4,555 research outputs found

    A Survey, Classification and Critical Review of Light-Emitting Diode Drivers

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    Based on a survey on over 1400 commercial LED drivers and a literature review, a range of LED driver topologies are classified according to their applications, power ratings, performance and their energy storage and regulatory requirements. Both passive and active LED drivers are included in the review and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. This paper also presents an overall view on the technical and cost aspects of the LED technology, which is useful to both researchers and engineers in the lighting industry. Some general guidelines for selecting driver topologies are included to aid design engineers to make appropriate choices.published_or_final_versio

    Multiple Output Power Supply using Toroidal Transformers for Medium Voltage Active Gate Drivers

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    When operating in high power applications, power devices dissipate tens or hundreds of watts of power in the form of heat. The ability of the power devices to withstand power and dissipation of heat across the power devices becomes a prominent requirement in designing the power converter. This challenge demands a power converter design to be more effective and consistent which factors in size, cost, weight, power density and reliability. This study aims to propose a gate driver isolated power supply design that can be used in medium voltage applications (e.g., up to 10 kV) while respecting the principle of scalability. A versatile design that facilitates addition of another power switch to the converter if needed, without having to alter too many power supply components while retaining the main structure, thus reducing system complexity and size. The proposed topology is a full-bridge converter with a single-turn primary side transformer, realized using a high voltage insulated hook-up wire as primary winding, while the secondary winding is wound around a toroidal core. This structure can supply several gate drivers simultaneously without replicating the primary side converter, but by simply adding a toroidal core with the secondary side converter which effectively reduces the size of the power supply. To satisfy magnetic and electric constraints, the proposed toroidal transformer needs to exhibit a very low primary to secondary coupling capacitance to avoid high common mode current, which leads to control signal distortion. For this, a multi-objective optimization design has been performed for the magnetic components of the topology. In this paper, a single input and three output power supply design is proposed for a 10 kV active gate driver

    Multiple Output Power Supply using Toroidal Transformers for Medium Voltage Active Gate Drivers

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    When operating in high power applications, power devices dissipate tens or hundreds of watts of power in the form of heat. The ability of the power devices to withstand power and dissipation of heat across the power devices becomes a prominent requirement in designing the power converter. This challenge demands a power converter design to be more effective and consistent which factors in size, cost, weight, power density and reliability. This study aims to propose a gate driver isolated power supply design that can be used in medium voltage applications (e.g., up to 10 kV) while respecting the principle of scalability. A versatile design that facilitates addition of another power switch to the converter if needed, without having to alter too many power supply components while retaining the main structure, thus reducing system complexity and size. The proposed topology is a full-bridge converter with a single-turn primary side transformer, realized using a high voltage insulated hook-up wire as primary winding, while the secondary winding is wound around a toroidal core. This structure can supply several gate drivers simultaneously without replicating the primary side converter, but by simply adding a toroidal core with the secondary side converter which effectively reduces the size of the power supply. To satisfy magnetic and electric constraints, the proposed toroidal transformer needs to exhibit a very low primary to secondary coupling capacitance to avoid high common mode current, which leads to control signal distortion. For this, a multi-objective optimization design has been performed for the magnetic components of the topology. In this paper, a single input and three output power supply design is proposed for a 10 kV active gate driver

    A review and classification of LED ballasts

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    This paper presents a review on existing ballasts for light-emitting diodes (LED) with considerations to their compliance to regulations, technological challenges, and on meeting various application requirements. All existing LED ballasts, including those proposed in recent literature, have been appropriately classified and systematically organized for the discussion. The dissemination of this information and its understanding is helpful for future R&D pursuits in this area. © 2013 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    A Single-phase Rectifier With Ripple-power Decoupling and Application to LED Lighting

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    In recent years, Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) is widely used in lighting applications for its high efficacy and high reliability. However, the rectifier, which is required by the LEDs to convert the AC power from the grid into DC power, suffers from low-reliability caused by the filtering capacitor. In order to fully utilize the long operational hours of the LEDs, this thesis proposes a rectifier that has improved reliability by adding a ripple-port to eliminate the non-reliable electrolytic capacitor. The ripple-port is capable of decoupling the ripple-power inherited in a single-phase rectifier, which enables using the reliable film capacitor to replace the electrolytic capacitor. To guarantee that the ripple-port can effectively decouple the ripple-power, a closed-loop control scheme is designed and implemented in a digital controller. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed rectifier can reduce the required capacitance by 70%, which results in a 60% increase in lifetime. The proposed ripple-port circuit can be considered as an add-on module to be integrated into the rectifiers used in applications that require long lifetime. A detailed analysis of the efficiency, cost and reliability of applying the ripple-port in LED lighting applications supports the feasibility of the proposed circuit

