9,277 research outputs found

    Jurassic rifting to post-rift subsidence analysis in the Central High Atlas and its relation to salt diapirism

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    The subsidence evolution of the Tethyan Moroccan Atlas Basin, presently inverted as the Central High Atlas, is characterized by an Early Jurassic rifting episode, synchronous with salt diapirism of the Triassic evaporite-bearing rocks. Two contrasting regions of the rift basin - with and without salt diapirism - are examined to assess the effect of salt tectonics in the evolution of subsidence patterns and stratigraphy. The Djebel Bou Dahar platform to basin system, located in the southern margin of the Atlas Basin, shows a Lower Jurassic record of normal faulting and lacks any evidence of salt diapirism. In contrast, the Tazoult ridge and adjacent Amezra¿ı basin, located in the centre of the Atlas Basin, reveals spectacular Early Jurassic diapirism. In addition, we analyse alternative Central High Atlas post-Middle Jurassic geohistories based on new thermal and burial models (GENEX 4.0.3 software), constrained by new vitrinite reflectance data from the Amezra¿ı basin. The comparison of the new subsidence curves from the studied areas with published subsidence curves from the Moroccan Atlas, the Saharan Atlas (Algeria) and Tunisian Atlas show that fast subsidence peaks were diachronous along the strike, being younger towards the east from Early-Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. This analysis also evidences a close relationship between these high subsidence rate episodes and salt diapirism

    Evidence for surface uplift of the Atlas Mountains and the surrounding peripheral plateaux: Combining apatite fission-track results and geomorphic indicators in the Western Moroccan Meseta (coastal Variscan Paleozoic basement)

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    This work represents an initial attempt to link the evolution of the topography in relation to the general tectonic framework of western Morocco. For this purpose, in a section of the Western Moroccan Meseta different tools are combined in order to attain the general objective. Apatite fission-track (AFT) data of granitic rocks of the Rabat–Khenifra area give ages around 200 Ma with track length distributions which are compatible with the thermal models already established for the area. An inverse correlation between AFT ages and elevation is observed which is compatible with previous models indicating northward tilting of the whole Western Moroccan Meseta which is younger than 20–25 Ma. In order to test this possibility a detailed analysis of the topography at different scales in the Western Moroccan Meseta has been performed. Results indicate that two open folds with different amplitudes are recognized and that the one with wider wavelength could correspond to a lithospheric fold as previously stated by other authors on the basis of independent geological arguments. The northward tilting proposed based on the AFT data agrees with the results obtained in the analysis of the topography which reinforces the presence of a very open fold with a wavelength of 200–300 km in the north-western limb of the Western Moroccan Meseta

    Coupled mantle dripping and lateral dragging controlling the lithosphere structure of the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains: A numerical experiment

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    Recent studies integrating gravity, geoid, surface heat flow, elevation and seismic data indicate a prominent lithospheric mantle thickening beneath the NW-Moroccan margin (LAB >200 km-depth) followed by thinning beneath the Atlas Domain (LAB about 80 km-depth). Such unusual configuration has been explained by the combination of mantle underthrusting due to oblique Africa-Eurasia convergence together with viscous dripping fed by asymmetric lateral mantle dragging, requiring a strong crust-mantle decoupling. In the present work we examine the physical conditions under which the proposed asymmetric mantle drip and drag mechanism can reproduce this lithospheric configuration. We also analyse the influence of varying the kinematic boundary conditions as well as the mantle viscosity and the initial lithosphere geometry. Results indicate that the proposed drip-drag mechanism is dynamically feasible and only requires a lateral variation of the lithospheric strength. The further evolution of the gravitational instability can become either in convective removal of the lithospheric mantle, mantle delamination, or subduction initiation. The model reproduces the main trends of the present-day lithospheric geometry across the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains, the characteristic time of the observed vertical movements, the amplitude and rates of uplift in the Atlas Mountains and offers an explanation to the Miocene to Pliocene volcanism. An abnormal constant tectonic subsidence rate in the margin is predicted. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Jurassic rifting to post-rift subsidence analysis in the Central High Atlas and its relation to salt diapirism

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    et. al.The subsidence evolution of the Tethyan Moroccan Atlas Basin, presently inverted as the Central High Atlas, is characterized by an Early Jurassic rifting episode, synchronous with salt diapirism of the Triassic evaporite-bearing rocks. Two contrasting regions of the rift basin – with and without salt diapirism – are examined to assess the effect of salt tectonics in the evolution of subsidence patterns and stratigraphy. The Djebel Bou Dahar platform to basin system, located in the southern margin of the Atlas Basin, shows a Lower Jurassic record of normal faulting and lacks any evidence of salt diapirism. In contrast, the Tazoult ridge and adjacent Amezraï basin, located in the centre of the Atlas Basin, reveals spectacular Early Jurassic diapirism. In addition, we analyse alternative Central High Atlas post-Middle Jurassic geohistories based on new thermal and burial models (GENEX® 4.0.3 software), constrained by new vitrinite reflectance data from the Amezraï basin. The comparison of the new subsidence curves from the studied areas with published subsidence curves from the Moroccan Atlas, the Saharan Atlas (Algeria) and Tunisian Atlas show that fast subsidence peaks were diachronous along the strike, being younger towards the east from Early–Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. This analysis also evidences a close relationship between these high subsidence rate episodes and salt diapirism.This study was part of a collaborative research project funded by Statoil Research Centre, Bergen (Norway) and by the CSIC-FSE 2007-2013 JAE-Doc post-doctoral research contract (E.S.). The Spanish Ministry of Education and Science provided additional funding (MEC) through the projects Intramural Especial (CSIC 201330E030) and MITE (CGL 2014-59516). This research was supported by the Grup Consolidat de Recerca “Geologia Sediment aria” de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2014GSR251).Peer reviewedPreprin

    Who visits World Heritage? A comparative analysis of three cultural sites

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    Heritage tourism is a growing segment of the modern tourism industry, and several studies have been undertaken to identify the individuals who participate in this type of tourism. These have indicated that heritage tourists, generally, are middle class, middle age, and well educated. However, despite their iconic role, there has been relatively little attention paid to profile of visitors to World Heritage Sites. This study aims to better understand the demography of this specific tourism segment through the use of survey-based research at three geographically diverse World Heritage Sites: Independence Hall in the USA, Studenica Monastery in Serbia, and the Archaeological Site of Volubilis in Morocco. Through the use of descriptive statistics, several over-arching trends were noted among the three sites. World Heritage Site visitors were found to be very well educated, but they did not have any similarities in relation to age, income, or residence, which contrasts the “general” heritage tourist typology. However, there were several World Heritage specific trends. While this work is a snapshot of the three sites under study and thus is difficult to generalize, it provides the basis for more comprehensive demographic research on visitors to World Heritage Sites

    New Geothermal Prospect in North-Eastern Morocco

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    Geothermal data has been indicating promising potentialities in the north-eastern Morocco. This paperpresents new temperature data, recently recorded in water borehole located in the Berkane and Oujda areas. Generally, the observed temperature gradients are rather high. One hole near Berkane, revealed an average geothermal gradient of more than 110 ÂşC/km at depths greater than 300 m. This result confirms the geothermal gradient estimated in a mining borehole located about 30 km west of the Berkane borehole, in which water temperatures of 96 ÂşC are reached at a depth of about 700 m. Such a high geothermal gradient, exceeding by far the ones already determined for northeastern Morocco, could act as a stimulus to programs aimed at the geothermal exploitation of high temperature aquifers

    A history of the Sahara in the nineteenth century

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    African Studies Center Working Paper No.

    Highlights of NASA/DOE photovoltaic market assessment visit to Morocco

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    A broad range of agricultural, rural development, and other power applications in various regions of Morocco were examined to determine the potential market for photovoltaic products in Moroccan development. The primary focus of the study was the agriculture sector which accounts for approximately 17% of the country's GNP. The country has a clear need for reliable remote power systems, but does not have the financial resources to invest in the relatively high capital cost PV equipment. A modest potential for PV use was identified in nonagricultural rural services, such as refrigerators for rural clinics and rural radio-telephones. The main potential for PV in Morocco in the next five years lies mainly in the telecommunications sector. Applications include rural TV sets, TV repeater stations, microwave relay stations, and railroad, marine, and airline signalling. Market size estimates were derived from development and expansion plans. At an average customer cost for complete installed systems from 18/Wpto18/Wp to 30/Wp the total potential market value is estimated in the range of 6.6to6.6 to 11 million over the 1981-1986 period

    U-Pb geochronology of the El Jadida rhyolite and relation to possible Lower Cambrian recycling (Coastal block, Moroccan Meseta).

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    The El Jadida (Mazagan) dome, whose existence was reported as early as 1934 by Yovanovitch and Freys, constitutes one of the first outcrops of the Moroccan Meseta where the Precambrian (PIII?)-Paleozoic (Lower Cambrian?) boundary was established (Gigout, 1951; Cornée et al., 1984). Since then, it is listed as one of the few locations where the basement of the Moroccan Variscan belt can be observed (Hoepffner et al.. 2005; Michard et al., 2010).Despite, the absence of geochronological and biostratigraphic precise data to constrain the time interval recorded here, there are stratigraphic similarities that allow a correlation with the Ediacaran-Cambrian geological record of Anti-Atlas belt (Cornée et al., 1984). In this study, we developed a petrographic, geochemical and U-Pb geochronological study using zircon extracted from: (i) the El Jadida rhyolite with the aim of characterizing the magma source and estimate the age of crystallization; (ii) a microbreccia sampled at the base of the El Jadida Dolomitic Formation for determining provenance

    Preliminary characterization of a Moroccan honey with a predominance of Bupleurum spinosum pollen

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    Honey with Bupleurum spinosum (zandaz) as a main pollen source has not been the subject of previous detailed study. Therefore, twelve Moroccan samples of this honey were subjected to melissopalynological, physicochemical and microbiological quality characterization, as well as antioxidant activity assessment. From a quality point of view, almost all samples were within the limits established by Codex Alimentarius, and/or the European legislation. All samples presented predominance of B. spinosum pollen (more than 48%). Relatively high levels of trehalose (1.3-4.0 g/100 g) and melezitose (1.5-2.8 g/100 g) were detected. Those sugars, not common in monofloral honeys, could be used as an important factor to discriminate zandaz honey. Flavonoid content correlated positively with the honey color, melanoidin and polyphenol content, and negatively with the IC50 values of scavenging ABTS (2,2' - azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) free radicals, while proline amount correlated negatively with IC50 values of nitric oxide scavenging activity and chelating power. This correlation supports the use of anti-oxidant activities as important variables for PCA (principal component analysis). Both components explained 70% from the given data, and showed certain homogeneity upon analyzed samples independent of the region, suggesting the importance of B. spinosum nectar in the resulting honey characteristics.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia for Research Center [UID/BIM/04773/2013 CBMR 1334, UID/AGR/00239/2013, UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569)]; ERDF through the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI
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