6,439 research outputs found

    Towards Probabilistic and Partially-Supervised Structural Health Monitoring

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    One of the most significant challenges for signal processing in data-based structural health monitoring (SHM) is a lack of comprehensive data; in particular, recording labels to describe what each of the measured signals represent. For example, consider an offshore wind-turbine, monitored by an SHM strategy. It is infeasible to artificially damage such a high-value asset to collect signals that might relate to the damaged structure in situ; additionally, signals that correspond to abnormal wave-loading, or unusually low-temperatures, could take several years to be recorded. Regular inspections of the turbine in operation, to describe (and label) what measured data represent, would also prove impracticable -- conventionally, it is only possible to check various components (such as the turbine blades) following manual inspection; this involves travelling to a remote, offshore location, which is a high-cost procedure. Therefore, the collection of labelled data is generally limited by some expense incurred when investigating the signals; this might include direct costs, or loss of income due to down-time. Conventionally, incomplete label information forces a dependence on unsupervised machine learning, limiting SHM strategies to damage (i.e. novelty) detection. However, while comprehensive and fully labelled data can be rare, it is often possible to provide labels for a limited subset of data, given a label budget. In this scenario, partially-supervised machine learning should become relevant. The associated algorithms offer an alternative approach to monitor measured data, as they can utilise both labelled and unlabelled signals, within a unifying training scheme. In consequence, this work introduces (and adapts) partially-supervised algorithms for SHM; specifically, semi-supervised and active learning methods. Through applications to experimental data, semi-supervised learning is shown to utilise information in the unlabelled signals, alongside a limited set of labelled data, to further update a predictive-model. On the other hand, active learning improves the predictive performance by querying specific signals to investigate, which are assumed the most informative. Both discriminative and generative methods are investigated, leading towards a novel, probabilistic framework, to classify, investigate, and label signals for online SHM. The findings indicate that, through partially-supervised learning, the cost associated with labelling data can be managed, as the information in a selected subset of labelled signals can be combined with larger sets of unlabelled data -- increasing the potential scope and predictive performance for data-driven SHM

    A machine learning approach to Structural Health Monitoring with a view towards wind turbines

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    The work of this thesis is centred around Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and is divided into three main parts. The thesis starts by exploring di�erent architectures of auto-association. These are evaluated in order to demonstrate the ability of nonlinear auto-association of neural networks with one nonlinear hidden layer as it is of great interest in terms of reduced computational complexity. It is shown that linear PCA lacks performance for novelty detection. The novel key study which is revealed ampli�es that single hidden layer auto-associators are not performing in a similar fashion to PCA. The second part of this study concerns formulating pattern recognition algorithms for SHM purposes which could be used in the wind energy sector as SHM regarding this research �eld is still in an embryonic level compared to civil and aerospace engineering. The purpose of this part is to investigate the e�ectiveness and performance of such methods in structural damage detection. Experimental measurements such as high frequency responses functions (FRFs) were extracted from a 9m WT blade throughout a full-scale continuous fatigue test. A preliminary analysis of a model regression of virtual SCADA data from an o�shore wind farm is also proposed using Gaussian processes and neural network regression techniques. The third part of this work introduces robust multivariate statistical methods into SHM by inclusively revealing how the in uence of environmental and operational variation a�ects features that are sensitive to damage. The algorithms that are described are the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator (MCD) and the Minimum Volume Enclosing Ellipsoid (MVEE). These robust outlier methods are inclusive and in turn there is no need to pre-determine an undamaged condition data set, o�ering an important advantage over other multivariate methodologies. Two real life experimental applications to the Z24 bridge and to an aircraft wing are analysed. Furthermore, with the usage of the robust measures, the data variable correlation reveals linear or nonlinear connections

    Performance monitoring of a wind turbine using extreme function theory

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    A power curve relates the power produced by a wind turbine to the wind speed. Usually, such curves are unique to the various types of wind turbines, so that by monitoring the power curves, one may monitor the performance of the turbine itself. Most approaches to monitoring a system or a structure at a basic level, generally aim at differentiating between a normal and an abnormal state. Typically, the normal state is represented by a model, and then abnormal, or extreme data points are identified when they are compared to that model. This comparison is very often done pointwise on scalars in the univariate case, or on vectors, if multivariate features are available. Depending on the actual application, the pointwise approach may be limited, or highly prone to false identifications. This paper presents the use of extreme functions for the performance monitoring of wind turbines. Power curves from an actual wind turbine, are assessed as whole functions, and not individual datapoints, with the help of Gaussian process regression and extreme value distributions, with the ultimate aim of the performance monitoring of the wind turbine at a weekly resolution. The approach is compared to the more conventional pointwise method, and approaches which make use of multivariate features, and is shown to be superior in terms of the number of false identifications, with a significantly lower number of false-positives without sacrificing the sensitivity of the approach