    Ion propulsion cost effectivity

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    Ion propulsion modules employing 8-cm thrusters and 30-cm thrusters were studied for Multimission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) applications. Recurring and nonrecurring cost elements were generated for these modules. As a result, ion propulsion cost drivers were identified to be Shuttle charges, solar array, power processing, and thruster costs. Cost effective design approaches included short length module configurations, array power sharing, operation at reduced thruster input power, simplified power processing units, and power processor output switching. The MMS mission model employed indicated that nonrecurring costs have to be shared with other programs unless the mission model grows. Extended performance missions exhibited the greatest benefits when compared with monopropellant hydrazine propulsion


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    This paper represents one of the development stages of the converter (light-emitting diode driver) operating in amplitude mode light regulation. The principles of construction of the MOSFET driver circuits for the schematic with two n-channel MOSFET transistors are described. Also the schematic where high side transistor is substituted with p-channel transistor is considered. Utilization of the p-channel transistor allows eliminating necessity of using of isolated power supply for the driver of the high side transistor. In the last two sections of the article the losses in driver circuits are considered. This allows evaluating the scope of application for all considered approaches. From point of view of transistor driver losses it is preferable to use schematic with p-channel transistor at lower input voltages (in range of 12…30V) and higher switching frequencies.Данная статья представляет собой описание одного из этапов разработки преобразователя (драйвера светодиодов), работающего по новым принципам в режиме амплитудного регулирования. Описаны принципы построения драйверов силовых транзисторов для схемы, в которой оба ключа являются n-канальными полевыми транзисторами. Рассмотрена так же схема, в которой один из полевых транзисторов заменен на р-канальный. Использование р-канального транзистора позволяет избавиться от использования гальванически развязанного блока питания для драйвера транзистора верхнего плеча. В последней части статьи приведены расчеты потерь драйверов транзисторов, что позволяет судить о целесообразности использования того или иного подхода в зависимости от конфигурации преобразователя и области его применения. С точки зрения потерь схему с p-канальным транзистором выгоднее использовать при низком входном напряжении (порядка 12…25В) и при более высоких частотах преобразователя.Дана стаття являє собою опис одного з етапів розробки перетворювача (драйвера світлодіодів), що працює за новими принципами в режимі амплітудного регулювання струму. Описано принципи побудови драйверів силових транзисторів для схеми, в якій обидва ключа є n-канальні польові транзистори. Розглянута так само схема, в якій один з польових транзисторів замінений на р-канальний. Використання р-канального транзистора дозволяє позбутися від використання гальванічно розв'язаного блоку живлення для драйвера транзистора верхнього плеча. В останній частині статті наведено розрахунки втрат драйверів транзисторів, що дозволяє судити про доцільність використання того чи іншого підходу в залежності від конфігурації перетворювача і області його застосування. З точки зору втрат схему з p-канальним транзистором вигідніше використовувати при низькій вхідній напрузі (порядку 12 - 25В). З точки зору втрат схему з p-канальним транзистором вигідніше використовувати при низькій вхідній напрузі (порядку 12 - 25В) і при більш високих частотах перетворювача

    Hybrid monolithic integration of high-power DC-DC converters in a high-voltage technology

