67 research outputs found

    Interactive Manipulation of Musical Melody in Audio Recordings

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    The objective of this project is to develop an interactive technique to manipulate melody in musical recordings. The proposed methodology is based on the use of melody detection methods combined with the invertible constant Q transform (CQT), which allows a high-quality modification of musical content. This work will consist of several stages, the first of which will focus on monophonic recordings and subsequently we will explore methods to manipulate polyphonic recordings. The long-term objective is to alter a melody of a piece of music in such a way that it may sound similar to another. We have set, as and end goal, to allows users to perform melody manipulation and experiment with their music collection. To achieve this goal, we will devise approaches for high quality polyphonic melody manipulation, using a dataset of melodic content and mixed audio recordings. To ensure the system's usability, a listening test or user-study evaluation of the algorithm will be performed

    From heuristics-based to data-driven audio melody extraction

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    The identification of the melody from a music recording is a relatively easy task for humans, but very challenging for computational systems. This task is known as "audio melody extraction", more formally defined as the automatic estimation of the pitch sequence of the melody directly from the audio signal of a polyphonic music recording. This thesis investigates the benefits of exploiting knowledge automatically derived from data for audio melody extraction, by combining digital signal processing and machine learning methods. We extend the scope of melody extraction research by working with a varied dataset and multiple definitions of melody. We first present an overview of the state of the art, and perform an evaluation focused on a novel symphonic music dataset. We then propose melody extraction methods based on a source-filter model and pitch contour characterisation and evaluate them on a wide range of music genres. Finally, we explore novel timbre, tonal and spatial features for contour characterisation, and propose a method for estimating multiple melodic lines. The combination of supervised and unsupervised approaches leads to advancements on melody extraction and shows a promising path for future research and applications

    Multichannel harmonic and percussive component separation by joint modeling of spatial and spectral continuity

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    International audienceThis paper considers the blind separation of the harmonic and percussive components of multichannel music signals. We model the contribution of each source to all mixture channels in the time-frequency domain via a spatial covariance matrix, which encodes its spatial characteristics, and a scalar spectral variance, which represents its spectral structure. We then exploit the spatial continuity and the different spectral continuity structures of harmonic and percussive components as prior information to derive maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates of the parameters using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. Experimental results over professional musical mixtures show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Interpersonal synchronization in ensemble singing: the roles of visual contact and leadership, and evolution across rehearsals

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    Interpersonal synchronization between musicians in Western ensembles is a fundamental performance parameter, contributing to the expressiveness of ensemble performances. Synchronization might be affected by the visual contact between musicians, leadership, and rehearsals, although the nature of these relationships has not been fully investigated. This thesis centres on the synchronization between singers in a cappella singing ensembles, in relation to the roles of visual cues and leadership instruction in 12 duos, and the evolution of synchronization and leader-follower relationships emerging spontaneously across five rehearsals in a newly formed quintet. In addition, the developmental aspects of synchronization are investigated in parallel to tuning and verbal interactions, to contextualise synchronization within the wider scope of expressive performance behaviours. Three empirical investigations were conducted to study synchronization in singing ensembles, through a novel algorithm developed for this research, based on the application of electrolaryngography and acoustic analysis. Findings indicate that synchronisation is a complex issue in terms of performance and perception. Synchronization was better with visual contact between singers than without in singing duos, and improved across rehearsals in the quintet depending on the piece performed. Leadership instruction did not affect precision or consistency of synchronization in singing duos; however, when the upper voice was instructed to lead, the designated leader preceded the co-performer. Leadership changed across rehearsals, becoming equally distributed in the last rehearsal. Differences in the precision of synchronization related to altered visual contact were reflected in the perception of synchronization irrespective of the listeners’ music expertise, but the smaller asynchrony patterns measured across rehearsals were not. Synchronization in the quintet was not the result of rehearsal strategies targeted for the purpose of synchronization during rehearsal, but was paired with a tendency to tune horizontally towards equal temperament (ET), and to ET and just intonation in the vertical tuning of third intervals

