558 research outputs found

    The elevation, slope, and curvature spectra of a wind roughened sea surface

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    The elevation, slope and curvature spectra are defined as a function of wave number and depend on the friction velocity. There are five wave number ranges of definition called the gravity wave-gravity equilibrium range, the isotropic turbulence range, the connecting range due to Leykin Rosenberg, the capillary range, and the viscous cutoff range. The higher wave number ranges are strongly wind speed dependent, and there is no equilibrium (or saturated) capillary range, at least for winds up to 30 meters/sec. Some properties of the angular variation of the spectra are also found. For high wave numbers, especially in the capillary range, the results are shown to be consistent with the Rayleigh-Rice backscattering theory (Bragg scattering), and certain properties of the angular variation are deduced from backscatter measurements

    A comparison of synoptic and Skylab S193/194 determinations of ocean surface windspeeds

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    Validation and assimilation of Seasat altimeter wave heights using the WAM wave model

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    The mutual consistency of the Seasat global data sets of scatterometer winds and altimeter wave heights is investigated for the complete Seasat period using the third-generation wave model WAM. The wave model was driven by surface (1000 hPa) wind and surface stress fields constructed by the Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres (GLA) by assimilation of the scatterometer winds in an atmospheric model. For the 10-day period September 7?17 the intercomparison was extended to two further scatterometer wind fields: a 1000-hPa assimilated wind field from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and a subjectively analyzed 19.5-m-height surface wind field from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. On the global average, the modeled and observed wave heights agree reasonably well. Regional differences, however, can be large and sometimes exceed 40%. The errors are attributed mainly to deficiencies in the forcing wind fields. Low wind speeds are found to be overestimated and high wind speeds underestimated by the Seasat scatterometer algorithm. The friction velocities of the GLA model are found to be significantly underestimated in the high-wind belt of the southern hemisphere. The analysis demonstrates the diagnostic advantages of applying a wave model for the quality assessment of satellite wind and wave data. A preliminary wave data assimilation scheme is presented in which the wave field is updated without changing the forcing wind field. A considerable improvement of the computed wave field is achieved, particularly in regions in which the wave energy is dominated by swell. However, a more general assimilation scheme including modifications of the wind field is needed to upgrade wind sea forecasts

    Improved simulation of aerosol, cloud, and density measurements by shuttle lidar

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    Data retrievals are simulated for a Nd:YAG lidar suitable for early flight on the space shuttle. Maximum assumed vertical and horizontal resolutions are 0.1 and 100 km, respectively, in the boundary layer, increasing to 2 and 2000 km in the mesosphere. Aerosol and cloud retrievals are simulated using 1.06 and 0.53 microns wavelengths independently. Error sources include signal measurement, conventional density information, atmospheric transmission, and lidar calibration. By day, tenuous clouds and Saharan and boundary layer aerosols are retrieved at both wavelengths. By night, these constituents are retrieved, plus upper tropospheric, stratospheric, and mesospheric aerosols and noctilucent clouds. Density, temperature, and improved aerosol and cloud retrievals are simulated by combining signals at 0.35, 1.06, and 0.53 microns. Particlate contamination limits the technique to the cloud free upper troposphere and above. Error bars automatically show effect of this contamination, as well as errors in absolute density nonmalization, reference temperature or pressure, and the sources listed above. For nonvolcanic conditions, relative density profiles have rms errors of 0.54 to 2% in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Temperature profiles have rms errors of 1.2 to 2.5 K and can define the tropopause to 0.5 km and higher wave structures to 1 or 2 km

