of these approaches focus on coarse-grained adaptation actions and adaptation decisions are based on aggregated system-level measures. Architectural information about the controlled software system is rarely considered. This thesis introduces a model-driven online capacity management approach for distributed component-based software systems, called SLAstic. The core contributions of this approach are a) modeling languages to capture relevant architectural information about a controlled software system, b) an architecture-based online capacity management framework based on the common MAPE-K control loop architecture, c) model-driven techniques supporting the automation of the approach, d) architectural runtime reconfiguration operations for controlling a system’s capacity, e) as well as an integration of the Palladio Component Model. A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the approach is performed by case studies, lab experiments, and simulation
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