69 research outputs found

    Mechanical Theorem Proving in Tarski's geometry.

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    International audienceThis paper describes the mechanization of the proofs of the first height chapters of Schwabäuser, Szmielew and Tarski's book: Metamathematische Methoden in der Geometrie. The goal of this development is to provide foundations for other formalizations of geometry and implementations of decision procedures. We compare the mechanized proofs with the informal proofs. We also compare this piece of formalization with the previous work done about Hilbert's Gründlagen der Geometrie. We analyze the differences between the two axiom systems from the formalization point of view

    An axiomatic approach for solving geometric problems symbolically

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    technical reportThis paper describes a new approach for solving geometric constraint problems and problems in geometry theorem proving. We developed a rewrite-rule mechanism operating on geometric predicates. Termination and completeness of the problem solving algorithm can be obtained through well foundedness and confluence of the set of rewrite rules. To guarantee these properties we adapted the Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm to the specific requirements of the geometric problem. A symbolic, geometric solution has the advantage over the usual algebraic approach that it speaks the language of geometry. Therefore, it has the potential to be used in many practical applications in interactive Computer Aided Design

    Formalization and automation of Euclidean geometry

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    Напредак геометрије кроз векове се може разматрати кроз развој различитих аксиоматских система који је описују. Употреба аксиоматских система започиње са Хилбертом и Тарским али се ту не завршава. Чак и данас се развијају нови аксиоматски ситеми за рад са еуклидском геометријом...The advance of geometry over the centuries can be observed through the development of dierent axiomatic systems that describe it. The use of axiomatic systems begins with Euclid, continues with Hilbert and Tarski, but it doesn't end there. Even today, new axiomatic systems for Euclidean geometry are developed..

    Existence, knowledge & truth in mathematics

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    This thesis offers an overview of some current work in the philosophy of mathematics, in particular of work on the metaphysical, epistemological, and semantic problems associated with mathematics, and it also offers a theory about what type of entities numbers are. Starting with a brief look at the historical and philosophical background to the problems of knowledge of mathematical facts and entities, the thesis then tackles in depth, and ultimately rejects as flawed, the work in this area of Hartry Field, Penelope Maddy, Jonathan Lowe, John Bigelow, and also some aspects of the work of Philip Kitcher and David Armstrong. Rejecting both nominalism and physicalism, but accepting accounts from Bigelow and Armstrong that numbers can be construed as relations, the view taken in this work is that mathematical objects, numbers in particular, are universals, and as such are mind dependent entities. It is important to the arguments leading to this conception of mathematical objects, that there is a notion of aspectual seeing involved in mathematical conception. Another important feature incorporated is the notion, derived from Anscombe, of an intentional object. This study finishes by sketching what appears to be a fruitful line of enquiry with some significant advantages over the other accounts discussed. The line taken is that the natural numbers are mind dependent intentional relations holding between intentional individuals, and that other classes of number - the rationals, the reals, and so on - are mind dependent intentional relations holding between other intentional relations. The distinction in type between the natural numbers and the rest, is the intuitive one that is drawn naturally in language between the objects referred to by the so-called count nouns, and the objects referred to by the so-called mass nouns

    Notes and remarks on information-seeking

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    By asking questions and seeking information with an eye on the logical implications of the answers of one's questions, one can become a lifelong seeker. However, one cannot become so, if one does not pay enough attention to the boundaries of logical inquiry. It holds true in all types of information-seeking that some lines of thought may turn out to be pointless, unnecessary, or at most a waste of time. Some lines of thought, on the other hand, may turn out to be to the point, perhaps time consuming but necessary, or even possibly time saver. That is not to suggest, of course, that varying degrees of time consumption determine the boundaries of logical inquiry. The boundaries in question are determined rather by conclusiveness conditions of finding, evaluating and putting information in use. In that sense the ultimate boundaries, if there are any, should be determined rather by model building for information in real-time

