91 research outputs found

    Securing Virtualized System via Active Protection

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    Virtualization is the predominant enabling technology of current cloud infrastructure

    A real-time framework for malicious behaviour discovery on android mobile devices.

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    openIn few years Android has become the most widespread operating system among mobile devices. Its extreme popularity combined with the personal information contained on smartphones - as financial account, private photos and other acquaintances’ data – has captured the attention of many criminal organizations and hackers. The consequence is the massive presence on the market of malwares targeting the Android architecture. A great amount of research has focused on mechanisms to discovery such threads analyzing the application package before installing it, looking for common patterns and specific features while other approaches try to discover the infection during the attack but the required computation penalizes the device’s performance and battery autonomy. In this thesis we present a novel framework for real-time monitoring the Android device’s behavior without compromising the user experience. Our approach, thanks to a client-server architecture, permits to know in time many information related to the system and the applications running on it. By defining appropriate rules through an ad-hoc language we are able to control the device’s behavior and understand if it is the result of an infection. Further, with the contribution of the server which collects data from many users, we are able to compare data from different devices and understand if an application is different from the “safe” version. During our tests we were able to discover if an application has been infected with the introduction of a malicious code and to understand if the device behavior deviates in time in respect to the user standard profile which was built dynamically over time.openInformaticaTaddeo, MarcoTaddeo, Marc


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    Malicious programs are a serious problem that threatens the security of billions of Internet users. Today's malware authors are motivated by the easy financial gain they can obtain by selling on the underground market the information stolen from the infected hosts. To maximize their profit, miscreants continuously improve their creations to make them more and more resilient against anti-malware solutions. This increasing sophistication in malicious code led to next-generation malware, a new class of threats that exploit the limitations of state-of-the-art anti-malware products to bypass security protections and eventually evade detection. Unfortunately, current anti-malware technologies are inadequate to face next-generation malware. For this reason, in this dissertation we propose novel techniques to address the shortcomings of defensive technologies and to enhance current state-of-the-art security solutions. Dynamic behavior-based analysis is a very promising approach to automatically understand the behaviors a malicious program may exhibit at run-time. However, behavior-based solutions still present several limitations. First of all, these techniques may give incomplete results because the execution environments in which they are applied are synthetic and do not faithfully resemble the environments of end-users, the intended targets of the malicious activities. To overcome this problem, we present a new framework for improving behavior-based analysis of suspicious programs, that allows an end-user to delegate security labs the execution and the analysis of a program and to force the program to behave as if it were executed directly in the environment of the former. Our evaluation demonstrated that the proposed framework allows security labs to improve the completeness of the analysis, by analyzing a piece of malware on behalf of multiple end-users simultaneously, while performing a fine-grained analysis of the behavior of the program with no computational cost for the end-users. Another drawback of state-of-the-art defensive solutions is non-transparency: malicious programs are often able to determine that their execution is being monitored, and thus they can tamper with the analysis to avoid detection, or simply behave innocuously to mislead the anti-malware tool. At this aim, we propose a generic framework to perform complex dynamic system-level analyses of deployed production systems. By leveraging hardware support for virtualization available nowadays on all commodity machines, our framework is completely transparent to the system under analysis and it guarantees isolation of the analysis tools running on top of it. The internals of the kernel of the running system need not to be modified and the whole platform runs unaware of the framework. Once the framework has been installed, even kernel-level malware cannot detect it or affect its execution. This is accomplished by installing a minimalistic virtual machine monitor and migrating the system, as it runs, into a virtual machine. To demonstrate the potentials of our framework we developed an interactive kernel debugger, named HyperDbg. As HyperDbg can be used to monitor any critical system component, it is suitable to analyze even malicious programs that include kernel-level modules. Despite all the progress anti-malware technologies can make, perfect malware detection remains an undecidable problem. When it is not possible to prevent a malicious threat from infecting a system, post-infection remediation remains the only viable possibility. However, if the machine has already been compromised, the execution of the remediation tool could be tampered by the malware that is running on the system. To address this problem we present Conqueror, a software-based attestation scheme for tamper-proof code execution on untrusted legacy systems. Besides providing load-time attestation of a piece of code, Conqueror also ensures run-time integrity. Conqueror constitutes a valid alternative to trusted computing platforms, for systems lacking specialized hardware for attestation. We implemented a prototype, specific for the Intel x86 architecture, and evaluated the proposed scheme. Our evaluation showed that, compared to competitors, Conqueror is resistant to both static and dynamic attacks. We believe Conqueror and our transparent dynamic analysis framework constitute important building blocks for creating new security applications. To demonstrate this claim, we leverage the aforementioned solutions to realize HyperSleuth, an infrastructure to securely perform live forensic analysis of potentially compromised production systems. HyperSleuth provides a trusted execution environment that guarantees an attacker controlling the system cannot interfere with the analysis and cannot tamper with the results. The framework can be installed as the system runs, without a reboot and without loosing any volatile data. Moreover, the analysis can be periodically and safely interrupted to resume normal execution of the system. On top of HyperSleuth we implemented three forensic analysis tools: a lazy physical memory dumper, a lie detector, and a system call tracer. The experimental evaluation we conducted demonstrated that even time consuming analyses, such as the dump of the content of the physical memory, can be securely performed without interrupting the services offered by the system

