10 research outputs found

    Use cases in software development: an investigation in its roles and values

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    This research work identifies the roles and values of USE CASES in software development, and analysed the concept of USE CASES critically in other to ascertain their usefulness in achieving a user’s requirement when applied to a system development methodology. We examined the major considerations for deploying advanced UML modelling by considering the best approach for a programmer to get to the source code by putting the right aspect of the UML to work at the right stage of a system life cycle in an object (OO) oriented analysis and design practice. research has found out that to achieve a successful object oriented programming design and implementation, an analyst should strive to drive an OO software design from USE CASE

    Designing precise and flexible graphical modelling languages for software development

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    Model-driven approaches to software development involve building computerized models of software and the environment in which it is intended to operate. This thesis offers a selection of the author’s work over the last three decades that addresses the design of precise and flexible graphical modelling languages for use in model-driven software development. The primary contributions of this work are: • Syntropy: the first published object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) method to fully integrate formal and graphical modelling techniques. • The creation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) and its integration into the Unified Modeling Language (UML) specification. • The identification of requirements and mechanisms for increasing the flexibility of the UML specification. • The design and implementation of tools for implementing graphical Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). The starting point was the author’s experience with formal specification techniques contrasted with the lack of precision of published object-oriented analysis and design methods. This led to a desire to fully integrate these two topics – formal specification and object-orientation - into a coherent discipline. The Syntropy approach, created in 1994 by this author and John Daniels, was the first published complete attempt to do this. Much of the author’s subsequent published work concerns the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML represented a welcome unification of earlier OOAD approaches, but suffered badly from inflexibility and lack of precision. A significant part of the work included in this thesis addresses the drawbacks of the UML and proposes improvements to the precision of its definition, including through the invention of Object Constraint Language (OCL) and its incorporation into the UML specification, and the consideration of UML as source material for the definition of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). Several of the author’s published works in this thesis concern mechanisms for the creation of DSLs, both within a UML framework and separately

    Statistical Techniques Complement UML When Developing Domain Models of Complex Dynamical Biosystems

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    Computational modelling and simulation is increasingly being used to complement traditional wet-lab techniques when investigating the mechanistic behaviours of complex biological systems. In order to ensure computational models are fit for purpose, it is essential that the abstracted view of biology captured in the computational model, is clearly and unambiguously defined within a conceptual model of the biological domain (a domain model), that acts to accurately represent the biological system and to document the functional requirements for the resultant computational model. We present a domain model of the IL-1 stimulated NF-κB signalling pathway, which unambiguously defines the spatial, temporal and stochastic requirements for our future computational model. Through the development of this model, we observe that, in isolation, UML is not sufficient for the purpose of creating a domain model, and that a number of descriptive and multivariate statistical techniques provide complementary perspectives, in particular when modelling the heterogeneity of dynamics at the single-cell level. We believe this approach of using UML to define the structure and interactions within a complex system, along with statistics to define the stochastic and dynamic nature of complex systems, is crucial for ensuring that conceptual models of complex dynamical biosystems, which are developed using UML, are fit for purpose, and unambiguously define the functional requirements for the resultant computational model

    A Framework for Executable Systems Modeling

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    Systems Modeling Language (SysML), like its parent language, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), consists of a number of independently derived model languages (i.e. state charts, activity models etc.) which have been co-opted into a single modeling framework. This, together with the lack of an overarching meta-model that supports uniform semantics across the various diagram types, has resulted in a large unwieldy and informal language schema. Additionally, SysML does not offer a built in framework for managing time and the scheduling of time based events in a simulation. In response to these challenges, a number of auxiliary standards have been offered by the Object Management Group (OMG); most pertinent here are the foundational UML subset (fUML), Action language for fUML (Alf), and the UML profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded Systems (MARTE). However, there remains a lack of a similar treatment of SysML tailored towards precise and formal modeling in the systems engineering domain. This work addresses this gap by offering refined semantics for SysML akin to fUML and MARTE standards, aimed at primarily supporting the development of time based simulation models typically applied for model verification and validation in systems engineering. The result of this work offers an Executable Systems Modeling Language (ESysML) and a prototype modeling tool that serves as an implementation test bed for the ESysML language. Additionally a model development process is offered to guide user appropriation of the provided framework for model building

    Model-Based Analysis of Role-Based Access Control

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been extensively studied. Many directions have been explored, sometimes with the dream of providing a fully integrated approach for designers, developers and other stakeholders to create, reason about and modify models representing software systems. Most, but not all, of the research in MDE has focused on general-purpose languages and models, such as Java and UML. Domain-specific and cross-cutting concerns, such as security, are increasingly essential parts of a software system, but are only treated as second-class citizens in the most popular modelling languages. Efforts have been made to give security, and in particular access control, a more prominent place in MDE, but most of these approaches require advanced knowledge in security, programming (often declarative), or both, making them difficult to use by less technically trained stakeholders. In this thesis, we propose an approach to modelling, analysing and automatically fixing role-based access control (RBAC) that does not require users to write code or queries themselves. To this end, we use two UML profiles and associated OCL constraints that provide the modelling and analysis features. We propose a taxonomy of OCL constraints and use it to define a partial order between categories of constraints, that we use to propose strategies to speed up the models’ evaluation time. Finally, by representing OCL constraints as constraints on a graph, we propose an automated approach for generating lists of model changes that can be applied to an incorrect model in order to fix it. All these features have been fully integrated into a UML modelling IDE, IBM Rational Software Architect

    Model-Based Analysis of Role-Based Access Control

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been extensively studied. Many directions have been explored, sometimes with the dream of providing a fully integrated approach for designers, developers and other stakeholders to create, reason about and modify models representing software systems. Most, but not all, of the research in MDE has focused on general-purpose languages and models, such as Java and UML. Domain-specific and cross-cutting concerns, such as security, are increasingly essential parts of a software system, but are only treated as second-class citizens in the most popular modelling languages. Efforts have been made to give security, and in particular access control, a more prominent place in MDE, but most of these approaches require advanced knowledge in security, programming (often declarative), or both, making them difficult to use by less technically trained stakeholders. In this thesis, we propose an approach to modelling, analysing and automatically fixing role-based access control (RBAC) that does not require users to write code or queries themselves. To this end, we use two UML profiles and associated OCL constraints that provide the modelling and analysis features. We propose a taxonomy of OCL constraints and use it to define a partial order between categories of constraints, that we use to propose strategies to speed up the models’ evaluation time. Finally, by representing OCL constraints as constraints on a graph, we propose an automated approach for generating lists of model changes that can be applied to an incorrect model in order to fix it. All these features have been fully integrated into a UML modelling IDE, IBM Rational Software Architect

    Modelação de um sistema de rastreamento para a melhoria da qualidade de componentes eletrónicos na indústria automóvel

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    A indústria automóvel é uma das indústrias mais competitivas do mercado pois é caracterizada por uma grande procura e elevadas margens de lucro. A vantagem competitiva torna-se uma das principais preocupações neste ramo e a tecnologia é um dos maiores aliados para elevar a qualidade dos produtos entregues ao cliente final, reduzir os custos e aumentar a margem de lucro. O recall dos produtos é o ponto mais frágil das indústrias automóveis pois podem ter consequências em termos legais, o degradamento da imagem da empresa, bem como, grandes perdas a nível financeiro. Um bom sistema de rastreabilidade permite que o risco de recall diminua, ou pelo menos amenize os seus impactos, permitindo a visualização dos seus produtos em toda a sua linha de produção até ser entregue ao seu cliente final. A tecnologia emergente Auto-ID, de onde se destacam a identificação por RFID, 2D ou até mesmo o convencional 1D, permite registar e gerir, por meio desses dispositivos, toda a informação que é inserida num sistema informático sem qualquer intervenção humana. De forma a garantir o compromisso com a qualidade para com o cliente final, é proposta a modelação de um sistema de informação de suporte à rastreabilidade, através da integração de ferramentas de modelação de Sistemas de Informação (SI) com a Análise Modal de Falhas e Efeitos (AFME). Para testar a proposta, foi realizado um caso de estudo na Delphi onde se examinou o sistema de rastreabilidade de 8 400 bobinas de ignição produzidas diariamente. Sabendo a priori que o sistema de rastreio não era eficiente, foi sugerido uma proposta de melhoria. Esta proposta provou que a integração de tecnologias Auto-ID, em substituição ao rastreio manual simplificava o processo de rastreio e de produção na linha, garantindo a qualidade dos produtos entregues ao cliente final

    Feature-based Approach to Bridge the Information Technology and Business Gap

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    The gap between business goals (problem domain), such as cost reduction, new business processes, increasing competitive advantage, etc., and the supporting Information Technology infrastructure (solution domain), such as the ability to implement software solutions to achieve these goals, is complex and challenging to bridge. This gap emerges for many reasons; for instance, inefficient communication, domain terminology misunderstanding or external factors, e.g. business change. As most business and software products can be described by a set of features, a promising solution would be to link both the problem and solution domains based on these features. Thus, the proposed approach aims to bridge the gap between the problem and the solution domains by using a feature-based technique in order to provide a quick and efficient means for understanding the relationships between IT solutions and business goals. The novelty of the proposed framework emanates from the three characteristics of the business-IT gap: the problem domain, the solution domain and the matching process. Besides the proposed feature-based IT-business framework, other contributions are proposed: a feature extracting method and feature matching algorithms. The proposed approach is achieved in three phases. The first phase is to decompose business needs and transform them into a feature model (presented in UML diagrams); this is represented as a top-to-middle process. The second phase is a reverse engineering process. A system program code is sliced into modules and transformed into feature-based models (again, in UML diagrams); these are represented as a bottom-to-middle process. The third phase is a model-driven engineering process. It uses model comparison techniques to match the UML feature models of the top-to-middle and bottom-to-middle phases. The presented approach in this research shows that features elicited from the business goals can be matched to features extracted from in the IT side. This proposed approach is feasible and able to provide a quick and efficient means for improving feature-based business IT matching. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate that the feature-oriented view of features from the users' perspective can be matched to the feature-oriented view of features in the IT side. This matching can serve to remove any ambiguities that may cause difficulties in the cases of system maintenance or system evolution, in particular when there are changes in requirements, which is to be expected when there is any business change

    An Agent-Based Model of the IL-1 Stimulated Nuclear Factor-kappa B Signalling Pathway

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    The transcription factor NF-κB is a biological component that is central to the regulation of genes involved in the innate immune system. Dysregulation of the pathway is known to be involved in a large number of inflammatory diseases. Although considerable research has been performed since its discovery in 1986, we are still not in a position to control the signalling pathway, and thus limit the effects of NF-κB within promotion of inflammatory diseases. We believe that computational modelling and simulation of the NF-κB signalling pathway will complement wet-lab experimental approaches, and will facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of this example of a complex biological system. In this study, we have developed an agent-based model of the IL-1 stimulated NF-κB signalling pathway, which has been calibrated to wet- lab data at the single-cell level. Through rigorous software engineering, which followed a principled approach to design and development by adherence to the CoSMoS process, we believe our model provides an abstracted view of the underlying real-world system, and can be used in a predictive capacity through in silico experimentation. A novel approach to domain modelling has been presented, which uses linear and multivariate statistical techniques to complement the Unified Modelling Language. Furthermore, in silico experimentation with the newly developed agent-based model, has confirmed the robust yet fragile nature of the signalling pathway. We have discovered that the pathway is robust to perturbations of cell membrane receptor component number, intermediate component number, and the temporal lag between cell membrane receptor activation and subsequent activation of IKK. Conversely however, in silico experimentation predicts that the pathway is sensitive to changes in the ratio of free IκBα to NF-κB, and fragile to basal dissociation of NF-κB-IκBα outside of a narrow range of probabilities