11 research outputs found

    Experimental analysis of the socio-economic phenomena in the BitTorrent ecosystem

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    BitTorrent is the most successful Peer-to-Peer (P2P) application and is responsible for a major portion of Internet traffic. It has been largely studied using simulations, models and real measurements. Although simulations and modelling are easier to perform, they typically simplify analysed problems and in case of BitTorrent they are likely to miss some of the effects which occur in real swarms. Thus, in this thesis we rely on real measurements. In the first part of the thesis we present the summary of measurement techniques used so far and we use it as a base to design our tools that allow us to perform different types of analysis at different resolution level. Using these tools we collect several large-scale datasets to study different aspects of BitTorrent with a special focus on socio-economic aspects. Using our datasets, we first investigate the topology of real BitTorrent swarms and how the traffic is actually exchanged among peers. Our analysis shows that the resilience of BitTorrent swarms is lower than corresponding random graphs. We also observe that ISP policies, locality-aware clients and network events (e.g., network congestion) lead to locality-biased composition of neighbourhood in the swarms. This means that the peer contains more neighbours from local provider than expected from purely random neighbours selection process. Those results are of interest to the companies which use BitTorrent for daily operations as well as for ISPs which carry BitTorrent traffic. In the next part of the thesis we look at the BitTorrent from the perspective of the content and content publishers in a major BitTorrent portals. We focus on the factors that seem to drive the popularity of the BitTorrent and, as a result, could affect its associated traffic in the Internet. We show that a small fraction of publishers (around 100 users) is responsible for more than two-thirds of the published content. Those publishers can be divided into two groups: (i) profit driven and (ii)fake publishers. The former group leverages the published copyrighted content (typically very popular) on BitTorrent portals to attract content consumers to their web sites for financial gain. Removing this group may have a significant impact on the popularity of BitTorrent portals and, as a result, may affect a big portion of the Internet traffic associated to BitTorrent. The latter group is responsible for fake content, which is mostly linked to malicious activity and creates a serious threat for the Bit- Torrent ecosystem and for the Internet in general. To mitigate this threat, in the last part of the thesis we present a new tool named TorrentGuard for the early detection of fake content that could help to significantly reduce the number of computer infections and scams suffered by BitTorrent users. This tool is available through web portal and as a plugin to Vuze, a popular BitTorrent client. Finally, we present MYPROBE, the web portal that allows to query our database and to gather different pieces of information regarding BitTorrent content publishers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BitTorrent es la aplicación peer-to-peer para compartición de ficheros de mayor éxito y responsable de una fracción importante del tráfico de Internet. Trabajos previos han estudiado BitTorrent usando técnicas de simulación, modelos analíticos y medidas reales. Aunque las técnicas analíticas y de simulación son más sencillas de aplicar, típicamente presentan versiones simplificadas de los problemas analizados y en el caso concreto de BitTorrent pueden obviar aspectos o interacciones fundamentales que ocurren en los enjambres de BitTorrent. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis utilizaremos como pilar de nuestra investigación técnicas de medidas reales. En primer lugar presentaremos un resumen de las técnicas de medidas usadas hasta el momento en el ámbito de BitTorrent que suponen la base teórica para el diseño de nuestras propias herramientas de medida que nos permitirán analizar enjambres reales de BitTorrent. Usando los datos obtenidos con estas herramientas estudiaremos aspectos diferentes de BitTorrent con un enfoque especial de los aspectos socioeconómicos. En la primera parte de la tesis, realizaremos un estudio detallado de la topología de los enjambres reales de BitTorrent así como de detalles acerca de las interacciones entre peers. Nuestro análisis demuestra que la resistencia de la topología de los enjambres reales de BitTorrent es menor que la ofrecida por grafos aleatorios equivalentes. Además, los resultados revelan que las políticas de los Provedores de Internet junto con la incipiente utilización de clientes de BitTorrent modificados y otros efectos en la red (p.ej. congestión) hacen que los enjambres reales de BitTorrent presentan una composicin de localidad. Es decir, un nodo tiene un número de vecinos dentro de su mismo Proveedor de Internet mayor del que obtendría en una topología puramente aleatoria. Estos resultados son de interés para las empresas que utilizan BitTorrent en sus operaciones, así como para los Provedores de Internet responsables de transportar el tráfico de BitTorrent. En la segunda parte de la tesis, analizamos los aspectos de publicación de contenido en los mayores portales de BitTorrent. En concreto, los resultados presentados muestran que sólo un pequeño grupo de publicadores (alrededor de 100) es responsable de hacer disponible más de dos tercios del contenido publicado. Además estos publicadores se pueden dividir en dos grupos: (i) aquellos con incentivos económicos y (ii) publicadores de contenido falso. El primer grupo hace disponible contenido protegido por derechos de autor (que es típicamente muy popular) en los principales portales de BitTorrent con el objetivo de atraer a los consumidores de dicho contenido a sus propios sitios web y obtener un beneficio económico. La eliminación de este grupo puede tener un impacto importante en la popularidad de los principales portales de BitTorrent así como en el tráfico generado por BitTorrent en Internet. El segundo grupo es responsable de la publicación de contenidos falsos. La mayor parte de dichos contenidos están asociados a una actividad maliciosa (p.ej. la distribución de software malicioso) y por tanto suponen una seria amenaza para el ecosistema de BitTorrent, en particular, y para Internet en general. Para minimizar los efectos de la amenaza que presentan estos publicadores, en la última parte de la tesis presentaremos una nueva herramienta denominada TorrentGuard para la pronta detección de contenidos falsos. Esta herramienta puede accederse a través de un portal web y a través de un plugin del cliente de BitTorrent Vuze. Finalmente, presentamos MYPROBE, un portal web que permite consultar una base de datos con información actualizada sobre los publicadores de contenidos en BitTorrent