    Singing information processing: techniques and applications

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    Por otro lado, se presenta un método para el cambio realista de intensidad de voz cantada. Esta transformación se basa en un modelo paramétrico de la envolvente espectral, y mejora sustancialmente la percepción de realismo al compararlo con software comerciales como Melodyne o Vocaloid. El inconveniente del enfoque propuesto es que requiere intervención manual, pero los resultados conseguidos arrojan importantes conclusiones hacia la modificación automática de intensidad con resultados realistas. Por último, se propone un método para la corrección de disonancias en acordes aislados. Se basa en un análisis de múltiples F0, y un desplazamiento de la frecuencia de su componente sinusoidal. La evaluación la ha realizado un grupo de músicos entrenados, y muestra un claro incremento de la consonancia percibida después de la transformación propuesta.La voz cantada es una componente esencial de la música en todas las culturas del mundo, ya que se trata de una forma increíblemente natural de expresión musical. En consecuencia, el procesado automático de voz cantada tiene un gran impacto desde la perspectiva de la industria, la cultura y la ciencia. En este contexto, esta Tesis contribuye con un conjunto variado de técnicas y aplicaciones relacionadas con el procesado de voz cantada, así como con un repaso del estado del arte asociado en cada caso. En primer lugar, se han comparado varios de los mejores estimadores de tono conocidos para el caso de uso de recuperación por tarareo. Los resultados demuestran que \cite{Boersma1993} (con un ajuste no obvio de parámetros) y \cite{Mauch2014}, tienen un muy buen comportamiento en dicho caso de uso dada la suavidad de los contornos de tono extraídos. Además, se propone un novedoso sistema de transcripción de voz cantada basada en un proceso de histéresis definido en tiempo y frecuencia, así como una herramienta para evaluación de voz cantada en Matlab. El interés del método propuesto es que consigue tasas de error cercanas al estado del arte con un método muy sencillo. La herramienta de evaluación propuesta, por otro lado, es un recurso útil para definir mejor el problema, y para evaluar mejor las soluciones propuestas por futuros investigadores. En esta Tesis también se presenta un método para evaluación automática de la interpretación vocal. Usa alineamiento temporal dinámico para alinear la interpretación del usuario con una referencia, proporcionando de esta forma una puntuación de precisión de afinación y de ritmo. La evaluación del sistema muestra una alta correlación entre las puntuaciones dadas por el sistema, y las puntuaciones anotadas por un grupo de músicos expertos

    Automated manipulation of musical grammars to support episodic interactive experiences

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    Music is used to enhance the experience of participants and visitors in a range of settings including theatre, film, video games, installations and theme parks. These experiences may be interactive, contrastingly episodic and with variable duration. Hence, the musical accompaniment needs to be dynamic and to transition between contrasting music passages. In these contexts, computer generation of music may be necessary for practical reasons including distribution and cost. Automated and dynamic composition algorithms exist but are not well-suited to a highly interactive episodic context owing to transition-related problems including discontinuity, abruptness, extended repetitiveness and lack of musical granularity and musical form. Addressing these problems requires algorithms capable of reacting to participant behaviour and episodic change in order to generate formic music that is continuous and coherent during transitions. This thesis presents the Form-Aware Transitioning and Recovering Algorithm (FATRA) for realtime, adaptive, form-aware music generation to provide continuous musical accompaniment in episodic context. FATRA combines stochastic grammar adaptation and grammar merging in real time. The Form-Aware Transition Engine (FATE) implementation of FATRA estimates the time-occurrence of upcoming narrative transitions and generates a harmonic sequence as narrative accompaniment with a focus on coherent, form-aware music transitioning between music passages of contrasting character. Using FATE, FATRA has been evaluated in three perceptual user studies: An audioaugmented real museum experience, a computer-simulated museum experience and a music-focused online study detached from narrative. Music transitions of FATRA were benchmarked against common approaches of the video game industry, i.e. crossfading and direct transitions. The participants were overall content with the music of FATE during their experience. Transitions of FATE were significantly favoured against the crossfading benchmark and competitive against the direct transitions benchmark, without statistical significance for the latter comparison. In addition, technical evaluation demonstrated capabilities of FATRA including form generation, repetitiveness avoidance and style/form recovery in case of falsely predicted narrative transitions. Technical results along with perceptual preference and competitiveness against the benchmark approaches are deemed as positive and the structural advantages of FATRA, including form-aware transitioning, carry considerable potential for future research

    Transient and steady-state component separation for audio signals

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    In this work the problem of transient and steady-state component separation of an audio signal was addressed. In particular, a recently proposed method for separation of transient and steady-state components based on the median filter was investigated. For a better understanding of the processes involved, a modification of the filtering stage of the algorithm was proposed. This modification was evaluated subjectively by listening tests and objectively by an application-based comparison. Also some extensions to the model were presented in conjunction with different possible applications for the transient and steady-state decomposition in the area of audio editing and processing

    Eye movement, memory and tempo in the sight reading of keyboard music

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    ESCOM 2017 Book of Abstracts

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