1,312 research outputs found

    The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management Research: A Review

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    The field of artificial intelligence is currently experiencing relentless growth, with innumerable models emerging in the research and development phases across various fields, including science, finance, and engineering. In this work, the authors review a large number of learning techniques aimed at project management. The analysis is largely focused on hybrid systems, which present computational models of blended learning techniques. At present, these models are at a very early stage and major efforts in terms of development is required within the scientific community. In addition, we provide a classification of all the areas within project management and the learning techniques that are used in each, presenting a brief study of the different artificial intelligence techniques used today and the areas of project management in which agents are being applied. This work should serve as a starting point for researchers who wish to work in the exciting world of artificial intelligence in relation to project leadership and management

    Preferences in Case-Based Reasoning

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    Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a well-established problem solving paradigm that has been used in a wide range of real-world applications. Despite its great practical success, work on the theoretical foundations of CBR is still under way, and a coherent and universally applicable methodological framework is yet missing. The absence of such a framework inspired the motivation for the work developed in this thesis. Drawing on recent research on preference handling in Artificial Intelligence and related fields, the goal of this work is to develop a well theoretically-founded framework on the basis of formal concepts and methods for knowledge representation and reasoning with preferences

    Development of Computational Techniques for Regulatory DNA Motif Identification Based on Big Biological Data

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    Accurate regulatory DNA motif (or motif) identification plays a fundamental role in the elucidation of transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in a cell and can strongly support the regulatory network construction for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Next-generation sequencing techniques generate a huge amount of biological data for motif identification. Specifically, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation followed by high throughput DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq) enables researchers to identify motifs on a genome scale. Recently, technological improvements have allowed for DNA structural information to be obtained in a high-throughput manner, which can provide four DNA shape features. The DNA shape has been found as a complementary factor to genomic sequences in terms of transcription factor (TF)-DNA binding specificity prediction based on traditional machine learning models. Recent studies have demonstrated that deep learning (DL), especially the convolutional neural network (CNN), enables identification of motifs from DNA sequence directly. Although numerous algorithms and tools have been proposed and developed in this field, (1) the lack of intuitive and integrative web servers impedes the progress of making effective use of emerging algorithms and tools; (2) DNA shape has not been integrated with DL; and (3) existing DL models still suffer high false positive and false negative issues in motif identification. This thesis focuses on developing an integrated web server for motif identification based on DNA sequences either from users or built-in databases. This web server allows further motif-related analysis and Cytoscape-like network interpretation and visualization. We then proposed a DL framework for both sequence and shape motif identification from ChIP-seq data using a binomial distribution strategy. This framework can accept as input the different combinations of DNA sequence and DNA shape. Finally, we developed a gated convolutional neural network (GCNN) for capturing motif dependencies among long DNA sequences. Results show that our developed web server enables providing comprehensive motif analysis functionalities compared with existing web servers. The DL framework can identify motifs using an optimized threshold and disclose the strong predictive power of DNA shape in TF-DNA binding specificity. The identified sequence and shape motifs can contribute to TF-DNA binding mechanism interpretation. Additionally, GCNN can improve TF-DNA binding specificity prediction than CNN on most of the datasets

    A Competency Mapping for Educational Institution: Expert System Approach

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    This paper presents the development of expert system to assist in the operation of competence management in educational institution. The knowledge based consists of a rule-based expert system for the competence management and subsequent performance assessment. It is generally recognized that an expert system can cope with many of the common problems relative with the operation and control of the competence management process. In this work an expert system is developed which emphasize on various steps involved in the competence management process. The knowledge acquisition to develop this expert system involved an exhaustive literature review on competence management operation and interviews with experienced deans and the competence managers. The development tool for this system is an expert system shell

    Lightweight Adaptation of Classifiers to Users and Contexts: Trends of the Emerging Domain

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    Intelligent computer applications need to adapt their behaviour to contexts and users, but conventional classifier adaptation methods require long data collection and/or training times. Therefore classifier adaptation is often performed as follows: at design time application developers define typical usage contexts and provide reasoning models for each of these contexts, and then at runtime an appropriate model is selected from available ones. Typically, definition of usage contexts and reasoning models heavily relies on domain knowledge. However, in practice many applications are used in so diverse situations that no developer can predict them all and collect for each situation adequate training and test databases. Such applications have to adapt to a new user or unknown context at runtime just from interaction with the user, preferably in fairly lightweight ways, that is, requiring limited user effort to collect training data and limited time of performing the adaptation. This paper analyses adaptation trends in several emerging domains and outlines promising ideas, proposed for making multimodal classifiers user-specific and context-specific without significant user efforts, detailed domain knowledge, and/or complete retraining of the classifiers. Based on this analysis, this paper identifies important application characteristics and presents guidelines to consider these characteristics in adaptation design

    Robot Games for Elderly:A Case-Based Approach

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    Data mining in soft computing framework: a survey

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    The present article provides a survey of the available literature on data mining using soft computing. A categorization has been provided based on the different soft computing tools and their hybridizations used, the data mining function implemented, and the preference criterion selected by the model. The utility of the different soft computing methodologies is highlighted. Generally fuzzy sets are suitable for handling the issues related to understandability of patterns, incomplete/noisy data, mixed media information and human interaction, and can provide approximate solutions faster. Neural networks are nonparametric, robust, and exhibit good learning and generalization capabilities in data-rich environments. Genetic algorithms provide efficient search algorithms to select a model, from mixed media data, based on some preference criterion/objective function. Rough sets are suitable for handling different types of uncertainty in data. Some challenges to data mining and the application of soft computing methodologies are indicated. An extensive bibliography is also included

    Facing-up Challenges of Multiobjective Clustering Based on Evolutionary Algorithms: Representations, Scalability and Retrieval Solutions

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    Aquesta tesi es centra en algorismes de clustering multiobjectiu, que estan basats en optimitzar varis objectius simultàniament obtenint una col•lecció de solucions potencials amb diferents compromisos entre objectius. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi consisteix en dissenyar i implementar un nou algorisme de clustering multiobjectiu basat en algorismes evolutius per afrontar tres reptes actuals relacionats amb aquest tipus de tècniques. El primer repte es centra en definir adequadament l'àrea de possibles solucions que s'explora per obtenir la millor solució i que depèn de la representació del coneixement. El segon repte consisteix en escalar el sistema dividint el conjunt de dades original en varis subconjunts per treballar amb menys dades en el procés de clustering. El tercer repte es basa en recuperar la solució més adequada tenint en compte la qualitat i la forma dels clusters a partir de la regió més interessant de la col•lecció de solucions ofertes per l’algorisme.Esta tesis se centra en los algoritmos de clustering multiobjetivo, que están basados en optimizar varios objetivos simultáneamente obteniendo una colección de soluciones potenciales con diferentes compromisos entre objetivos. El propósito de esta tesis consiste en diseñar e implementar un nuevo algoritmo de clustering multiobjetivo basado en algoritmos evolutivos para afrontar tres retos actuales relacionados con este tipo de técnicas. El primer reto se centra en definir adecuadamente el área de posibles soluciones explorada para obtener la mejor solución y que depende de la representación del conocimiento. El segundo reto consiste en escalar el sistema dividiendo el conjunto de datos original en varios subconjuntos para trabajar con menos datos en el proceso de clustering El tercer reto se basa en recuperar la solución más adecuada según la calidad y la forma de los clusters a partir de la región más interesante de la colección de soluciones ofrecidas por el algoritmo.This thesis is focused on multiobjective clustering algorithms, which are based on optimizing several objectives simultaneously obtaining a collection of potential solutions with different trade¬offs among objectives. The goal of the thesis is to design and implement a new multiobjective clustering technique based on evolutionary algorithms for facing up three current challenges related to these techniques. The first challenge is focused on successfully defining the area of possible solutions that is explored in order to find the best solution, and this depends on the knowledge representation. The second challenge tries to scale-up the system splitting the original data set into several data subsets in order to work with less data in the clustering process. The third challenge is addressed to the retrieval of the most suitable solution according to the quality and shape of the clusters from the most interesting region of the collection of solutions returned by the algorithm

    Classification of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods through Their Output Formats

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    Machine and deep learning have proven their utility to generate data-driven models with high accuracy and precision. However, their non-linear, complex structures are often difficult to interpret. Consequently, many scholars have developed a plethora of methods to explain their functioning and the logic of their inferences. This systematic review aimed to organise these methods into a hierarchical classification system that builds upon and extends existing taxonomies by adding a significant dimension—the output formats. The reviewed scientific papers were retrieved by conducting an initial search on Google Scholar with the keywords “explainable artificial intelligence”; “explainable machine learning”; and “interpretable machine learning”. A subsequent iterative search was carried out by checking the bibliography of these articles. The addition of the dimension of the explanation format makes the proposed classification system a practical tool for scholars, supporting them to select the most suitable type of explanation format for the problem at hand. Given the wide variety of challenges faced by researchers, the existing XAI methods provide several solutions to meet the requirements that differ considerably between the users, problems and application fields of artificial intelligence (AI). The task of identifying the most appropriate explanation can be daunting, thus the need for a classification system that helps with the selection of methods. This work concludes by critically identifying the limitations of the formats of explanations and by providing recommendations and possible future research directions on how to build a more generally applicable XAI method. Future work should be flexible enough to meet the many requirements posed by the widespread use of AI in several fields, and the new regulation