153 research outputs found

    An integrated methodology for customer relationship management customization

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    The importance and presence of technological solutions in organizations supporting CRM are a vital business fact from the late nineties. Presently, the manufacturers figure in the market has dramatically decreased because of continuous takeovers and merges, but it has on the other hand gained momentum because of the sudden open-source and on-demand solutions appearance. In this scope, a unified methodology centered on CRM solutions is of paramount importance since it has traditionally been linked to either system integration or overall solution design. Based on the two de-facto complementary standards for the implementation and development of Information Systems, namely the ESA and Dyché CRM systems implementation methodology, in this paper, we provide a CRM business solutions customization methodology which pertains independently to the integration and tool maker perspective

    Proposal of a methodology for customer relationship management adoption in small and medium enterprises : a multiple case study

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    Mestrado em MarketingHow Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is regarded has been changing over time, and is currently a phenomenon with considerable importance, not only for big organizations but also for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), due to the competitiveness that presently exists. After the literature review about the theme, the research questions emerged were: Why do SMEs need to implement CRM? How is CRM implemented in SMEs? In this, we proposed a methodology for the adoption of CRM by SMEs. A multiple case study, with an exploratory approach, was conducted. Data was collected throught semi-structured interviews in 6 organizations, with a total of 19 interviews. These organizations needed to be SMEs and to have a CRM strategy implemented in it already. Although, there are many SMEs that do not have the necessary resources to implement an adequate combined CRM strategy as well as CRM software, many result in using other programs that are more accessible, but not without limitations. This study proposes a suggestion for CRM adoption in SMEs, taking into consideration the analysis of the current CRM strategies employed by 6 different Portuguese SMEs, their characteristics, qualities and limitations, as well as their current experience. In our sample we were alble to observe that most processes corroborated what was presented in the literature. However, there were some exceptions that are discussed and that may be of importance in the Portuguese current context.A forma como o CRM (Customer Relationship Management) é visto tem-se modificado ao longo dos tempos, e actualmente é um fenómeno de grande importância, não apenas para as grandes empresas mas também para as PMEs (Pequenas e Médias Empresas) devido a competitividade existente hoje em dia. Após a revisão de literatura sobre o tema, surgiu o problema de investigação que foi: porque é que as PMEs necessitam de implementar o CRM? Como é que as PMEs implementam o CRM? Para tal, foi proposta uma metolodogia de adopção de CRM nas PMEs. Foram realizados estudos de caso múltiplos com abordagem exploratória. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semi-estrutruradas a seis empresas, totalizando 19 entrevistas. Estas empresas tinham de ser PMEs e tinham de ter CRM implementado. No entanto, existem muitas PMES que não possuem os recursos necessários para a implementação de uma estratégia de CRM adequada e de um software de CRM, recorrendo a outros programas mais acessíveis, mas não sem limitações. Este estudo propõe uma sugestão para a adoção de CRM nas PMEs, tendo em consideração a análise das estratégias de CRM nas 6 diferentes PMEs Portuguesas, as suas características, qualidades e limitações, e actual experiência. Na nossa amostra pudemos observar que a maioria dos processos corraboram com o que foi apresentado na literatura. No entanto, há algumas excepções que são discutidas e que podem ser importantes no contexto português actual

    Analysing relationship quality and its contribution to consumer relationship proneness

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    Relationship marketing has been the dominant paradigm in the sphere of marketing in the last decades. However, aspects such as globalisation, development of information technologies, or the growing competitiveness pressure have caused the way of approaching relationship management with consumers to change. A consumer feels as the lead character and demands personalised treatment customised to his/her needs and specific characteristics. In this context, relationship quality (RQ) allows to understand the proneness of consumers to keep their commercial relations alive. Several are the studies that analyse RQ antecedents, but none has used a comprehensive management approach that includes resources and capabilities (such as market orientation or knowledge management) that a company has available for management in order to enhance said RQ. Furthermore, we analyse the effect of said perceived quality on the consumer’s proneness to maintain the relationship


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    Jasa pengiriman barang adalah sesuatu pelayanan yang memberi kemudahan proses mengirim barang dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dengan aman serta dipertanggungjawabkan keamanannya oleh pihak penyedia jasa. Pengiriman barang dapat berupa logistik, produk elektrok, dokumen dan lain lain. Jalur yang digunakan untuk kiriman barang bisa melalui jalur udara, laut dan darat. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi maka dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kinerja dalam pencacatan pengiriman barang, pengecekan ongkos kirim dan juga tracking barangkiriman. Dengan adanya system informasi pengiriman barang ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang ada di PT Duta Transindo Pratama Surabaya yaitu terkomputerisasinya data pengiriman barang, adanya sistem yang bias mengecek ongkos kirim dan tracking barang

    Commercialisation of eHealth Innovations in the Market of UK Healthcare Sector: A Framework for Sustainable Business Model.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Festus Oluseyi Oderanti, and Feng Li, ‘Commercialization of eHealth innovations in the market of the UK healthcare sector: A framework for a sustainable business model’, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 35 (2): 120-137, February 2018, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21074. Under embargo until 10 January 2020. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Demographic trends with extended life expectancy are placing increasing pressures on the UK state-funded healthcare budgets. eHealth innovations are expected to facilitate new avenues for cost-effective and safe methods of care, for enabling elderly people to live independently at their own homes and for assisting governments to cope with the demographic challenges. However, despite heavy investment in these innovations, large-scale deployment of eHealth continues to face significant obstacles, and lack of sustainable business models (BMs) is widely regarded as part of the greatest barriers. Through various empirical methods that include facilitated workshops, case studies of relevant organizations, and user groups, this paper investigates the reasons the private market of eHealth innovations has proved difficult to establish, and therefore it develops a framework for sustainable BMs that could elimiesnate barriers of eHealth innovation commercialization. Results of the study suggest that to achieve sustainable commercialization, BM frameworks and innovation diffusion characteristics should be considered complements but not substitutes.Peer reviewe


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    The integration of sustainable thinking and performance within day-to-day business activities has become an important business need. Sustainable business requires information on the use, flows and destinies of energy, water, and materials including waste, along with monetary information on environment-related costs, earnings, and savings. Creating this holistic view of economic, social and environmental information is not a straightforward mission from an IT perspective, and implies tackling several challenges such as information granularity and overload, the different projections of the same factual information, and the heterogeneity of information systems. In this paper, we propose an entity-centric approach to Green Information Systems to assist organisations in forming a cohesive representation of the environmental impact of their business operations at both micro- and macrolevels. Initial results from a Small Medium-size Enterprise case study are discussed along with future research directions

    An investigation on relationship between CRM and organizational learning through knowledge management: A case study of Tehran travel agency

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    Customer relationship management (CRM) plays essential role on the success of many business units. CRM integrates necessary data from internal and external sources to assist managers and employees for business development. This paper attempts to analyze relationship between CRM, organizational learning, and knowledge management. Research population includes travel agencies in Tehran, Iran and their manager are considered for the purpose of this study. This research has four variables 1- Successful implementation of KM, 2- Organizational learning, 3- customer orientation, and 4- information share with customers. The preliminary results of this survey indicate that any development of CRM will significantly contribute relative efficiency of this travel agency. The results also indicate that there is a meaningful relationship among components of CRM including organizational learning, and knowledge management in this travel agency


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambarancustomer relationship management, gambaran loyalitas pelanggan, manifestasi bonding, trust, communication, commitment dan satisfaction pada customer relationship management, manifestasi repurchase intention, word of mouth, customer retentiondan customer value pada loyalitas pelanggan dan pengaruh customer relationship management terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory surveidengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 110 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan alat bantu program AMOSfor Windows. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran customer relationship management relatif lebih baik dari pada loyalitas pelanggan. Customer relationship managementmemiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Kata Kunci: BNI Syariah, Customer Relationship Management, Loyalitas Pelanggan This study aims to obtain a description of customer relationship management, a description of customer loyalty, manifestation of bonding, trust, communication, commitment and satisfaction in customer relationship management, repurchase intention manifestations, word of mouth, customer retention and customer value on customer loyalty and influence of customer relationship management towards customer loyalty. The type of research used is descriptive and verification. The method used is explanatory survey with a sample size of 110 respondents. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM) with the AMOS for Windows program. The findings of this study indicate that the image of customer relationship management is relatively better than customer loyalty. Customer relationship management has a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty. Keywords: BNI Syariah, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Loyalt

    Dampak Penerapan Customer Relationship Management Terhadap Relationship Quality Dan Customer Loyalty Toko X

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    Fenomena toko UD Sari Buana adalah menghadapi persaingan yang ketat mengakibatkan kurangnya pembelian ulang yaitu kurangnya pemasukan dari pembeli (user), kurangnya relasi yang terjalin dari penjual dan pembeli, kurangnya pembe­rian bonus kepada pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk me­ngetahui penerapan custo­mer relationship management terhadap relationship quality dan customer loyalty toko X. Jenis penelitian ini ter­ma­suk peneli­tian konklusif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digu­nakan sebanyak 137 konsumen toko X di Makassar dengan teknik pemilihan sampling yaitu purposive sampling. Data dipe­roleh de­ngan melakukan penyebaran angket dengan meng­gu­na­kan skala likert sebagau alat ukur. Teknik ana­lisis data meng­gu­nakan SEM PLS. Hasil penelitian ini ada­lah: Customer relation­ship manage­ment berpengaruh signifikan ter­hadap rela­tionship quality dan customer loyalty serta rela­tion­ship quality memiliki pengaruh sig­nifikan terhadap customer lo­yalty