268 research outputs found

    Tactile sensing chips with POSFET array and integrated interface electronics

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    This work presents the advanced version of novel POSFET (Piezoelectric Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) devices based tactile sensing chip. The new version of the tactile sensing chip presented here comprises of a 4 x 4 array of POSFET touch sensing devices and integrated interface electronics (i.e. multiplexers, high compliance current sinks and voltage output buffers). The chip also includes four temperature diodes for the measurement of contact temperature. Various components on the chip have been characterized systematically and the overall operation of the tactile sensing system has been evaluated. With new design the POSFET devices have improved performance (i.e. linear response in the dynamic contact forces range of 0.01–3N and sensitivity (without amplification) of 102.4 mV/N), which is more than twice the performance of their previous implementations. The integrated interface electronics result in reduced interconnections which otherwise would be needed to connect the POSFET array with off-chip interface electronic circuitry. This research paves the way for CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) implementation of full on-chip tactile sensing systems based on POSFETs

    Artificial olfactory system for multi-component analysis of gas mixtures.

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    Gas analysis is an important part of our world and gas sensing technology is becoming more essential for various aspects of our life. A novel approach for gas mixture analysis by using portable gas chromatography in combination with an array of highly integrated and selective metal oxide (MOX) sensors has been studied. We developed a system with small size (7 x 13 x 16 inches), low power consumption (~10 W) and absence of special carrier gases designed for portable field analysis (assuming apriori calibration). Low ppb and even sub-ppb level of detection for some VOCs was achieved during the analysis of 50 ml of gas samples. A detailed description of our innovative design of multi-sensory platforms based on MOX sensors for multidimensional portable gas chromatography is provided in detail in this work. As a part of this effort, we successfully synthesized nanocomposite gas sensors based on SnO2 for selective detection of hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, alcohols, ketones and heavy hydrocarbons. The morphology of the prepared sensors was closely studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), transition electron microscopy (TEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Optical and electrical properties of polycrystalline SnO2 were investigated by using UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission line measurement (TLM) and four probe resistance measurement techniques. Furthermore, more advanced gas sensing performance for detection of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and O-xylene (BTEX) of polycrystalline SnO2 film (30 nm) coated with bimetal Au:Pd (9:1 molar ratio) nanoclusters was measured. Finally, besides the experimental result, the theoretical validation of the detector’s performance was provided based on high catalytic activity of nanocomposite materials and its superior electronic structure for gas detection compared to the polycrystalline SnO2. The theoretical background of gas chemisorption process at the surface of polycrystalline SnO2 was reviewed in this work. Furthermore, one dimensional Poisson equation relates surface energy states ( and ) and the bulk electronic structure ( and ) of polycrystalline SnO2. The main theory of electronic processes on the surface of semiconductors during the gas chemisorption was further applied in a case of nanocomposite materials

    Energy Neutral Design of Embedded Systems for Resource Constrained Monitoring Applications

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    Automatic monitoring of environments, resouces and human processes are crucial and foundamental tasks to improve people's quality of life and to safeguard the natural environment. Today, new technologies give us the possibility to shape a greener and safer future. The more specialized is the kind of monitoring we want to achieve, more tight are the constraints in terms of reliability, low energy and maintenance-free autonomy. The challenge in case of tight energy constraints is to find new techniques to save as much power as possible or to retrieve it from the very same environment where the system operates, towards the realization of energy neutral embedded monitoring systems. Energy efficiency and battery autonomy of such devices are still the major problem impacting reliability and penetration of such systems in risk-related activities of our daily life. Energy management must not be optimized to the detriment of the quality of monitoring and sensors can not be operated without supply. In this thesis, I present different embedded system designs to bridge this gap, both from the hardware and software sides, considering specific resource constrained scenarios as case studies that have been used to develop solutions with much broader validity. Results achieved demonstrate that energy neutrality in monitoring under resource constrained conditions can be obtained without compromising efficiency and reliability of the outcomes

