28 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management System for Railway Supply Chain Perspective

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    Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a monitoring system that emphasizes the desired and actual performance of an industry. Aligning KMS to viably execute the Railway Industry methodology and supply chain operations utilizing legitimate knowledge management capabilities. Yet KMS controls the planning and priorities through action controls that emphasize on operational control level, result controls toward the strategic planning level, personnel controls on retaining the right operation with the right skills, and transaction control on the accurate and complete legal transactions for ensuring strategic management. Therefore, we have come up with a dynamic KMS for the Railway Supply Chain context that focuses on operational, tactical, and strategic perspectives on the information sources, value, analytics, and requirement for current and future drivers of an industry perspective. Moreover, this KMS aims to redesign the Information System by promoting a reductionist approach to problem-solving and best decision-making practices within an industry context

    An overview of knowledge management research in Zimbabwe: From 2010 to 2022

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    This paper gives an overview of knowledge management (KM) research in Zimbabwe and analyses the most significant research trends and patterns from 2010 to 2022. The literature review technique was used to collect data, focusing on characteristics of publication outputs, focus of the researches, research methods, and summary of key findings. Findings show that research in knowledge management is still limited in Zimbabwe. The corporate sector receives the most focus from KM researchers, followed by knowledge-oriented institutions, the public sector, Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), media organisations, and agriculture-related enterprises. Universities, despite being both knowledge factories and large consumers of knowledge, are implementing knowledge management only to a limited extent. The common research themes include knowledge management technologies, firm performance, knowledge sharing, and knowledge management challenges. The qualitative approach is the most preferred research methodology, while interviews and questionnaires are the most often utilised data collection methods

    Innovative Concepts within Knowledge Management

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    In our increasingly knowledge-based society the need for innovative concepts within the discipline of Knowledge Management (KM) becomes clear. Therefore, this article aims to shed light on current and uprising innovative technologies and concepts within the discipline of KM. This study conveys recent and previous scientific literature on the relevance of uprising innovative concepts within the various dimensions of KM. We conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) on various literature sources to cover the whole spectrum of innovative KM approaches. All 37 reviewed articles originate from acknowledged sources and were written in English. The findings show, which innovative concepts show relevance within KM, how they are classified into the three innovation categories social, technological, and organizational, how they manifest within KM and what to expect from future KM innovations

    Social Media Technologies' Use for the Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing, and Its Effects on Industrial SMEs' Innovation

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    The effective use of technologies supporting decision making is essential to companies? survival. Recent studies analyzed social media technologies (SMT) in the context of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), contributing to the discussion on SMT benefits from the marketing perspective. This article focuses on the effects of SMT use on innovation. Our findings provide empirical evidence on the positive effects of SMT use for acquiring external information and for sharing knowledge and innovation performance

    A review of data mining in knowledge management: applications/findings for transportation of small and medium enterprises

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    A core subfeld of knowledge management (KM) and data mining (DM) constitutes an integral part of the knowledge discovery in database process. With the explosion of information in the new digital age, research studies in the DM and KM continue to heighten up in the business organisations, especially so, for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs). DM is crucial in supporting the KM application as it processes the data to useful knowledge and KM role next, is to manage these knowledge assets within the organisation systematically. At the comprehensive appraisal of the large enterprise in the transportation sector and the SMEs across various industries—it was gathered that there is limited research case study conducted on the application of DM–KM on the transportation SMEs in specifc. From the extensive review of the case studies, it was uncovered that majority of the organisations are not leveraging on the use of tacit knowledge and that the SMEs are adopting a more traditional use of ICTs to its KM approach. In addition, despite DM–KM is being widely implemented—the case studies analysis reveals that there is a limitation in the presence of an integrated DM–KM assessment to evaluate the outcome of the DM–KM application. This paper concludes that there is a critical need for a novel DM–KM assessment plan template to evaluate and ensure that the knowledge created and implemented are usable and relevant, specifcally for the SMEs in the transportation sector. Therefore, this research paper aims to carry out an in-depth review of data mining in knowledge management for SMEs in the transportation industry

    Žinių valdymo procesų ir verslo procesų integracijos sąveikos vertinimo modelis

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    In a contemporary organization, knowledge management is rarely assumed to be a supportive activity. Knowledge management processes are rather assessed as being inseparable from other main organizational processes. Considering the up-to-date research, there are no doubts about the benefits of knowledge management. However, because of its wide internal and external dissemination, it is challenging to identify and assess its value both in its entirety and in its value created by its individual processes. In the interdisciplinary context of literature analysis of information and communication and management research, in this article, the authors present the integrative evaluation model of the relationship between knowledge management processes and business processes. The model is characterised by its wide organizational applicability and allows measuring the value created by knowledge management processes in a real business environment. The model integrates the processes of product development, manufacturing and sales, including their constitutional dimensions, metrics and indexes, respectively. All this enables determining the impact of knowledge management processes on the main business processes and the resulting organizational added value.Žinių valdymas šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje jau retai traktuojamas kaip remiamoji veikla – jo procesai vertinami kaip neatsiejami nuo kitų svarbiausių organizacijos procesų. Šiuo metu analizuojant atliktus tyrimus žinių valdymo teikiama nauda abejonių nekelia, tačiau dėl itin plačios sklaidos organizacijos viduje ir už jos ribų sunku identifikuoti ir įvertinti tiek žinių valdymo kaip visumos, tiek atskirų procesų kuriamą vertę. Šiame straipsnyje, atsižvelgiant į tarpdisciplininę informacijos ir komunikacijos bei vadybos mokslų mokslinės literatūros analizę, pristatomas plačiai organizacijose pritaikomas integralus žinių valdymo ir verslo procesų sąveikos vertinimo modelis, leidžiantis išmatuoti žinių valdymo procesų kuriamą vertę realioje verslo aplinkoje. Modelis integruoja produkto kūrimo, gamybos ir pardavimo procesus, jų sudedamąsias dimensijas ir šių metrikas bei atitinkamai indeksus, kas leidžia nustatyti žinių valdymo proceso įtaką pagrindiniams verslo procesams, galiausiai iš to – organizacijos kuriamą pridėtinę vertę

    A Knowledge-based view of people and technology:directions for a value co-creation-based learning organisation

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    Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the potential of knowledge management (KM) as a discipline in helping understand and manage social and economic complexity. The paper highlights some of the potential relationships between KM in organisations and their economic performance. Finally, the authors assess the role of human resources and technological infrastructures in the relationship between organisation’s approach to KM and their performance. Design/methodology/approach: The hypotheses are tested via a survey on a sample of managerial-level employees of information technology organisations located in the city of Brno in Czech Republic. The data collected are analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) to study the relationship between KM; the workforce’s willingness and ability to collaborate and co-create value; and the organisations’ economic performance. Findings: The research found that there is a direct and positive relationship between an organisation’s approach to KM and its economic performance. This study also shows that the workforce’s behaviour and the technological infrastructure of the organisation have a direct effect on business performance. Finally, the authors proposed that a link between human resource management and technology orientation must be established and supported by a KM strategy. Originality/value: This paper offers a new perspective to the approach to KM in organisations. Reflections and empirical results underline the need for organisations to invest in the implementation of KM strategies that involve both the human resources and technological infrastructure as a way to improve the impact of knowledge on the companies’ economic performances

    Minimizing the effects of defensive routines on knowledge hiding though unlearning

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    Knowledge hiding is an activity that often comes naturally to humans. When we are children, our parents hide certain information to protect us. As we age, we learn to develop defensive routines to protect ourselves and our weaknesses through knowledge hiding. In this study, intentional unlearning are assemblages of knowledge structures that individuals engage in to put aside certain number defensive routines and thus minimize their effects on hiding or misapplication of knowledge. This study analyses the applicability of an unlearning model focused on the effects of defensive routines on knowledge hiding. The empirical research is conducted with 122 airline travelers using two surveys (one in Spanish and the other in English). Since the travelers flew during the pandemic, they would have experienced first-hand the presence of defensive routines in the face of the new sanitary and safety measures. Data is analyzed using SmartPLS 3 for Windows. The results suggest that intentional unlearning is negatively related to defensive routines and furthermore that these routines are positively related to knowledge hiding. The results stand to improve the quality of service within airports and are beneficial for organizations undergoing change initiatives.We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers and editors who participated in the first reviews of this study