20,757 research outputs found

    State of the Art Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing

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    The term Cloud computing is not new anymore in computing technology. This form of computing technology previously considered only as marketing term, but today Cloud computing not only provides innovative improvements in resource utilisation but it also creates a new opportunities in data protection mechanisms where the advancement of intrusion detection technologies  are blooming rapidly. From the perspective of security, Cloud computing also introduces concerns about data protection and intrusion detection mechanism. This paper surveys, explores and informs researchers about the latest developed Cloud Intrusion Detection Systems by providing a comprehensive taxonomy and investigating possible solutions to detect intrusions in cloud computing systems. As a result, we provide a comprehensive review of Cloud Intrusion Detection System research, while highlighting the specific properties of Cloud Intrusion Detection System. We also present taxonomy on the key issues in Cloud Intrusion Detection System area and discuss the different approaches taken to solve the issues. We conclude the paper with a critical analysis of challenges that have not fully solved

    Intrusion detection attack patterns in cloud computing: trust and risk assessment

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    Dependence on cloud services has been steadily increasing in recent years, as cloud services are an attractive option to offer flexibility and cost effectiveness through economies of scale. Cloud services are also exposed to security incidents, such as data breaches and other malicious activities. To mitigate risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of assets, but also minimise loss to cloud service providers and users, the attack trust and risk elements need to be identified, classified, and prioritised. The aim of the proposed conceptual framework is to combine trust and risk assessment sources with data of risk assessment related to each attack pattern. This novel approach is a new qualitative solution to examine and determine symptoms, indicators, and vulnerabilities to detect the impact and likelihood of distributed attacks directed at cloud computing environments. The proposed framework might help to reduce false positive alarms and improve performance in Intrusion Detection Systems

    Cloud denial of service detection by dendritic cell mechanism

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    The term cloud computing is not new anymore in computing technology. This form of computing technology previously considered only as marketing term, but today cloud computing not only provides innovative improvements in resource utilization but it also creates a new opportunities in data protection mechanisms where the advancement of intrusion detection technologies are blooming rapidly. From the perspective of security, cloud computing also introduces concerns about data protection and intrusion detection mechanism especially cloud computing are exposed to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. This paper aims to provide DoS detection mechanism for cloud computing environment. As a result, we provide an experiment to examine the capability of the proposed system. The result shows that the proposed system was able to detect DoS attacks that conducted during the experiment with 94.4% detection rate. We conclude the paper with a discussion on the results, then we include together with a graphical summary of the experiment's result

    DCDIDP: A distributed, collaborative, and data-driven intrusion detection and prevention framework for cloud computing environments

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    With the growing popularity of cloud computing, the exploitation of possible vulnerabilities grows at the same pace; the distributed nature of the cloud makes it an attractive target for potential intruders. Despite security issues delaying its adoption, cloud computing has already become an unstoppable force; thus, security mechanisms to ensure its secure adoption are an immediate need. Here, we focus on intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs) to defend against the intruders. In this paper, we propose a Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention system (DCDIDP). Its goal is to make use of the resources in the cloud and provide a holistic IDPS for all cloud service providers which collaborate with other peers in a distributed manner at different architectural levels to respond to attacks. We present the DCDIDP framework, whose infrastructure level is composed of three logical layers: network, host, and global as well as platform and software levels. Then, we review its components and discuss some existing approaches to be used for the modules in our proposed framework. Furthermore, we discuss developing a comprehensive trust management framework to support the establishment and evolution of trust among different cloud service providers. © 2011 ICST

    Cooperative Trust Framework for Cloud Computing Based on Mobile Agents

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    Cloud computing opens doors to the multiple, unlimited venues from elastic computing to on demand provisioning to dynamic storage, reduce the potential costs through optimized and efficient computing. To provide secure and reliable services in cloud computing environment is an important issue. One of the security issues is how to reduce the impact of for any type of intrusion in this environment. To counter these kinds of attacks, a framework of cooperative Hybrid intrusion detection system (Hy-IDS) and Mobile Agents is proposed. This framework allows protection against the intrusion attacks. Our Hybrid IDS is based on two types of IDS, the first for the detection of attacks at the level of virtual machines (VMs), the second for the network attack detection and Mobile Agents. Then, this framework unfolds in three phases: the first, detection intrusion in a virtual environment using mobile agents for collected malicious data. The second, generating new signatures from malicious data, which were collected in the first phase. The third, dynamic deployment of updates between clusters in a cloud computing, using the newest signatures previously created. By this type of close-loop control, the collaborative network security management system can identify and address new distributed attacks more quickly and effectively. In this paper, we develop a collaborative approach based on Hy-IDS and Mobile Agents in Cloud Environment, to define a dynamic context which enables the detection of new attacks, with much detail as possible