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    The supply of electrical energy to home, commercial, and industrial users has become ubiquitous, and it is hard to imagine a world without the facilities provided by electrical energy. Despite the ever increasing efficiency of nearly every electrical application, the worldwide demand for electrical power continues to increase, since the number of users and applications more than compensates for these technological improvements. In order to maintain the affordability and feasibility of the total production, it is essential for the distribution of the produced electrical energy to be as efficient as possible. In other words the loss in the power distribution is to be minimized. By transporting electrical energy at the maximum safe voltage, the current in the conductors, and the associated conduction loss can remain as low as possible. In order to optimize the total efficiency, the high transportation voltage needs to be converted to the appropriate lower voltage as close as possible to the end user. Obviously, this conversion also needs to be as efficient, affordable, and compact as possible. Because of the ever increasing integration of electronic systems, where more and more functionality is combined in monolithically integrated circuits, the cost, the power consumption, and the size of these electronic systems can be greatly reduced. This thorough integration is not limited to the electronic systems that are the end users of the electrical energy, but can also be applied to the power conversion itself. In most modern applications, the voltage conversion is implemented as a switching DC-DC converter, in which electrical energy is temporarily stored in reactive elements, i.e. inductors or capacitors. High switching speeds are used to allow for a compact and efficient implementation. For low power levels, typically below 1 Watt, it is possible to monolithically implement the voltage conversion on an integrated circuit. In some cases, this is even done on the same integrated circuit that is the end user of the electrical energy to minimize the system dimensions. For higher power levels, it is no longer feasible to achieve the desired efficiency with monolithically integrated components, and some external components prove indispensable. Usually, the reactive components are the main limiting factor, and are the first components to be moved away from the integrated circuit for increasing power levels. The semiconductor components, including the power transistors, remain part of the integrated circuit. Using this hybrid approach, it is possible in modern converterapplications to process around 60 Watt, albeit limited to voltages of a few Volt. For hybrid integrated converters with an output voltage of tens of Volt, the power is limited to approximately 10 Watt. For even higher power levels, the integrated power transistors also become a limiting factor, and are replaced with discrete power devices. In these discrete converters, greatly increased power levels become possible, although the system size rapidly increases. In this work, the limits of the hybrid approach are explored when using so-called smart-power technologies. Smart-power technologies are standard lowcost submicron CMOS technologies that are complemented with a number of integrated high-voltage devices. By using an appropriate combination of smart-power technologies and circuit topologies, it is possible to improve on the current state-of-the-art converters, by optimizing the size, the cost, and the efficiency. To determine the limits of smart-power DC-DC converters, we first discuss the major contributing factors for an efficient energy distribution, and take a look at the role of voltage conversion in the energy distribution. Considering the limitations of the technologies and the potential application areas, we define two test-cases in the telecommunications sector for which we want to optimize the hybrid monolithic integration in a smart-power technology. Subsequently, we explore the specifications of an ideal converter, and the relevant properties of the affordable smart-power technologies for the implementation of DC-DC converters. Taking into account the limitations of these technologies, we define a cost function that allows to systematically evaluate the different potential converter topologies, without having to perform a full design cycle for each topology. From this cost function, we notice that the de facto default topology selection in discrete converters, which is typically based on output power, is not optimal for converters with integrated power transistors. Based on the cost function and the boundary conditions of our test-cases, we determine the optimal topology for a smart-power implementation of these applications. Then, we take another step towards the real world and evaluate the influence of parasitic elements in a smart-power implementation of switching converters. It is noticed that the voltage overshoot caused by the transformer secondary side leakage inductance is a major roadblock for an efficient implementation. Since the usual approach to this voltage overshoot in discrete converters is not applicable in smart-power converters due to technological limitations, an alternative approach is shown and implemented. The energy from the voltage overshoot is absorbed and transferred to the output of the converter. This allows for a significant reduction in the voltage overshoot, while maintaining a high efficiency, leading to an efficient, compact, and low-cost implementation. The effectiveness of this approach was tested and demonstrated in both a version using a commercially available integrated circuit, and our own implementation in a smart-power integrated circuit. Finally, we also take a look at the optimization of switching converters over the load range by exploiting the capabilities of highly integrated converters. Although the maximum output power remains one of the defining characteristics of converters, it has been shown that most converters spend a majority of their lifetime delivering significantly lower output power. Therefore, it is also desirable to optimize the efficiency of the converter at reduced output current and output power. By splitting the power transistors in multiple independent segments, which are turned on or off in function of the current, the efficiency at low currents can be significantly improved, without introducing undesirable frequency components in the output voltage, and without harming the efficiency at higher currents. These properties allow a near universal application of the optimization technique in hybrid monolithic DC-DC converter applications, without significant impact on the complexity and the cost of the system. This approach for the optimization of switching converters over the load range was demonstrated using a boost converter with discrete power transistors. The demonstration of our smart-power implementation was limited to simulations due to an issue with a digital control block. On a finishing note, we formulate the general conclusions and provide an outlook on potential future work based on this research

    Fault Tolerant DC–DC Converters at Homes and Offices

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    The emergence of direct current (DC) microgrids within the context of residential buildings and offices brings in a whole new paradigm in energy distribution. As a result, a set of technical challenges arise, concerning the adoption of efficient, cost-effective, and reliable DC-compatible power conditioning solutions, suitable to interface DC microgrids and energy consuming elements. This thesis encompasses the development of DC–DC power conversion solutions, featuring improved availability and efficiency, suitable to meet the requirements of a comprehensive set of end-uses commonly found in homes and offices. Based on the energy consumption profiles and requirements of the typical elements found at homes and offices, three distinctive groups are established: light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and general appliances. For each group, a careful evaluation of the criteria to fulfil is performed, based on which at least one DC–DC power converter is selected and investigated. Totally, a set of five DC–DC converter topologies are addressed in this work, being specific aspects related to fault diagnosis and/or fault tolerance analysed with particular detail in two of them. Firstly, mathematical models are described for LED devices and EV batteries, for the development of a theoretical analysis of the systems’ operation through computational simulations. Based on a compilation of requirements to account for in each end-use (LED lighting, EV charging, and general appliances), brief design considerations are drawn for each converter topology, regarding their architecture and control strategy. Aiming a detailed understanding of the two DC–DC power conversion systems subjected to thorough evaluation in this work – interleaved boost converter and fault-tolerant single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) converter – under both normal and abnormal conditions, the operation of the systems is evaluated in the presence of open-circuit (OC) faults. Parameters of interest are monitored and evaluated to understand how the failures impact the operation of the entire system. At this stage, valuable information is obtained for the development of fault diagnosis strategies. Taking profit of the data collected in the analysis, a novel fault diagnostic strategy is presented, targeting interleaved DC–DC boost converters for general appliances. Ease of implementation, fast diagnostic and robustness against false alarms distinguish the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art. Its effectiveness is confirmed through a set of operation scenarios, implemented in both simulation environment and experimental context. Finally, an extensive set of reconfiguration strategies is presented and evaluated, aiming to grant fault tolerance capability to the multiple DC–DC converter topologies under analysis. A hybrid reconfiguration approach is developed for the interleaved boost converter. It is demonstrated that the combination of reconfiguration strategies promotes remarkable improvements on the post-fault operation of the converter. In addition, an alternative SIMO converter architecture, featuring inherent tolerance against OC faults, is presented and described. To exploit the OC fault tolerance capability of the fault-tolerant SIMO converter, a converter topology targeted at residential LED lighting systems, two alternative reconfiguration strategies are presented and evaluated in detail. Results obtained from computational simulations and experimental tests confirm the effectiveness of the approaches. To further improve the fault-tolerant SIMO converter with regards to its robustness against sensor faults, while simplifying its hardware architecture, a sensorless current control strategy is presented. The proposed control strategy is evaluated resorting to computational simulations.O surgimento de micro-redes em corrente contínua (CC) em edifícios residenciais e de escritórios estabelece um novo paradigma no domínio da distribuição de energia. Como consequência disso, surge uma panóplia de desafios técnicos ligados à adopção de soluções de conversão de energia, compatíveis com CC, que demonstrem ser eficientes, rentáveis e fiáveis, capazes de estabelecer a interface entre micro-redes em CC e as cargas alimentadas por esse sistema de energia. Até aos dias de hoje, os conversores CC–CC têm vindo a ser maioritariamente utilizados em aplicações de nicho, que geralmente envolvem níveis de potência reduzidos. Porém, as perspectivas futuras apontam para a adopção, em larga escala, destas tecnologias de conversão de energia, também em equipamentos eléctricos residenciais e de escritórios. Tal como qualquer outra tecnologia de conversão electrónica de potência, os conversores CC–CC podem ver o seu funcionamento afectado por falhas que degradam o seu bom funcionamento, sendo que essas falhas acabam por afectar não apenas os conversores em si, mas também as cargas que alimentam, limitando assim o tempo de vida útil do conjunto conversor + carga. Desta forma, é fulcral localizar a origem da falha, para que possam ser adoptadas acções correctivas, capazes de limitar as consequências nefastas associadas à falha. Para responder a este desafio, esta tese contempla o desenvolvimento de soluções de conversão de energia CC–CC altamente eficientes e fiáveis, capazes de responder a requisitos impostos por um conjunto alargado de equipamentos frequentemente