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    Despite the increasing managerial awareness for ecosystems to organize complex value propositions, little is known about how different roles can establish their business models (BM) in ecosystems. AM drives innovations in the product design and manufacturing fields predominantly across companies, indicating the eco-systemic organization of value creation without orchestrating and dominant keystone actors yet. This paper explores ecosystem determinants by analyzing the dynamic additive manufacturing (AM) paradigm. We conduct an empirical study with companies from the AM domain to visualize their value activities and define generic roles in the interdependent value creation process, adopting the e³-value methodology. By exploring these ecosystem determinants, our results aid practitioners in positioning their BMs in the AM domain and generate descriptive insights for the orchestrator BM design in a dynamic domain without orchestrating keystones

    Design Principles for Digital Community Currencies

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    Community currencies are alternative currencies, which enable the mobilization of local resources for local needs and building resilient communities. They allow community members to perform economic transactions like buying products and paying for services using an alternative currency as a medium of exchange. For decades, regional, paper-based community currencies have been in use across the world. With the advent of the digital age, community currencies are increasingly moving into the digital space. Digital Community Currencies (DCCs) create opportunities for addressing challenges that traditional community currencies are facing, such as the inconvenience of handling two currencies in one wallet and the geographic limitation to a limited user population. This research builds upon characteristics and challenges of community currencies and derives six design principles from a literature review, an analysis of 16 community currency projects and an interview with a community currency project manager at the end of the project’s life. The design principles serve as a basis for establishing resilient and scalable DCCs. They contribute to the limited IS research on phenomena of social sustainability and have major practical implications when implemented in existing community currency systems

