50 research outputs found


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    The photovoltaic system is used and utilized as electricity demand in many developed countries, including Indonesia. Nowadays, the photovoltaic system is an alternative source of inexpensive, reasonably priced electricity and easily applied in public facilities until laboratory usage. In Electrical Engineering Laboratory (EEL), Faculty of Engineering (FoE), Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani is 1 kWp peak photovoltaic application available. The PV system is planned to be connected to the grid and produces 220VAC / 50Hz characteristics to meet the existing load capacity. The PV systems modeled include Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controlled DC/DC Boost Converter, and DC/AC converter circuit. This study's experimental architecture is proposed to meet the electrical load following the characteristics of the photovoltaic device. The three types of electronic switching control, namely Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) and Gate Turn-off Thyristor (GTO), are used to achieve the highest performance. Based on the 1 kWp photovoltaic system's simulation results from the three types of electronic power switching, a minimum output voltage range of 210-230 VDC is produced. DC/AC Converter testing has been carried out and can be tested on a grid-connected 220VAC/50Hz single phase with the highest output using MOSFET equal to 96.7%

    The malaria system microApp: A new, mobile device-based tool for malaria diagnosis

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    Background: Malaria is a public health problem that affects remote areas worldwide. Climate change has contributed to the problem by allowing for the survival of Anopheles in previously uninhabited areas. As such, several groups have made developing news systems for the automated diagnosis of malaria a priority. Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a new, automated, mobile device-based diagnostic system for malaria. The system uses Giemsa-stained peripheral blood samples combined with light microscopy to identify the Plasmodium falciparum species in the ring stage of development. Methods: The system uses image processing and artificial intelligence techniques as well as a known face detection algorithm to identify Plasmodium parasites. The algorithm is based on integral image and haar-like features concepts, and makes use of weak classifiers with adaptive boosting learning. The search scope of the learning algorithm is reduced in the preprocessing step by removing the background around blood cells. Results: As a proof of concept experiment, the tool was used on 555 malaria-positive and 777 malaria-negative previously-made slides. The accuracy of the system was, on average, 91%, meaning that for every 100 parasite-infected samples, 91 were identified correctly. Conclusions: Accessibility barriers of low-resource countries can be addressed with low-cost diagnostic tools. Our system, developed for mobile devices (mobile phones and tablets), addresses this by enabling access to health centers in remote communities, and importantly, not depending on extensive malaria expertise or expensive diagnostic detection equipment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cognitive Artificial Intelligence: Concept and Applications for Humankind

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    Computation within the human brain is not possible to be emulated 100% in artificial intelligence machines. Human brain has an awesome mechanism when performing computation with new knowledge as the end result. In this chapter, we will show a new approach for emulating the computation that occurs within the human brain to obtain new knowledge as the time passes and makes the knowledge to become newer. Based on this phenomenon, we have built an intelligent system called the Knowledge-Growing System (KGS). This approach is the basis for designing an agent that has ability to think and act rationally like a human, which is called the cognitive agent. Our cognitive modeling approach has resulted in a model of human information processing and a technique called Arwin-Adang-Aciek-Sembiring (A3S). This brain-inspired method opens a new perspective in AI known as cognitive artificial intelligence (CAI). CAI computation can be applied to various applications, namely: (1) knowledge extraction in an integrated information system, (2) probabilistic cognitive robot and coordination among autonomous agent systems, (3) human health detection, and (4) electrical instrument measurement. CAI provides a wide opportunity to yield various technologies and intelligent instrumentations as well as to encourage the development of cognitive science, which then encourages the intelligent systems approach to human intelligence

    STA Data Model for Effective Business Process Modelling

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    AbstractBusiness process management (BPM) is becoming popular in business, and the business process modelling is a way of representing an organisation to enable its analysis and improvement. A business-friendly modelling is very helpful for business people, and also can act as a communication tool between them and technical IT people. This paper focuses on a new data model, called Source-Transaction-Agent (STA) data model, as a modelling technique for business process modelling. STA data model uses business metadata to assist business and IT person to communicate and participate effectively and efficiently in business data modelling of a system development process. The STA data model uses relational database concept and semantic data modelling, developed by combining Resource-Event-Agent (REA) data model and form-based approach. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is used as the benchmark for the STA effectiveness evaluation. The results show that the STA data model is an effective data model technique for business process modelling

    A data modeling conceptual framework for ubiquitous computing based on context awareness

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    This paper introduces a framework for data modeling to support ubiquitous computing based on context-awareness.  Data always grow in term of volume, variety, velocity, and value. The problem arises when it grows exponentially. Consequently, data is anywhere and requirements change in early data definitions then data design become not as the plan.  Therefore, suitable approach with new paradigm and methods of data modeling needs to be enhanced to solve the problems in the real world. Data model must consider the active object that related to each other. Any objects may interact with each other in a ubiquitous way and recorded in digital technology. Sensors, actuator devices, and radio frequency identification technology may support communication between objects through ubiquitous computing. The data model in Ubiquitous Computing needs to restructure to become active and dynamic.  Ubiquitous computing is a model that enable all objects around the people to communicate and invisible. In order to support this paradigm, a new perspective of how data are designed and stored on each object is needed. Furthermore, using ubiquitous computing, the pervasive network can request and response information, which means the devices may communicate and has the initiative to solve a problem without human intervention.  Human wants more intelligence objects. Therefore, more sensors and memory are required. Data structures need to enhance or embedded into any devices that interact with the human

    Pengaruh Keberadaan Partikel Asing Terhadap Karakteristik Medan Listrik Pada GIS Equilateral Tiga Fasa

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    This paper analyzes the effect of the presence of foreign particles on an equilateral arrangement of 3 phase gas insulated switchgear (GIS) insulation equipment. In this calculation, the electric field characteristics will be analyzed in 3-phase equilateral GIS by varying the location of the particles in the GIS tank. Particles are modeled to have a length of 5 mm and a thickness of 0.5 mm located in a 3 phase GIS equilateral arrangement with a tank diameter of 150 mm and a conductor diameter of 25 mm. The electric field calculations are reviewed at several points in the 3-phase equilateral GIS tank. The simulation and calculation of the electric field were calculated with FEM method software. The results of the calculations show that there are differences in the characteristics of the electric field between normal GIS and GIS where foreign particles are present. The difference in these characteristics can be seen in the magnitude of the electric field, and the ratio of eccentricity from some point of view. Keywords : gas insulated switchgear, equilateral, foreign particles, electric field, eccentricity ratioAbstrakPaper ini menganalisa tentang pengaruh keberadaan partikel asing pada peralatan hubung isolasi gas/ gas insulated switchgear (GIS) 3 fasa susunan equilateral. Pada perhitungan ini, akan dianalisa karakteristik medan listrik pada GIS equilateral 3 fasa dengan memvariasikan letak partikel dalam tangki GIS. Partikel dimodelkan memiliki panjang 5 mm dan ketipisan 0.5 mm terletak di dalam GIS 3 fasa susunan equilateral dengan diameter tangki 150 mm dan diameter konduktor 25 mm. Perhitungan medan listrik ditinjau pada beberapa titik dalam tangki GIS equilateral 3 fasa. Simulasi dan perhitungan medan listrik dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode FEM. Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan adanya perbedaaan karakteristik medan listrik antara GIS normal dengan GIS yang terdapat partikel asing. Perbedaan karakteristik ini dapat dilihat pada besar medan listrik, dan rasio eksentrisitas pada beberapa titik tinjau keberadaan partikel. Kata Kunci : gas insulated switchgear,  equilateral, partikel asing, medan listrik, rasio eksentrisita

    Daugialypių mobiliųjų paslaugų teikimo galimybės autotransporto komunikacijos tinkluose

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    Research on the provision of heterogeneous services in the field of intelligent transport is of great interest in the rapidly changing infrastructure of road transport. In particular, the availability of such services has increased through the use of wireless technologies and communication tools. The current development of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and the integration of intelligent transport platforms and service systems make it possible to significantly improve road safety and reduce the likelihood of road accidents. However, the delivery of mobile-smart services requires the development of a rather sophisticated infrastructure to support multicast services. The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the data transmission capabilities for heterogeneous services while ensuring road safety. The paper deals with the tasks of evaluating the possibilities of integrating such mobile services into the infrastructure of motor vehicles. Measuring bandwidth by enabling multicast services on the base of Ad-hoc wireless networks becomes an important task. The demonstrated results illustrate the capabilities of wireless networks by simulating these services in a transport service generating environment. The paper demonstrates that high-quality heterogeneous services require new wireless network interaction protocols, such as a session initiation protocol (SIP), GPRS functionality, routing protocols, and channel access to provide a large number of supportive service components.Moksliniai tyrimai intelektualaus transporto nevienalyčių paslaugų teikimo srityje yra labai aktualūs sparčiai besikeičiančios infrastuktūros automobilių transporte. Ypač tokių paslaugų teikimo galimybės išaugo, pasitelkiant belaides technologijas ir ryšių komunikacines priemones. Dabartinė informacinių komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) plėtra ir intelektinių transporto platformų bei paslaugas teikiančių sistemų integracija leidžia žymiai pagerinti eismo saugą ir sumažinti avarijų kelyje tikimybę. Tačiau, norint teikti mobiliąsias-intelektualiąsias paslaugas, reikia sukurti gana sudėtingą infrastruktūrą, skirtą daugiakompozicinėms paslaugoms palaikyti. Šio mokslinio straipsnio tikslas yra išanalizuoti duomenų perdavimo galimybes, skirtas nevienalytėms, daugialypėms (heterogeninėms) paslaugoms teikti, kartu užtikrinant kelių eismo saugumą. Darbe nagrinėjami uždaviniai, kaip įvertinti tokių mobiliųjų paslaugų integracijos galimybes autotransporto priemonių infrastruktūroje. Svarbiu uždaviniu tampa duomenų pralaidumo nustatymas, įgalinant daugiakompozicines paslaugas proginiuose (Ad-Hoc) belaidžiuose tinkluose. Demonstruojami rezultatai iliustruoja belaidžių tinklų galimybes, atliekant tokių paslaugų imitacinį modeliavimą, transporto paslaugas generuojančioje aplinkoje. Straipsnyje parodyta, kad, norint teikti kokybiškas nevienalytes paslaugas, reikia naujų belaidžių tinklų sąveikos protokolų, tokių kaip sesijos inicializavimo protokolas (SIP), GPRS funkcinių galimybių, maršrutizavimo protokolų ir prieigos prie kanalų būdų dideliam palaikomųjų paslaugų komponentų kiekiui užtikrinti

    Program Pembelajaran Al Qur’an dalam Rangka Mencetak Mahasiswa Generasi Qur’ani ditengah Persaingan Global (Studi Kasus di Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al-‘Aly )

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    Sistem pembelajaran al Qur’an di Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al-‘Aly UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang terbilang baik. Meskipun tidak seluruh alumninya memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam membaca dan menulis al Qur’an (BTQ). Hal ini terbukti dengan prestasi yang diraih oleh UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sebagai kampus dengan indeks baca tulis al Qur’an terbaik diantara seluruh UIN yang ada di Indonesia. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji dan menganalisa bagaimana juhud MSAA dalam mencetak mahasiswa generasi Qur’ani yang mampu membaca dan menulis al Qur’an dengan baik dan benar. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus di lapangan dengan sumber data dari mudir ma’had, staff ma’had dan para mu’allim al Qur’an serta mahasantri. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi lalu dianalisa secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa pembelajaran al Qur’an di MSAA berlangsung sistematis dan terstruktur, masif dan terkontrol dengan baik. MSAA memiliki program tashih sebagai upaya evaluasi bacaan al Qur’an mahasantri yang sangat implementatif, efektif dan riil hasilnya. Hasilnya pada tahun 2019 mahasiswa UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang menduduki indeks teratas dari segi kemampuan BTQ dibandingkan UIN di Indonesia.  Selain itu semua stakeholder MSAA juga terlibat aktif dalam program kegiatan tersebut. The learning system of Qur'an in Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al-'Aly (MSAA) of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang is good enough. Although not all graduates of this institution have a good ability to read and write the Qur'an (BTQ). This is evidenced by Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang as a campus with the best index in reading and writing of Qur’an among all State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia.  This article will examine and analyse how MSAA's efforts in creating Qur'anic generation students which have ability to read and write the Qur'an well and correctly. This research is a case study in the field with data sources from Directure of Ma'had, Staff of Ma'had and Mu'allim of Qur'an and Mahasantri (students). Data obtained through observations, interviews and documentation studies and then analyzed deeply. The results of the study are that the study of the Qur'an in MSAA lasts systematically and is structured, massive and well controlled. MSAA has a tashih program as an effort to evaluate the Qur'an recitation of Mahasantri is very implemented, effective and real results. As a result, in 2019 students UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang occupied the top index in terms of BTQ capability compared to UIN in Indonesia.  In addition, all MSAA stakeholders are also actively involved in the program

    A Hardware Architecture of a Counter-Based Entropy Coder

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    This paper describes a hardware architectural design of a real-time counter based entropy coder at a register transfer level (RTL) computing model. The architecture is based on a lossless compression algorithm called Rice coding, which is optimal for an entropy range of bits per sample. The architecture incorporates a word-splitting scheme to extend the entropy coverage into a range of bits per sample. We have designed a data structure in a form of independent code blocks, allowing more robust compressed bitstream. The design focuses on an RTL computing model and architecture, utilizing 8-bit buffers, adders, registers, loader-shifters, select-logics, down-counters, up-counters, and multiplexers. We have validated the architecture (both the encoder and the decoder) in a coprocessor for 8 bits/sample data on an FPGA Xilinx XC4005, utilizing 61% of F&G-CLBs, 34% H-CLBs, 32% FF-CLBs, and 68% IO resources. On this FPGA implementation, the encoder and decoder can achieve 1.74 Mbits/s and 2.91 Mbits/s throughputs, respectively. The architecture allows pipelining, resulting in potentially maximum encoding throughput of 200 Mbit/s on typical real-time TTL implementations. In addition, it uses a minimum number of register elements. As a result, this architecture can result in low cost, low energy consumption and reduced silicon area realizations

    Cognitive artificial-intelligence for doernenburg dissolved gas analysis interpretation

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    This paper proposes Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (CAI) method for Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) interpretation adopting Doernenburg Ratio method. CAI works based on Knowledge Growing System (KGS) principle and is capable of growing its own knowledge. Data are collected from sensors, but they are not the information itself, and thus, data needs to be processed to extract information. Multiple information are then fused in order to obtain new information with Degree of Certainty (DoC). The new information is used to identify faults occurred at a single observation. The proposed method is tested using the previously published dataset and compared with Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Experiment shows CAI implementation on Doernenburg Ratio performs 115 out of 117 accurate identification, followed by Fuzzy Inference System 94.02% and ANN 78.6%. CAI works well even with small amount of data and does not require trainings