    An elastic scaling method for cloud security

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    Cloud computing is being adopted in critical sectors such as transport, energy and finance. This makes cloud computing services critical in themselves. When cyber attacks and cyber disruptions happen, millions of users are affected. A cyber disruption in this context means a temporary or permanent loss of service, with impact on users of the cloud service who rely on its continuity. Intrusion detection and prevention methods are being developed to protect this sensitive information being stored, and the services being deployed. There needs to be an assurance that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data and resources are maintained. This paper presents a background to the critical infrastructure and cloud computing progression, and an overview to the cloud security conundrum. Analysis of existing intrusion detection methods is provided, in addition to our observation and proposed elastic scaling method for cloud security

    Proposed Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Fuzzy c Mean Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environment

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    في الوقت الحاضر الحوسبة السحابية اصبحت جزء مكمل في صناعة تكنولجيا المعلومات، الحوسبة السحابية توفر بيئة عمل تسمح للمستخدم بمشاركة البيانات والموارد عبر الانترنت .حيث الحوسبة السحابية عبارة عن تجمع افتراضي من الموارد عبر الانترنت،هذا يؤدي الى مسائل اخرى تتعلق بالامن والخصوصية في بيئة الحوسبة السحابية .لذلك من المهم جدا خلق نظام كشف تطفل لكشف المتسللين في خارج وداخل بيئة الحوسبة السحابية بدقة عالية ومعدل  انذار كاذب منخفضة .هذا العمل يقترح نظام كشف تطفل قائم على خوارزمية العنقدة المضببة . اجريت التجارب على بيانات KDD99. العمل المقترح يمتاز بمعدل كشف تطفل عالي مع نسبة انذار كاذب منخفضة .Nowadays cloud computing had become is an integral part of IT industry, cloud computing provides Working environment allow a user of environmental to share data and resources over the internet. Where cloud computing its virtual grouping of resources offered over the internet, this lead to different matters related to the security and privacy in cloud computing. And therefore, create intrusion detection very important to detect outsider and insider intruders of cloud computing with high detection rate and low false positive alarm in the cloud environment. This work proposed network intrusion detection module using fuzzy c mean algorithm. The kdd99 dataset used for experiments .the proposed system characterized by a high detection rate with low false positive alarm

    A Survey on Intrusion Detection Systems for Fog and Cloud Computing

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    The rapid advancement of internet technologies has dramatically increased the number of connected devices. This has created a huge attack surface that requires the deployment of effective and practical countermeasures to protect network infrastructures from the harm that cyber-attacks can cause. Hence, there is an absolute need to differentiate boundaries in personal information and cloud and fog computing globally and the adoption of specific information security policies and regulations. The goal of the security policy and framework for cloud and fog computing is to protect the end-users and their information, reduce task-based operations, aid in compliance, and create standards for expected user actions, all of which are based on the use of established rules for cloud computing. Moreover, intrusion detection systems are widely adopted solutions to monitor and analyze network traffic and detect anomalies that can help identify ongoing adversarial activities, trigger alerts, and automatically block traffic from hostile sources. This survey paper analyzes factors, including the application of technologies and techniques, which can enable the deployment of security policy on fog and cloud computing successfully. The paper focuses on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and intrusion detection, which provides an effective and resilient system structure for users and organizations. Our survey aims to provide a framework for a cloud and fog computing security policy, while addressing the required security tools, policies, and services, particularly for cloud and fog environments for organizational adoption. While developing the essential linkage between requirements, legal aspects, analyzing techniques and systems to reduce intrusion detection, we recommend the strategies for cloud and fog computing security policies. The paper develops structured guidelines for ways in which organizations can adopt and audit the security of their systems as security is an essential component of their systems and presents an agile current state-of-the-art review of intrusion detection systems and their principles. Functionalities and techniques for developing these defense mechanisms are considered, along with concrete products utilized in operational systems. Finally, we discuss evaluation criteria and open-ended challenges in this area