    Philosophy of mathematics education

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    PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION\ud This thesis supports the view that mathematics teachers should be aware of differing views of the nature of mathematics and of a range of teaching perspectives. The first part of the thesis discusses differing ways in which the subject 'mathematics' can be identified, by relying on existing philosophy of mathematics. The thesis describes three traditionally recognised philosophies of mathematics: logicism, formalism and intuitionism. A fourth philosophy is constructed, the hypothetical, bringing together the ideas of Peirce and of Lakatos, in particular. The second part of the thesis introduces differing ways of teaching mathematics, and identifies the logical and sometimes contingent connections that exist between the philosophies of mathematics discussed in part 1, and the philosophies of mathematics teaching that arise in part 2. Four teaching perspectives are outlined: the teaching of mathematics as aestheticallyorientated, the teaching of mathematics as a game, the teaching of mathematics as a member of the natural sciences, and the teaching of mathematics as technology-orientated. It is argued that a possible fifth perspective, the teaching of mathematics as a language, is not a distinctive approach. A further approach, the Inter-disciplinary perspective, is recognised as a valid alternative within previously identified philosophical constraints. Thus parts 1 and 2 clarify the range of interpretations found in both the philosophy of mathematics and of mathematics teaching and show that they present realistic choices for the mathematics teacher. The foundations are thereby laid for the arguments generated in part 3, that any mathematics teacher ought to appreciate the full range of teaching 4 perspectives which may be chosen and how these link to views of the nature of mathematics. This would hopefully reverse 'the trend at the moment... towards excessively narrow interpretation of the subject' as reported by Her Majesty's Inspectorate (Aspects of Secondary Education in England, 7.6.20, H. M. S. O., 1979). While the thesis does not contain infallible prescriptions it is concluded that the technology-orientated perspective supported by the hypothetical philosophy of mathematics facilitates the aims of those educators who show concern for the recognition of mathematics in the curriculum, both for its intrinsic and extrinsic value. But the main thrust of the thesis is that the training of future mathematics educators must include opportunities for gaining awareness of the diversity of teaching perspectives and the influence on them of philosophies of mathematics

    The continuum hypothesis : independence and truth-value

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Philosophy, 1974.MIT Humanities Library copy: issued in two vols.Leaf number 84 used twice. Also issued as a two-volume set.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 217-258).by Thomas S. Weston.Ph.D

    Generalizations of Kempe's universality theorem

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Copyright statement on t.p. reads: ©Timothy Good Abbott, 2004-2007, ©Reid W. Barton, 2004-2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-86).In 1876, A. B. Kempe presented a flawed proof of what is now called Kempe's Universality Theorem: that the intersection of a closed disk with any curve in R2 defined by a polynomial equation can be drawn by a linkage. Kapovich and Millson published the first correct proof of this claim in 2002, but their argument relied on different, more complex constructions. We provide a corrected version of Kempe's proof, using a novel contraparallelogram bracing. The resulting historical proof of Kempe's Universality Theorem uses simpler gadgets than those of Kapovich and Millson. We use our two-dimensional proof of Kempe's theorem to give simple proofs of two extensions of Kempe's theorem first shown by King: a generalization to d dimensions and a characterization of the drawable subsets of Rd. Our results improve King's by proving better continuity properties for the constructions. We prove that our construction requires only O(nd) bars to draw a curve defined by a polynomial of degree n in d dimensions, improving the previously known bounds of O(n4) in two dimensions and O(n6) in three dimensions. We also prove a matching Q(nd) lower bound in the worst case. We give an algorithm for computing a configuration above a given point on a given polynomial curve, running in time polynomial in the size of the dense representation of the polynomial defining the curve. We use this algorithm to prove the coNP-hardness of testing the rigidity of a given configuration of a linkage. While this theorem has long been assumed in rigidity theory, we believe this to be the first published proof that this problem is computationally intractable. This thesis is joint work with Reid W. Barton and Erik D. Demaine.by Timothy Good Abbott.S.M

    Second-order logic is logic

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    "Second-order logic" is the name given to a formal system. Some claim that the formal system is a logical system. Others claim that it is a mathematical system. In the thesis, I examine these claims in the light of some philosophical criteria which first motivated Frege in his logicist project. The criteria are that a logic should be universal, it should reflect our intuitive notion of logical validity, and it should be analytic. The analysis is interesting in two respects. One is conceptual: it gives us a purchase on where and how to draw a distinction between logic and other sciences. The other interest is historical: showing that second-order logic is a logical system according to the philosophical criteria mentioned above goes some way towards vindicating Frege's logicist project in a contemporary context