    Artificial Olfaction in the 21st Century

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    The human olfactory system remains one of the most challenging biological systems to replicate. Humans use it without thinking, where it can measure offer protection from harm and bring enjoyment in equal measure. It is the system's real-time ability to detect and analyze complex odors that makes it difficult to replicate. The field of artificial olfaction has recruited and stimulated interdisciplinary research and commercial development for several applications that include malodor measurement, medical diagnostics, food and beverage quality, environment and security. Over the last century, innovative engineers and scientists have been focused on solving a range of problems associated with measurement and control of odor. The IEEE Sensors Journal has published Special Issues on olfaction in 2002 and 2012. Here we continue that coverage. In this article, we summarize early work in the 20th Century that served as the foundation upon which we have been building our odor-monitoring instrumental and measurement systems. We then examine the current state of the art that has been achieved over the last two decades as we have transitioned into the 21st Century. Much has been accomplished, but great progress is needed in sensor technology, system design, product manufacture and performance standards. In the final section, we predict levels of performance and ubiquitous applications that will be realized during in the mid to late 21st Century

    Capteur d’hydrogène mos et méthode d’intégration à une technologie de transistor FDSOI

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    Abstract: hydrogen can be used as an energy carrier (storage) by the renewable energy industry as well as the automotive industry (fuel cell). Other industries already use hydrogen such, food processing and petroleum refineries. Hydrogen is odorless, transparent, and has a lower explosive limit of 4 %. Reliable, fast sensor are essential tools for a hydrogen safe environment. The work of this thesis provides a semiconductor-based hydrogen sensing solution. A MOS capacitor using a CMOS compatible novel Pt/Ti/ALD-Al2O3/p-Si stack. The Pt/Ti/Al2O3 sensing interface materials thicknesses are 100/5/38 nm respectively. The device can detect very low concentrations < 20 ppm. Furthermore, for a concentration of 500 ppm the response time is 56 s. the impact of testing conditions such temperature, and total gas flow have been studied. Results show that at 60℃ the device does not respond to hydrogen. And at 80℃ or higher the sensing response time is significantly reduced with increasing temperature. Furthermore, the total gas flow has an impact on the device response time and shows that a portion of the time response delay can be attributed to the chamber’s volume. Moreover, a heterogeneous integration method has been designed and presented. The latter represents a great tool for a flexible prototyping of sensors using FDSOI transistor technology. The integration has been simulated and results show promising results. The capacitive coupling feature in the FDSOI between the front and back gate is used to amplify the potential variation at the front gate. For instance, a 0.3 V hydrogen induced dipole potential can be amplified by a factor of 14 x.Le travail de cette thèse comprend la conception et la fabrication d’une technologie de capteur d’hydrogène basée sur une structure MOS. La structure est composée d’un empilement de Pt/Ti/Al2O3/p-Si. Les épaisseurs des matériaux utilisés pour la fabrication sont 100/5/38 nm (Pt/Ti/Al2O3) sur un substrat de silicium. Le capteur est capable de détecter de très faibles concentrations < 20 ppm. De plus, pour une concentration de 500 ppm, le temps de réponse est 56 s. L’impact de plusieurs conditions de test, comprenant la température et le débit total dans la chambre a été évalué. Les résultats montrent qu’à 60℃ le dispositive n’est pas capable de détecter la présence d’hydrogène. Cependant, à partir d’une température de 80℃, la réponse est très importante et le temps diminue pour encore des températures plus élevées. Le débit total dans la chambre a aussi démontré un impact sur le temps de réponse du capteur. Ce qui est aussi relié au volume de la chambre. Une intégration hétérogène ensuite a été conçue et présentée. Cette dernière est un outil flexible pour le prototypage avec des technologies de transistor FDSOI. L’intégration des deux dispositifs a été effectuée et montre de résultats prometteurs. Le couplage capacitif entre la grille avant et la grille arrière du transistor FDSOI permet d’amplifier le signal du capteur. Par exemple, une variation de potentiel de 0.3 V peut être amplifier par un facteur de 14 x, donc 4.19 V

    Airborne chemical sensing with mobile robots

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    Airborne chemical sensing with mobile robots has been an active research areasince the beginning of the 1990s. This article presents a review of research work in this field,including gas distribution mapping, trail guidance, and the different subtasks of gas sourcelocalisation. Due to the difficulty of modelling gas distribution in a real world environmentwith currently available simulation techniques, we focus largely on experimental work and donot consider publications that are purely based on simulations

    Gas Sensors on Plastic Foil with Reduced Power Consumption for Wireless Applications

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    Recently, there is a growing interest in developing so-called "smart" RFID tags for logistic applications. These smart tags incorporate sensing devices to monitor environmental parameters such as humidity and temperature throughout the supply chain. To fulfill these requirements cost-effectively, RFID tags were produced on plastic foil through large scale manufacturing techniques. To benefit from sensing capabilities on these systems, the integration of gas sensors directly produced on plastic foil was explored. Their gas sensing performances were investigated when fabricated on same polymeric substrates than the labels. To be compatible with wireless applications, all sensors were designed to operate in the sub-milliwatt power range. The integration of three different transducers on plastic foil for the detection of different gaseous species was investigated. First, the direct use of the PET or PEN foil as an optical waveguide for the fabrication of a selective colorimetric ammonia gas sensor was carried out. It led to a simplified processing based on additive fabrication techniques compatible with large scale manufacturing. Second, the impact of miniaturization on drop-coated metal-oxide gas sensors when fabricated on polyimide foil on their sensing performances was investigated. They took advantage from the low thermal conductivity of the substrate to reduce the power consumption with a simplified processing. The detection of oxidizing and reducing gases was achieved at low power consumption when pulsing the sensors. Lastly, the benefits brought by the gas absorption in a polyimide foil were exploited with the design of a simple capacitive structure. By operating it in a differential mode with a second functionalized capacitor, the discrimination between low-concentrations of volatile organic compounds and humidity was achieved. The design and fabrication of these sensors were developed with a vision of their future production performed by large scale manufacturing techniques. The gas sensing performances of all three transducers were assessed and revealed sensitivities comparable to standard devices made on silicon. Each sensor was associated with low-power electronics targeting an integration on wireless systems. The concept of a smart gas sensing system was demonstrated with the interfacing of a capacitive humidity sensor on a passive RFID label

    The pH sensing properties of RF sputtered RuO2 thin-film prepared using different Ar/O2 flow ratio

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    The influence of the Ar/O2 gas ratio during radio frequency (RF) sputtering of the RuO2 sensing electrode on the pH sensing performance is investigated. The developed pH sensor consists in an RF sputtered ruthenium oxide thin-film sensing electrode, in conjunction with an electroplated Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The performance and characterization of the developed pH sensors in terms of sensitivity, response time, stability, reversibility, and hysteresis are investigated. Experimental results show that the pH sensor exhibits super-Nernstian slopes in the range of 64.33-73.83 mV/pH for Ar/O2 gas ratio between 10/0-7/3. In particular, the best pH sensing performance, in terms of sensitivity, response time, reversibility and hysteresis, is achieved when the Ar/O2 gas ratio is 8/2, at which a high sensitivity, a low hysteresis and a short response time are attained simultaneously

    Overview of Gas Sensors Focusing on Chemoresistive Ones for Cancer Detection

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    The necessity of detecting and recognizing gases is crucial in many research and application fields, boosting, in the last years, their continuously evolving technology. The basic detection principle of gas sensors relies on the conversion of gas concentration changes into a readable signal that can be analyzed to calibrate sensors to detect specific gases or mixtures. The large variety of gas sensor types is here examined in detail, along with an accurate description of their fundamental characteristics and functioning principles, classified based on their working mechanisms (electrochemical, resonant, optical, chemoresistive, capacitive, and catalytic). This review is particularly focused on chemoresistive sensors, whose electrical resistance changes because of chemical reactions between the gas and the sensor surface, and, in particular, we focus on the ones developed by us and their applications in the medical field as an example of the technological transfer of this technology to medicine. Nowadays, chemoresistive sensors are, in fact, strong candidates for the implementation of devices for the screening and monitoring of tumors (the second worldwide cause of death, with ~9 million deaths) and other pathologies, with promising future perspectives that are briefly discussed as well