1,428 research outputs found

    Cross-layer static resource provisioning for dynamic traffic in flexible grid optical networks

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    Flexible grid networks need rigorous resource planning to avoid network over-dimensioning and resource over-provisioning. The network must provision the hardware and spectrum resources statically, even for dynamic random bandwidth demands, due to the infrastructure of flexible grid networks, hardware limitations, and reconfiguration speed of the control plane. We propose a flexible online–offline probabilistic (FOOP) algorithm for the static spectrum assignment of random bandwidth demands. The FOOP algorithm considers the probabilistic nature of random bandwidth demands and balances hardware and control plane pressures with spectrum assignment efficiency. The FOOP algorithm uses the probabilistic spectrum Gaussian noise (PSGN) model to estimate the physical-layer impairment (PLI) for random bandwidth traffic. Compared to a benchmark spectrum assignment algorithm and a widely applied PLI estimation model, the proposed FOOP algorithm using the PSGN model saves up to 49% of network resources

    Dual-Stage Planning for Elastic Optical Networks Integrating Machine-Learning-Assisted QoT Estimation

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    Following the emergence of Elastic Optical Networks (EONs), Machine Learning (ML) has been intensively investigated as a promising methodology to address complex network management tasks, including, e.g., Quality of Transmission (QoT) estimation, fault management, and automatic adjustment of transmission parameters. Though several ML-based solutions for specific tasks have been proposed, how to integrate the outcome of such ML approaches inside Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) models (which address the fundamental planning problem in EONs) is still an open research problem. In this study, we propose a dual-stage iterative RSA optimization framework that incorporates the QoT estimations provided by a ML regressor, used to define lightpaths' reach constraints, into a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation. The first stage minimizes the overall spectrum occupation, whereas the second stage maximizes the minimum inter-channel spacing between neighbor channels, without increasing the overall spectrum occupation obtained in the previous stage. During the second stage, additional interference constraints are generated, and these constraints are then added to the MILP at the next iteration round to exclude those lightpaths combinations that would exhibit unacceptable QoT. Our illustrative numerical results on realistic EON instances show that the proposed ML-assisted framework achieves spectrum occupation savings up to 52.4% (around 33% on average) in comparison to a traditional MILP-based RSA framework that uses conservative reach constraints based on margined analytical models

    Modulation-Adaptive Link-Disjoint Path Selection Model for 1 + 1 Protected Elastic Optical Networks

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    In elastic optical networks (EONs), an appropriate modulation technique is adapted according to the distance of an optical path. A robust modulation technique with a large number of spectrum slots is considered for longer distance optical paths, and a less robust modulation technique with a small number of spectrum slots is used for shorter distance optical paths. When an optical path is configured, the number of required spectrum slots is determined based on the nonlinear relationship between the optical path length and the number of utilized spectrum slots. Minimizing the total path lengths does not always minimize the total number of required spectrum slots for configuring an optical path, which decreases the spectrum utilization. This paper introduces a modulation-adaptive link-disjoint path selection model by considering a step function based on realistic modulation formats in order to minimize the total number of utilized spectrum slots in 1 + 1 protected EONs. We formulate the modulation-adaptive link-disjoint path selection problem as an integer linear programming (ILP). We prove that the modulation-adaptive link-disjoint path selection problem is NP-complete. By using an optimization solver, we solve the ILP problem for different backbone networks, namely, Japan Photonic Network (JPN48), German 17 Network, and COST 239 Network, within a practical time. Numerical results obtained from performance evaluation indicate that the introduced model reduces the number of utilized spectrum slots compared to the conventional schemes

    Orchestrating datacenters and networks to facilitate the telecom cloud

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    In the Internet of services, information technology (IT) infrastructure providers play a critical role in making the services accessible to end-users. IT infrastructure providers host platforms and services in their datacenters (DCs). The cloud initiative has been accompanied by the introduction of new computing paradigms, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), which have dramatically reduced the time and costs required to develop and deploy a service. However, transport networks become crucial to make services accessible to the user and to operate DCs. Transport networks are currently configured with big static fat pipes based on capacity over-provisioning aiming at guaranteeing traffic demand and other parameters committed in Service Level Agreement (SLA) contracts. Notwithstanding, such over-dimensioning adds high operational costs for DC operators and service providers. Therefore, new mechanisms to provide reconfiguration and adaptability of the transport network to reduce the amount of over-provisioned bandwidth are required. Although cloud-ready transport network architecture was introduced to handle the dynamic cloud and network interaction and Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) can facilitate elastic network operations, orchestration between the cloud and the interconnection network is eventually required to coordinate resources in both strata in a coherent manner. In addition, the explosion of Internet Protocol (IP)-based services requiring not only dynamic cloud and network interaction, but also additional service-specific SLA parameters and the expected benefits of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), open the opportunity to telecom operators to exploit that cloud-ready transport network and their current infrastructure, to efficiently satisfy network requirements from the services. In the telecom cloud, a pay-per-use model can be offered to support services requiring resources from the transport network and its infrastructure. In this thesis, we study connectivity requirements from representative cloud-based services and explore connectivity models, architectures and orchestration schemes to satisfy them aiming at facilitating the telecom cloud. The main objective of this thesis is demonstrating, by means of analytical models and simulation, the viability of orchestrating DCs and networks to facilitate the telecom cloud. To achieve the main goal we first study the connectivity requirements for DC interconnection and services on a number of scenarios that require connectivity from the transport network. Specifically, we focus on studying DC federations, live-TV distribution, and 5G mobile networks. Next, we study different connectivity schemes, algorithms, and architectures aiming at satisfying those connectivity requirements. In particular, we study polling-based models for dynamic inter-DC connectivity and propose a novel notification-based connectivity scheme where inter-DC connectivity can be delegated to the network operator. Additionally, we explore virtual network topology provisioning models to support services that require service-specific SLA parameters on the telecom cloud. Finally, we focus on studying DC and network orchestration to fulfill simultaneously SLA contracts for a set of customers requiring connectivity from the transport network.En la Internet de los servicios, los proveedores de recursos relacionados con tecnologías de la información juegan un papel crítico haciéndolos accesibles a los usuarios como servicios. Dichos proveedores, hospedan plataformas y servicios en centros de datos. La oferta plataformas y servicios en la nube ha introducido nuevos paradigmas de computación tales como ofrecer la infraestructura como servicio, conocido como IaaS de sus siglas en inglés, y el software como servicio, SaaS. La disponibilidad de recursos en la nube, ha contribuido a la reducción de tiempos y costes para desarrollar y desplegar un servicio. Sin embargo, para permitir el acceso de los usuarios a los servicios así como para operar los centros de datos, las redes de transporte resultan imprescindibles. Actualmente, las redes de transporte están configuradas con conexiones estáticas y su capacidad sobredimensionada para garantizar la demanda de tráfico así como los distintos parámetros relacionados con el nivel de servicio acordado. No obstante, debido a que el exceso de capacidad en las conexiones se traduce en un elevado coste tanto para los operadores de los centros de datos como para los proveedores de servicios, son necesarios nuevos mecanismos que permitan adaptar y reconfigurar la red de forma eficiente de acuerdo a las nuevas necesidades de los servicios a los que dan soporte. A pesar de la introducción de arquitecturas que permiten la gestión de redes de transporte y su interacción con los servicios en la nube de forma dinámica, y de la irrupción de las redes ópticas elásticas, la orquestación entre la nube y la red es necesaria para coordinar de forma coherente los recursos en los distintos estratos. Además, la explosión de servicios basados el Protocolo de Internet, IP, que requieren tanto interacción dinámica con la red como parámetros particulares en los niveles de servicio además de los habituales, así como los beneficios que se esperan de la virtualización de funciones de red, representan una oportunidad para los operadores de red para explotar sus recursos y su infraestructura. La nube de operador permite ofrecer recursos del operador de red a los servicios, de forma similar a un sistema basado en pago por uso. En esta Tesis, se estudian requisitos de conectividad de servicios basados en la nube y se exploran modelos de conectividad, arquitecturas y modelos de orquestación que contribuyan a la realización de la nube de operador. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es demostrar la viabilidad de la orquestación de centros de datos y redes para facilitar la nube de operador, mediante modelos analíticos y simulaciones. Con el fin de cumplir dicho objetivo, primero estudiamos los requisitos de conectividad para la interconexión de centros de datos y servicios en distintos escenarios que requieren conectividad en la red de transporte. En particular, nos centramos en el estudio de escenarios basados en federaciones de centros de datos, distribución de televisión en directo y la evolución de las redes móviles hacia 5G. A continuación, estudiamos distintos modelos de conectividad, algoritmos y arquitecturas para satisfacer los requisitos de conectividad. Estudiamos modelos de conectividad basados en sondeos para la interconexión de centros de datos y proponemos un modelo basado en notificaciones donde la gestión de la conectividad entre centros de datos se delega al operador de red. Estudiamos la provisión de redes virtuales para soportar en la nube de operador servicios que requieren parámetros específicos en los acuerdos de nivel de servicio además de los habituales. Finalmente, nos centramos en el estudio de la orquestación de centros de datos y redes con el objetivo de satisfacer de forma simultánea requisitos para distintos servicios.Postprint (published version