    Cirrus clouds

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    Andrew J. Heymsfield, Martina Kramer, Anna Luebke, Phil Brown, Daniel J. Cziczo, Charmaine Franklin, Ulrike Lohmann, Greg McFarquhar, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Kristof Van Trich, American Meteorological Society , January 2017, this article has been published in final form at DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-16-0010.1 Published by AMS Publications © 2017 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (http://www.ametsoc.org/PUBSCopyrightPolicy).The goal of this article is to synthesize information about what is now known about one of the three main types of clouds, cirrus, and to identify areas where more knowledge is needed. Cirrus clouds, composed of ice particles, form primarily in the upper troposphere, where temperatures are generally below -30°C. Satellite observations show that the maximum-occurrence frequency of cirrus is near the tropics, with a large latitudinal movement seasonally. In-situ measurements obtained over a wide range of cloud types, formation mechanisms, temperatures, and geographical locations indicate that the ice water content and particle size generally decrease with decreasing temperature, whereas the ice particle concentration is nearly constant or increase slightly with decreasing temperature. High ice concentrations, sometimes observed in strong updrafts , results from homogeneous nucleation. The satellite-based and in-situ measurements indicate that cirrus ice crystals typically depart from the simple, idealized geometry for smooth hexagonal shapes, indicating complexity and/or surface roughness. Their shapes significantly impact cirrus radiative properties and feedbacks to climate. Cirrus clouds, one of the most uncertain components of general circulation models (GCM), pose one of the greatest challenges in predicting the rate and geographical pattern of climate change. Improved measurements of the properties and size distributions and surface structure of small ice crystals — about 20 μm, and identifying the dominant ice nucleation process — heterogeneous versus homogeneous ice nucleation, under different cloud dynamical forcings, will lead to a better representation of their properties in GCM and in modeling their current and future effects on climate.Peer reviewe

    High-Speed Research: 1994 Sonic Boom Workshop: Atmospheric Propagation and Acceptability Studies

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    The workshop proceedings include papers on atmospheric propagation and acceptability studies. Papers discussing atmospheric effects on the sonic boom waveform addressed several issues. It has long been assumed that the effects of molecular relaxation are adequately accounted for by assuming that a steady state balance between absorption and nonlinear wave steepening exists. It was shown that the unsteadiness induced by the nonuniform atmosphere precludes attaining this steady state. Further, it was shown that the random atmosphere acts as a filter, effectively filtering out high frequency components of the distorted waveform. Several different propagation models were compared, and an analysis of the sonic boom at the edge of the primary carpet established that the levels there are bounded. Finally, a discussion of the levels of the sonic boom below the sea surface was presented

    Towards an improved treatment of unresolved cloud-radiation interaction in weather and climate models

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    The interaction between radiation and clouds represents a persistent source of uncertainty in numerical weather and climate prediction. Clouds are inherently complex meteorological phenomena, appearing in an immense variety of geometrical shapes and exhibiting highly variable degrees of heterogeneity. A physically consistent and computationally efficient coupling of three-dimensional cloud structures with the solar and thermal radiative field thereby remains one of the greatest challenges in the atmospheric science community. The present thesis aims to make progress towards an improved treatment of the unresolved cloud-radiation interchange for both regional and global modeling applications. The first dissertation objective is to quantify the radiative bias in regional models for a realistically evolving shallow cumulus cloud field. The bias dependence on various input parameters of radiation schemes such as solar zenith angle, surface albedo, cloud cover and liquid water path is examined. Nighttime and daytime biases within the cloud-layer and at the surface are thoroughly investigated and evaluated against a high-resolution three-dimensional benchmark computation. The focus is laid on quantifying the regional-scale model bias arising from two chief shortcomings. First, the poor representation of unresolved cloudiness, which is normally approximated as a series of horizontally homogeneous partially cloudy layers. Second, the intrinsic constraint of one-dimensional radiation schemes, employing merely two streams for capturing the upward and downward radiative flux, but entirely neglecting the grid- and subgrid-scale horizontal photon flow. Since it is unclear which error source is dominant at the scale of regional modeling where these multiple issues intersect, the bias stemming from the latter drawback is simultaneously assessed. The principal findings highlight the importance of an improved cloud representation even at the regional scale. The second dissertation objective is to advance the cloud-radiation interaction parameterization in coarse-resolution global models, focusing on the issues related to misrepresentation of cloud horizontal inhomogeneity. This subject is tackled with the state-of-the-art Tripleclouds radiative solver, the fundamental feature of which is the inclusion of the optically thicker and thinner cloud fraction. The research challenge is to optimally set the pair of cloud condensates characterizing the two cloudy regions and the corresponding geometrical split of layer cloudiness. A diverse cloud field data set was collected for the analysis, comprising case studies of cumulus, stratocumulus, cirrus and cumulonimbus. The primary goal is to test the validity of global cloud variability estimate along with various condensate distribution assumptions. More sophisticated parameterizations are subsequently explored, optimizing the treatment of overcast as well as extremely heterogeneous cloudiness. The radiative diagnostics including atmospheric heating rate and net surface flux are for the first time consistently studied using the Tripleclouds method. The performance of Tripleclouds mostly significantly surpasses the conventional calculation on horizontally homogeneous cloudiness. The effect of horizontal photon transport is further quantified. The overall conclusions are intrinsically different for each particular cloud type examined, encouraging endeavors to enhance the use of cloud regime dependent methodologies in next-generation atmospheric models. The major technical effort undertaken within the scope of this work was the design of the classic two-stream radiation scheme supporting homogeneous partial cloudiness and its subsequent extension to incorporate the Tripleclouds concept. Both algorithms were implemented in the libRadtran radiative library, promoted to be utilized for further unraveling of key scientific mysteries related to cloud-radiation interplay