    Open Innovation: Organizational Practices and Policy Implications

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    Durant la darrera dècada, a causa de la necessitat de recuperacióeconòmica desprésde la crisi d’Internet i la recessió mundial, la innovacióoberta ha emergit com la nova estratègia d’innovació per a organitzacions en el sector privat i el públic. La innovacióoberta ha guanyat importància en les estratègies d’innovació de les empreses multinacionalsa causa del ràpidcreixement dels mercats d’idees i tecnologies, els mateixos que són una alternativa per a la comercialització de solucionstecnològiquesmitjançantllicències i patents. D’altra banda, atesa la necessitat de sistemes públics d’innovació que facilitin la col•laboració entre empresesnacionals i internacionals, els governs han dissenyat nous programes i estratègies per capturar els beneficis en inversionsde R+D. Aquesta tesi doctoral està composta per set articles de recerca que tracten la innovació oberta des dediversos nivells d’anàlisi.Es tracta d’un estudi profundsobre la innovacióobertades del nivell de projectes fins al nivell de sistemes regionals d’innovació, queproporciona, així,una contribució única i suficient per explicar científicament el fenomen d’estudi. També ofereix recomanacions valuoses per a directius i gestors d’innovació en el sector públic i el privat. Els estudis que es presenten en aquesta tesi doctoral inclouen una exploració de diversos tipus d’intermediaris d’innovació a Europa i als Estats Units, l’anàlisi de la qual posaen evidència l’existència de diversos enfocaments i propostes de valor que adopten elsintermediaris d’innovació. En primer lloc, dos estudis diferents se centren en el model de negoci dels intermediaris d’innovaciód’una cara,one-sided, i de dues cares, two-sided. Aquests dos estudis de cases basen en informació obtinguda a partir d’entrevistes, enquestes i documentació pública. En segon lloc, un altre cas d’estudi,elaborat a l’empresa NineSigma –unintermediari d’innovació–, revela com els intermediaris no tan sols sónútils per obtenir noves respostes a problemes tecnològics en els mercats d’idees i tecnologies, sinó també per ajudar les empreses en l’articulació i lacodificació del coneixement.Tots aquests estudis han revelat que les empresescerquen el coneixement extern per accelerar els seus processos d’innovació, ja que les solucions obtingudes els permetencomercialitzar els productes en els mercatsmés ràpidament. En tercer lloc, un cinquè estudi confirma l’ús de la innovacióoberta com a estratègia de col•laboració per accelerar el procés d’innovació.Això no obstant, la col•laboració amb socis científics no beneficia el fet d’accelerar projectes d’innovació tecnològica. Així mateix, aquest estudi suggereix que els projectes de risc corporatiu,venture capital, i unitats de negocis establertes com a core businesses beneficien de la col•laboraciódirecta amb socis de mercat i universitats. Finalment, els dos estudis finals proporcionen directrius de polítiques d’innovacióa la Unió Europea i al sistema d’innovació del Mediterrani, en què la innovacióoberta i la innovació de serveis imodels de negoci representen la novetat en un estudi d’escala política. En general, aquesta tesi doctoral intenta connectar els estudis emergents d’innovacióoberta amb les teories de gestió de la innovació, com són els intermediaris d’innovació, les capacitats dinàmiques, la velocitat de la innovació, elrisc corporatiu i les polítiques d’innovació. Les principals contribucions acadèmiques d’aquesta tesi són: a) una tipologia del model de negoci de diversos intermediaris d’innovació;b) una contribució al model de Zollo i Winter (2002) sobre els mecanismes d’aprenentatge a partir del’ús dels intermediaris; c) laconfirmació empíricaque la innovacióoberta accelera la velocitat dels processos d’innovació;d) la primera publicaciósobre el sistema d’innovació del Mediterrani, i e) noves polítiques d’innovació per ala Unió Europea. Finalment, l’estudi de la innovacióoberta a diversos nivells, des demúltiples perspectives teòriques, l’ús de dades qualitatives i quantitatives, i els diferents mètodes d’anàlisi han facilitat el descobriment de noves oportunitats de recerca,que es presentenal final d’aquesta tesi.Durante la última década, debido a la necesidad de recuperación económica después la crisis de Internet y recesión mundial, la innovación abierta ha emergido como la nueva estrategia de innovación para organizaciones en el sector privado y público. La innovación abierta ha ganado importancia en las estrategias de innovación de las empresas multinacionalesdebido al rápido crecimientos de los mercados de ideas y tecnologías, los mismos que son una alternativa para la comercialización de soluciones tecnológicas a través delicencias y patentes. Por otra parte, dada la necesidad de sistemas públicos de innovación que faciliten la colaboración entre empresas nacionales e internacionales, los gobiernos han diseñando nuevos programas y estrategias para capturar los beneficios en inversionesde I+D. La presente tesis doctoral está compuesta por siete artículos de investigación que abordan la innovación abierta desde diferentes niveles de análisis. Los mismos proporcionan un profundo estudio sobre la innovación abierta, desde el nivel de los proyectos hasta el nivel de sistemas regionales de innovación, proporcionando así una contribución única y suficiente para explicar científicamente el fenómeno de estudio y proporcionar recomendaciones valiosas para directivos y gestores de innovación en sectores públicos y privados. Los estudios presentados en esta tesis doctoral incluyen una exploración de diferentes tipos de intermediarios de innovación en Europa y EE.UU., donde el análisis pone en evidencia la existencia de diferentes enfoques y propuestas de valor adoptados por los intermediarios de innovación. Primero, dos diferentes estudios se centran en el modelo de negocio de los intermediarios de innovación de una cara “one-sided” y dos caras “two-sided”. Estos dos estudios de caso se basan en información obtenida mediante entrevistas, encuestas y documentación pública. Posteriormente, un caso de estudio más elaborado en la empresa NineSigma - un intermediario de innovación - revela cómo los intermediarios no son sólo útiles para obtener nuevas respuestas a problemas tecnológicos en los mercados de ideas y tecnologías, sino también para ayudar a las empresas en la articulación y codificación del conocimiento.Todos estos estudios han revelado que las empresas buscan el conocimiento externo para acelerar su proceso de innovación, ya que las soluciones obtenidas les permitiría comercializar más rápidamente los productos en los mercados. Tercero, un quinto estudio confirma el uso de la innovación abierta, como estrategia de colaboración para acelerar el proceso de innovación. Sin embargo, la colaboración con socios científicos no beneficia ha acelerar proyectos de innovación tecnológica. Asimismo, este estudio sugiere que los proyectos de riesgo corporativo “venture capital” y de unidades de negocios establecidas ¨core Business” se benefician de la colaboración directa con socios de mercado y universidades. Finalmente, los dos estudios finales proporcionan directrices de política de innovación en la Unión Europea y en el Sistema de Innovación del Mediterráneo, donde la innovación abierta, la innovación de servicios y modelos de negocio representan la novedad en un estudio a nivel de la política. En general, esta tesis doctoral intenta conectar los estudios emergentes de innovación abierta y las teorías de gestión de la innovación, tales como los intermediarios de innovación, las capacidades dinámicas, la velocidad de la innovación, riesgo corporativo y la política de innovación. Las principales contribuciones académicas en esta tesis son: a) una tipología del modelo de negocio de diferentes intermediarios de innovación; b) una contribución al modelo de Zollo y Winter (2002) sobre los mecanismos de aprendizaje a través del uso de los intermediarios; c) laconfirmación empíricaque la innovación abierta acelera la velocidad de los procesos de innovación; d) la primera publicación sobre el Sistema de Innovación del Mediterráneo; y e) nuevas políticas de innovación para la Unión Europea. Finalmente, el estudio de la innovación abierta a diferentes niveles, desde múltiples perspectivas teóricas, el uso de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos y los diferentes métodos de análisis han facilitado el descubrimiento de nuevas oportunidades de investigación las que son presentadas al final de esta tesis.Over the last decade, open innovation has impacted and enhanced firms’ collaboration strategies and public policy programs as this new ‘paradigm shift’ emerged from business’ needs to recover from the dot-com crash and belt-tightening of global recession. In this new wave of innovation, companies refocused on organic growth and in customer and consumer markets to enrich their business units and new corporate venturing initiatives. Also, open innovation gained importance in firm’s innovation strategies as technology and idea markets became a path to commercialize undeveloped solutions via licenses and patents. Moreover, given the need of innovation systems that require the collaboration among firms locally and internationally, public governments are designing new programs and strategies to capture the benefits of investment in R&D programs. This doctoral thesis addresses the aforementioned issues and provides a multi-level research framework that is comprised by seven complementary research articles. These provide a broad perspective on open innovation, from the project level to the innovation system level of analysis, each analyzing a unique area in enough depth to provide all the necessary insights and future valuable guidelines to managers and policy makers. The studies include an exploration of different types of innovation intermediaries in Europe and the US where the analysis reveals different approaches and value propositions adopted by innovation intermediaries. Two further studies focus on the business model of one-sided and two-sided innovation intermediaries and how these create and capture value for firms in technology and idea markets. These two independent case studies rely on archival information, interviews and surveys. A further in-depth case study of NineSigma – an innovation intermediary – reveals how intermediaries are not only beneficial to capture ideas from technology and idea markets but also to assist firms in articulating and codifying firms’ scientific problems. All these studies revealed firms’ seek for external knowledge to speed up their innovation process, as earlier results would allow them to launch faster products to market or determine the commercial unavailability of corporate venturing initiatives. The fifth study confirms open innovation collaboration speeds up the innovation process but collaboration with scientific partners do not help to speed up projects. Also, this study suggests when corporate venturing and core business unit can benefit from collaborating with external market and scientific partners. The two final studies provide innovation policy guidelines for the European Union and Mediterranean System of Innovation where open innovation, service innovation and business models represent the novelty in a policy level study. Overall, this doctoral thesis addresses the disconnection between open innovation studies and established streams of literature such as innovation intermediaries, dynamic capabilities, innovation speed, corporate venturing and innovation policy. The paramount academic contributions in this thesis include: a) an overarching business model typology of different innovation intermediaries, which is meant to be used to decide between collaborating with one-sided vs. two-sided innovation intermediaries; b) a contribution to Zollo and Winter’s (2002) framework on how innovation intermediaries help firms articulating and codifying knowledge and the managerial tensions and benefits of an intermediated external knowledge acquisition strategy; c) empirical support to the claim that open innovation speeds up the innovation process as well as the most advantageous type of collaboration to accelerate the speed of technology transfer, from research labs to business units, for corporate venturing and core business units; d) the first publication on the Mediterranean System of Innovation; and e) new policy initiatives for the European Union where the insights of open innovation and business models enlarged the common theoretical contributions on innovation systems. In this thesis the study of open innovation at different levels, the multiple theoretical perspectives, the use of qualitative and quantitative data and the different methods of analysis facilitated the discovery of future research opportunities. For this reason, this thesis concludes with recommendations for further scholarly research on open innovation, possible connections to established literatures and new methods and insights for managers interested on adopting open innovation in their own firms

