438 research outputs found

    Hybrid Metaheuristics for Classification Problems

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    High accuracy and short amount of time are required for the solutions of many classification problems such as real-world classification problems. Due to the practical importance of many classification problems (such as crime detection), many algorithms have been developed to tackle them. For years, metaheuristics (MHs) have been successfully used for solving classification problems. Recently, hybrid metaheuristics have been successfully used for many real-world optimization problems such as flight scheduling and load balancing in telecommunication networks. This chapter investigates the use of this new interdisciplinary field for classification problems. Moreover, it demonstrates the forms of metaheuristics hybridization as well as designing a new hybrid metaheuristic

    Meta-RaPS Hybridization with Machine Learning Algorithms

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    This dissertation focuses on advancing the Metaheuristic for Randomized Priority Search algorithm, known as Meta-RaPS, by integrating it with machine learning algorithms. Introducing a new metaheuristic algorithm starts with demonstrating its performance. This is accomplished by using the new algorithm to solve various combinatorial optimization problems in their basic form. The next stage focuses on advancing the new algorithm by strengthening its relatively weaker characteristics. In the third traditional stage, the algorithms are exercised in solving more complex optimization problems. In the case of effective algorithms, the second and third stages can occur in parallel as researchers are eager to employ good algorithms to solve complex problems. The third stage can inadvertently strengthen the original algorithm. The simplicity and effectiveness Meta-RaPS enjoys places it in both second and third research stages concurrently. This dissertation explores strengthening Meta-RaPS by incorporating memory and learning features. The major conceptual frameworks that guided this work are the Adaptive Memory Programming framework (or AMP) and the metaheuristic hybridization taxonomy. The concepts from both frameworks are followed when identifying useful information that Meta-RaPS can collect during execution. Hybridizing Meta-RaPS with machine learning algorithms helped in transforming the collected information into knowledge. The learning concepts selected are supervised and unsupervised learning. The algorithms selected to achieve both types of learning are the Inductive Decision Tree (supervised learning) and Association Rules (unsupervised learning). The objective behind hybridizing Meta-RaPS with an Inductive Decision Tree algorithm is to perform online control for Meta-RaPS\u27 parameters. This Inductive Decision Tree algorithm is used to find favorable parameter values using knowledge gained from previous Meta-RaPS iterations. The values selected are used in future Meta-RaPS iterations. The objective behind hybridizing Meta-RaPS with an Association Rules algorithm is to identify patterns associated with good solutions. These patterns are considered knowledge and are inherited as starting points for in future Meta-RaPS iteration. The performance of the hybrid Meta-RaPS algorithms is demonstrated by solving the capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with and without time windows

    Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Job Scheduling in Grid Computing

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    The term ’grid computing’ is used to describe an infrastructure that connects geographically distributed computers and heterogeneous platforms owned by multiple organizations allowing their computational power, storage capabilities and other resources to be selected and shared. Allocating jobs to computational grid resources in an efficient manner is one of the main challenges facing any grid computing system; this allocation is called job scheduling in grid computing. This thesis studies the application of hybrid meta-heuristics to the job scheduling problem in grid computing, which is recognized as being one of the most important and challenging issues in grid computing environments. Similar to job scheduling in traditional computing systems, this allocation is known to be an NPhard problem. Meta-heuristic approaches such as the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) and Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) have all proven their effectiveness in solving different scheduling problems. However, hybridising two or more meta-heuristics shows better performance than applying a stand-alone approach. The new high level meta-heuristic will inherit the best features of the hybridised algorithms, increasing the chances of skipping away from local minima, and hence enhancing the overall performance. In this thesis, the application of VNS for the job scheduling problem in grid computing is introduced. Four new neighbourhood structures, together with a modified local search, are proposed. The proposed VNS is hybridised using two meta-heuristic methods, namely GA and ACO, in loosely and strongly coupled fashions, yielding four new sequential hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for the problem of static and dynamic single-objective independent batch job scheduling in grid computing. For the static version of the problem, several experiments were carried out to analyse the performance of the proposed schedulers in terms of minimising the makespan using well known benchmarks. The experiments show that the proposed schedulers achieved impressive results compared to other traditional, heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches selected from the bibliography. To model the dynamic version of the problem, a simple simulator, which uses the rescheduling technique, is designed and new problem instances are generated, by using a well-known methodology, to evaluate the performance of the proposed hybrid schedulers. The experimental results show that the use of rescheduling provides significant improvements in terms of the makespan compared to other non-rescheduling approaches

    Grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems

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    Designing generic problem solvers that perform well across a diverse set of problems is a challenging task. In this work, we propose a hyper-heuristic framework to automatically generate an effective and generic solution method by utilizing grammatical evolution. In the proposed framework, grammatical evolution is used as an online solver builder, which takes several heuristic components (e.g., different acceptance criteria and different neighborhood structures) as inputs and evolves templates of perturbation heuristics. The evolved templates are improvement heuristics, which represent a complete search method to solve the problem at hand. To test the generality and the performance of the proposed method, we consider two well-known combinatorial optimization problems: exam timetabling (Carter and ITC 2007 instances) and the capacitated vehicle routing problem (Christofides and Golden instances). We demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive, if not superior, when compared to state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics, as well as bespoke methods for these different problem domains. In order to further improve the performance of the proposed framework we utilize an adaptive memory mechanism, which contains a collection of both high quality and diverse solutions and is updated during the problem solving process. Experimental results show that the grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic, with an adaptive memory, performs better than the grammatical evolution hyper-heuristic without a memory. The improved framework also outperforms some bespoke methodologies, which have reported best known results for some instances in both problem domains

    Multi‐Objective Hyper‐Heuristics

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    Multi‐objective hyper‐heuristics is a search method or learning mechanism that operates over a fixed set of low‐level heuristics to solve multi‐objective optimization problems by controlling and combining the strengths of those heuristics. Although numerous papers on hyper‐heuristics have been published and several studies are still underway, most research has focused on single‐objective optimization. Work on hyper‐heuristics for multi‐objective optimization remains limited. This chapter draws attention to this area of research to help researchers and PhD students understand and reuse these methods. It also provides the basic concepts of multi‐objective optimization and hyper‐heuristics to facilitate a better understanding of the related research areas, in addition to exploring hyper‐heuristic methodologies that address multi‐objective optimization. Some design issues related to the development of hyper‐heuristic framework for multi‐objective optimization are discussed. The chapter concludes with a case study of multi‐objective selection hyper‐heuristics and its application on a real‐world problem

    Hybrid ant colony system and genetic algorithm approach for scheduling of jobs in computational grid

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have been used to solve scheduling problems in grid computing.However, stand-alone metaheuristic algorithms do not always show good performance in every problem instance. This study proposes a high level hybrid approach between ant colony system and genetic algorithm for job scheduling in grid computing.The proposed approach is based on a high level hybridization.The proposed hybrid approach is evaluated using the static benchmark problems known as ETC matrix.Experimental results show that the proposed hybridization between the two algorithms outperforms the stand-alone algorithms in terms of best and average makespan values

    Reactive approach for automating exploration and exploitation in ant colony optimization

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms can be used to solve nondeterministic polynomial hard problems. Exploration and exploitation are the main mechanisms in controlling search within the ACO. Reactive search is an alternative technique to maintain the dynamism of the mechanics. However, ACO-based reactive search technique has three (3) problems. First, the memory model to record previous search regions did not completely transfer the neighborhood structures to the next iteration which leads to arbitrary restart and premature local search. Secondly, the exploration indicator is not robust due to the difference of magnitudes in distance matrices for the current population. Thirdly, the parameter control techniques that utilize exploration indicators in their feedback process do not consider the problem of indicator robustness. A reactive ant colony optimization (RACO) algorithm has been proposed to overcome the limitations of the reactive search. RACO consists of three main components. The first component is a reactive max-min ant system algorithm for recording the neighborhood structures. The second component is a statistical machine learning mechanism named ACOustic to produce a robust exploration indicator. The third component is the ACO-based adaptive parameter selection algorithm to solve the parameterization problem which relies on quality, exploration and unified criteria in assigning rewards to promising parameters. The performance of RACO is evaluated on traveling salesman and quadratic assignment problems and compared with eight metaheuristics techniques in terms of success rate, Wilcoxon signed-rank, Chi-square and relative percentage deviation. Experimental results showed that the performance of RACO is superior than the eight (8) metaheuristics techniques which confirmed that RACO can be used as a new direction for solving optimization problems. RACO can be used in providing a dynamic exploration and exploitation mechanism, setting a parameter value which allows an efficient search, describing the amount of exploration an ACO algorithm performs and detecting stagnation situations

    Proposal and Comparative Study of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimum Design of a Gear System

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    This paper proposes a novel metaheuristic framework using a Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm with the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II). Both algorithms are combined employing a collaborative strategy with sequential execution, which is called DE-NSGA-II. The DE-NSGA-II takes advantage of the exploration abilities of the multi-objective evolutionary algorithms strengthened with the ability to search global mono-objective optimum of DE, that enhances the capability of finding those extreme solutions of Pareto Optimal Front (POF) difficult to achieve. Numerous experiments and performance comparisons between different evolutionary algorithms were performed on a referent problem for the mono-objective and multi-objective literature, which consists of the design of a double reduction gear train. A preliminary study of the problem, solved in an exhaustive way, discovers the low density of solutions in the vicinity of the optimal solution (mono-objective case) as well as in some areas of the POF of potential interest to a decision maker (multi-objective case). This characteristic of the problem would explain the considerable difficulties for its resolution when exact methods and/or metaheuristics are used, especially in the multi-objective case. However, the DE-NSGA-II framework exceeds these difficulties and obtains the whole POF which significantly improves the few previous multi-objective studies.Fil: Méndez Babey, Máximo. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; EspañaFil: Rossit, Daniel Alejandro. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: González, Begoña. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; EspañaFil: Frutos, Mariano. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Economía. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur; Argentin