192 research outputs found

    Assessment of Open Source GIS Software for Water Resources Management in Developing Countries

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    The European Commission is developing, under the responsibility of the Joint Research Centre and in close collaboration with international and national partners, the Water Knowledge Management Platform. This platform will integrate a dynamic management of different support tools and guidelines for the water management sector in developing countries. The support tools will be based on open source desktop GIS technologies in order to provide the final users in developing countries with a sustainable technology from both financial and technological points of view. In this study, a comprehensive list of several hundred open sources GIS software packages are put together by an extensive search and then screened to obtain a list of 31 packages for further consideration. Various criteria were developed to exclude 17 packages and the remaining 14 went through a series of installation and performance tests; firstly, on a six years old PC (AMD Athlon¿XP 2800+, 2.13GHz, 512MB of RAM, under MS XP). Several packages were dropped due to the general suitabilities and functionalities. Four packages (QGIS, gvSIG, MapWindow and openJUMP) performed well in map rendering of large file sizes (up to 125Mb) and were further tested on a Pentium III computer. The QGIS package outperformed others in very poor computing conditions. The gvSIG and openJUMP packages performed reasonably well but their start-up times were long, while MapWindow struggled. QGIS, gvSIG and MapWindow were recommended for the EU Water Knowledge Management Platform (WKMP).JRC.H.3-Global environement monitorin

    Development Of A GIS-Based Watershed Modeling Tool

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    A GIS-based numerical tool makes watershed and water quality studies easier by bringing key data and analytical components under one GIS roof. Using the familiar Windows environment, analysts can efficiently access international and national environmental information, apply assessment and planning tools, and run a variety of proven, robust point and non-point loading and water quality models. With many of necessary components together in one system, the analysis time is significantly reduced, a greater variety of questions can be answered, and data and management needs can be more efficiently identified. Minimal data requirements and an ease of application are a motivation to develop a new simpler GIS-based watershed modeling tool, particularly for developing countries where there are a lack of temporal and spatial series of data. An objective of this study is to develop such GIS-based numerical tool for assessment of water balance and runoff pollutions caused by point and non-point sources in watershed systems. The core of the model is based on Generalized Watershed Loading Functions with a number of additions and enhancements of runoff, sediment and daily time step calculations. The model is programming in VB.NET, and designed to complement and interoperate with enterprise and full-featured MapWindow open source GIS. It has two components: a runoff component included water balance and nutrient load modules, and a routing component engaged with HEC-RAS model. All components are merging under GIS MapWindow functions as plug-ins. The model has been verified and validated for the Spring Creek watershed (Pennsylvania) and the Tri-An watershed (Vietnam). A comparison between the results obtained from the model and observations, as well as with results from a well-known AVGWLF shows very good agreements. This watershed modeling tool can be served as a multipurpose environmental analysis system in performing watershed- and water-quality-based studies

    IPH-Hydro Tools : uma ferramenta open source para determinação de informações topológicas em bacias hidrográficas integrada a um ambiente SIG

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    Watershed delineation, drainage network generation and determination of river hydraulic characteristics are important issues in hydrological sciences. In gene- ral, this information can be obtained from Digital Elevation Models (DEM) processing within GIS commercial softwares, such as ArcGIS and IDRISI. On the other hand, the use of open source GIS tools has increased significantly, and their advantages include free distribution, continuous development by user communities and full customization for specific requirements. Herein, we present the IPH-Hydro Tools, an open source tool coupled to MapWindow GIS software designed for watershed topology acquisition, including preprocessing steps in hydrological models such as MGB-IPH. In addition, several tests were carried out assessing the performance and applicability of the developed tool, given by a comparison with available GIS packages (ArcGIS, IDRISI, WhiteBox) for similar purposes. The IPH-Hydro Tools provided satisfactory results on tested applications, allowing for better drainage network and less processing time for catchment delineation. Regarding its limitations, the developed tool was incompatible with huge terrain data and showed some difficulties to represent drainage networks in extensive flat areas, which can occur in reservoirs and large riversA delimitação de bacias hidrográficas, geração da rede de drenagem e determinação de características hidráulicas de um rio de interesse são partes importantes de estudos na área de hidrologia. Atualmente muitas dessas informações são obtidas com o processamento de modelos digitais de elevação (MDEs) em sof- twares comerciais de SIG, como o ArcGIS e o IDRISI. Por outro lado, pacotes de SIG para uso livre, ou seja, gratuitos e de código aberto, têm aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos, e as vantagens desses pacotes incluem ampla distribuição e customização, desenvolvimento continuado pela comunidade de usuários e atendimento a necessidades específicas. Este trabalho apresenta o pacote livre (open-source) denominado IPH-Hydro Tools, um conjunto de ferramentas acoplado ao software livre MapWindow GIS criado para facilitar a aquisição de informações topológicas em bacias hidrográficas, bem como realização de etapas de pré-processamento em modelos hidrológicos a exemplo do MGB-IPH. Para avaliar a aplicabilidade e o desempenho da ferramenta desenvolvida foram realizados testes específicos, através da comparação dos resultados do IPH-Hydro Tools em relação a outros pacotes de SIG (ArcGIS, IDRISI, WhiteBox) disponíveis para esta finalidade. O IPH-Hydro Tools apresentou qualidade de rede de drenagem geralmente superior aos demais pacotes e menor tempo de processamento necessário para delimitação de bacias, apesar de algumas limitações como incompatibilidade em relação a matrizes muito grandes e dificuldade na representação da rede de drenagem em áreas extensas de mesma cota, a exemplo de reservatórios e rios muito largos

    Diseño y evaluación hidrológica del tramo del eje vial Guadalupe-Caballo Blanco del plan vial de la ciudad de Cartago a la altura de Dulce Nombre