    Towards a Virtualized Next Generation Internet

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    A promising solution to overcome the Internet ossification is network virtualization in which Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are decoupled into two tiers: service providers (SPs), and infrastructure providers (InPs). The former maintain and customize virtual network(s) to meet the service requirement of end-users, which is mapped to the physical network infrastructure that is managed and deployed by the latter via the Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) process. VNE consists of two major components: node assignment, and link mapping, which can be shown to be NP-Complete. In the first part of the dissertation, we present a path-based ILP model for the VNE problem. Our solution employs a branch-and-bound framework to resolve the integrity constraints, while embedding the column generation process to effectively obtain the lower bound for branch pruning. Different from existing approaches, the proposed solution can either obtain an optimal solution or a near-optimal solution with guarantee on the solution quality. A common strategy in VNE algorithm design is to decompose the problem into two sequential sub-problems: node assignment (NA) and link mapping (LM). With this approach, it is inexorable to sacrifice the solution quality since the NA is not holistic and not-reversible. In the second part, we are motivated to answer the question: Is it possible to maintain the simplicity of the Divide-and-Conquer strategy while still achieving optimality? Our answer is based on a decomposition framework supported by the Primal-Dual analysis of the path-based ILP model. This dissertation also attempts to address issues in two frontiers of network virtualization: survivability, and integration of optical substrate. In the third part, we address the survivable network embedding (SNE) problem from a network flow perspective, considering both splittable and non-splittable flows. In addition, the explosive growth of the Internet traffic calls for the support of a bandwidth abundant optical substrate, despite the extra dimensions of complexity caused by the heterogeneities of optical resources, and the physical feature of optical transmission. In this fourth part, we present a holistic view of motivation, architecture, and challenges on the way towards a virtualized optical substrate that supports network virtualization

    Experimental demonstration of machine-learning-aided QoT estimation in multi-domain elastic optical networks with alien wavelengths

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    In multi-domain elastic optical networks with alien wavelengths, each domain needs to consider intradomain and interdomain alien traffic to estimate and guarantee the required quality of transmission (QoT) for each lightpath and perform provisioning operations. This paper experimentally demonstrates an alien wavelength performance monitoring technique and machine-learning-aided QoT estimation for lightpath provisioning of intradomain/interdomain traffic. Testbed experiments demonstrate modulation format recognition, QoT monitoring, and cognitive routing for a 160 Gbaud alien multi-wavelength lightpath. By using experimental training datasets from the testbed and an artificial neural network, we demonstrated an accurate optical-signal-to-noise ratio prediction with an accuracy of ∼95% when using 1200 data points

    Robust Data Center Network Design using Space Division Multiplexing

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    With the ever-increasing demand for data transmission in our generation where Internet and cloud concepts play a vital role, it has become essential that we handle data in a most efficient way. A possible solution to overcome the capacity crunch problem which is so evident in future, is applications of Space Division Multiplexing, where we explore the remaining unused domain that is the spatial domain. Space Division Multiplexing using multi-core fibers (MCFs), and few-mode fibers (FMFs) has been studied in our work to enhance the data-carrying capacity of optical fibers while minimizing the transmission cost per bit. The objective of our work is to develop a path protection scheme to handle communication requests in data center (DC) networks using elastic optical networking and space division multiplexing (SDM). Our approach to this problem is to 1) determine a dedicated primary and backup path, 2) possible allocation of spectrum using the flex-grid fixed-SDM model, 3) choose the best possible modulation format to minimize the number of subcarriers needed for data transfer, 4) measure the cost of the resources required to handle the new requests. We propose to evaluate the developed Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation based on this scheme, considering the possibility of disasters. We study the impact of the design on the cost of the solution, hence explore whether it promotes significant resource savings

    Joint Assignment of Power, Routing, and Spectrum in Static Flexible-Grid Networks

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    This paper proposes a novel network planning strategy to jointly allocate physical layer resources together with the routing and spectrum assignment in transparent nonlinear flexible-grid optical networks with static traffic demands. The physical layer resources, such as power spectral density, modulation format, and carrier frequency, are optimized for each connection. By linearizing the Gaussian noise model, both an optimal formulation and a low complexity decomposition heuristic are proposed. Our methods minimize the spectrum usage of networks, while satisfying requirements on the throughput and quality of transmission. Compared with existing schemes that allocate a uniform power spectral density to all connections, our proposed methods relax this constraint and, thus, utilize network resources more efficiently. Numerical results show that by optimizing the power spectral density per connection, the spectrum usage can be reduced by around 20% over uniform power spectral density schemes

    Vers des réseaux optiques efficaces et tolérants aux pannes : complexité et algorithmes

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    We study in this thesis optimization problems with application in optical networks. The problems we consider are related to fault-tolerance and efficient resource allocation and the results we obtain are mainly related to the computational complexity of these problems. The first part of this thesis is devoted to finding paths and disjoint paths. Finding a path is crucial in all types of networks in order to set up connections and finding disjoint paths is a common approach used to provide some degree of protection against failures in networks. We study these problems under different settings. We first focus on finding paths and node or link-disjoint paths in networks with asymmetric nodes, which are nodes with restrictions on their internal connectivity. Afterwards, we consider networks with star Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) which are groups of links that might fail simultaneously due to a localized event. In these networks, we investigate the problem of finding SRLG-disjoint paths. The second part of this thesis focuses on the problem of Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) in Elastic Optical Networks (EONs). EONs are proposed as the new generation of optical networks and they aim at an efficient and flexible use of the optical resources. RSA is the key problem in EONs and it deals with allocating resources to requests under multiple constraints. We first study the static version of RSA in tree networks. Afterwards, we examine a dynamic version of RSA in which a non-disruptive spectrum defragmentation technique is used. Finally, we present in the appendix another problem that has been studied during this thesis.Nous étudions dans cette thèse des problèmes d’optimisation avec applications dans les réseaux optiques. Les problèmes étudiés sont liés à la tolérance aux pannes et à l’utilisation efficace des ressources. Les résultats obtenus portent principalement sur la complexité de calcul de ces problèmes. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux problèmes de trouver des chemins et des chemins disjoints. La recherche d’un chemin est essentielle dans tout type de réseaux afin d’y établir des connexions et la recherche de chemins disjoints est souvent utilisée pour garantir un certain niveau de protection contre les pannes dans les réseaux. Nous étudions ces problèmes dans des contextes différents. Nous traitons d’abord les problèmes de trouver un chemin et des chemins lien ou nœud- disjoints dans des réseaux avec nœuds asymétriques, c’est-à-dire des nœuds avec restrictions sur leur connectivité interne. Ensuite, nous considérons les réseaux avec des groupes de liens partageant un risque (SRLG) en étoile : ensembles de liens qui peuvent tomber en panne en même temps suite à un événement local. Dans ce type de réseaux, nous examinons le problème de recherche des chemins SRLG-disjoints. La deuxième partie de cette thèse est consacrée au problème de routage et d’allocation de spectre (RSA) dans les réseaux optiques élastiques (EONs). Les EONs sont proposés comme la nouvelle génération des réseaux optiques et ils visent une utilisation plus efficace et flexible des ressources optiques. Le problème RSA est central dans les EONs. Il concerne l’allocation de ressources aux requêtes sous plusieurs contraintes
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