    Harnessing the Full Potential of Industrial Demand-Side Flexibility : an End-to-End Approach Connecting Machines with Markets through Service-Oriented IT Platforms

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    The growing share of renewable energy generation based on fluctuatingwind and solar energy sources is increasingly challenging in terms of power grid stability. Industrial demand-side response presents a promising way to balance energy supply and consumption. For this, energy demand is flexibly adapted based on external incentives. Thus, companies can economically benefit and at the same time contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are currently some major obstacles that impede industrial companies fromtaking part in the energymarkets. A broad specification analysis systematically dismantles the existing barriers. On this foundation, a new end-to-end ecosystem of an energy synchronization platform is introduced. It consists of a business-individual company-side platform, where suitable services for energy-oriented manufacturing are offered. In addition, one market-side platform is established as a mediating service broker, which connects the companies to, e.g., third party service providers, energy suppliers, aggregators, and energy markets. The ecosystems aim at preventing vendor lock-in and providing a flexible solution, relying on open standards and offering an integrated solution through an end-to-end energy flexibility data model. In this article, the resulting functionalities are discussed and the remaining deficits outlined

    Reference Models for Digital Manufacturing Platforms

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    [EN] This paper presents an integrated reference model for digital manufacturing platforms, based on cutting edge reference models for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems. Digital manufacturing platforms use IIoT systems in combination with other added-value services to support manufacturing processes at different levels (e.g., design, engineering, operations planning, and execution). Digital manufacturing platforms form complex multi-sided ecosystems, involving different stakeholders ranging from supply chain collaborators to Information Technology (IT) providers. This research analyses prominent reference models for IIoT systems to align the definitions they contain and determine to what extent they are complementary and applicable to digital manufacturing platforms. Based on this analysis, the Industrial Internet Integrated Reference Model (I3RM) for digital manufacturing platforms is presented, together with general recommendations that can be applied to the architectural definition of any digital manufacturing platform.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825631 and from the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Valencian Community 2014-2020 IDIFEDER/2018/025.Fraile Gil, F.; Sanchis, R.; Poler, R.; Ortiz Bas, Á. (2019). Reference Models for Digital Manufacturing Platforms. Applied Sciences. 9(20):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9204433S125920Pedone, G., & Mezgár, I. (2018). Model similarity evidence and interoperability affinity in cloud-ready Industry 4.0 technologies. Computers in Industry, 100, 278-286. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2018.05.003Mehrpouya, M., Dehghanghadikolaei, A., Fotovvati, B., Vosooghnia, A., Emamian, S. S., & Gisario, A. (2019). The Potential of Additive Manufacturing in the Smart Factory Industrial 4.0: A Review. Applied Sciences, 9(18), 3865. doi:10.3390/app9183865Tran, Park, Nguyen, & Hoang. (2019). Development of a Smart Cyber-Physical Manufacturing System in the Industry 4.0 Context. Applied Sciences, 9(16), 3325. doi:10.3390/app9163325Fernandez-Carames, T. M., & Fraga-Lamas, P. (2019). A Review on the Application of Blockchain to the Next Generation of Cybersecure Industry 4.0 Smart Factories. IEEE Access, 7, 45201-45218. doi:10.1109/access.2019.2908780Moghaddam, M., Cadavid, M. N., Kenley, C. R., & Deshmukh, A. V. (2018). Reference architectures for smart manufacturing: A critical review. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 49, 215-225. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2018.10.006Sutherland, W., & Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). The sharing economy and digital platforms: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Information Management, 43, 328-341. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2018.07.004Corradi, A., Foschini, L., Giannelli, C., Lazzarini, R., Stefanelli, C., Tortonesi, M., & Virgilli, G. (2019). Smart Appliances and RAMI 4.0: Management and Servitization of Ice Cream Machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(2), 1007-1016. doi:10.1109/tii.2018.2867643Gerrikagoitia, J. K., Unamuno, G., Urkia, E., & Serna, A. (2019). Digital Manufacturing Platforms in the Industry 4.0 from Private and Public Perspectives. Applied Sciences, 9(14), 2934. doi:10.3390/app9142934Digital Manufacturing Platforms, Factories 4.0 and beyondhttps://www.effra.eu/digital-manufacturing-platformsZero Defect Manufacturing Platform Project 2019https://www.zdmp.eu/Zezulka, F., Marcon, P., Vesely, I., & Sajdl, O. (2016). Industry 4.0 – An Introduction in the phenomenon. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(25), 8-12. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.12.002Announcing the IoT Industrie 4.0 Reference Architecturehttps://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/announcements/iot-industrie-40-reference-architectureVelásquez, N., Estevez, E., & Pesado, P. (2018). Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Industry 4.0 Reference Architectures. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 18(03), e29. doi:10.24215/16666038.18.e29Pisching, M. A., Pessoa, M. A. O., Junqueira, F., dos Santos Filho, D. J., & Miyagi, P. E. (2018). An architecture based on RAMI 4.0 to discover equipment to process operations required by products. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 574-591. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2017.12.029Calvin, T. (1983). Quality Control Techniques for «Zero Defects». IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, 6(3), 323-328. doi:10.1109/tchmt.1983.113617