    Rational cryptography: novel constructions, automated verification and unified definitions

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    Rational cryptography has recently emerged as a very promising field of research by combining notions and techniques from cryptography and game theory, because it offers an alternative to the rather inflexible traditional cryptographic model. In contrast to the classical view of cryptography where protocol participants are considered either honest or arbitrarily malicious, rational cryptography models participants as rational players that try to maximize their benefit and thus deviate from the protocol only if they gain an advantage by doing so. The main research goals for rational cryptography are the design of more efficient protocols when players adhere to a rational model, the design and implementation of automated proofs for rational security notions and the study of the intrinsic connections between game theoretic and cryptographic notions. In this thesis, we address all these issues. First we present the mathematical model and the design for a new rational file sharing protocol which we call RatFish. Next, we develop a general method for automated verification for rational cryptographic protocols and we show how to apply our technique in order to automatically derive the rational security property for RatFish. Finally, we study the intrinsic connections between game theory and cryptography by defining a new game theoretic notion, which we call game universal implementation, and by showing its equivalence with the notion of weak stand-alone security.Rationale Kryptographie ist kürzlich als ein vielversprechender Bereich der Forschung durch die Kombination von Begriffen und Techniken aus der Kryptographie und der Spieltheorie entstanden, weil es eine Alternative zu dem eher unflexiblen traditionellen kryptographischen Modell bietet. Im Gegensatz zur klassischen Ansicht der Kryptographie, nach der Protokollteilnehmer entweder als ehrlich oder willkürlich bösartig angesehen werden, modelliert rationale Kryptografie die Protokollteilnehmer als rationale Akteure, die versuchen ihren Vorteil zu maximieren und damit nur vom Protokoll abweichen, wenn sie dadurch einen Vorteil erlangen. Die wichtigsten Forschungsziele rationaler Kryptographie sind: das Design effizienterer Protokolle, wenn die Spieler ein rationale Modell folgen, das Design und die Implementierung von automatisierten Beweisen rationaler Sicherheitsbegriffe und die Untersuchung der intrinsischen Verbindungen zwischen spieltheoretischen und kryptographischen Begriffen. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit all diesen Fragen. Zunächst präsentieren wir das mathematische Modell und das Design für RatFish, ein neues rationales Filesharing-Protokoll. Dann entwickeln wir eine allgemeine Methode zur automatischen Verifikation rationaler kryptographischer Protokolle und wir zeigen, wie man unsere Technik nutzen kann, um die rationale Sicherheitseigenschaft von RatFish automatisch abzuleiten. Abschließend untersuchen wir die intrinsische Verbindungen zwischen Spieltheorie und Kryptographie durch die Definition von game universal implementation, einem neuen spieltheoretischen Begriff, und wir zeigen die Äquivalenz von game universal implementation und weak stand-alone security