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2009.This project examines and tries to give a solution to a specific case of flooding problems in Dulce Nombre, Cartago; to this end were the following objectives: Undertake a preliminary review of available information related to the taxation area. Assess, review and geo original geometric layout. Designing the definitive route Altitude. Perform geotechnical studies necessary while also calculates and quantifies the earthmoving. Assess and parameterize the tributary area associated with geographic information system. Estimating peak flows from storms related to sources of information available. Sizing and designing hydraulic works necessary. Designing the surface rolling road stretch covered. The methodology consisted of analysis of information, generation of tables from this, estimates of data, models and simulations results. The results were: a summary of information gathered, redesign of the layout geometry of the axis road between Cartago and south side of the road ITCR Paraíso-Cartago, characterization and physical parameters of the catchment flood flow generator, for obtaining hyetograph Cartago, design of hydraulic project transportation to the Toyogres river, estimation of earthmoving, design thickness of pavement structure and cost estimates for major work.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción; Municipalidad de Cartago, Programa PRUGAM

    Un modello di studio del paesaggio antico. Il caso dell'agro del municipio romano di Forum Iulii

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    2009/2010L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di realizzare un GIS che costituisca un modello da applicare per lo studio dei paesaggi centuriati, seguendo un percorso interamente in free/open source. E’ stato preso in esame l’agro del municipio romano di Forum Iulii (comuni analizzati: Cividale del Friuli, Corno di Rosazzo, Premariacco, Moimacco, Manzano, Buttrio e antichi comuni censuari di Povoletto e Togliano). L’elaborato finale è costituito da due livelli di lettura. Il primo prevede la visualizzazione dei dati ai fini della individuazione degli elementi di interesse archeologico (siti, maglie di centuriazione, viabilità). Per questo scopo lo sfondo cartografico è rappresentato dalle CTR e ortofoto recenti. Il secondo livello è finalizzato allo studio dei “pattern” insediativi e richiede degli sfondi cartografici che riproducano per quanto possibile la situazione paesaggistica antica. In questo caso la documentazione cartografica di base è costituita dalle mappe catastali del 1811 e 1843, utilizzate perché conservano ancora elementi della strutturazione del territorio di epoca romana oggi non più riscontrabili nella cartografia più recente (confini di proprietà, viabilità, toponomastica, usi del terreno, ecc.). Inoltre è stato realizzato un DTM mediante rasterizzazione e interpolazione delle CTR, avendo cura di eliminare le quote moderne. A queste basi cartografiche sono stati sovrapposti i layer dei siti archeologici, dei limites e rigores delle centuriazioni, della viabilità antica. Ogni elemento archeologico è stato corredato di una scheda esplicativa collegata mediante hyperlink al corrispondente report della tavola degli attributi, da immagini storiche e fotografie scattate nel corso delle prospezioni autoptiche che ne hanno verificato la posizione e la condizione attuale. I dati raccolti sono stati incrociati ed hanno permesso di chiarire alcuni elementi dell’organizzazione del territorio, che in bibliografia erano ancora rimasti sospesi. I programmi GIS utilizzati sono stati Map WindowGIS per la visualizzazione dei dati e la maggior parte delle elaborazioni ed analisi; gvSIG, ADBToolbox, QGIS per quelle operazioni non supportate da MapWindowGIS; RDF, CartLab per ulteriori operazioni sulla cartografia; OpenOffice per la redazione delle schede, poi salvate in .pdf; Access e Excel per i database dei siti e dei materiali archeologici.XXIII Ciclo196

    London in the Global Telecommunication Network of the Nineteenth Century

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    London is one of the best connected cities in the world – from a structural as well as from a functional perspective. The central finance and business districts of the metropolis feature both an extraordinarily well-developed information infrastructure and an unusually high concentration of information-dependent businesses. Outside these core districts, however, global connectivity drops massively. An informational divide rips through the global city. This paper builds on a comparatively recent understanding of ‘new electronic communications technologies as part of a long history of rich and often wayward social practices’ (Thrift) and seeks to provide a historical perspective on the emergence of global connectivity patterns. Due to its longstanding history as a global financial centre and its central position in the global and domestic telegraph network of the nineteenth century, London will provide a suitable case study to examine the long-term interplay of socioeconomic and structural patterns in the creation of global information networks


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    The need to provide data management capabilities in geotechnical projects, makes data visualization in a more understanding way vital, while improvements in computer science, have created an opportunity to rethink the manner in which such data is archived and presented. Geographic Information Systems are considered nowadays as principal methods for analysis, utilizing their ability of manipulating, compiling and processing spatial data, such as geotechnical one. In this paper, the development of Borehole Analysis System (BAS) a specific Graphical User Interface (GUI) application is proposed to access geotechnical data with the aim of a relational database and an open source GIS platform, embodied in the application. The BAS, is able to integrate multiple layers of gathered information and to derive additional knowledge by applying statistical and data mining algorithms with the use of spatial query tools. These can give reasonable conclusions and better representation in 2-D and 3-D environment. The presented application is illustrated with an example from field practice, testifying its ability to be a useful tool for management and presentation of geological and geotechnical borehole data

    Un caso de estudio en interoperabilidad entre sistemas de información geográfica

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    Los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) requieren interoperabilidad (capacidad para compartir datos y procesos) porque contienen grandes cantidades de información que se debe complementar para realizar procesos de análisis, predicción y estudios socioeconómicos, entre otros. Pese a existir estándares para el desarrollo de SIG, la interoperabilidad entre sistemas ya desarrollados es un problema, ya que la estructura de datos y procesos es propia de cada sistema y la gran cantidad de datos dificulta su migración a las estructuras estándar. Por ello, en este artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica se elabora un caso de estudio que permita comprender los elementos subyacentes a la interoperabilidad entre SIG