    Survey on representation techniques for malware detection system

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    Malicious programs are malignant software’s designed by hackers or cyber offenders with a harmful intent to disrupt computer operation. In various researches, we found that the balance between designing an accurate architecture that can detect the malware and track several advanced techniques that malware creators apply to get variants of malware are always a difficult line. Hence the study of malware detection techniques has become more important and challenging within the security field. This review paper provides a detailed discussion and full reviews for various types of malware, malware detection techniques, various researches on them, malware analysis methods and different dynamic programmingbased tools that could be used to represent the malware sampled. We have provided a comprehensive bibliography in malware detection, its techniques and analysis methods for malware researchers

    Protecting Android Devices from Malware Attacks: A State-of-the-Art Report of Concepts, Modern Learning Models and Challenges

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    Advancements in microelectronics have increased the popularity of mobile devices like cellphones, tablets, e-readers, and PDAs. Android, with its open-source platform, broad device support, customizability, and integration with the Google ecosystem, has become the leading operating system for mobile devices. While Android's openness brings benefits, it has downsides like a lack of official support, fragmentation, complexity, and security risks if not maintained. Malware exploits these vulnerabilities for unauthorized actions and data theft. To enhance device security, static and dynamic analysis techniques can be employed. However, current attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are employing packaging, code obfuscation, and encryption techniques to evade detection models. Researchers prefer flexible artificial intelligence methods, particularly deep learning models, for detecting and classifying malware on Android systems. In this survey study, a detailed literature review was conducted to investigate and analyze how deep learning approaches have been applied to malware detection on Android systems. The study also provides an overview of the Android architecture, datasets used for deep learning-based detection, and open issues that will be studied in the future

    Achieving cyber resiliency against lateral movement through detection and response

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    Systems and attacks are becoming more complex, and classical cyber security methods are failing to protect and secure those systems. We believe that systems must be built to be resilient to attacks. Cyber resilience is a dynamic protection strategy that aims to stop cyber attacks while maintaining an acceptable level of service. The strategy monitors a system to detect cyber incidents, and dynamically changes the state of the system to learn about the incidents, contain an attack, and recover. Thus, instead of being perfectly protected, a cyber-resilient system survives a cyber incident by containing the attack and recovering while maintaining service. Cyber resiliency has the potential to secure the modern systems that control our critical infrastructure. However, several practical and theoretical challenges hinder the development of cyber-resilient architectures. In particular, an architecture needs to support and make use of a large amount of monitoring; the problem is especially serious for a large network in which hosts send low-level information for fusion. The problem is not only computational; the semantics of the data also creates a challenge. In combining information from multiple sources and across multiple abstractions, we need to realize that the sources are describing different events in the system which are occurring at varying time scales. Moreover, the system is dependent on the integrity of the monitoring data when estimating the state of the system. The estimated state is used to detect malicious activities and to drive responses. The integrity of the monitoring data is critical to making “correct” decisions that are not influenced by the attacker. In addition, choosing an appropriate response to specific attacks requires knowledge of the at- tackers’ behavior, i.e., an attacker model. If the attacker model is wrong, then the responses selected by the mechanism will be ineffective. Finally, the response mechanisms need to be proven effective in maintaining the resilience of the system. Proving such properties is particularly challenging when the systems are highly complex. In this dissertation, we propose a resiliency architecture that uses a model of the system to deploy monitors, estimates the state of the system using monitor data, and selects responses to contain and recover from attacks while maintaining service. Then we describe our design for the essential components of the said resiliency architecture for a multitude of systems including operating systems, hosts, and enterprise net- works, to address lateral movement attacks. Specifically, we have built components that address monitor design, fusion of monitoring data, and response. Our pieces address the challenges that face cyber-resilient architectures. We set out to provide resilience against lateral movement. Lateral movement is a step taken by an attacker to shift his or her position from an initial compromised host into a target host with high value. First, we designed a host-level monitor Kobra that generates different estimations of the state of a host. Kobra combines the various aspects of application behavior into multiple views: (1) a discrete time signal used for anomaly detection, and (2) a host-level process communication graph to correlate events that happen in a network. We use the host correlations to generate chains of network events that correspond to suspicious lateral movement behavior. We use a novel fusion framework that enables us to fuse monitoring events for different sources over a hierarchy. Finally, we respond to lateral movement by changing the topology and healing rates in the network. The changes are enacted by a feedback controller to slow down and stop the spread of the attack. Since our cyber resiliency architecture depends on the integrity of the monitoring data, we propose PowerAlert, an out-of-box integrity checker, to establish the “trustworthiness” of a machine. PowerAlert is resilient to attacker evasion and adaptation. It uses the current drawn by the CPU, measured using an external probe, to confirm that the machine executed the check as expected. To prevent an attacker from evading PowerAlert, we use an optimal initiation strategy, and to resist adaptation, we use randomly generated integrity-checking programs. We pick the optimal initiation strategy by modeling the problem of low-cost integrity checking when an attacker is attempting to evade detection as a continuous-time game called Tireless. The optimal strategy is the Nash equilibrium that optimizes the defender’s cost of checking and utility of detection against an adaptive attacker

    Confidential remote computing

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    Since their market launch in late 2015, trusted hardware enclaves have revolutionised the computing world with data-in-use protections. Their security features of confidentiality, integrity and attestation attract many application developers to move their valuable assets, such as cryptographic keys, password managers, private data, secret algorithms and mission-critical operations, into them. The potential security issues have not been well explored yet, and the quick integration movement into these widely available hardware technologies has created emerging problems. Today system and application designers utilise enclave-based protections for critical assets; however, the gap within the area of hardware-software co-design causes these applications to fail to benefit from strong hardware features. This research presents hands-on experiences, techniques and models on the correct utilisation of hardware enclaves in real-world systems. We begin with designing a generic template for scalable many-party applications processing private data with mutually agreed public code. Many-party applications can vary from smart-grid systems to electronic voting infrastructures and block-chain smart contracts to internet-of-things deployments. Next, our research extensively examines private algorithms executing inside trusted hardware enclaves. We present practical use cases for protecting intellectual property, valuable algorithms and business or game logic besides private data. Our mechanisms allow querying private algorithms on rental services, querying private data with privacy filters such as differential privacy budgets, and integrity-protected computing power as a service. These experiences lead us to consolidate the disparate research into a unified Confidential Remote Computing (CRC) model. CRC consists of three main areas: the trusted hardware, the software development and the attestation domains. It resolves the ambiguity of trust in relevant fields and provides a systematic view of the field from past to future. Lastly, we examine the questions and misconceptions about malicious software profiting from security features offered by the hardware. The more popular idea of confidential computing focuses on servers managed by major technology vendors and cloud infrastructures. In contrast, CRC focuses on practices in a more decentralised setting for end-users, system designers and developers

    A survey on the (in)security of trusted execution environments

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    As the number of security and privacy attacks continue to grow around the world, there is an ever increasing need to protect our personal devices. As a matter of fact, more and more manufactures are relying on Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to shield their devices. In particular, ARM TrustZone (TZ) is being widely used in numerous embedded devices, especially smartphones, and this technology is the basis for secure solutions both in industry and academia. However, as shown in this paper, TEE is not bullet-proof and it has been successfully attacked numerous times and in very different ways. To raise awareness among potential stakeholders interested in this technology, this paper provides an extensive analysis and categorization of existing vulnerabilities in TEEs and highlights the design flaws that led to them. The presented vulnerabilities, which are not only extracted from existing literature but also from publicly available exploits and databases, are accompanied by some effective countermeasures to reduce the likelihood of new attacks. The paper ends with some appealing challenges and open issues.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the SecureEDGE project (PID2019-110565RB-I00), and by the by the Andalusian FEDER 2014–2020 Program through the SAVE project (PY18-3724)


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    In modern computer systems, complex legacy operating systems, such as Linux, are deployed ubiquitously. Many design choices in these legacy operating systems predate a modern understanding of security risks. As a result, new attack opportunities are routinely discovered to subvert such systems, which reveal design flaws that spur new research about secure design principles and other security mechanisms to thwart these attacks. Most research falls into two categories: encapsulating the threat and redesigning the system from scratch. Each approach has its challenge. Encapsulation can only limit the exposure to the risk, but not entirely prevent it. Rewriting the huge codebase of these operating systems is impractical in terms of developer effort, but appealing inasmuch as it can comprehensively eliminate security risks. This thesis pursues a third, understudied option: retrofitting security design principles in the existing kernel design. Conventional wisdom discourages retrofitting security because retrofitting is a hard problem, may require the use of new abstractions or break backward compatibility, may have unforeseen consequences, and may be equivalent to redesigning the system from scratch in terms of effort. This thesis offers new evidence to challenge this conventional wisdom, indicating that one can economically retrofit a comprehensive security policy onto complex, legacy systems. To demonstrate this assertion, this thesis firstly surveys the alternative of encapsulating the threat to the complex, legacy system by adding a monitoring layer using a technique called Virtual Machine Introspection, and discusses the shortcomings of this technique. Secondly, this thesis shows how to enforce the principle of least privilege by removing the need to run setuid-to-root binaries with administrator privilege. Finally, this thesis takes the first steps to show how to economically retrofit secure design principles to the OS virtualization feature of the Linux kernel called containers without rewriting the whole system. This approach can be applied more generally to other legacy systems.Doctor of Philosoph
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