1,667 research outputs found

    On-Cloud Motherhood Clinic: A Healthcare Management Solution for Rural Communities in Developing Countries

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    Background: Modern telecommunication infrastructure enables bridging of the digital divide between rural and urban healthcare services, promoting the provision of suitable medical care and support. Thus far, there has been some positive impacts to applying mobile health (m-Health) solutions, but their full potential in relation to cloud computing has is yet to be realised. It is imperative to develop an innovative approach for addressing the digital divide in a context of developing country. Method: Adopting a design science research approach (DSR), this study describes an innovative m-Health solution utilising cloud computing that enables healthcare professionals and women in rural areas to achieve comprehensive maternal healthcare support. We developed the solution framework through iterative prototyping with stakeholders’ participation, and evaluated the design using focus groups. Results: The cloud-based solution was positively evaluated as supporting healthcare professionals and service providers. It was perceived to help provide a virtual presence for evaluating and diagnosing expectant mothers’ critical healthcare data, medical history, and in providing necessary service support in a virtual clinic environment. Conclusions: The new application offers benefits to target stakeholders enabling a new practice-based paradigm applicable in other healthcare management. We demonstrated utilities to address target problems as well as the mechanism propositions for meeting the information exchange demand for better realisation of practical needs of the end users. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol12/iss1/3

    The Impact of Grid on Health Care Digital Repositories

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    Grid computing has attracted worldwide attention in a variety of applications like Health Care. In this paper we identified the Grid services that could facilitate the integration and interoperation of Health Care data and frameworks world-wide. While many of the current Health Care Grid projects address issues such as data location and description on the Grid and the security aspects, the problems connected to data storage, integrity, preservation and distribution have been neglected. We describe the currently available Grid storage services and protocols that can come in handy when dealing with those problems. We further describe a Grid infrastructure to build a cooperative Health Care environment based on currently available Grid services and a service able to validate it

    A characteristics framework for Semantic Information Systems Standards

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    Semantic Information Systems (IS) Standards play a critical role in the development of the networked economy. While their importance is undoubted by all stakeholders—such as businesses, policy makers, researchers, developers—the current state of research leaves a number of questions unaddressed. Terminological confusion exists around the notions of “business semantics”, “business-to-business interoperability”, and “interoperability standards” amongst others. And, moreover, a comprehensive understanding about the characteristics of Semantic IS Standards is missing. The paper addresses this gap in literature by developing a characteristics framework for Semantic IS Standards. Two case studies are used to check the applicability of the framework in a “real-life” context. The framework lays the foundation for future research in an important field of the IS discipline and supports practitioners in their efforts to analyze, compare, and evaluate Semantic IS Standard

    A distributed simulation methodological framework for OR/MS applications

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    Distributed Simulation (DS) allows existing models to be composed together to form sim- ulations of large-scale systems, or large models to be divided into models that execute on separate computers. Among its claimed benefits are model reuse, speedup, data pri- vacy and data consistency. DS is arguably widely used in the defence sector. However, it is rarely used in Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS) applications in areas such as manufacturing and healthcare, despite its potential advantages. The main barriers to use DS in OR/MS are the technical complexity in implementation and a gap between the world views of DS and OR/MS communities. In this paper, we propose a new method that attempts to link together the methodological practices of OR/MS and DS. Using a rep- resentative case study, we show that our methodological framework simplifies significantly DS implementation.This research was funded by the Multidisciplinary Assessment of Technology Centre for Healthcare (MATCH), an Innova- tive Manufacturing Research Centre (IMRC) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (Ref: EP/F063822/1 )

    A distributed simulation methodological framework for OR/MS applications

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    Distributed Simulation (DS) allows existing models to be composed together to form sim- ulations of large-scale systems, or large models to be divided into models that execute on separate computers. Among its claimed benefits are model reuse, speedup, data pri- vacy and data consistency. DS is arguably widely used in the defence sector. However, it is rarely used in Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS) applications in areas such as manufacturing and healthcare, despite its potential advantages. The main barriers to use DS in OR/MS are the technical complexity in implementation and a gap between the world views of DS and OR/MS communities. In this paper, we propose a new method that attempts to link together the methodological practices of OR/MS and DS. Using a rep- resentative case study, we show that our methodological framework simplifies significantly DS implementation.This research was funded by the Multidisciplinary Assessment of Technology Centre for Healthcare (MATCH), an Innova- tive Manufacturing Research Centre (IMRC) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (Ref: EP/F063822/1 )

    Acceptance of Electronic Health Records in Traditional Malay Medicine: An Exploratory Prototyping Approach

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    The usage of electronic health records is widely used today in the modern medicine field due to its immense benefits. These benefits include and are not limited to allowing physician to access a patient’s chart remotely, provide alerts to a potential medication error and critical lab values. However, the usage of this technology in Traditional Malay Medicine is limited. This paper explores the acceptance usage of electronic health records in Traditional Malay Medicine in five healthcare organisations including private Traditional Malay Medicine practitioners in Malaysia. This research utilizes the exploratory prototyping approach where a prototype, MyPostnatalSys is developed and used to gain constructive feedback of the acceptance of electronic health records. MyPostnatalSys, an electronic health record prototype, was developed for integrating Traditional Malay Medicine and Modern Medicine services using an interoperability standard, HL7. The purpose of interoperability standards is to ensure patient data can be transmitted across multi-platform systems seamlessly. The results show that more than 90% respondents have shown a positive acceptance on the usage of electronic health records in Traditional Malay Medicine. However, there may exist some resistance in accepting electronic health records technology in private Traditional Malay Medicine practitioners. However Traditional Malay practitioners trained by a government led initiative for women’s health, Mamacare programme, are more open to accept the implementation. This shows that upskilling programmes such as Mamacare can reduce the barriers of acceptance in electronic health records in Traditional Malay practitioners

    The e-Health Development Framework in Spain

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    Telemedicine and Information Society, Research DivisionThis document sets out to identify the strategic lines, framework for action and status quo. Moreover, it seeks to pinpoint recommendations designed to foster the development of e-health in this country and meet any potential demand in a European context arising from an institutional commitment to lend impetus to the Information Society in Health, in the shape of the «Strategic Initiative for the Development of the Information Society» (Iniciativa estratégica para el Desarrollo de Sociedad de la Información - Info XXI) and the National Research, Development and Innovation Plan (2000-2003).Telemedicine and Information Society, Research Division" Introducción, General, Objetivo y alcance del documento, Justificación, Realización del documento, Contenido, Sobre la e-Salud y su campo de aplicaciones, General, Definiendo la e-Salud, De las infraestructuras a las aplicaciones, El espacio de las aplicaciones de la e-Salud, El marco europeo y el contexto global, La e-Salud en la iniciativa de e-Europa, El contexto global, Escenario de la e-Salud en España, Aspectos generales, Los grandes grupos de usuarios de e-Salud Los consumidores (ciudadanos en general), Los pacientes, Los profesionales sanitarios, Las organizaciones sanitarias, Análisis de situación, Factores impulsores, Barreras, Discusión por categorías de usuarios, Planteando una estrategia de acción en e-Salud, Resumen de situación, Visión del papel de la e-Salud, Perspectivas de evolución. Contexto de desarrollo, Identificación de los temas de fondo Propuesta de actuaciones, General, Elementos de actuación, Medidas Generales, Acciones de Investigación y Desarrollo, Acciones de Formación y Docencia, Acciones de Transferencia de Tecnología e Innovación, Referencias/Bibliografía

    The Healthgrid White Paper

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    A mobility enabled inpatient monitoring system using a ZigBee medical sensor network

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    This paper presents a ZigBee In-Patient Monitoring system embedded with a new ZigBee mobility management solution. The system enables ZigBee device mobility in a fixed ZigBee network. The usage, the architecture and the mobility framework are discussed in details in the paper. The evaluation shows that the new algorithm offers a good efficiency, resulting in a low management cost. In addition, the system can save lives by providing a panic button and can be used as a location tracking service. A case study focused on the Princes of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong is presented and findings are given. This investigation reveals that the developed mobile solutions offer promising value-added services for many potential ZigBee applications