encontrados em habitações e escritórios. Com base nos perfis de consumo de energia eléctrica e nos requisitos impostos pelas cargas tipicamente utilizadas em habitações e escritórios, são estabelecidos três grupos distintos: iluminação através de díodos emissores de luz, carregamento de veículo eléctrico (VE) e aparelhos eléctricos em geral. Para cada grupo, é efectuada uma avaliação cuidadosa dos critérios a respeitar, sendo com base nesses critérios que será escolhida e investigada pelo menos uma topologia de conversor CC–CC. No total, são abordadas cinco topologias de conversores CC–CC distintas, sendo que os aspectos ligados ao diagnóstico de avarias e/ou tolerância a falhas são analisados com particular detalhe em duas dessas topologias. Inicialmente, são estabelecidos modelos matemáticos descritivos do comportamento das principais cargas consideradas no estudo – díodos emissores de luz e baterias de VEs – visando a análise teórica do funcionamento dos sistemas em estudo, suportada por simulações computacionais. Com base numa compilação de requisitos a ter em conta em cada aplicação – iluminação através de díodos emissores de luz, carregamento de veículo eléctrico (VE) e aparelhos eléctricos em geral – são estabelecidas considerações ligadas à escolha de cada topologia de conversor não isolado, no que respeita à sua arquitectura e estratégia de controlo. Visando o conhecimento aprofundado das duas topologias de conversor CC–CC alvo de particular enfoque neste trabalho – conversor entrelaçado elevador e conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas, tolerante a falhas – quer em funcionamento normal, quer em funcionamento em modo de falha, é avaliado o funcionamento de ambas as topologias na presença de falhas de circuito aberto nos semicondutores activos. Para o efeito, são monitorizados e analisados parâmetros úteis à percepção da forma como os modos de falha avaliados neste trabalho impactam o funcionamento de todo o sistema. Nesta fase, é obtida informação fundamental ao desenvolvimento de estratégias de diagnóstico de avarias, particularmente indicadas para avarias de circuito aberto nos semicondutores activos dos conversores em estudo. Com base na informação recolhida anteriormente, é apresentada uma nova estratégia de diagnóstico de avarias direccionada a conversores CC–CC elevadores entrelaçados utilizados em aparelhos eléctricos, em geral. Facilidade de implementação, rapidez e robustez contra falsos positivos são algumas das características que distinguem a estratégia proposta em relação ao estado da arte. A sua efectividade é confirmada com recurso a uma multiplicidade de cenários de funcionamento, implementados quer em ambiente de simulação, quer em contexto experimental. Por fim, é apresentada e avaliada uma gama alargada de estratégias de reconfiguração, que visam assegurar a tolerância a falhas das diversas topologias de conversores CC–CC em estudo. É desenvolvida uma estratégia de reconfiguração híbrida, direccionada ao conversor entrelaçado elevador, que combina múltiplas medidas de reconfiguração mais simples num único procedimento. Demonstra-se que a combinação de múltiplas estratégias de reconfiguração introduz melhorias substanciais no funcionamento do conversor ao longo do período pós-falha, ao mesmo tempo que assegura a manutenção da qualidade da energia à entrada e saída do conversor reconfigurado. Noutra frente, é apresentada e descrita uma arquitectura alternativa do conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas, com tolerância a falhas de circuito aberto. Através da configuração proposta, é possível manter o fornecimento de energia eléctrica a todas as saídas do conversor. Para tirar máximo proveito da tolerância a falhas do conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas, uma topologia de conversor indicada para sistemas residenciais de iluminação baseados em díodos emissores de luz, são apresentadas e avaliadas duas estratégias de reconfiguração do conversor, exclusivamente baseadas na adaptação do controlo aplicado ao conversor. Os resultados de simulação computacional e os resultados experimentais obtidos confirmam a efectividade das abordagens adoptadas, através da melhoria da qualidade da energia eléctrica fornecida às diversas saídas do conversor. São assim asseguradas condições essenciais ao funcionamento ininterrupto e estável dos sistemas de iluminação, já que a qualidade da energia eléctrica fornecida aos sistemas de iluminação tem impacto directo na qualidade da luz produzida. Por fim, e para aprimorar o conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas tolerante a falhas, no que respeita à sua robustez contra falhas em sensores, é apresentada uma estratégia de controlo de corrente que evita o recurso excessivo a sensores e, ao mesmo tempo, simplifica a estrutura de controlo do conversor. A estratégia apresentada é avaliada através de simulações computacionais. A abordagem apresentada assume vantagens em múltiplos domínios, sendo de destacar vantagens como a melhoria da fiabilidade de todo o sistema de iluminação (conversor + carga), os ganhos atingidos ao nível do rendimento, a redução do custo de implementação da solução, ou a simplificação da estrutura de controlo.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under grant number SFRH/BD/131002/2017, co-funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), by the European Social Fund (FSE) through the ‘Programa Operacional Regional Centro’ (POR-Centro), and by the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCH)