51 research outputs found

    a fast heuristic for routing in post disaster humanitarian relief logistics

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    Abstract In the last decades, natural disasters have been affecting the human life of millions of people. The impressive scale of these disasters has pointed out the need for an effective management of the relief supply operations. One of the crucial issues in this context is the routing of vehicles carrying critical supplies and help to disaster victims. This problem poses unique logistics challenges, including damaged transportation infrastructure and limited knowledge on the road travel times. In such circumstances, selecting more reliable paths could help the rescue team to provide fast services to those in needs. The classic cost-minimizing routing problems do not properly reflect the relevant issue of the arrival time, which clearly has a serious impact on the survival rate of the affected community. In this paper, we focus specifically on the arrival time objective function in a multi-vehicle routing problem where stochastic travel times are taken into account. The considered problem should be solved promptly in the aftermath of a disaster, hence we propose a fast heuristic that could be applied to solve the problem

    A fast heuristic for routing in post-disaster humanitarian relief logistics

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    In the last decades, natural disasters have been affecting the human life of millions of people. The impressive scale of these disasters has pointed out the need for an effective management of the relief supply operations. One of the crucial issues in this context is the routing of vehicles carrying critical supplies and help to disaster victims. This problem poses unique logistics challenges, including damaged transportation infrastructure and limited knowledge on the road travel times. In such circumstances, selecting more reliable paths could help the rescue team to provide fast services to those in needs. The classic cost-minimizing routing problems do not properly reflect the relevant issue of the arrival time, which clearly has a serious impact on the survival rate of the affected community. In this paper, we focus specifically on the arrival time objective function in a multi-vehicle routing problem where stochastic travel times are taken into account. The considered problem should be solved promptly in the aftermath of a disaster, hence we propose a fast heuristic that could be applied to solve the problem

    Hybrid Variable Neighborhood Search for Solving School Bus-Driver Problem with Resource Constraints

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    The School Bus-Driver Problem with Resource Constraints (SBDP-RC) is an optimization problem with many practical applications. In the problem, the number of vehicles is prepared to pick a number of pupils, in which the total resource of all vehicles is less than a predefined value. The aim is to find a tour minimizing the sum of pupils’ waiting times. The problem is NP-hard in the general case. In many cases, reaching a feasible solution becomes an NP-hard problem. To solve the large-sized problem, a metaheuristic approach is a suitable approach. The first phase creates an initial solution by the construction heuristic based on Insertion Heuristic. After that, the post phase improves the solution by the General Variable Neighborhood Search (GVNS) with Random Neighborhood Search combined with Shaking Technique. The hybridization ensures the balance between exploitation and exploration. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can escape from local optimal solutions. The proposed metaheuristic algorithm is tested on a benchmark to show the efficiency of the algorithm. The results show that the algorithm receives good feasible solutions fast. Additionally, in many cases, better solutions can be found in comparison with the previous metaheuristic algorithms

    Minimizing total weighted latency in home healthcare routing and scheduling with patient prioritization

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    We study a home healthcare routing and scheduling problem, where multiple healthcare service provider teams should visit a given set of patients at their homes. The problem involves assigning each patient to a team and generating the routes of the teams such that each patient is visited once. When patients are prioritized according to the severity of their condition or their service urgency, the problem minimizes the total weighted waiting time of the patients, where the weights represent the triage levels. In this form, the problem generalizes the multiple traveling repairman problem. To obtain optimal solutions for small to moderate-size instances, we propose a level-based Integer Programming (IP) model on a transformed input network. To solve larger instances, we develop a metaheuristic algorithm that relies on a customized saving procedure and a General Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm. We evaluate the IP model and the metaheuristic on various small, medium, and large-sized instances coming from the vehicle routing literature. While the IP model finds the optimal solutions to all the small and medium-sized instances within three hours of run time, the metaheuristic algorithm achieves the optimal solutions to all instances within merely a few seconds. We also provide a case study involving Covid-19 patients in a district of Istanbul and derive insights for the planners by means of several analyses

    A matheuristic approach for the Pollution-Routing Problem

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    This paper deals with the Pollution-Routing Problem (PRP), a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with environmental considerations, recently introduced in the literature by [Bektas and Laporte (2011), Transport. Res. B-Meth. 45 (8), 1232-1250]. The objective is to minimize operational and environmental costs while respecting capacity constraints and service time windows. Costs are based on driver wages and fuel consumption, which depends on many factors, such as travel distance and vehicle load. The vehicle speeds are considered as decision variables. They complement routing decisions, impacting the total cost, the travel time between locations, and thus the set of feasible routes. We propose a method which combines a local search-based metaheuristic with an integer programming approach over a set covering formulation and a recursive speed-optimization algorithm. This hybridization enables to integrate more tightly route and speed decisions. Moreover, two other "green" VRP variants, the Fuel Consumption VRP (FCVRP) and the Energy Minimizing VRP (EMVRP), are addressed. The proposed method compares very favorably with previous algorithms from the literature and many new improved solutions are reported.Comment: Working Paper -- UFPB, 26 page

    Several approaches for the traveling salesman problem

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    We characterize both approaches, mldp and k-mldp, with several methodologies; both a linear and a non-linear mathematical formulation are proposed. Additionally, the design and implementation of an exact methodology to solve both linear formulations is implemented and with it we obtained exact results. Due to the large computation time these formulations take to be solved with the exact methodology proposed, we analyse the complexity each of these approaches and show that both problems are NP-hard. As both problems are NP-hard, we propose three metaheuristic methods to obtain solutions in shorter computation time. Our solution methods are population based metaheuristics which exploit the structure of both problems and give good quality solutions by introducing novel local search procedures which are able to explore more efficiently their search space and to obtain good quality solutions in shorter computation time. Our main contribution is the study and characterization of a bi-objective problematic involving the minimization of two objectives: an economic one which aims to minimize the total travel distance, and a service-quality objective which aims to minimize of the waiting time of the clients to be visited. With this combination of objectives, we aim to characterize the inclusion of the client in the decision-making process to introduce service-quality decisions alongside a classic routing objective.This doctoral dissertation studies and characterizes of a combination of objectives with several logistic applications. This combination aims to pursue not only a company benefit but a benefit to the clients waiting to obtain a service or a product. In classic routing theory, an economic approach is widely studied: the minimization of traveled distance and cost spent to perform the visiting is an economic objective. This dissertation aims to the inclusion of the client in the decision-making process to bring out a certain level of satisfaction in the client set when performing an action. We part from having a set of clients demanding a service to a certain company. Several assumptions are made: when visiting a client, an agent must leave from a known depot and come back to it at the end of the tour assigned to it. All travel times among the clients and the depot are known, as well as all service times on each client. This is to say, the agent knows how long it will take to reach a client and to perform the requested service in the client location. The company is interested in improving two characteristics: an economic objective as well as a servicequality objective by minimizing the total travel distance of the agent while also minimizing the total waiting time of the clients. We study two main approaches: the first one is to fulfill the visits assuming there is a single uncapacitated vehicle, this is to say that such vehicle has infinite capacity to attend all clients. The second one is to fulfill the visits with a fleet of k-uncapacitated vehicles, all of them restricted to an strict constraint of being active and having at least one client to visit. We denominate the single-vehicle approach the minimum latency-distance problem (mldp), and the k-sized fleet the k-minimum latency-distance problem (k-mldp). As previously stated, this company has two options: to fulfil the visits with a single-vehicle or with a fixed-size fleet of k agents to perform the visits

    The Multi-Depot Minimum Latency Problem with Inter-Depot Routes

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    The Minimum Latency Problem (MLP) is a class of routing problems that seeks to minimize the wait times (latencies) of a set of customers in a system. Similar to its counterparts in the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), the MLP is NP-hard. Unlike these other problem classes, however, the MLP is customer-oriented and thus has impactful potential for better serving customers in settings where they are the highest priority. While the VRP is very widely researched and applied to many industry settings to reduce travel times and costs for service-providers, the MLP is a more recent problem and does not have nearly the body of literature supporting it as found in the VRP. However, it is gaining significant attention recently because of its application to such areas as disaster relief logistics, which are a growing problem area in a global context and have potential for meaningful improvements that translate into reduced suffering and saved lives. An effective combination of MLP\u27s and route minimizing objectives can help relief agencies provide aid efficiently and within a manageable cost. To further the body of literature on the MLP and its applications to such settings, a new variant is introduced here called the Multi-Depot Minimum Latency Problem with Inter-Depot Routes (MDMLPI). This problem seeks to minimize the cumulative arrival times at all customers in a system being serviced by multiple vehicles and depots. Vehicles depart from one central depot and have the option of refilling their supply at a number of intermediate depots. While the equivalent problem has been studied using a VRP objective function, this is a new variant of the MLP. As such, a mathematical model is introduced along with several heuristics to provide the first solution approaches to solving it. Two objectives are considered in this work: minimizing latency, or arrival times at each customer, and minimizing weighted latency, which is the product of customer need and arrival time at that customer. The case of weighted latency carries additional significance as it may correspond to a larger number of customers at one location, thus adding emphasis to the speed with which they are serviced. Additionally, a discussion on fairness and application to disaster relief settings is maintained throughout. To reflect this, standard deviation among latencies is also evaluated as a measure of fairness in each of the solution approaches. Two heuristic approaches, as well as a second-phase adjustment to be applied to each, are introduced. The first is based on an auction policy in which customers bid to be the next stop on a vehicle\u27s tour. The second uses a procedure, referred to as an insertion technique, in which customers are inserted one-by-one into a partial routing solution such that each addition minimizes the (weighted) latency impact of that single customer. The second-phase modification takes the initial solutions achieved in the first two heuristics and considers the (weighted) latency impact of repositioning nodes one at a time. This is implemented to remove potential inefficient routing placements from the original solutions that can have compounding effects for all ensuing stops on the tour. Each of these is implemented on ten test instances. A nearest neighbor (greedy) policy and previous solutions to these instances with a VRP objective function are used as benchmarks. Both heuristics perform well in comparison to these benchmarks. Neither heuristic appears to perform clearly better than the other, although the auction policy achieves slightly better averages for the performance measures. When applying the second-phase adjustment, improvements are achieved and lead to even greater reductions in latency and standard deviation for both objectives. The value of these latency reductions is thoroughly demonstrated and a call for further research regarding customer-oriented objectives and evaluation of fairness in routing solutions is discussed. Finally, upon conclusion of the results presented in this work, several promising areas for future work and existing gaps in the literature are highlighted. As the body of literature surrounding the MLP is small yet growing, these areas constitute strong directions with important relevance to Operations Research, Humanitarian Logistics, Production Systems, and more

    The multi-vehicle profitable pick up and delivery routing problem with uncertain travel times

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    Abstract This paper addresses a variant of the known selective pickup and delivery problem with time windows. In this problem, a fleet composed of several vehicles with a given capacity should satisfy a set of customers requests consisting in transporting goods from a supplier (pickup location) to a customer (delivery location). The selective aspect consists in choosing the customers to be served on the basis of the profit collected for the service. Motivated by urban settings, wherein road congestion is an important issue, in this paper, we address the profitable pickup and delivery problem with time windows with uncertain travel times. The problem under this assumption, becomes much more involved. The goal is to find the solution that maximizes the net profit, expressed as the difference between the collected revenue, the route cost and the cost associated to the violation the time windows. This study introduces the problem and develops a solution approach to solve it. Very preliminary tests are performed in order to show the efficiency of developed method to cope with the problem at hand

    Análisis comparativo de una metaheurística en base a algoritmo genético vs un método de ramificación y corte para un caso de entrega y recolección con restricciones de ventana de horario (Comparative analysis of a metaheuristic based on a genetic algorithm versus a branch & cut method for a pickup and delivery problem with time windows constraints)

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    En la solución de problemas combinatorios, es importante evaluar el costo-beneficio entre la obtención de soluciones de alta calidad en detrimento de los recursos computacionales requeridos. El problema planteado es para el ruteo de un vehículo con entrega y recolección de producto y con restricciones de ventana de horario. En la práctica, dicho problema requiere ser atendido con instancias de gran escala (nodos ≥100). Existe un fuerte porcentaje de ventanas de horario activas (≥90%) y con factores de amplitud ≥75%. El problema es NP-hard y por tal motivo la aplicación de un método de solución exacta para resolverlo en la práctica, está limitado por el tiempo requerido para la actividad de ruteo. Se propone un algoritmo genético especializado, el cual ofrece soluciones de buena calidad (% de optimalidad aceptables) y en tiempos de ejecución computacional que hacen útil su aplicación en la práctica de la logística. Para comprobar la eficacia de la propuesta algorítmica se desarrolla un diseño experimental el cual hará uso de las soluciones óptimas obtenidas mediante un algoritmo de ramificación y corte sin límite de tiempo. Los resultados son favorables. In an attempt to sovle the combinatorics problems, it is important to evaluate the costbenefit ratio between obtaining solutions of high quality and the loss of the computational resources required. The problem presented is for the routing of a vehicle with pickup and delivery of products with time window constraints. This problem requires instances of great scale (nodes≥100). A strong active time window percentage exists (≥90%) with factors of amplitude ≥75%. The problem is NP-hard and hence, the application of an exact method of solution, is limited by the time frame required for routing activity. A specialized genetic algorithm is proposed, which offers solutions of high precision and in computational times that makes its practical application useful. An experimental design is developed with good results that makes use of optimum solutions obtained by means of branch and cut algorithm without time limit

    Dynamic vehicle routing problems: Three decades and counting

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    Since the late 70s, much research activity has taken place on the class of dynamic vehicle routing problems (DVRP), with the time period after year 2000 witnessing a real explosion in related papers. Our paper sheds more light into work in this area over more than 3 decades by developing a taxonomy of DVRP papers according to 11 criteria. These are (1) type of problem, (2) logistical context, (3) transportation mode, (4) objective function, (5) fleet size, (6) time constraints, (7) vehicle capacity constraints, (8) the ability to reject customers, (9) the nature of the dynamic element, (10) the nature of the stochasticity (if any), and (11) the solution method. We comment on technological vis-à-vis methodological advances for this class of problems and suggest directions for further research. The latter include alternative objective functions, vehicle speed as decision variable, more explicit linkages of methodology to technological advances and analysis of worst case or average case performance of heuristics.© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc