48 research outputs found

    Crop biophysical parameter retrieval from Sentinel-1 SAR data with a multi-target inversion of Water Cloud Model

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    Estimation of bio-and geophysical parameters from Earth observation (EO) data is essential for developing applications on crop growth monitoring. High spatio-temporal resolution and wide spatial coverage provided by EO satellite data are key inputs for operational crop monitoring. In Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) applications, a semi-empirical model (viz., Water Cloud Model (WCM)) is often used to estimate vegetation descriptors individually. However, a simultaneous estimation of these vegetation descriptors would be logical given their inherent correlation, which is seldom preserved in the estimation of individual descriptors by separate inversion models. This functional relationship between biophysical parameters is essential for crop yield models, given that their variations often follow different distribution throughout crop development stages. However, estimating individual parameters with independent inversion models presume a simple relationship (potentially linear) between the biophysical parameters. Alternatively, a multi-target inversion approach would be more effective for this aspect of model inversion compared to an individual estimation approach. In the present research, the multi-output support vector regression (MSVR) technique is used for inversion of the WCM from C-band dual-pol Sentinel-1 SAR data. Plant Area Index (PAI, m2 m−2) and wet biomass (W, kg m−2) are used as the vegetation descriptors in the WCM. The performance of the inversion approach is evaluated with in-situ measurements collected over the test site in Manitoba (Canada), which is a super-site in the Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) SAR inter-comparison experiment network. The validation results indicate a good correlation with acceptable error estimates (normalized root mean square error–nRMSE and mean absolute error–MAE) for both PAI and wet biomass for the MSVR approach and a better estimation with MSVR than single-target models (support vector regression–SVR). Furthermore, the correlation between PAI and wet biomass is assessed using the MSVR and SVR model. Contrary to the single output SVR, the correlation between biophysical parameters is adequately taken into account in MSVR based simultaneous inversion technique. Finally, the spatio-temporal maps for PAI and W at different growth stages indicate their variability with crop development over the test site.This research was supported in part by Shastri Indo-Candian Institute, New Delhi, India and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, in part by the State Agency of Research (AEI), in part by the European Funds for Regional Development under project TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P

    Fusing optical and SAR time series for LAI gap filling with multioutput Gaussian processes

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    The availability of satellite optical information is often hampered by the natural presence of clouds, which can be problematic for many applications. Persistent clouds over agricultural fields can mask key stages of crop growth, leading to unreliable yield predictions. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) provides all-weather imagery which can potentially overcome this limitation, but given its high and distinct sensitivity to different surface properties, the fusion of SAR and optical data still remains an open challenge. In this work, we propose the use of Multi-Output Gaussian Process (MOGP) regression, a machine learning technique that learns automatically the statistical relationships among multisensor time series, to detect vegetated areas over which the synergy between SAR-optical imageries is profitable. For this purpose, we use the Sentinel-1 Radar Vegetation Index (RVI) and Sentinel-2 Leaf Area Index (LAI) time series over a study area in north west of the Iberian peninsula. Through a physical interpretation of MOGP trained models, we show its ability to provide estimations of LAI even over cloudy periods using the information shared with RVI, which guarantees the solution keeps always tied to real measurements. Results demonstrate the advantage of MOGP especially for long data gaps, where optical-based methods notoriously fail. The leave-one-image-out assessment technique applied to the whole vegetation cover shows MOGP predictions improve standard GP estimations over short-time gaps (R 2 of 74% vs 68%, RMSE of 0.4 vs 0.44 [m 2 m −2 ]) and especially over long-time gaps (R 2 of 33% vs 12%, RMSE of 0.5 vs 1.09 [m 2 m −2 ])

    Multi-target regressor chains with repetitive permutation scheme for characterization of built environments with remote sensing

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    Multi-task learning techniques allow the beneficial joint estimation of multiple target variables. Here, we propose a novel multi-task regression (MTR) method called ensemble of regressor chains with repetitive permutation scheme. It belongs to the family of problem transformation based MTR methods which foresee the creation of an individual model per target variable. Subsequently, the combination of the separate models allows obtaining an overall prediction. Our method builds upon the concept of so-called ensemble of regressor chains which align single-target models along a flexible permutation, i.e., chain. However, in order to particularly address situations with a small number of target variables, we equip ensemble of regressor chains with a repetitive permutation scheme. Thereby, estimates of the target variables are cascaded to subsequent models as additional features when learning along a chain, whereby one target variable can occupy multiple elements of the chain. We provide experimental evaluation of the method by jointly estimating built-up height and built-up density based on features derived from Sentinel-2 data for the four largest cities in Germany in a comparative setup. We also consider single-target stacking, multi-target stacking, and ensemble of regressor chains without repetitive permutation. Empirical results underline the beneficial performance properties of MTR methods. Our ensemble of regressor chain with repetitive permutation scheme approach achieved most frequently the highest accuracies compared to the other MTR methods, whereby mean improvements across the experiments of 14.5% compared to initial single-target models could be achieved

    An Emulator Toolbox to Approximate Radiative Transfer Models with Statistical Learning

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    Physically-based radiative transfer models (RTMs) help in understanding the processes occurring on the Earth’s surface and their interactions with vegetation and atmosphere. When it comes to studying vegetation properties, RTMs allows us to study light interception by plant canopies and are used in the retrieval of biophysical variables through model inversion. However, advanced RTMs can take a long computational time, which makes them unfeasible in many real applications. To overcome this problem, it has been proposed to substitute RTMs through so-called emulators. Emulators are statistical models that approximate the functioning of RTMs. Emulators are advantageous in real practice because of the computational efficiency and excellent accuracy and flexibility for extrapolation. We hereby present an “Emulator toolbox” that enables analysing multi-output machine learning regression algorithms (MO-MLRAs) on their ability to approximate an RTM. The toolbox is included in the free-access ARTMO’s MATLAB suite for parameter retrieval and model inversion and currently contains both linear and non-linear MO-MLRAs, namely partial least squares regression (PLSR), kernel ridge regression (KRR) and neural networks (NN). These MO-MLRAs have been evaluated on their precision and speed to approximate the soil vegetation atmosphere transfer model SCOPE (Soil Canopy Observation, Photochemistry and Energy balance). SCOPE generates, amongst others, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as the output signal. KRR and NN were evaluated as capable of reconstructing fluorescence spectra with great precision. Relative errors fell below 0.5% when trained with 500 or more samples using cross-validation and principal component analysis to alleviate the underdetermination problem. Moreover, NN reconstructed fluorescence spectra about 50-times faster and KRR about 800-times faster than SCOPE. The Emulator toolbox is foreseen to open new opportunities in the use of advanced RTMs, in which both consistent physical assumptions and data-driven machine learning algorithms live together

    A Survey on Gaussian Processes for Earth-Observation Data Analysis: A Comprehensive Investigation

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    Gaussian processes (GPs) have experienced tremendous success in biogeophysical parameter retrieval in the last few years. GPs constitute a solid Bayesian framework to consistently formulate many function approximation problems. This article reviews the main theoretical GP developments in the field, considering new algorithms that respect signal and noise characteristics, extract knowledge via automatic relevance kernels to yield feature rankings automatically, and allow applicability of associated uncertainty intervals to transport GP models in space and time that can be used to uncover causal relations between variables and can encode physically meaningful prior knowledge via radiative transfer model (RTM) emulation. The important issue of computational efficiency will also be addressed. These developments are illustrated in the field of geosciences and remote sensing at local and global scales through a set of illustrative examples. In particular, important problems for land, ocean, and atmosphere monitoring are considered, from accurately estimating oceanic chlorophyll content and pigments to retrieving vegetation properties from multi- and hyperspectral sensors as well as estimating atmospheric parameters (e.g., temperature, moisture, and ozone) from infrared sounders