
U-Pb geochronology of the El Jadida rhyolite and relation to possible Lower Cambrian recycling (Coastal block, Moroccan Meseta).


The El Jadida (Mazagan) dome, whose existence was reported as early as 1934 by Yovanovitch and Freys, constitutes one of the first outcrops of the Moroccan Meseta where the Precambrian (PIII?)-Paleozoic (Lower Cambrian?) boundary was established (Gigout, 1951; Cornée et al., 1984). Since then, it is listed as one of the few locations where the basement of the Moroccan Variscan belt can be observed (Hoepffner et al.. 2005; Michard et al., 2010).Despite, the absence of geochronological and biostratigraphic precise data to constrain the time interval recorded here, there are stratigraphic similarities that allow a correlation with the Ediacaran-Cambrian geological record of Anti-Atlas belt (Cornée et al., 1984). In this study, we developed a petrographic, geochemical and U-Pb geochronological study using zircon extracted from: (i) the El Jadida rhyolite with the aim of characterizing the magma source and estimate the age of crystallization; (ii) a microbreccia sampled at the base of the El Jadida Dolomitic Formation for determining provenance

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