541 research outputs found

    Past, present and future of path-planning algorithms for mobile robot navigation in dynamic environments

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    Mobile robots have been making a significant contribution to the advancement of many sectors including automation of mining, space, surveillance, military, health, agriculture and many more. Safe and efficient navigation is a fundamental requirement of mobile robots, thus, the demand for advanced algorithms rapidly increased. Mobile robot navigation encompasses the following four requirements: perception, localization, path-planning and motion control. Among those, path-planning is a vital part of a fast, secure operation. During the last couple of decades, many path-planning algorithms were developed. Despite most of the mobile robot applications being in dynamic environments, the number of algorithms capable of navigating robots in dynamic environments is limited. This paper presents a qualitative comparative study of the up-to-date mobile robot path-planning methods capable of navigating robots in dynamic environments. The paper discusses both classical and heuristic methods including artificial potential field, genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic, neural networks, artificial bee colony, particle swarm optimization, bacterial foraging optimization, ant-colony and Agoraphilic algorithm. The general advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed. Furthermore, the commonly used state-of-the-art methods are critically analyzed based on six performance criteria: algorithm's ability to navigate in dynamically cluttered areas, moving goal hunting ability, object tracking ability, object path prediction ability, incorporating the obstacle velocity in the decision, validation by simulation and experimentation. This investigation benefits researchers in choosing suitable path-planning methods for different applications as well as identifying gaps in this field. © 2020 IEEE

    Agoraphilic navigation algorithm in dynamic environment

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    This thesis presents a novel Agoraphilic (free space attraction [FSA])-based navigation algorithm. This new algorithm is capable of undertaking local path planning for robot navigation in static and dynamic environments with the presence of a moving goal. The proposed algorithm eliminates the common weaknesses of the existing navigation approaches when operating in unknown dynamic environments while using the modified Agoraphilic concept. The Agoraphilic Navigation Algorithm in Dynamic Environment (ANADE) presented in this thesis does not look for obstacles (problems) to avoid; rather, it looks for free space (solutions) to follow. Therefore, this algorithm is also a human-like optimistic navigation algorithm. The proposed algorithm creates a set of Free Space Forces (FSFs) based on the current and future growing free space around the robot. These Free Space Forces are focused towards the current and future locations of a moving goal and finally generate a single attractive force. This attractive force pulls the robot through current free space towards the future growing free space leading to the goal. The new free space concept allows the ANADE to overcome many common problems of navigation algorithms. Several versions of the ANADE have been developed throughout this research to overcome the main limitation of the original Agoraphilic algorithm and address the common weaknesses of the existing navigation approaches. The ANADE I uses an object tracking method to identify the states (locations) of moving objects accurately. The ANADE II uses a dynamic obstacle prediction methodology to identify the robot’s future environments. In the ANADE III, a novel controller based on fuzzy logic was developed and combined with the new FSA concept to provide optimal navigational solutions at a low computational cost. In the ANADE III, the effectiveness of the ANADE II was further improved by incorporating the velocity vectors of the moving objects into decision-making. In the ANADE IV, a self-tuning system was successfully applied to the ANADE III to take advantage of the performances of free space attraction-based navigation algorithms. The proposed final version of the algorithm (ANADE V) comprises nine main modules. These modules are repeatedly used to create the robot’s driving force, which pulls the robot towards the goal (moving or static). An obstacle tracking module is used to identify the time-varying free spaces by tracking the moving objects. Further, a tracking system is also used to track the moving goal. The capacity of the ANADE was strengthened further by obstacle and goal path prediction modules. Future location prediction allowed the algorithm to make decisions by considering future environments around the robot. This is further supported by a self-tuning, machine learning–based controller designed to efficiently account for the inherent high uncertainties in the robot’s operational environment at a reduced computational cost. Experimental and simulation-based tests were conducted under dynamic environments to validate the algorithm. Further, the ANADE was benchmarked against other recently developed navigation algorithms. Those tests were focused on the behaviour of the algorithm under challenging environments with moving and static obstacles and goals. Further, the test results demonstrate that the ANADE is successful in navigating robots under unknown, dynamically cluttered environments.Doctor of Philosoph