    Machine vibration monitoring for diagnostics through hypothesis testing

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    Nowadays, the subject of machine diagnostics is gathering growing interest in the research field as switching from a programmed to a preventive maintenance regime based on the real health conditions (i.e., condition-based maintenance) can lead to great advantages both in terms of safety and costs. Nondestructive tests monitoring the state of health are fundamental for this purpose. An effective form of condition monitoring is that based on vibration (vibration monitoring), which exploits inexpensive accelerometers to perform machine diagnostics. In this work, statistics and hypothesis testing will be used to build a solid foundation for damage detection by recognition of patterns in a multivariate dataset which collects simple time features extracted from accelerometric measurements. In this regard, data from high-speed aeronautical bearings were analyzed. These were acquired on a test rig built by the Dynamic and Identification Research Group (DIRG) of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. The proposed strategy was to reduce the multivariate dataset to a single index which the health conditions can be determined. This dimensionality reduction was initially performed using Principal Component Analysis, which proved to be a lossy compression. Improvement was obtained via Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis, which finds the direction with maximum distance between the damaged and healthy indices. This method is still ineffective in highlighting phenomena that develop in directions orthogonal to the discriminant. Finally, a lossless compression was achieved using the Mahalanobis distance-based Novelty Indices, which was also able to compensate for possible latent confounding factors. Further, considerations about the confidence, the sensitivity, the curse of dimensionality, and the minimum number of samples were also tackled for ensuring statistical significance. The results obtained here were very good not only in terms of reduced amounts of missed and false alarms, but also considering the speed of the algorithms, their simplicity, and the full independence from human interaction, which make them suitable for real time implementation and integration in condition-based maintenance (CBM) regimes

    Master of Science

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    thesisStructural health monitoring systems collect and process large volumes of data taken over many years of a structure's service. Ultrasonic guided wave systems, in particular, must process an abundance of time-domain waveform data from widely distributed sensors. As few as 8~sensors that transmit and receive ultrasonic waves in pitch-catch mode every 10~minutes can accumulate over one terabyte of data in five to ten years. This number quickly rises as systems grow in size and complexity. As a result, computation and storage efficiency is extremely important, and current guided wave damage detection technologies cannot efficiently process such large data sets. This thesis starts with an introduction and survey of the structural health monitoring and data compression fields. A dimensionality reduction technique using random projections is proposed. The potential for dimensionality reduction method for improving computation time and storage efficiency is discussed. Random projections using sparse matrices is investigated as a tool in implementing a real-time structural health monitoring system with singular value decomposition as a damage detection method. At the end, future directions for research to make this technology more viable in application are suggested

    On the Transfer of Damage Detectors Between Structures: An Experimental Case Study

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordIncomplete data – which fail to represent environmental effects or damage – are a significant challenge for structural health monitoring (SHM). Population-based frameworks offer one solution by considering that information might be shared, in some sense, between similar structures. In this work, the data from a group of aircraft tailplanes are considered collectively, in a shared (more consistent) latent space. As a result, the measurements from one tailplane enable damage detection in another, utilising various pair-wise comparisons within the population. Specifically, Transfer Component Analysis (TCA) is applied to match the normal condition data from different population members. The resulting nonlinear projection leads to a general representation for the normal condition across the population, which informs damage detection via measures of discordancy. The method is applied to a experimental dataset, based on vibration-based laser vibrometer measurements from three tailplanes. By considering the partial datasets together, consistent damage-sensitive features can be defined, leading to an 87% increase in the true positive rate, compared to conventional SHM.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    The Limits of Liability in Promoting Safe Geologic Sequestration of CO2

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    Deployment of new technologies is vital to climate change policy, but it invariably poses difficult tradeoffs. Carbon capture and storage (“CCS”), which involves the capture and permanent burial of CO2 emissions, exemplifies this problem. This article provides an overview of CCS in Part I, focusing on geologic sequestration, and analyzes the scientific work on the potential for releases of CO2 and brine from sequestrian reservoirs. Part II evaluates the comparative advantages of government regulation and common law liability. Part III examines the relative efficiencies of different doctrines of common law liability when applied to likely releases from sequestrian sites. The authors propose a hybrid legal framework in Part IV that combines a traditional regulatory regime with a novel two-tiered system of liability that is calibrated to objective site characteristics.The Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Energy, Law, and Busines

    Design and validation of a structural health monitoring system for aeronautical structures.

