135 research outputs found

    Matrix-free GPU implementation of a preconditioned conjugate gradient solver for anisotropic elliptic PDEs

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    Many problems in geophysical and atmospheric modelling require the fast solution of elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) in "flat" three dimensional geometries. In particular, an anisotropic elliptic PDE for the pressure correction has to be solved at every time step in the dynamical core of many numerical weather prediction models, and equations of a very similar structure arise in global ocean models, subsurface flow simulations and gas and oil reservoir modelling. The elliptic solve is often the bottleneck of the forecast, and an algorithmically optimal method has to be used and implemented efficiently. Graphics Processing Units have been shown to be highly efficient for a wide range of applications in scientific computing, and recently iterative solvers have been parallelised on these architectures. We describe the GPU implementation and optimisation of a Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) algorithm for the solution of a three dimensional anisotropic elliptic PDE for the pressure correction in NWP. Our implementation exploits the strong vertical anisotropy of the elliptic operator in the construction of a suitable preconditioner. As the algorithm is memory bound, performance can be improved significantly by reducing the amount of global memory access. We achieve this by using a matrix-free implementation which does not require explicit storage of the matrix and instead recalculates the local stencil. Global memory access can also be reduced by rewriting the algorithm using loop fusion and we show that this further reduces the runtime on the GPU. We demonstrate the performance of our matrix-free GPU code by comparing it to a sequential CPU implementation and to a matrix-explicit GPU code which uses existing libraries. The absolute performance of the algorithm for different problem sizes is quantified in terms of floating point throughput and global memory bandwidth.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Petascale solvers for anisotropic PDEs in atmospheric modelling on GPU clusters

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    Memory bound applications such as solvers for large sparse systems of equations remain a challenge for GPUs. Fast solvers should be based on numerically efficient algorithms and implemented such that global memory access is minimised. To solve systems with trillions (\order(10^{12})) unknowns the code has to make efficient use of several million individual processor cores on large GPU clusters.We describe the multi-GPU implementation of two algorithmically optimal iterative solvers for anisotropic PDEs which are encountered in (semi-) implicit time stepping procedures in atmospheric modelling. In this application the condition number is large but independent of the grid resolution and both methods are asymptotically optimal, albeit with different absolute performance. In particular, an important constant in the discretisation is the CFL number; only the multigrid solver is robust to changes in this constant. We parallelise the solvers and adapt them to the specific features of GPU architectures, paying particular attention to efficient global memory access. We achieve a performance of up to 0.78 PFLOPs when solving an equation with 0.55â‹…10120.55\cdot 10^{12} unknowns on 16384 GPUs; this corresponds to about 3%3\% of the theoretical peak performance of the machine and we use more than 40%40\% of the peak memory bandwidth with a Conjugate Gradient (CG) solver. Although the other solver, a geometric multigrid algorithm, has a slightly worse performance in terms of FLOPs per second, overall it is faster as it needs less iterations to converge; the multigrid algorithm can solve a linear PDE with half a trillion unknowns in about one second

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPartial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used in science and engineering to model phenomena such as sound, heat, and electrostatics. In many practical science and engineering applications, the solutions of PDEs require the tessellation of computational domains into unstructured meshes and entail computationally expensive and time-consuming processes. Therefore, efficient and fast PDE solving techniques on unstructured meshes are important in these applications. Relative to CPUs, the faster growth curves in the speed and greater power efficiency of the SIMD streaming processors, such as GPUs, have gained them an increasingly important role in the high-performance computing area. Combining suitable parallel algorithms and these streaming processors, we can develop very efficient numerical solvers of PDEs. The contributions of this dissertation are twofold: proposal of two general strategies to design efficient PDE solvers on GPUs and the specific applications of these strategies to solve different types of PDEs. Specifically, this dissertation consists of four parts. First, we describe the general strategies, the domain decomposition strategy and the hybrid gathering strategy. Next, we introduce a parallel algorithm for solving the eikonal equation on fully unstructured meshes efficiently. Third, we present the algorithms and data structures necessary to move the entire FEM pipeline to the GPU. Fourth, we propose a parallel algorithm for solving the levelset equation on fully unstructured 2D or 3D meshes or manifolds. This algorithm combines a narrowband scheme with domain decomposition for efficient levelset equation solving

    Efficient Multigrid Preconditioners for Atmospheric Flow Simulations at High Aspect Ratio

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    Many problems in fluid modelling require the efficient solution of highly anisotropic elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) in "flat" domains. For example, in numerical weather- and climate-prediction an elliptic PDE for the pressure correction has to be solved at every time step in a thin spherical shell representing the global atmosphere. This elliptic solve can be one of the computationally most demanding components in semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian time stepping methods which are very popular as they allow for larger model time steps and better overall performance. With increasing model resolution, algorithmically efficient and scalable algorithms are essential to run the code under tight operational time constraints. We discuss the theory and practical application of bespoke geometric multigrid preconditioners for equations of this type. The algorithms deal with the strong anisotropy in the vertical direction by using the tensor-product approach originally analysed by B\"{o}rm and Hiptmair [Numer. Algorithms, 26/3 (2001), pp. 219-234]. We extend the analysis to three dimensions under slightly weakened assumptions, and numerically demonstrate its efficiency for the solution of the elliptic PDE for the global pressure correction in atmospheric forecast models. For this we compare the performance of different multigrid preconditioners on a tensor-product grid with a semi-structured and quasi-uniform horizontal mesh and a one dimensional vertical grid. The code is implemented in the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE), which provides an easy-to-use and scalable environment for algorithms operating on tensor-product grids. Parallel scalability of our solvers on up to 20,480 cores is demonstrated on the HECToR supercomputer.Comment: 22 pages, 6 Figures, 2 Table

    KSPHPDDM and PCHPDDM: Extending PETSc with advanced Krylov methods and robust multilevel overlapping Schwarz preconditioners

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    [EN] Contemporary applications in computational science and engineering often require the solution of linear systems which may be of different sizes, shapes, and structures. The goal of this paper is to explain how two libraries, PETSc and HPDDM, have been interfaced in order to offer end-users robust overlapping Schwarz preconditioners and advanced Krylov methods featuring recycling and the ability to deal with multiple right-hand sides. The flexibility of the implementation is showcased and explained with minimalist, easy-to-run, and reproducible examples, to ease the integration of these algorithms into more advanced frameworks. The examples provided cover applications from eigenanalysis, elasticity, combustion, and electromagnetism.Jose E. Roman was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) under project SLEPc-DA (PID2019-107379RB-I00)Jolivet, P.; Roman, JE.; Zampini, S. (2021). KSPHPDDM and PCHPDDM: Extending PETSc with advanced Krylov methods and robust multilevel overlapping Schwarz preconditioners. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 84:277-295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2021.01.0032772958
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