3,506 research outputs found

    Helitrons: genomic parasites that generate developmental novelties

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    Helitrons, classified as DNA transposons, employ rolling-circle intermediates for transposition. Distinguishing themselves from other DNA transposons, they leave the original template element unaltered during transposition, which has led to their characterization as 'peel-and-paste elements'. Helitrons possess the ability to capture and mobilize host genome fragments, with enormous consequences for host genomes. This review discusses the current understanding of Helitrons, exploring their origins, transposition mechanism, and the extensive repercussions of their activity on genome structure and function. We also explore the evolutionary conflicts stemming from Helitron-transposed gene fragments and elucidate their domestication for regulating responses to environmental challenges. Looking ahead, further research in this evolving field promises to bring interesting discoveries on the role of Helitrons in shaping genomic landscapes

    The protozoan nucleus

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    The nucleus is arguably the defining characteristic of eukaryotes, distinguishing their cell organisation from both bacteria and archaea. Though the evolutionary history of the nucleus remains the subject of debate, its emergence differs from several other eukaryotic organelles in that it appears not to have evolved through symbiosis, but by cell membrane elaboration from an archaeal ancestor. Evolution of the nucleus has been accompanied by elaboration of nuclear structures that are intimately linked with most aspects of nuclear genome function, including chromosome organisation, DNA maintenance, replication and segregation, and gene expression controls. Here we discuss the complexity of the nucleus and its substructures in protozoan eukaryotes, with a particular emphasis on divergent aspects in eukaryotic parasites, which shed light on nuclear function throughout eukaryotes and reveal specialisations that underpin pathogen biology

    Accessory Genome Dynamics and Structural Variation of Shigella from Persistent Infections

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    Shigellosis is a diarrheal disease caused mainly by Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei Infection is thought to be largely self-limiting, with short- to medium-term and serotype-specific immunity provided following clearance. However, cases of men who have sex with men (MSM)-associated shigellosis have been reported where Shigella of the same serotype were serially sampled from individuals between 1 and 1,862 days apart, possibly due to persistent carriage or reinfection with the same serotype. Here, we investigate the accessory genome dynamics of MSM-associated S. flexneri and S. sonnei isolates serially sampled from individual patients at various days apart to shed light on the adaptation of these important pathogens during infection. We find that pairs likely associated with persistent infection/carriage and with a smaller single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) distance, demonstrated significantly less variation in accessory genome content than pairs likely associated with reinfection, and with a greater SNP distance. We observed antimicrobial resistance acquisition during Shigella carriage, including the gain of an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase gene during carriage. Finally, we explored large chromosomal structural variations and rearrangements in seven (five chronic and two reinfection associated) pairs of S. flexneri 3a isolates from an MSM-associated epidemic sublineage, which revealed variations at several common regions across isolate pairs, mediated by insertion sequence elements and comprising a distinct predicted functional profile. This study provides insight on the variation of accessory genome dynamics and large structural genomic changes in Shigella during persistent infection/carriage. In addition, we have also created a complete reference genome and biobanked isolate of the globally important pathogen, S. flexneri 3a.IMPORTANCE Shigella spp. are Gram-negative bacteria that are the etiological agent of shigellosis, the second most common cause of diarrheal illness among children under the age of five in low-income countries. In high-income countries, shigellosis is also a sexually transmissible disease among men who have sex with men. Within the latter setting, we have captured prolonged and/or recurrent infection with shigellae of the same serotype, challenging the belief that Shigella infection is short lived and providing an early opportunity to study the evolution of the pathogen over the course of infection. Using this recently emerged transmission scenario, we comprehensively characterize the genomic changes that occur over the course of individual infection with Shigella and uncover a distinct functional profile of variable genomic regions, findings that have relevance for other Enterobacteriaceae

    Characteristics of oligonucleotide frequencies across genomes: Conservation versus variation, strand symmetry, and evolutionary implications

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    One of the objectives of evolutionary genomics is to reveal the genetic information contained in the primordial genome (called the primary genetic information in this paper, with the primordial genome defined here as the most primitive nucleic acid genome for earth’s life) by searching for primitive traits or relics remained in modern genomes. As the shorter a sequence is, the less probable it would be modified during genome evolution. For that reason, some characteristics of very short nucleotide sequences would have considerable chances to persist during billions of years of evolution. Consequently, conservation of certain genomic features of mononucleotides, dinucleotides, and higher-order oligonucleotides across various genomes may exist; some, if not all, of these features would be relics of the primary genetic information. Based on this assumption, we analyzed the pattern of frequencies of mononucleotides, dinucleotides, and higher-order oligonucleotides of the whole-genome sequences from 458 species (including archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes). Also, we studied the phenomenon of strand symmetry in these genomes. The results show that the conservation of frequencies of some dinucleotides and higher-order oligonucleotides across genomes does exist, and that strand symmetry is a ubiquitous and explicit phenomenon that may contribute to frequency conservation. We propose a new hypothesis for the origin of strand symmetry and frequency conservation as well as for the constitution of early genomes. We conclude that the phenomena of strand symmetry and the pattern of frequency conservation would be original features of the primary genetic information

    Satellites in the prokaryote world

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    Background Satellites or tandem repeats are very abundant in many eukaryotic genomes. Occasionally they have been reported to be present in some prokaryotes, but to our knowledge there is no general comparative study on their occurrence. For this reason we present here an overview of the distribution and properties of satellites in a set of representative species. Our results provide novel insights into the evolutionary relationship between eukaryotes, Archaea and Bacteria. Results We have searched all possible satellites present in the NCBI reference group of genomes in Archaea (142 species) and in Bacteria (119 species), detecting 2735 satellites in Archaea and 1067 in Bacteria. We have found that the distribution of satellites is very variable in different organisms. The archaeal Methanosarcina class stands out for the large amount of satellites in their genomes. Satellites from a few species have similar characteristics to those in eukaryotes, but most species have very few satellites: only 21 species in Archaea and 18 in Bacteria have more than 4 satellites/Mb. The distribution of satellites in these species is reminiscent of what is found in eukaryotes, but we find two significant differences: most satellites have a short length and many of them correspond to segments of genes coding for amino acid repeats. Transposition of non-coding satellites throughout the genome occurs rarely: only in the bacteria Leptospira interrogans and the archaea Methanocella conradii we have detected satellite families of transposed satellites with long repeats. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that the presence of satellites in the genome is not an exclusive feature of eukaryotes. We have described a few prokaryotes which do contain satellites. We present a discussion on their eventual evolutionary significance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Establishing Benchmark Criteria for Single Chromosome Bacterial Genome Assembly

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    Adequate recommendations for the amount and types of sequencing data necessary to optimize the recovery of single chromosomes from bacterial sequencing projects do not exist. Broad estimates for coverage depths needed to recover complete bacterial genomes are present in the literature, but required sequencing depths across bacterial and archaeal phylogenies needed for high-quality assembly are not known. Additionally, correlations between genomic complexity and expected quality of assembly have not been properly defined. Furthermore, the capabilities of multiplexing (sequencing more than one sample simultaneously on one flow cell) with long-read sequencing platforms in order to recover complete bacterial chromosomes are poorly documented. We first preface our research by discussing the benefits and challenges surrounding assembly of single chromosome bacterial genomes. Then, in order to address the role of genomic variability on genome assembly quality, we selected a clade of closely related Escherichia coli strains and assessed how strain-level genomic variation leads to differences in genome assembly quality. While variation in assembly quality among highly similar strains does occur, we show that the depth at which increased coverage does not improve assembly contiguity can be ascertained for strains of highly similar bacteria. We also show that there are significant correlations between genomic traits -- such as genome size, repeat content, and number of coding sequences -- and the resulting genome assembly quality. Furthermore, we simulated long-read data based on standard multiplexed read profiles of a phylogenetically diverse array of bacteria and archaea and found that although limitations due to genome size and repeat complexity exist, long-read x8 multiplexed data are able to complete many bacterial genomes without the need for additional short-read sequencing. This research provides a series of criteria for why short-read sequencing and assembly often does not result in the generation of complete genome assemblies, and how multiplexed, long-read data can greatly reduce time and financial resources for many bacterial and archaeal sequencing projects. Adviser: Joshua R. Her

    GenomeRing: alignment visualization based on SuperGenome coordinates

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    Motivation: The number of completely sequenced genomes is continuously rising, allowing for comparative analyses of genomic variation. Such analyses are often based on whole-genome alignments to elucidate structural differences arising from insertions, deletions or from rearrangement events. Computational tools that can visualize genome alignments in a meaningful manner are needed to help researchers gain new insights into the underlying data. Such visualizations typically are either realized in a linear fashion as in genome browsers or by using a circular approach, where relationships between genomic regions are indicated by arcs. Both methods allow for the integration of additional information such as experimental data or annotations. However, providing a visualization that still allows for a quick and comprehensive interpretation of all important genomic variations together with various supplemental data, which may be highly heterogeneous, remains a challenge

    Large genomic differences between Moraxella bovoculi isolates acquired from the eyes of cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis versus the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle

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    Citation: Dickey, A. M., Loy, J. D., Bono, J. L., Smith, T. P. L., Apley, M. D., Lubbers, B. V., . . . Clawson, M. L. (2016). Large genomic differences between Moraxella bovoculi isolates acquired from the eyes of cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis versus the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle. Veterinary Research, 47, 11. doi:10.1186/s13567-016-0316-2Moraxella bovoculi is a recently described bacterium that is associated with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) or "pinkeye" in cattle. In this study, closed circularized genomes were generated for seven M. bovoculi isolates: three that originated from the eyes of clinical IBK bovine cases and four from the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle. Isolates that originated from the eyes of IBK cases profoundly differed from those that originated from the nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle in genome structure, gene content and polymorphism diversity and consequently placed into two distinct phylogenetic groups. These results suggest that there are genetically distinct strains of M. bovoculi that may not associate with IBK