267 research outputs found

    Recovering complete and draft population genomes from metagenome datasets.

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    Assembly of metagenomic sequence data into microbial genomes is of fundamental value to improving our understanding of microbial ecology and metabolism by elucidating the functional potential of hard-to-culture microorganisms. Here, we provide a synthesis of available methods to bin metagenomic contigs into species-level groups and highlight how genetic diversity, sequencing depth, and coverage influence binning success. Despite the computational cost on application to deeply sequenced complex metagenomes (e.g., soil), covarying patterns of contig coverage across multiple datasets significantly improves the binning process. We also discuss and compare current genome validation methods and reveal how these methods tackle the problem of chimeric genome bins i.e., sequences from multiple species. Finally, we explore how population genome assembly can be used to uncover biogeographic trends and to characterize the effect of in situ functional constraints on the genome-wide evolution

    Recovering complete and draft population genomes from metagenome datasets

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    Assembly of metagenomic sequence data into microbial genomes is of fundamental value to improving our understanding of microbial ecology and metabolism by elucidating the functional potential of hard-to-culture microorganisms. Here, we provide a synthesis of available methods to bin metagenomic contigs into species-level groups and highlight how genetic diversity, sequencing depth, and coverage influence binning success. Despite the computational cost on application to deeply sequenced complex metagenomes (e.g., soil), covarying patterns of contig coverage across multiple datasets significantly improves the binning process. We also discuss and compare current genome validation methods and reveal how these methods tackle the problem of chimeric genome bins i.e., sequences from multiple species. Finally, we explore how population genome assembly can be used to uncover biogeographic trends and to characterize the effect of in situ functional constraints on the genome-wide evolution

    Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation:A benchmark of metagenomics software

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    International audienceIn metagenome analysis, computational methods for assembly, taxonomic profilingand binning are key components facilitating downstream biological datainterpretation. However, a lack of consensus about benchmarking datasets andevaluation metrics complicates proper performance assessment. The CriticalAssessment of Metagenome Interpretation (CAMI) challenge has engaged the globaldeveloper community to benchmark their programs on datasets of unprecedentedcomplexity and realism. Benchmark metagenomes were generated from newlysequenced ~700 microorganisms and ~600 novel viruses and plasmids, includinggenomes with varying degrees of relatedness to each other and to publicly availableones and representing common experimental setups. Across all datasets, assemblyand genome binning programs performed well for species represented by individualgenomes, while performance was substantially affected by the presence of relatedstrains. Taxonomic profiling and binning programs were proficient at high taxonomicranks, with a notable performance decrease below the family level. Parametersettings substantially impacted performances, underscoring the importance ofprogram reproducibility. While highlighting current challenges in computationalmetagenomics, the CAMI results provide a roadmap for software selection to answerspecific research questions

    CoMet: A workflow using contig coverage and composition for binning a metagenomic sample with high precision

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    Background: In metagenomics, the separation of nucleotide sequences belonging to an individual or closely matched populations is termed binning. Binning helps the evaluation of underlying microbial population structure as well as the recovery of individual genomes from a sample of uncultivable microbial organisms. Both supervised and unsupervised learning methods have been employed in binning; however, characterizing a metagenomic sample containing multiple strains remains a significant challenge. In this study, we designed and implemented a new workflow, Coverage and composition based binning of Metagenomes (CoMet), for binning contigs in a single metagenomic sample. CoMet utilizes coverage values and the compositional features of metagenomic contigs. The binning strategy in CoMet includes the initial grouping of contigs in guanine-cytosine (GC) content-coverage space and refinement of bins in tetranucleotide frequencies space in a purely unsupervised manner. With CoMet, the clustering algorithm DBSCAN is employed for binning contigs. The performances of CoMet were compared against four existing approaches for binning a single metagenomic sample, including MaxBin, Metawatt, MyCC (default) and MyCC (coverage) using multiple datasets including a sample comprised of multiple strains. Results: Binning methods based on both compositional features and coverages of contigs had higher performances than the method which is based only on compositional features of contigs. CoMet yielded higher or comparable precision in comparison to the existing binning methods on benchmark datasets of varying complexities. MyCC (coverage) had the highest ranking score in F1-score. However, the performances of CoMet were higher than MyCC (coverage) on the dataset containing multiple strains. Furthermore, CoMet recovered contigs of more species and was 18 - 39% higher in precision than the compared existing methods in discriminating species from the sample of multiple strains. CoMet resulted in higher precision than MyCC (default) and MyCC (coverage) on a real metagenome. Conclusions: The approach proposed with CoMet for binning contigs, improves the precision of binning while characterizing more species in a single metagenomic sample and in a sample containing multiple strains. The F1-scores obtained from different binning strategies vary with different datasets; however, CoMet yields the highest F1-score with a sample comprised of multiple strains

    Marginalised stack denoising autoencoders for metagenomic data binning

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    Shotgun sequencing has facilitated the analysis of complex microbial communities. Recently we have shown how local binary patterns (LBP) from image processing can be used to analyse the sequenced samples. LBP codes represent the data in a sparse high dimensional space. To improve the performance of our pipeline, marginalised stacked autoencoders are used here to learn frequent LBP codes and map the high dimensional space to a lower dimension dense space. We demonstrate its performance using both low and high complexity simulated metagenomic data and compare the performance of our method with several existing techniques including principal component analysis (PCA) in the dimension reduction step and fc-mer frequency in feature extraction step

    Bioinformatics strategies for taxonomy independent binning and visualization of sequences in shotgun metagenomics

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    One of main steps in a study of microbial communities is resolving their composition, diversity and function. In the past, these issues were mostly addressed by the use of amplicon sequencing of a target gene because of reasonable price and easier computational postprocessing of the bioinformatic data. With the advancement of sequencing techniques, the main focus shifted to the whole metagenome shotgun sequencing, which allows much more detailed analysis of the metagenomic data, including reconstruction of novel microbial genomes and to gain knowledge about genetic potential and metabolic capacities of whole environments. On the other hand, the output of whole metagenomic shotgun sequencing is mixture of short DNA fragments belonging to various genomes, therefore this approach requires more sophisticated computational algorithms for clustering of related sequences, commonly referred to as sequence binning. There are currently two types of binning methods: taxonomy dependent and taxonomy independent. The first type classifies the DNA fragments by performing a standard homology inference against a reference database, while the latter performs the reference-free binning by applying clustering techniques on features extracted from the sequences. In this review, we describe the strategies within the second approach. Although these strategies do not require prior knowledge, they have higher demands on the length of sequences. Besides their basic principle, an overview of particular methods and tools is provided. Furthermore, the review covers the utilization of the methods in context with the length of sequences and discusses the needs for metagenomic data preprocessing in form of initial assembly prior to binning

    Metagenomic binning with assembly graph embeddings

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    MOTIVATION: Despite recent advancements in sequencing technologies and assembly methods, obtaining high-quality microbial genomes from metagenomic samples is still not a trivial task. Current metagenomic binners do not take full advantage of assembly graphs and are not optimized for long-read assemblies. Deep graph learning algorithms have been proposed in other fields to deal with complex graph data structures. The graph structure generated during the assembly process could be integrated with contig features to obtain better bins with deep learning. RESULTS: We propose GraphMB, which uses graph neural networks to incorporate the assembly graph into the binning process. We test GraphMB on long-read datasets of different complexities, and compare the performance with other binners in terms of the number of High Quality (HQ) genome bins obtained. With our approach, we were able to obtain unique bins on all real datasets, and obtain more bins on most datasets. In particular, we obtained on average 17.5% more HQ bins when compared with state-of-the-art binners and 13.7% when aggregating the results of our binner with the others. These results indicate that a deep learning model can integrate contig-specific and graph-structure information to improve metagenomic binning. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: GraphMB is available from https://github.com/MicrobialDarkMatter/GraphMB. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online