    Platformization and sustainability - potential and challenges of platform business models for consumers

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    The shift to a sustainable economy implies a radical transformation of businesses and society. This paper investigates whether increasing plat formization can accelerate the sustainability transition by outlining the potentials and challenges of platform business models from a consumer and business lens. The research first examines the power of platforms to influence sustainable consumption patterns based on a quantitative survey. Moreover, a multiple-case study is conducted to explore how entrepreneurs can leverage sustainability-oriented platform business models to seize competitive advantage. The results contribute to a better understanding of sustainable platform usage and offer entrepreneurial strategies for sustainable business

    Innovating the innovated: Business model innovation process in sharing economy companies

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    Business model innovation (BMI) allows firms to rethink the mechanisms of value creation and proposition and capture in order to adapt to the ever‐changing environment and increase competitive advantage. Despite already innovative compared to the incumbents, sharing economy platforms also feel the need to continuously innovate their business model (BM) to ensure their survival. However, these platforms are often studied under a static perspective, focusing on the outcome of the innovation rather than on the process underlying it. The purpose of the paper is to unveil the process of BMI in the already innovative BM of sharing economy platforms, focusing on the different degrees this innovation can take place. In so doing, a mixed‐methods was applied, clustering a sample of 72 sharing platforms, and completing the results with a qualitative analysis on a subsample of those. What this research demonstrates is that sharing economy platforms do feel the need to innovate their BM just as strongly as incumbents, giving rise to an innovation‐in‐the‐innovation that fills the gap between the process‐ and the outcome‐oriented interpretations of BMI. The four identified clusters shed light on the different forms of BMI that happen in sharing economy platforms

    Public Innovation and Digital Transformation

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    Public innovation and digitalization are reshaping organizations and society in various ways and within multiple fields, as innovations are essential in transforming our world and addressing global sustainability and development challenges. This book addresses the fascinating relationship of these two contemporary topics and explores the role of digital transformation in promoting public innovation. This edited collection includes examples of innovations that emerge suddenly, practices for processing innovations, and the requirements for transformation from innovation to the ""new normal"". Acknowledging that public innovation refers to the development and realization of new and creative ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and disrupt the established practices within a specific context, expert contributions from international scholars explore and illustrate the various activities that are happening in the world of multiple digitalization opportunities. The content covers public administration, technical and business management, human, social, and future sciences, paying attention to the interaction between public and private sectors to utilize digitalization in order to facilitate public innovation. This timely book will be of interest to researchers, academics and students in the fields of technology and innovation management, as well as knowledge management, public service management and administration

    Public Innovation and Digital Transformation

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    Public innovation and digitalization are reshaping organizations and society in various ways and within multiple fields, as innovations are essential in transforming our world and addressing global sustainability and development challenges. This book addresses the fascinating relationship of these two contemporary topics and explores the role of digital transformation in promoting public innovation. This edited collection includes examples of innovations that emerge suddenly, practices for processing innovations, and the requirements for transformation from innovation to the "new normal". Acknowledging that public innovation refers to the development and realization of new and creative ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and disrupt the established practices within a specific context, expert contributions from international scholars explore and illustrate the various activities that are happening in the world of multiple digitalization opportunities. The content covers public administration, technical and business management, human, social, and future sciences, paying attention to the interaction between public and private sectors to utilize digitalization in order to facilitate public innovation. This timely book will be of interest to researchers, academics and students in the fields of technology and innovation management, as well as knowledge management, public service management and administration.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed