28,709 research outputs found

    Knowledge management and Semantic Technology in the Health Care Revolution: Health 3.0 Model

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    Currently, the exploration, improvement, and application of knowledge management and semantic technologies to health care are in a revolution from Health 2.0 to Health 3.0. However, what accurately are knowledge management and semantic technologies and how can they improve a healthcare system? The study aims to review what constitute a Health 3.0 system, and identify key factors in the health care system. First, the study analyzes semantic web, definition of Health 2.0 and Health 3.0, new models for linked data: (1) semantic web and linked data graphs (2) semantic web and healthcare information challenges, OWL and linked knowledge, from linked data to linked knowledge, consistent knowledge representation, and Health 3.0 system. Secondly, the research analyzes two case studies of Health 3.0, and summarizes six key factors that constitute a Health 3.0 system. Finally, the study recommends the application of knowledge management and semantic technologies to Health 3.0 health care model requires the cooperation among emergency care, insurance companies, hospitals, pharmacies, government, specialists, academic researchers, and customer (patients)

    Technical evaluation of the mEducator 3.0 linked data-based environment for sharing medical educational resources

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    mEducator 3.0 is a content sharing approach for medical education, based on Linked Data principles. Through standardization, it enables sharing and discovery of medical information. Overall the mEducator project seeks to address the following two different approaches, mEducator 2.0, based on web 2.0 and ad-hoc Application Programmers Interfaces (APIs), and mEducator 3.0, which builds upon a collection of Semantic Web Services that federate existing sources of medical and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) data. The semantic mEducator 3.0 approach It has a number of different instantiations, allowing flexibility and choice. At present these comprise of a standalone social web-based instantiation (MetaMorphosis+) and instantiations integrated with Drupal, Moodle and OpenLabyrinth systems. This paper presents the evaluation results of the mEducator 3.0 Linked Data based environment for sharing medical educational resources and focuses on metadata enrichment, conformance to the requirements and technical performance (of the MetaMorphosis+ and Drupal instantiations)

    Semantic Web: Metadata, Linked Data, Open Data

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    What's the Semantic Web? What's the use? The inventor of the Web Tim Berners-Lee describes it as a research methodology able to take advantage of the network to its maximum capacity. This metadata system represents the innovative element through web 2.0 to web 3.0. In this context will try to understand what are the theoretical and informatic requirements of the Semantic Web. Finally will explain Linked Data applications to develop new tools for active citizenship

    Semantic Web Technologies

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    This study attempts to highlight the great importance of developing Semantic Web as one of the best discovery of better data management and presentation within the WWW. Since the W3C\u27s was discovered, initially providing classic web content as web 1.0 that had link / hyperlink of document`s location, then web 2.0 as web-applications have more advanced technologies to connect data, and finally semantic web as extension of web 3.0 also known as Linked Data. The results show that in addition to the rapid development of the Semantic Web, the demand to use its features by data publishers and data readers is rapidly expanding due to the time saving to publish multiple times the same data on other web pages. Moreover, we will present the features of the Semantic Web, its technologies, development history, advantages and weaknesses, the potential benefits, and so on, including standards, frameworks, and programming languages that are being used in its development like: RDF (Resource Description Framework), XML etc

    Territorial intelligence : The contribution Web 3.0 technologies in practice the territorial intelligence

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    The term "Territorial intelligence 3.0" refers to the usage of the web 3.0 technologies, such as the mobile web, web applications and the semantic web, in the process of Territorial intelligence. The territorial intelligence represents an offensive and a defensive attitude with all implications in terms of the information generated on global markets. The concept, the origin and the foundation of the above-mentioned term emerging in two distinct communities, one brings together practitioners of territorial intelligence developed around the institutional field, it is the case of top-down territorial intelligence. And the other community, brings together theorists searches in the multidisciplinary academic field, it comes from research on the economy, geopolitics, knowledge management and the discipline of information and communication technology sciences, this is the case of bottom-up territorial intelligence. The Web 3.0 technologies, combine, on the one hand, web 2.0 technologies; the community Web (social networks: Linked in, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and the collaborative Web (Wikipedia and Weblogs) (Quoniam & Lucien, 2009), and, on the other hand, smartphones, the internet of objects (Internet of Things), cloud computing technology and big data. “Web 3.0 is the combination of smart phones, social networks, Web 2.0, cloud computing and emerging business models as explained above” (Russell et al., 2016), web 3.0 practitioners consider that much of the world's information being correlated and frankly opening up to the general population, combine between these two concepts: Generating the management strategic territorial information founded on Web 3.0 and working in favor of the territory. There are generally two types of territorial intelligence 3.0. The first one is the top-Down Territorial Intelligence 3.0, it’s the evolution of the national policy of competitive Intelligence 3.0 at the local level, but the term “competitive Intelligence 3.0” has been subjected to the same web evolution. And the second one is the bottom up territorial intelligence 3.0, it is manifested by the contribution of the actors of the territory in the process of local development through the technology of web 3.0. The goal of our research is to propose a conceptual model base on a theoretical in the context of territorial intelligence in a digital sphere by web 3.0 technology. This model studied the process the contribute Web 3.0 technology to the practice of territorial intelligence and to meet them in.The term "Territorial intelligence 3.0" refers to the usage of the web 3.0 technologies, such as the mobile web, web applications and the semantic web, in the process of Territorial intelligence. The territorial intelligence represents an offensive and a defensive attitude with all implications in terms of the information generated on global markets. The concept, the origin and the foundation of the above-mentioned term emerging in two distinct communities, one brings together practitioners of territorial intelligence developed around the institutional field, it is the case of top-down territorial intelligence. And the other community, brings together theorists searches in the multidisciplinary academic field, it comes from research on the economy, geopolitics, knowledge management and the discipline of information and communication technology sciences, this is the case of bottom-up territorial intelligence. The Web 3.0 technologies, combine, on the one hand, web 2.0 technologies; the community Web (social networks: Linked in, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and the collaborative Web (Wikipedia and Weblogs) (Quoniam & Lucien, 2009), and, on the other hand, smartphones, the internet of objects (Internet of Things), cloud computing technology and big data. “Web 3.0 is the combination of smart phones, social networks, Web 2.0, cloud computing and emerging business models as explained above” (Russell et al., 2016), web 3.0 practitioners consider that much of the world's information being correlated and frankly opening up to the general population, combine between these two concepts: Generating the management strategic territorial information founded on Web 3.0 and working in favor of the territory. There are generally two types of territorial intelligence 3.0. The first one is the top-Down Territorial Intelligence 3.0, it’s the evolution of the national policy of competitive Intelligence 3.0 at the local level, but the term “competitive Intelligence 3.0” has been subjected to the same web evolution. And the second one is the bottom up territorial intelligence 3.0, it is manifested by the contribution of the actors of the territory in the process of local development through the technology of web 3.0. The goal of our research is to propose a conceptual model base on a theoretical in the context of territorial intelligence in a digital sphere by web 3.0 technology. This model studied the process the contribute Web 3.0 technology to the practice of territorial intelligence and to meet them in

    Little Steps Towards Big Goals. Using Linked Data to Develop Next Generation Spatial Data Infrastructures (aka SDI 3.0)

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.Society is moving at an increasing pace toward the next stage of the information society through linked data. Among the relevant developments in geographic information science, linked data approaches offer potential for improving SDI functionality [12]. Linked data uses Semantic Web technologies and makes it possible to link at a very granular level data resources of the web for a multitude of purposes. While the technological implementation in many ways is still in a phase of adolescence, vast amounts of data, including geographic information (GI) have been prepared, for example by the UK Ordinance Survey [8] and other governmental and non-governmental bodies. The overwhelming focus has been on producing RDF formatted data for linked data applications--the foundation for applications. In this short paper, we provide an overview of potentials of linked open data for SDI 3.0 developments. Through two exemplary use cases we illustrate specifically some first steps towards a more web-oriented and distributed approach to creating SDI architectures. The cases demonstrate applications based on the LOD4WFS Adapter, which opens the way for multi-perspective GI applications, created on-demand from multiple GI data resources. These applications automate geometry-based selections of data using spatial queries with the use of RCC8 and OGC Simple Features topological functions. Future work in this area includes adding semantic operators to refine GI processing with multiple ontologies


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    Web 3.0 is still a theoretical concept and as such it is a subject of different interpretations and assumptions. Although there are different views on the concept of Web 3.0, it is obvious that this concept involves the use of intelligent technology that will enable digital devices to understand the context in which they produce, disseminate, and perceive information. The existing web technology is still not able to do it, but Web 3.0 or semantic web, is based on an idea of data structure with more effective discovery, automatisation and integration of data in different applications. Web 3.0 also presents a new paradigm for PR with two close related concepts – Linked Data and Internet of Things. The most important implications of such a paradigm are possibilities that information themselves find their way to users, and that public relations become relations not only to people but also relations to things. In such an environment, PR is going to be even more significant because PR messages will be more focused on specific users, and as such PR will be more involved in all business decisions.Web 3.0 je još uvijek teoretski koncept i kao takav predmet je različitih tumačenja i pretpostavki. Iako postoje različiti stavovi o tome što predstavlja Web 3.0, očito je kako podrazumijeva uporabu inteligentnije tehnologije, što će računalnim spravama omogućiti razumijevanje konteksta u kojima se stvara, distribuira i percipira informacija. Današnja internetska tehnologija to nije u stanju, a Web 3.0 ili semantički web, utemeljen je na ideji definiranja strukture podataka s učinkovitijim otkrivanjem, automatizacijom i povezivanjem tih podataka u različitim aplikacijama. Web 3.0 predstavlja i novu paradigmu u području PR-a s dva bliska koncepta – Linked Data i Internet of Things. Dvije najvažnije posljedice ove paradigme su omogućiti informacijama da pronalaze ljude te da odnosi s javnošću postanu i odnosi sa stvarima. U tome svijetu PR će postati još važniji jer će PR poruke više biti usmjerene na specifične korisnike, a PR će imati veoma bitnu ulogu u stvaranju svake poslovne odluke

    From Linked Data to Relevant Data -- Time is the Essence

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    The Semantic Web initiative puts emphasis not primarily on putting data on the Web, but rather on creating links in a way that both humans and machines can explore the Web of data. When such users access the Web, they leave a trail as Web servers maintain a history of requests. Web usage mining approaches have been studied since the beginning of the Web given the log's huge potential for purposes such as resource annotation, personalization, forecasting etc. However, the impact of any such efforts has not really gone beyond generating statistics detailing who, when, and how Web pages maintained by a Web server were visited.Comment: 1st International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD2011) in the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2011), Hyderabad, India, March 28th, 201

    Challenges and potential of the Semantic Web for tourism

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    The paper explores tourism challenges and potential of the Semantic Web from a theoretical and industry perspective. It first examines tourism business networks and explores a main theme of network interoperability - data standards- followed by technology deficiencies of Web 1.0 and 2.0 and Semantic Web solutions. It then explicates Semantic opportunities and challenges for tourism, including an industry perspective through a qualitative approach. Industry leaders considered that the new Web era was imminent and heralded benefits for supply and demand side interoperability, although management and technical challenges could impede progress and delay realisation