    Path Planning for Shepherding a Swarm in a Cluttered Environment using Differential Evolution

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    Shepherding involves herding a swarm of agents (\emph{sheep}) by another a control agent (\emph{sheepdog}) towards a goal. Multiple approaches have been documented in the literature to model this behaviour. In this paper, we present a modification to a well-known shepherding approach, and show, via simulation, that this modification improves shepherding efficacy. We then argue that given complexity arising from obstacles laden environments, path planning approaches could further enhance this model. To validate this hypothesis, we present a 2-stage evolutionary-based path planning algorithm for shepherding a swarm of agents in 2D environments. In the first stage, the algorithm attempts to find the best path for the sheepdog to move from its initial location to a strategic driving location behind the sheep. In the second stage, it calculates and optimises a path for the sheep. It does so by using \emph{way points} on that path as the sequential sub-goals for the sheepdog to aim towards. The proposed algorithm is evaluated in obstacle laden environments via simulation with further improvements achieved

    Adaptive tactical behaviour planner for autonomous ground vehicle

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    Success of autonomous vehicle to effectively replace a human driver depends on its ability to plan safe, efficient and usable paths in dynamically evolving traffic scenarios. This challenge gets more difficult when the autonomous vehicle has to drive through scenarios such as intersections that demand interactive behavior for successful navigation. The many autonomous vehicle demonstrations over the last few decades have highlighted the limitations in the current state of the art in path planning solutions. They have been found to result in inefficient and sometime unsafe behaviours when tackling interactively demanding scenarios. In this paper we review the current state of the art of path planning solutions, the individual planners and the associated methods for each planner. We then establish a gap in the path planning solutions by reviewing the methods against the objectives for successful path planning. A new adaptive tactical behaviour planner framework is then proposed to fill this gap. The behaviour planning framework is motivated by how expert human drivers plan their behaviours in interactive scenarios. Individual modules of the behaviour planner is then described with the description how it fits in the overall framework. Finally we discuss how this planner is expected to generate safe and efficient behaviors in complex dynamic traffic scenarios by considering a case of an un-signalised roundabout

    A survey of swarm intelligence for dynamic optimization: algorithms and applications

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    Swarm intelligence (SI) algorithms, including ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, bee-inspired algorithms, bacterial foraging optimization, firefly algorithms, fish swarm optimization and many more, have been proven to be good methods to address difficult optimization problems under stationary environments. Most SI algorithms have been developed to address stationary optimization problems and hence, they can converge on the (near-) optimum solution efficiently. However, many real-world problems have a dynamic environment that changes over time. For such dynamic optimization problems (DOPs), it is difficult for a conventional SI algorithm to track the changing optimum once the algorithm has converged on a solution. In the last two decades, there has been a growing interest of addressing DOPs using SI algorithms due to their adaptation capabilities. This paper presents a broad review on SI dynamic optimization (SIDO) focused on several classes of problems, such as discrete, continuous, constrained, multi-objective and classification problems, and real-world applications. In addition, this paper focuses on the enhancement strategies integrated in SI algorithms to address dynamic changes, the performance measurements and benchmark generators used in SIDO. Finally, some considerations about future directions in the subject are given

    A review: On using ACO based hybrid algorithms for path planning of Multi-Mobile Robotics

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    The path planning for Multi Mobile Robotic (MMR) system is a recent combinatorial optimisation problem. In the last decade, many researches have been published to solve this problem. Most of these researches focused on metaheuristic algorithms. This paper reviews articles on Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) and its hybrid versions to solve the problem. The original Dorigo’s ACO algorithm uses exploration and exploitation phases to find the shortest route in a combinatorial optimisation problem in general without touching mapping, localisation and perception. Due to the properties of MMR, adaptations have been made to ACO algorithms. In this review paper, a literature survey of the recent studies on upgrading, modifications and applications of the ACO algorithms has been discussed to evaluate the application of the different versions of ACO in the MMR domain. The evaluation considered the quality, speed of convergence, robustness, scalability, flexibility of MMR and obstacle avoidance, static and dynamic environment characteristics of the tasks

    Hybrid Route Optimisation for Maximum Air to Ground Channel Quality

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    [EN] The urban air mobility market is expected to grow constantly due to the increased interest in new forms of transportation. Managing aerial vehicles fleets, dependent on rising technologies such as artificial intelligence and automated ground control stations, will require a solid and uninterrupted connection to complete their trajectories. A path planner based on evolutionary algorithms to find the most suitable route has been previously proposed by the authors. Herein, we propose using particle swarm and hybrid optimisation algorithms instead of evolutionary algorithms in this work. The goal of speeding the route planning process and reducing computational costs is achieved using particle swarm and direct search algorithms. This improved path planner efficiently explores the search space and proposes a trajectory according to its predetermined goals: maximum air-to-ground quality, availability, and flight time. The proposal is tested in different situations, including diverse terrain conditions for various channel behaviours and no-fly zones.This study was funded by Airbus Defence and Space gmbh. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia will cover publication costs.Expósito-García, A.; Esteban González, H.; Schupke, D. (2022). Hybrid Route Optimisation for Maximum Air to Ground Channel Quality. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 105(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-022-01590-81161052Analytical Graphics, Inc. www.stk.com. Accessed: 2021-02-23DCSR algorithm implementation by Matlab. https://cutt.ly/HY45SP8. Accessed: 2021-12-18Genetic algorithm implementation by Matlab. https://cutt.ly/OY47O56. Accessed: 2021-12-18Google Maps, Aerial view of the Alicante area. https://cutt.ly/DjnLvqA. Accessed: 2021-02-23Google Maps, Aerial view of the Alps area. https://cutt.ly/KjnLWuw. Accessed: 2021-02-23Google Maps, Aerial view of the Munich area. https://cutt.ly/1jnLnyu. Accessed: 2021-02-23Nelder-mead algorithm implementation by Matlab. https://cutt.ly/DY45Wxl. Accessed: 2021-12-18Particle swarm implementation by Matlab. https://cutt.ly/PY47TPC. Accessed: 2021-12-18Ali, S.F., Nguyen, L.: UAS C2 data link performance for safe automatic flight guidance and control operation. In: AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1109/DASC.2016.7778017(2016)Besada-Portas, E., De La Torre, L., De La Cruz, J.M., De Andrés-Toro, B.: Evolutionary trajectory planner for multiple UAVs in realistic scenarios. IEEE Trans. Robot. 26(4), 619–634 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1109/TRO.2010.2048610Chaimatanan, S., Delahaye, D., Mongeau, M.: A hybrid metaheuristic optimization algorithm for strategic planning of 4d aircraft trajectories at the continental scale. IEEE Comput. Intell. Mag. 9(4), 46–61 (2014)Cotton, W.B., Wing, D.J.: Airborne trajectory management for urban air mobility. 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    Guest editorial of the special issue 'human-centric, decentralised, and hyper automated cyber-physical systems'

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    The emergence of affordable communication and computer technologies has brought virtual and physical space closer together in recent years. Cyber-physical systems, which are the outcome of this confluence, have changed the condition of healthcare, medicine, the environment, sustainability, transportation, and energy. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are a synthesis of virtual and physical technologies

    Exploiting semantic knowledge in swarm robotic systems for target searching

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    Robotic systems have long been used for search and rescue tasks in hazardous environments. The prevailing solutions which utilize delicate units for sensing and positioning show their reliance on globalized information when multiple robots are deployed. To employ multiple robots (especially swarm robots in this thesis) in a searching task, the local perceptual ability and local communication range demand a new strategy for environmental information recording and exchanging, to promote searching efficiencies of the robots. This thesis presents a semantic knowledge-based mechanism for environmental information storage and communication in swarm robotic systems. Human expert knowledge about the environment can be utilized by such a mechanism for promoting searching efficiency. Robots without the knowledge provided in advance could learn knowledge in a task-oriented way, and help other robots in the swarm find the target faster by sharing the knowledge