224 research outputs found

    A multipopulation parallel genetic simulated annealing based QoS routing and wavelength assignment integration algorithm for multicast in optical networks

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    Copyright @ 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.In this paper, we propose an integrated Quality of Service (QoS) routing algorithm for optical networks. Given a QoS multicast request and the delay interval specified by users, the proposed algorithm can find a flexible-QoS-based cost suboptimal routing tree. The algorithm first constructs the multicast tree based on the multipopulation parallel genetic simulated annealing algorithm, and then assigns wavelengths to the tree based on the wavelength graph. In the algorithm, routing and wavelength assignment are integrated into a single process. For routing, the objective is to find a cost suboptimal multicast tree. For wavelength assignment, the objective is to minimize the delay of the multicast tree, which is achieved by minimizing the number of wavelength conversion. Thus both the cost of multicast tree and the user QoS satisfaction degree can approach the optimal. Our algorithm also considers load balance. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective. We also discuss the practical realization mechanisms of the algorithm.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant nos. 60673159 and 70671020, the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant no. 2006AA01Z214, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, and the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education under Grant no. 108040

    Survivable multicasting in WDM optical networks

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    Opportunities abound in the global content delivery service market and it is here that multicasting is proving to be a powerful feature. In WDM networks, optical splitting is widely used to achieve multicasting. It removes the complications of optical-electronic-optical conversions [1]. Several multicasting algorithms have been proposed in the literature for building light trees. As the amount of fiber deployment increases in networks, the risk of losing large volumes of data traffic due to a fiber span cut or due to node failure also increases. In this thesis we propose heuristic schemes to make the primary multicast trees resilient to network impairments. We consider single link failures only, as they are the most common cause of service disruptions. Thus our heuristics make the primary multicast session survivable against single link failures by offering alternate multicast trees. We propose three algorithms for recovering from the failures with proactive methodologies and two algorithms for recovering from failures by reactive methodologies. We introduce the new and novel concept of critical subtree. Through our new approach the proactive and reactive approaches can be amalgamated together using a criticality threshold to provide recovery to the primary multicast tree. By varying the criticality threshold we can control the amount of protection and reaction that will be used for recovery. The performance of these five algorithms is studied in combinations and in standalone modes. The input multicast trees to all of these recovery heuristics come from a previous work on designing power efficient multicast algorithms for WDM optical networks [1]. Measurement of the power levels at receiving nodes is indeed indicative of the power efficiency of these recovery algorithms. Other parameters that are considered for the evaluation of the algorithms are network usage efficiency, (number of links used by the backup paths) and the computation time for calculating these backup paths. This work is the first to propose metrics for evaluating recovery algorithms for multicasting in WDM optical networks. It is also the first to introduce the concept of hybrid proactive and reactive approach and to propose a simple technique for achieving the proper mix

    Resilient optical multicasting utilizing cycles in WDM optical networks

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    High capacity telecommunications of today is possible only because of the presence of optical networks. At the heart of an optical network is an optical fiber whose data carrying capabilities are unparalleled. Multicasting is a form of communication in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks that involves one source and multiple destinations. Light trees, which employ light splitting at various nodes, are used to deliver data to multiple destinations. A fiber cut has been estimated to occur, on an average, once every four days by TEN, a pan-European carrier network. This thesis presents algorithms to make multicast sessions survivable against component failures. We consider multiple link failures and node failures in this work. The two algorithms presented in this thesis use a hybrid approach which is a combination of proactive and reactive approaches to recover from failures. We introduce the novel concept of minimal-hop cycles to tolerate simultaneous multiple link failures in a multicast session. While the first algorithm deals only with multiple link failures, the second algorithm considers the case of node failure and a link failure. Two different versions of the first algorithm have been implemented to thoroughly understand its behavior. Both algorithms were studied through simulators on two different networks, the USA Longhaul network and the NSF network. The input multicast sessions to all our algorithms were generated from power efficient multicast algorithms that make sure the power in the receiving nodes are at acceptable levels. The parameters used to evaluate the performance of our algorithms include computation times, network usage and power efficiency. Two new parameters, namely, recovery times and recovery success probability, have been introduced in this work. To our knowledge, this work is the first to introduce the concept of minimal hop cycles to recover from simultaneous multiple link failures in a multicast session in optical networks

    Light-Hierarchy: The Optimal Structure for Multicast Routing in WDM Mesh Networks

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    Based on the false assumption that multicast incapable (MI) nodes could not be traversed twice on the same wavelength, the light-tree structure was always thought to be optimal for multicast routing in sparse splitting Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks. In fact, for establishing a multicast session, an MI node could be crosswise visited more than once to switch a light signal towards several destinations with only one wavelength through different input and output pairs. This is called Cross Pair Switching (CPS). Thus, a new multicast routing structure light-hierarchy is proposed for all-optical multicast routing, which permits the cycles introduced by the CPS capability of MI nodes. We proved that the optimal structure for minimizing the cost of multicast routing is a set of light-hierarchies rather than the light-trees in sparse splitting WDM networks. Integer linear programming (ILP) formulations are developed to search the optimal light-hierarchies. Numerical results verified that the light-hierarchy structure could save more cost than the light-tree structure

    Network Coding for WDM All-Optical Multicast

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    Network coding has become a useful means for achieving efficient multicast, and the optical community has started to examine its application to optical networks. However, a number of challenges, including limited processing capability and coarse bandwidth granularity, need to be overcome before network coding can be effectively used in optical networks. In this paper, we address some of these problems. We consider the problem of finding efficient routes to use with coding, and we study the effectiveness of using network coding for optical-layer dedicated protection of multicast traffic. We also propose architectures for all-optical circuits capable of performing the processing required for network coding. Our experiments show that network coding provides a moderate improvement in bandwidth efficiency for unprotected multicast while significantly outperforming existing approaches for dedicated multicast protection

    Tap-and-2-split switch design based on integrated optics for light-tree routing in WDM networks

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    This paper presents a novel cost-effective multicast-capable optical cross connect (MC-OXC) node architecture that features both tap-and-continue and tap-and-binary-split functionality. This architecture provides an interesting balance between simplicity, power efficiency and overall wavelength consumption with respect to models based on TaC (Tap and Continue) or SaD (Split-and-Delivery). The main component of this node is a novel Tap-and-2-Split Switch (Ta2S). In this paper, we propose and analyse an implementation of this switch based on integrated optics (namely, MMI taps and MZI switches), and we characterize and compare it with other alternatives implemented with the same technology. The study shows that, thanks to the presented Ta2S design, the 2-Split Tap Continue (2STC) node scales better in terms of number of components than the other alternatives. Moreover, it is more power efficient than the SaD design and requires less wavelengths than TaC thanks to the binary split capability. On the other hand, simulation results reveal that the 2-split condition does not add a significant additional wavelength consumption in usual network topologies with respect to SaD.Publicad

    All optical multicasting in wavelength routing mesh networks with power considerations: design and operation

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    Wavelength routing Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) are optical networks that support all-optical services. They have become the most appealing candidate for wide area backbone networks. Their huge available bandwidth provides the solution for the exponential growth in trayc demands that is due to the increase in the number of users and the surge of more bandwidth intensive network applications and services. A sizable fraction of these applications and services are of multi-point nature. Therefore, supporting multicast service in this network environment is very critical and unique. The all-optical support of various services has advantages, which includes achieving the signal transparency to its content. Nevertheless, the all-optical operational support comes with an associated cost and new issues that make this problem very challenging. In this thesis, we investigate the power-related issues for supporting multicast service in the optical domain, referred to as All-Optical Multicasting (AOM). Our study treats these issues from two networking contexts, namely, Network Provisioning and Connection Provisioning. We propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions with a unique objective function for each context. In this regard, the objective function for the network provisioning problem is to reduce the network cost, while the solutions for the connection provisioning problem aim to reduce the connection blocking ratio. The optimal formulations are inherently non-linear. However, we introduce novel methods for linearizing them and formulate the problems as Mixed Integer Linear Programs. Also, the design of the heuristic solutions takes into account various optimization factors which results in efficient heuristics that can produce fast solutions that are relatively close to their optimal counterparts, as shown in the numerical results we present

    Design and provisioning of WDM networks for traffic grooming

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    Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is the most viable technique for utilizing the enormous amounts of bandwidth inherently available in optical fibers. However, the bandwidth offered by a single wavelength in WDM networks is on the order of tens of Gigabits per second, while most of the applications\u27 bandwidth requirements are still subwavelength. Therefore, cost-effective design and provisioning of WDM networks require that traffic from different sessions share bandwidth of a single wavelength by employing electronic multiplexing at higher layers. This is known as traffic grooming. Optical networks supporting traffic grooming are usually designed in a way such that the cost of the higher layer equipment used to support a given traffic matrix is reduced. In this thesis, we propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions for the design and provisioning of optical networks for traffic grooming with an objective of network cost reduction. In doing so, we address several practical issues. Specifically, we address the design and provisioning of WDM networks on unidirectional and bidirectional rings for arbitrary unicast traffic grooming, and on mesh topologies for arbitrary multipoint traffic grooming. In multipoint traffic grooming, we address both multicast and many-to-one traffic grooming problems. We provide a unified frame work for optimal and approximate network dimensioning and channel provisioning for the generic multicast traffic grooming problem, as well as some variants of the problem. For many-to-one traffic grooming we propose optimal as well as heuristic solutions. Optimal formulations which are inherently non-linear are mapped to an optimal linear formulation. In the heuristic solutions, we employ different problem specific search strategies to explore the solution space. We provide a number of experimental results to show the efficacy of our proposed techniques for the traffic grooming problem in WDM networks
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