    On the spectral dissipation of ocean waves due to white capping

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    The effect of white capping on the spectral energy balance of surface waves is investigated by expressing the white-cap interactions in terms of an equivalent ensemble of random pressure pulses. It is shown first that the source function for any non-expansible interaction process which is weak-in-the-mean is quasi-linear. In the case of white capping, the damping coefficient is then shown to be proportional to the square of the frequency, provided the wave scales are large compared with the white-cap dimensions. The remaining free factor is determined indirectly from consideration of the spectral energy balance. The proposed white-capping dissipation function is consistent with the structure of the energy balance derived from JONSWAP, and the existence of a δ-5 spectrum governed by a non-local energy balance between the atmospheric input, the nonlinear energy transfer and dissipation. However, closure of the energy balance involves hypotheses regarding the structure of the atmospheric input function which need to be tested by further measurements. The proposed set of source functions may nevertheless be useful for numerical wave-prediction. According to the model, nearly all the momentum transferred across the air-sea interface enters the wave field. For fetchlimited and fully developed spectra in a stationary, uniform wind field, the drag coefficient remains approximately constant. However, for more general wind conditions, this will not be the case and the wave spectrum should be included in an accurate parameterisation of the air-sea momentum transfer. © 1974 D. Reidel Publishing Company

    Fourth National Aeronautics and Space Administration Weather and Climate Program Science Review

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    The NASA Weather and Climate Program has two major thrusts. The first involves the development of experimental and prototype operational satellite systems, sensors, and space facilities for monitoring and understanding the atmosphere. The second thrust involves basic scientific investigation aimed at studying the physical and chemical processes which control weather and climate. This fourth science review concentrated on the scientific research rather than the hardware development aspect of the program. These proceedings contain 65 papers covering the three general areas: severe storms and local weather research, global weather, and climate

    A predictive model of the HF noise environment at satellite heights

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    The radio noise background is an area of continuing research and measurement. In many cases, the background noise becomes the primary limiting factor in a communication system\u27s sensitivity. The issue of HF (1-30 MHz) interference from terrestrial sources is especially pertinent to space-based low-frequency radio astronomy. Radio astronomy observations in the HF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum could result in new insights into astrophysical processes. However, this particular part of the spectrum is mostly inaccessible from the ground due to the effects of the Earth\u27s ionosphere;The objective of this research is to determine to what extent terrestrial radio sources would interfere with an Earth-orbiting interferometer. The end result is a first-order global model of ionospheric HF propagation, with inputs for the ionosphere\u27s characteristics, source characteristics, and appropriate perturbations. The model output is a simulated spectrum of the interference with respect to the geographical subsatellite point. The development emphasis has been on reasonable first-order approximations to the global wave propagation problem, since currently, no predictive estimates exist;The model predictions indicate that it is possible to perform interferometry from Earth orbit at the desired frequencies under certain cases. However, to further develop the modeling completed here, a campaign to collect additional interference data and define the necessary technical characteristics of an Earth-orbiting interferometer is strongly recommended
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