633 research outputs found

    Environment and task modeling of long-term-autonomous service robots

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    Utilizing service robots in real-world tasks can significantly improve efficiency, productivity, and safety in various fields such as healthcare, hospitality, and transportation. However, integrating these robots into complex, human-populated environments for continuous use is a significant challenge. A key potential for addressing this challenge lies in long-term modeling capabilities to navigate, understand, and proactively exploit these environments for increased safety and better task performance. For example, robots may use this long-term knowledge of human activity to avoid crowded spaces when navigating or improve their human-centric services. This thesis proposes comprehensive approaches to improve the mapping, localization, and task fulfillment capabilities of service robots by leveraging multi-modal sensor information and (long- term) environment modeling. Learned environmental dynamics are actively exploited to improve the task performance of service robots. As a first contribution, a new long-term-autonomous service robot is presented, designed for both inside and outside buildings. The multi-modal sensor information provided by the robot forms the basis for subsequent methods to model human-centric environments and human activity. It is shown that utilizing multi-modal data for localization and mapping improves long-term robustness and map quality. This especially applies to environments of varying types, i.e., mixed indoor and outdoor or small-scale and large-scale areas. Another essential contribution is a regression model for spatio-temporal prediction of human activity. The model is based on long-term observations of humans by a mobile robot. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can effectively represent the distribution of detected people resulting from moving robots and enables proactive navigation planning. Such model predictions are then used to adapt the robot’s behavior by synthesizing a modular task control model. A reactive executive system based on behavior trees is introduced, which actively triggers recovery behaviors in the event of faults to improve the long-term autonomy. By explicitly addressing failures of robot software components and more advanced problems, it is shown that errors can be solved and potential human helpers can be found efficiently

    From Perception to Navigation in Environments with Persons: An Indoor Evaluation of the State of the Art

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    Research in the field of social robotics is allowing service robots to operate in environments with people. In the aim of realizing the vision of humans and robots coexisting in the same environment, several solutions have been proposed to (1) perceive persons and objects in the immediate environment; (2) predict the movements of humans; as well as (3) plan the navigation in agreement with socially accepted rules. In this work, we discuss the different aspects related to social navigation in the context of our experience in an indoor environment. We describe state-of-the-art approaches and experiment with existing methods to analyze their performance in practice. From this study, we gather first-hand insights into the limitations of current solutions and identify possible research directions to address the open challenges. In particular, this paper focuses on topics related to perception at the hardware and application levels, including 2D and 3D sensors, geometric and mainly semantic mapping, the prediction of people trajectories (physics-, pattern- and planning-based), and social navigation (reactive and predictive) in indoor environments

    Decentralized Sensor Fusion for Ubiquitous Networking Robotics in Urban Areas

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    In this article we explain the architecture for the environment and sensors that has been built for the European project URUS (Ubiquitous Networking Robotics in Urban Sites), a project whose objective is to develop an adaptable network robot architecture for cooperation between network robots and human beings and/or the environment in urban areas. The project goal is to deploy a team of robots in an urban area to give a set of services to a user community. This paper addresses the sensor architecture devised for URUS and the type of robots and sensors used, including environment sensors and sensors onboard the robots. Furthermore, we also explain how sensor fusion takes place to achieve urban outdoor execution of robotic services. Finally some results of the project related to the sensor network are highlighted

    Map-based localization for urban service mobile robotics

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    Mobile robotics research is currently interested on exporting autonomous navigation results achieved in indoor environments, to more challenging environments, such as, for instance, urban pedestrian areas. Developing mobile robots with autonomous navigation capabilities in such urban environments supposes a basic requirement for a upperlevel service set that could be provided to an users community. However, exporting indoor techniques to outdoor urban pedestrian scenarios is not evident due to the larger size of the environment, the dynamism of the scene due to pedestrians and other moving obstacles, the sunlight conditions, and the high presence of three dimensional elements such as ramps, steps, curbs or holes. Moreover, GPS-based mobile robot localization has demonstrated insufficient performance for robust long-term navigation in urban environments. One of the key modules within autonomous navigation is localization. If localization supposes an a priori map, even if it is not a complete model of the environment, localization is called map-based. This assumption is realistic since current trends of city councils are on building precise maps of their cities, specially of the most interesting places such as city downtowns. Having robots localized within a map allows for a high-level planning and monitoring, so that robots can achieve goal points expressed on the map, by following in a deliberative way a previously planned route. This thesis deals with the mobile robot map-based localization issue in urban pedestrian areas. The thesis approach uses the particle filter algorithm, a well-known and widely used probabilistic and recursive method for data fusion and state estimation. The main contributions of the thesis are divided on four aspects: (1) long-term experiments of mobile robot 2D and 3D position tracking in real urban pedestrian scenarios within a full autonomous navigation framework, (2) developing a fast and accurate technique to compute on-line range observation models in 3D environments, a basic step required by the real-time performance of the developed particle filter, (3) formulation of a particle filter that integrates asynchronous data streams and (4) a theoretical proposal to solve the global localization problem in an active and cooperative way, defining cooperation as either information sharing among the robots or planning joint actions to solve a common goal.Actualment, la recerca en robòtica mòbil té un interés creixent en exportar els resultats de navegació autònoma aconseguits en entorns interiors cap a d'altres tipus d'entorns més exigents, com, per exemple, les àrees urbanes peatonals. Desenvolupar capacitats de navegació autònoma en aquests entorns urbans és un requisit bàsic per poder proporcionar un conjunt de serveis de més alt nivell a una comunitat d'usuaris. Malgrat tot, exportar les tècniques d'interiors cap a entorns exteriors peatonals no és evident, a causa de la major dimensió de l'entorn, del dinamisme de l'escena provocada pels peatons i per altres obstacles en moviment, de la resposta de certs sensors a la il.luminació natural, i de la constant presència d'elements tridimensionals tals com rampes, escales, voreres o forats. D'altra banda, la localització de robots mòbils basada en GPS ha demostrat uns resultats insuficients de cara a una navegació robusta i de llarga durada en entorns urbans. Una de les peces clau en la navegació autònoma és la localització. En el cas que la localització consideri un mapa conegut a priori, encara que no sigui un model complet de l'entorn, parlem d'una localització basada en un mapa. Aquesta assumpció és realista ja que la tendència actual de les administracions locals és de construir mapes precisos de les ciutats, especialment dels llocs d'interés tals com les zones més cèntriques. El fet de tenir els robots localitzats en un mapa permet una planificació i una monitorització d'alt nivell, i així els robots poden arribar a destinacions indicades sobre el mapa, tot seguint de forma deliberativa una ruta prèviament planificada. Aquesta tesi tracta el tema de la localització de robots mòbils, basada en un mapa i per entorns urbans peatonals. La proposta de la tesi utilitza el filtre de partícules, un mètode probabilístic i recursiu, ben conegut i àmpliament utilitzat per la fusió de dades i l'estimació d'estats. Les principals contribucions de la tesi queden dividides en quatre aspectes: (1) experimentació de llarga durada del seguiment de la posició, tant en 2D com en 3D, d'un robot mòbil en entorns urbans reals, en el context de la navegació autònoma, (2) desenvolupament d'una tècnica ràpida i precisa per calcular en temps d'execució els models d'observació de distàncies en entorns 3D, un requisit bàsic pel rendiment del filtre de partícules a temps real, (3) formulació d'un filtre de partícules que integra conjunts de dades asíncrones i (4) proposta teòrica per solucionar la localització global d'una manera activa i cooperativa, entenent la cooperació com el fet de compartir informació, o bé com el de planificar accions conjuntes per solucionar un objectiu comú

    Robust localization with wearable sensors

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    Measuring physical movements of humans and understanding human behaviour is useful in a variety of areas and disciplines. Human inertial tracking is a method that can be leveraged for monitoring complex actions that emerge from interactions between human actors and their environment. An accurate estimation of motion trajectories can support new approaches to pedestrian navigation, emergency rescue, athlete management, and medicine. However, tracking with wearable inertial sensors has several problems that need to be overcome, such as the low accuracy of consumer-grade inertial measurement units (IMUs), the error accumulation problem in long-term tracking, and the artefacts generated by movements that are less common. This thesis focusses on measuring human movements with wearable head-mounted sensors to accurately estimate the physical location of a person over time. The research consisted of (i) providing an overview of the current state of research for inertial tracking with wearable sensors, (ii) investigating the performance of new tracking algorithms that combine sensor fusion and data-driven machine learning, (iii) eliminating the effect of random head motion during tracking, (iv) creating robust long-term tracking systems with a Bayesian neural network and sequential Monte Carlo method, and (v) verifying that the system can be applied with changing modes of behaviour, defined as natural transitions from walking to running and vice versa. This research introduces a new system for inertial tracking with head-mounted sensors (which can be placed in, e.g. helmets, caps, or glasses). This technology can be used for long-term positional tracking to explore complex behaviours

    A portable three-dimensional LIDAR-based system for long-term and wide-area people behavior measurement:

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    It is important to measure and analyze people behavior to design systems which interact with people. This article describes a portable people behavior measurement system using a three-dimensional LIDAR. In this system, an observer carries the system equipped with a three-dimensional Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and follows persons to be measured while keeping them in the sensor view. The system estimates the sensor pose in a three-dimensional environmental map and tracks the target persons. It enables long-term and wide-area people behavior measurements which are hard for existing people tracking systems. As a field test, we recorded the behavior of professional caregivers attending elderly persons with dementia in a hospital. The preliminary analysis of the behavior reveals how the caregivers decide the attending position while checking the surrounding people and environment. Based on the analysis result, empirical rules to design the behavior of attendant robots are proposed


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    Abstract. Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) are multi-sensor technologies based on SLAM procedure, which provides accurate 3D measurement and mapping of the environment as also trajectory estimation for autonomous navigation. The major limits of these algorithms are the navigation and mapping inconsistence over the time and the georeferencing of the products. These issues are particularly relevant for pose estimation regardless the environment like in seamless navigation. This paper is a preliminary analysis on a proposed multi-sensor platform integrated for indoor/outdoor seamless positioning system. In particular the work is devoted to analyze the performances of the MMS in term of positioning accuracy and to evaluate its improvement with the integration of GNSS and UWB technology. The results show that, if the GNSS and UWB signal are not degraded, using the correct weight to their observations in the Stencil estimation algorithm, is possible to obtain an improvement in the accuracy of the MMS navigation solution as also in the global consistency of the final point cloud. This improvement is measured in about 7 cm for planimetric coordinate and 34 cm along the elevation with respect to the use of the Stencil system alone