    Study of Peer-to-Peer Network Based Cybercrime Investigation: Application on Botnet Technologies

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    The scalable, low overhead attributes of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Internet protocols and networks lend themselves well to being exploited by criminals to execute a large range of cybercrimes. The types of crimes aided by P2P technology include copyright infringement, sharing of illicit images of children, fraud, hacking/cracking, denial of service attacks and virus/malware propagation through the use of a variety of worms, botnets, malware, viruses and P2P file sharing. This project is focused on study of active P2P nodes along with the analysis of the undocumented communication methods employed in many of these large unstructured networks. This is achieved through the design and implementation of an efficient P2P monitoring and crawling toolset. The requirement for investigating P2P based systems is not limited to the more obvious cybercrimes listed above, as many legitimate P2P based applications may also be pertinent to a digital forensic investigation, e.g, voice over IP, instant messaging, etc. Investigating these networks has become increasingly difficult due to the broad range of network topologies and the ever increasing and evolving range of P2P based applications. In this work we introduce the Universal P2P Network Investigation Framework (UP2PNIF), a framework which enables significantly faster and less labour intensive investigation of newly discovered P2P networks through the exploitation of the commonalities in P2P network functionality. In combination with a reference database of known network characteristics, it is envisioned that any known P2P network can be instantly investigated using the framework, which can intelligently determine the best investigation methodology and greatly expedite the evidence gathering process. A proof of concept tool was developed for conducting investigations on the BitTorrent network.Comment: This is a thesis submitted in fulfilment of a PhD in Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation in the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin in October 201

    Vulnérabilités de la DHT de BitTorrent & Identification des comportements malveillants dans KAD

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    Le présent délivrable présente les résultats des travaux menés durant les six premiers mois (T0+6) du projet GIS 3SGS ACDAP2P dont l'objectif est de proposer une architecture collaborative pour la détection d'attaques dans les réseaux pair à pair. Nous détaillons dans ce rapport nos travaux concernant l'identification des comportements malveillants affectant le réseaux KAD (tâche T2) ainsi que l'identification des vulnérabilités affectant la DHT du réseau BitTorrent (tâche T3) qui sont au coeur du projet ACDAP2P. Pour introduire nos travaux, nous présentons tout d'abord leur contexte ainsi qu'une taxonomie des différentes attaques pouvant affecter les DHT.. Notre première contribution montre à travers plusieurs expériences que des failles de sécurité permettent la réalisation d'attaques efficaces pouvant altérer le bon fonctionnement de la DHT de BitTorrent. En prenant pour cas d'étude le réseau P2P KAD, nous recensons ensuite les pairs suspects en utilisant deux approches de détection et montrons ainsi que des milliers de contenus du réseau sont attaqués durant nos mesures. Finalement, nous constatons l'éphémérité de certains attaquants dans le réseau

    Filesharing und Abmahnwesen

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    Die Arbeit beinhaltet eine rechtsdogmatische und rechtstatsächliche Untersuchung des Phänomens Filesharing, mit einem Fokus auf die Haftung des Inhabers eines Internetanschlusses. Nach Erläuterung der für das Verständnis relevanten technischen Vorfragen folgt eine deskriptive Darstellung von Entwicklung und Stand der Rechtslage. Hierauf wird untersucht, wie aus dieser Rechtslage ein Abmahnwesen - ein in dieser Arbeit entwickelter Begriff - entstehen konnte. Im Anschluss an eine rechtspolitische Kritik und rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung wird diese Rechtslage dogmatisch kritisch gewürdigt. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Darstellung der Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten de lege lata und de lege ferenda