10 research outputs found

    Solving the generalized multi-port container stowage planning problem by a matheuristic algorithm

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    We focus on a simplified container stowage planning problem where containers of different size and weight must be loaded and unloaded at multiple ports while maintaining the stability of the ship. We initially investigate how the difficulty in solving the problem changes with and without the consideration of container sizes and weight constraints. For this purpose, we provide integer programming formulations for the general problem as well as some special cases with identical container size and/or identical weights and evaluate their performance in randomly generated small- and medium-scale instances. We develop a matheuristic procedure, namely, an insert-and-fix heuristic, exploiting the special structure of the proposed formulations. The Insert-and-Fix method, in combination with a constructive algorithm that gives the solver an initial solution in each iteration, provides solutions with a low number of rehandles for instances with up to 5000 TEUs.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, FPU Grant A-2015-12849 and under the project “OPTEP-Port Terminal Operations Optimization” (No. RTI2018-094940-B-I00) financed with FEDER, Spain funds. The second author acknowledges the partial support by Data-driven logistics, Spain (FWO-S007318N) and Internal Funds KU Leuven, Spain

    Improving container terminal efficiency: New models and algorithms for Premarshalling and Stowage Problems

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    El desarrollo del contenedor ha revolucionado el comercio marítimo de mercancías, permitiendo la manipulación de carga de diversos tipos y dimensiones con un costo reducido y disminuyendo el costo de importación de muchos productos, En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 90\% de la carga no a granel en todo el mundo se transporta en buques portacontenedores, cuyas capacidades han llegado a sobrepasar los 20000 TEUs (\emph{Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit}, unidad de medida correspondiente a un contenedor normalizado de 20 pies). Las terminales de contenedores tienen que hacer frente al creciente volumen de carga transportada, al aumento del tamaño de las naves y a las alianzas de las navieras. En este contexto, deben competir por menos servicios de barcos cada vez más grandes. Para ello, deben aumentar su eficiencia, optimizando los recursos existentes. En esta tesis se estudian dos problemas de optimización combinatoria, el problema de premarshalling y el problema de la estiba, que surgen en el patio y en el muelle de las terminales de contenedores, antes y durante las operaciones de carga y descarga de los buques, y cuya resolución deriva en una disminución del tiempo de atraque y, por lo tanto, en un aumento de la eficiencia de las terminales. El problema de premarshalling prepara el patio de contenedores antes de la llegada del buque, usando las grúas de patio cuando la carga de trabajo es mínima, con el fin de evitar un mayor número de recolocaciones a la llegada del buque y así acelerar los tiempos de servicio. El objetivo clásico de este problema ha sido reducir al mínimo el número de movimientos necesarios para eliminar los contenedores que bloquean la retirada de otros dentro de una bahía. De este modo, el número de movimientos se ha tomado como un indicador del tiempo de grúa. No obstante, en esta tesis se prueba que considerando como objetivo el tiempo real que la grúa emplea en realizar los movimientos, se puede reducir hasta un 24\% el tiempo total empleado. Para la resolución de ambos problemas, el premarshalling con función objetivo clásica y el premarshalling con la nueva función objetivo, se han desarrollado diversos modelos matemáticos y algoritmos Branch and Bound con nuevas cotas superiores e inferiores, reglas de dominancia y algoritmos heurísticos integrados en el proceso de ramificación. Por lo que respecta al problema de la estiba, se ha estudiado el problema multi-puerto que busca obtener un plan de estiba del barco de modo que se reduzca al mínimo el número total de movimientos improductivos en las operaciones de carga y descarga a lo largo de la ruta en la que presta servicio. Comenzamos estudiando el problema simplificado, en el que no se consideran restricciones de tamaño ni de peso de los contenedores, y progresivamente se van introducido restricciones más realistas, desarrollando modelos matemáticos, heurísticas, metaheurísticas y mateheurísticas. Estos procedimientos son capaces de resolver instancias de gran tamaño correspondientes a los barcos de mayor capacidad que se encuentran actualmente en el sector.The development of containers has revolutionized maritime trade by making it possible to handle various types and sizes of cargo at a reduced cost, lowering the import cost of many products to such an extent that it is sometimes cheaper to transport goods to the other side of the world than to produce them locally. Nowadays, about 90 per cent of non-bulk cargo worldwide is carried on container ships with capacities exceeding 20,000 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units). Container terminals have to cope with the increase in the volumes of cargo transported, the ever-larger ships, and the consolidation of shipping companies. In this context, they have to compete for fewer calls of larger ships. Since they cannot simply increase the number of cranes indefinitely, they have to improve efficiency by optimizing the available resources. This thesis studies two combinatorial optimization problems, the premarshalling problem and the stowage problem. These problems arise in the yard and the seaside of container terminals, before and during the loading and unloading operations of the ships, and make it possible to reduce the berthing time and thus to increase container terminal efficiency. The premarshalling problem prepares the container yard before the arrival of the ship, using the yard cranes when the workload at the terminal is at a minimum to rearrange the yard in order to avoid container relocations when the vessel arrives and to speed up the service times. The classic objective of this problem is to minimize the number of movements required to remove containers blocking the retrieval of others within a bay. Thus, the number of movements has been used as an indicator of crane time. However, this thesis shows that considering the real time that the crane takes to perform the movements as the target, the total time spent by the crane can be cut down up to 24 per cent. To solve both problems, premarshalling with the classic objective function and premarshalling with the new objective function, this thesis develops several mathematical models and branch and bound algorithms with new upper and lower bounds, dominance rules and heuristic algorithms integrated in the branching process. With regard to the stowage problem, the multi-port problem is addressed, seeking to obtain a stowage plan for the ship so as to minimize the total number of unproductive moves in the loading/unloading operations along the trade route of the ship. We start with a simplified problem, in which no size and weight constraints are considered, and progressively introduce more realistic constraints, developing mathematical models, metaheuristics, and matheuristics. These procedures are able to solve very large instances, corresponding to the largest ships in service

    Optimization in liner shipping

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    Models and algorithms for berth allocation problems in port terminals

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    Seaports play a key role in maritime commerce and the global market economy. Goods of different kinds are carried in specialized vessels whose handling requires ad hoc port facilities. Port terminals comprise the quays, infrastructures, and services dedicated to handling the inbound and outbound cargo carried on vessels. Increasing seaborne trade and ever-greater competition between port terminals to attract more traffic have prompted new studies aimed at improving their quality of service while reducing costs. Most terminals implement operational planning to achieve more efficient usage of resources, and this poses new combinatorial optimization problems which have attracted increasing attention from the Operations Research community. One of the most important problems confronted at the quayside is the efficient allocation of quay space to the vessels calling at the terminal over time, also known as the Berth Allocation Problem. A closely related problem arising in terminals that specialize in container handling concerns the efficient assignment of quay cranes to vessels, which, together with quay space planning, leads to the Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Problem. These problems are known to be especially hard to solve, and therefore require designing methods capable of attaining good solutions in reasonable computation times. This thesis studies different variants of these problems considering well-known and new real-world aspects, such as terminals with multiple quays or irregular layouts. Mathematical programming and metaheuristics techniques are extensively used to devise tailored solution methods. In particular, new integer linear models and heuristic algorithms are developed to deal with problem instances of a broad range of sizes representing real situations. These methods are evaluated and compared with other state-of-the-art proposals through various computational experiments on different benchmark sets of instances. The results obtained show that the integer models proposed lead to optimal solutions on small instances in short computation times, while the heuristic algorithms obtain good solutions to both small and large instances. Therefore, this study proves to be an effective contribution to the efforts aimed at improving port efficiency and provides useful insights to better tackle similar combinatorial optimization problems

    Sistema de planeamiento de estiba para Business & Logistics S.A.C.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “SISTEMA DE PLANEAMIENTO DE ESTIBA PARA BUSINESS & LOGISTICS S.A.C”, abarca el análisis, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de planeamiento de estiba a partir del archivo denominado BAPLIE. El propósito de la investigación es determinar la influencia de un sistema de planeamiento de estiba dentro de la empresa BUSINESS & LOGITICS S.A.C, reduciendo tiempos y penalidades (costos), por el incumplimiento de tiempos y procesos de estiba. Para efectos de la investigación, el tipo de estudio empleado es experimental, aplicado y el diseño de estudio pre- experimental, con una muestra de 35 registros de naves, la herramienta usada fue una ficha de observación para realizar las mediciones correspondientes. Los resultados señalan que el tiempo muerto de la nave en muelle antes era de unos 9925,71 segundos y luego de la implementación fue en 4047,464 segundos, lo que significa una reducción de 45 % aproximadamente. El costo promedio por tiempo muerto de las naves en muelle antes era de 202 650 dólares, y ahora es de 114 275 dólares aproximadamente, lo que indica una reducción de 45%. Así, la investigación concluye afirmando que el sistema propuesto mejora el proceso de desarrollo del planeamiento de estiba, reduciendo costos y tiempos

    Optimización de flotas de portacontenedores para rutas multimodales en la costa atlántica europea

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxeñaría Naval e Industrial. 5015V01[Resumen] El objetivo general de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología para la optimización de una flota de buques portacontenedores de pequeño tamaño para el transporte multimodal, que combina tramo por carretera y tramo por mar, es decir, tráfico marítimo de corta distancia. Para dicha optimización se consideran una serie de factores como son los flujos de mercancía contenerizada entre regiones, las rutas más probables para esos flujos y las frecuencias requeridas para satisfacerlos, así como la interacción buque-puerto

    Considering stakeholders’ preferences for scheduling slots in capacity constrained airports

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    Airport slot scheduling has attracted the attention of researchers as a capacity management tool at congested airports. Recent research work has employed multi-objective approaches for scheduling slots at coordinated airports. However, the central question on how to select a commonly accepted airport schedule remains. The various participating stakeholders may have multiple and sometimes conflicting objectives stemming from their decision-making needs. This complex decision environment renders the identification of a commonly accepted solution rather difficult. In this presentation, we propose a multi-criteria decision-making technique that incorporates the priorities and preferences of the stakeholders in order to determine the best compromise solution