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    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an area where the main objective is the verification of the state or the health of the structures in order to ensure proper performance and maintenance cost savings using a sensor network attached to the structure, continuous monitoring and algorithms. Different benefits are derived from the implementation of SHM, some of them are: knowledge about the behavior of the structure under different loads and different environmental changes, knowledge of the current state in order to verify the integrity of the structure and determine whether a structure can work properly or whether it needs to be maintained or replaced and, therefore, to reduce maintenance costs. The paradigm of damage identification (comparison between the data collected from the structure without damages and the current structure in orderto determine if there are any changes) can be tackled as a pattern recognition problem. Some statistical techniques as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Independent Component Analysis (ICA) are very useful for this purpose because they allow obtaining the most relevant information from a large amount of variables. This thesis uses an active piezoelectric system to develop statistical data driven approaches for the detection, localization and classification of damages in structures. This active piezoelectric system is permanently attached to the surface of the structure under test in order to apply vibrational excitations and sensing the dynamical responses propagated through the structure at different points. As pattern recognition technique, PCA is used to perform the main task of the proposed methodology: to build a base-line model of the structure without damage and subsequentlyto compare the data from the current structure (under test) with this model. Moreover, different damage indices are calculated to detect abnormalities in the structure under test. Besides, the localization of the damage can be determined by means of the contribution of each sensor to each index. This contribution is calculated by several different methods and their comparison is performed. To classify different damages, the damage detection methodology is extended using a Self-Organizing Map (SOM), which is properly trained and validated to build a pattern baseline model using projections of the data onto the PCAmodel and damage detection indices. This baseline is further used as a reference for blind diagnosis tests of structures. Additionally, PCA is replaced by ICAas pattern recognition technique. A comparison between the two methodologies is performed highlighting advantages and disadvantages. In order to study the performance of the damage classification methodology under different scenarios, the methodology is tested using data from a structure under several different temperatures. The methodologies developed in this work are tested and validated using different structures, in particular an aircraft turbine blade, an aircraft wing skeleton, an aircraft fuselage,some aluminium plates and some composite matarials plates.La monitorización de daños en estructuras (SHM por sus siglas en inglés) es un área que tiene como principal objetivo la verificación del estado o la salud de la estructura con el fin de asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de esta y ahorrar costos de mantenimiento. Para esto se hace uso de sensores que son adheridos a la estructura, monitorización continua y algoritmos. Diferentes beneficios se obtienen de la aplicación de SHM, algunos de ellos son: el conocimiento sobre el desempeño de la estructura cuando esta es sometida a diversas cargas y cambios ambientales, el conocimiento del estado actual de la estructura con el fin de determinar la integridad de la estructura y definir si esta puede trabajar adecuadamente o si por el contrario debe ser reparada o reemplazada con el correspondiente beneficio del ahorro de gastos de mantenimiento. El paradigma de la identificación de daños (comparación entre los datos obtenidos de la estructura sin daños y la estructura en un estado posterior para determinar cambios) puede ser abordado como un problema de reconocimiento de patrones. Algunas técnicas estadísticas tales como Análisis de Componentes Principales (PCA por sus siglas en inglés) o Análisis de Componentes Independientes (ICA por sus siglas en ingles) son muy útiles para este propósito puesto que permiten obtener la información más relevante de una gran cantidad de variables. Esta tesis hace uso de un sistema piezoeléctrico activo para el desarrollo de algoritmos estadísticos de manejo de datos para la detección, localización y clasificación de daños en estructuras. Este sistema piezoeléctrico activo está permanentemente adherido a la superficie de la estructura bajo prueba con el objeto de aplicar señales vibracionales de excitación y recoger las respuestas dinámicas propagadas a través de la estructura en diferentes puntos. Como técnica de reconocimiento de patrones se usa Análisis de Componentes Principales para realizar la tarea principal de la metodología propuesta: construir un modelo PCA base de la estructura sin daño y posteriormente compararlo con los datos de la estructura bajo prueba. Adicionalmente, algunos índices de daños son calculados para detectar anormalidades en la estructura bajo prueba. Para la localización de daños se usan las contribuciones de cada sensor a cada índice, las cuales son calculadas mediante varios métodos de contribución y comparadas para mostrar sus ventajas y desventajas. Para la clasificación de daños, se amplia la metodología de detección añadiendo el uso de Mapas auto-organizados, los cuales son adecuadamente entrenados y validados para construir un modelo patrón base usando proyecciones de los datos sobre el modelo PCA base e índices de detección de daños. Este patrón es usado como referencia para realizar un diagnóstico ciego de la estructura. Adicionalmente, dentro de la metodología propuesta, se utiliza ICA en lugar de PCA como técnica de reconocimiento de patrones. Se incluye también una comparación entre la aplicación de las dos técnicas para mostrar las ventajas y desventajas. Para estudiar el desempeño de la metodología de clasificación de daños bajo diferentes escenarios, esta se prueba usando datos obtenidos de una estructura sometida a diferentes temperaturas. Las metodologías desarrolladas en este trabajo fueron probadas y validadas usando diferentes estructuras, en particular un álabe de turbina, un esqueleto de ala y un fuselaje de avión, así como algunas placas de aluminio y de material compuest