1,143 research outputs found

    Multiprocessor Image-Based Control: Model-Driven Optimisation

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    Over the last years, cameras have become an integral component of modern cyber-physical systems due to their versatility, relatively low cost and multi-functionality. Camera sensors form the backbone of modern applications like advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs), visual servoing, telerobotics, autonomous systems, electron microscopes, surveillance and augmented reality. Image-based control (IBC) systems refer to a class of data-intensive feedback control systems whose feedback is provided by the camera sensor(s). IBC systems have become popular with the advent of efficient image-processing algorithms, low-cost complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (CMOS) cameras with high resolution and embedded multiprocessor computing platforms with high performance. The combination of the camera sensor(s) and image-processing algorithms can detect a rich set of features in an image. These features help to compute the states of the IBC system, such as relative position, distance, or depth, and support tracking of the object-of-interest. Modern industrial compute platforms offer high performance by allowing parallel and pipelined execution of tasks on their multiprocessors.The challenge, however, is that the image-processing algorithms are compute-intensive and result in an inherent relatively long sensing delay. State-of-the-art design methods do not fully exploit the IBC system characteristics and advantages of the multiprocessor platforms for optimising the sensing delay. The sensing delay of an IBC system is moreover variable with a significant degree of variation between the best-case and worst-case delay due to application-specific image-processing workload variations and the impact of platform resources. A long variable sensing delay degrades system performance and stability. A tight predictable sensing delay is required to optimise the IBC system performance and to guarantee the stability of the IBC system. Analytical computation of sensing delay is often pessimistic due to image-dependent workload variations or challenging platform timing analysis. Therefore, this thesis explores techniques to cope with the long variable sensing delay by considering application-specific IBC system characteristics and exploiting the benefits of the multiprocessor platforms. Effectively handling the long variable sensing delay helps to optimise IBC system performance while guaranteeing IBC system stability

    Power, Performance, and Energy Management of Heterogeneous Architectures

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    abstract: Many core modern multiprocessor systems-on-chip offers tremendous power and performance optimization opportunities by tuning thousands of potential voltage, frequency and core configurations. Applications running on these architectures are becoming increasingly complex. As the basic building blocks, which make up the application, change during runtime, different configurations may become optimal with respect to power, performance or other metrics. Identifying the optimal configuration at runtime is a daunting task due to a large number of workloads and configurations. Therefore, there is a strong need to evaluate the metrics of interest as a function of the supported configurations. This thesis focuses on two different types of modern multiprocessor systems-on-chip (SoC): Mobile heterogeneous systems and tile based Intel Xeon Phi architecture. For mobile heterogeneous systems, this thesis presents a novel methodology that can accurately instrument different types of applications with specific performance monitoring calls. These calls provide a rich set of performance statistics at a basic block level while the application runs on the target platform. The target architecture used for this work (Odroid XU3) is capable of running at 4940 different frequency and core combinations. With the help of instrumented application vast amount of characterization data is collected that provides details about performance, power and CPU state at every instrumented basic block across 19 different types of applications. The vast amount of data collected has enabled two runtime schemes. The first work provides a methodology to find optimal configurations in heterogeneous architecture using classifiers and demonstrates an average increase of 93%, 81% and 6% in performance per watt compared to the interactive, ondemand and powersave governors, respectively. The second work using same data shows a novel imitation learning framework for dynamically controlling the type, number, and the frequencies of active cores to achieve an average of 109% PPW improvement compared to the default governors. This work also presents how to accurately profile tile based Intel Xeon Phi architecture while training different types of neural networks using open image dataset on deep learning framework. The data collected allows deep exploratory analysis. It also showcases how different hardware parameters affect performance of Xeon Phi.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Engineering 201

    Automated Debugging Methodology for FPGA-based Systems

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    Electronic devices make up a vital part of our lives. These are seen from mobiles, laptops, computers, home automation, etc. to name a few. The modern designs constitute billions of transistors. However, with this evolution, ensuring that the devices fulfill the designer’s expectation under variable conditions has also become a great challenge. This requires a lot of design time and effort. Whenever an error is encountered, the process is re-started. Hence, it is desired to minimize the number of spins required to achieve an error-free product, as each spin results in loss of time and effort. Software-based simulation systems present the main technique to ensure the verification of the design before fabrication. However, few design errors (bugs) are likely to escape the simulation process. Such bugs subsequently appear during the post-silicon phase. Finding such bugs is time-consuming due to inherent invisibility of the hardware. Instead of software simulation of the design in the pre-silicon phase, post-silicon techniques permit the designers to verify the functionality through the physical implementations of the design. The main benefit of the methodology is that the implemented design in the post-silicon phase runs many order-of-magnitude faster than its counterpart in pre-silicon. This allows the designers to validate their design more exhaustively. This thesis presents five main contributions to enable a fast and automated debugging solution for reconfigurable hardware. During the research work, we used an obstacle avoidance system for robotic vehicles as a use case to illustrate how to apply the proposed debugging solution in practical environments. The first contribution presents a debugging system capable of providing a lossless trace of debugging data which permits a cycle-accurate replay. This methodology ensures capturing permanent as well as intermittent errors in the implemented design. The contribution also describes a solution to enhance hardware observability. It is proposed to utilize processor-configurable concentration networks, employ debug data compression to transmit the data more efficiently, and partially reconfiguring the debugging system at run-time to save the time required for design re-compilation as well as preserve the timing closure. The second contribution presents a solution for communication-centric designs. Furthermore, solutions for designs with multi-clock domains are also discussed. The third contribution presents a priority-based signal selection methodology to identify the signals which can be more helpful during the debugging process. A connectivity generation tool is also presented which can map the identified signals to the debugging system. The fourth contribution presents an automated error detection solution which can help in capturing the permanent as well as intermittent errors without continuous monitoring of debugging data. The proposed solution works for designs even in the absence of golden reference. The fifth contribution proposes to use artificial intelligence for post-silicon debugging. We presented a novel idea of using a recurrent neural network for debugging when a golden reference is present for training the network. Furthermore, the idea was also extended to designs where golden reference is not present

    3D high definition video coding on a GPU-based heterogeneous system

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    H.264/MVC is a standard for supporting the sensation of 3D, based on coding from 2 (stereo) to N views. H.264/MVC adopts many coding options inherited from single view H.264/AVC, and thus its complexity is even higher, mainly because the number of processing views is higher. In this manuscript, we aim at an efficient parallelization of the most computationally intensive video encoding module for stereo sequences. In particular, inter prediction and its collaborative execution on a heterogeneous platform. The proposal is based on an efficient dynamic load balancing algorithm and on breaking encoding dependencies. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed algorithm's ability to reduce the encoding time for different stereo high definition sequences. Speed-up values of up to 90× were obtained when compared with the reference encoder on the same platform. Moreover, the proposed algorithm also provides a more energy-efficient approach and hence requires less energy than the sequential reference algorith

    Packet Compression in GPU Architectures

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    Graphical processing unit (GPU) can support multiple operations in parallel by executing it on multiple thread unit known as warp i.e. multiple threads running the same instruction. Each time miss happens at private cache of Streaming Multiprocessor (SM), the request is migrated over the network to shared L2 cache and then later down to Memory Controller (MC) for supplying memory block. The interconnect delay becomes a bottleneck due to a large number of requests from different SM and multiple replies from the MCs. The compression technique can be used to mitigate the performance bottleneck caused by a large volume of data. In this work, I apply various compression algorithms and propose a new compression scheme, Data Segment Matching (DSM). I apply approximation to the floating-point elements to improve compressibility and develop a prediction model to identify number of approximation bits. I focus on compression techniques to resolve this bottleneck. The evaluations using a cycle accurate simulator show that this scheme improves Instructions per Cycle (IPC) by 12% on an average across various benchmarks with compressibility 50% in integer type benchmarks and 35% in floating-point type benchmarks when the proposed scheme is applied to packet compression in the interconnection network

    Adapt or Become Extinct!:The Case for a Unified Framework for Deployment-Time Optimization

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    The High-Performance Computing ecosystem consists of a large variety of execution platforms that demonstrate a wide diversity in hardware characteristics such as CPU architecture, memory organization, interconnection network, accelerators, etc. This environment also presents a number of hard boundaries (walls) for applications which limit software development (parallel programming wall), performance (memory wall, communication wall) and viability (power wall). The only way to survive in such a demanding environment is by adaptation. In this paper we discuss how dynamic information collected during the execution of an application can be utilized to adapt the execution context and may lead to performance gains beyond those provided by static information and compile-time adaptation. We consider specialization based on dynamic information like user input, architectural characteristics such as the memory hierarchy organization, and the execution profile of the application as obtained from the execution platform\u27s performance monitoring units. One of the challenges of future execution platforms is to allow the seamless integration of these various kinds of information with information obtained from static analysis (either during ahead-of-time or just-in-time) compilation. We extend the notion of information-driven adaptation and outline the architecture of an infrastructure designed to enable information flow and adaptation through-out the life-cycle of an application

    Satellite on-board processing for earth resources data

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    Results of a survey of earth resources user applications and their data requirements, earth resources multispectral scanner sensor technology, and preprocessing algorithms for correcting the sensor outputs and for data bulk reduction are presented along with a candidate data format. Computational requirements required to implement the data analysis algorithms are included along with a review of computer architectures and organizations. Computer architectures capable of handling the algorithm computational requirements are suggested and the environmental effects of an on-board processor discussed. By relating performance parameters to the system requirements of each of the user requirements the feasibility of on-board processing is determined for each user. A tradeoff analysis is performed to determine the sensitivity of results to each of the system parameters. Significant results and conclusions are discussed, and recommendations are presented
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