73 research outputs found

    Arquitectura de seguridad multinivel: una guía para las organizaciones modernas

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    La información puede considerarse como el activo más importante de cualquier organización moderna. Garantizar la seguridad de esta información implica preservar la confidencialidad, la integridad y la disponibilidad de la misma, tríada conocida como CIA en inglés. Este trabajo presenta una arquitectura de seguridad multinivel motivado por la necesidad de considerar la información desde diferentes puntos de vista con el fin de protegerla. Además, se sugiere una nueva clasificación de los elementos de información, operaciones, entidades y componentes que se pueden integrar para mostrar las distintas fuentes de riesgos al tratar con información sensible. Se muestra también una visión general de cómo se trata y se representa actualmente la información y por qué es tan difícil garantizar la seguridad en todos los aspectos del tratamiento de la información

    A Comparison of Descriptive Tagging Practices by Library, Archive, and Museum Professionals using an Inter-Indexing Consistency Approach

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    This study is a comparison of the descriptive tagging practices among library, archive, and museum professionals using an inter-indexing consistency approach. The first purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the similarities and differences among professional groups when assigning descriptive tags to different object types typically found within the library, archive and museum environments. The second purpose of this study was to compare the descriptive practices of these three professional groups to different object types typically found within the library, archive and museum environments. Findings from this study indicate while there were few differences in depth of indexing per object type among professional groups, various levels of description were applied to the different object types. Levels of description were derived from: (1) the three dimensional or physical media pictured; (2) the digital surrogate; (3) the objects aboutness;(4) the technique and materials used to make the physical object, and; (5) written text. Data analysis also indicates there was a significant difference between means in the total number of exact matched primary tags applied perobject type. As such, information retrieval within the online environment could be improved if there was better quality control in the application of thedifferent levels of description among information professionals

    Ontology and the Semantic Web

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    This paper discusses the development of a new information representation system embodied in ontology and the Semantic Web. The new system differs from other representation systems in that it is based on a more sophisticated semantic representation of information, aims to go well beyond the document level, and designed to be understood and processed by machine. A common theme underlying these three features, i.e., turning documents into meaningful interchangeable data, reflects a rising use expectation nurtured by modern technology and, at the same time, presents a unique challenge for its enabling technologies

    Kontrola słów kluczowych w indeksowaniu i wyszukiwaniu informacji

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    Keywords management in information indexing and retrieval Abst ract This article concerns selected issues relating to the methods of vocabulary management in the processes of information indexing and retrieval, based on the use of keywords. The aim is to present the results of a review of literature on the subject, published mainly after 2010, and to discuss the state of research and prospects in this field. The study relies on critical analysis of literature on the subject. The obtained picture of the research field in question is an important stage in designing further studies in this area. Abst rakt Przedmiotem artykułu są wybrane problemy dotyczące sposobów kontroli słownictwa w procesach indeksowania i wyszukiwania informacji za pomocą słów kluczowych. Celem publikacji jest prezentacja wyników przeprowadzonego rekonesansu literaturowego publikacji, które ukazały się na ten temat, głównie po 2000 roku, ukazująca stan badań i perspektywy badawcze w tym zakresie. W ustaleniu stanu badań posłużono się metodą analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa. Uzyskany w wyniku przeprowadzonych badań obraz eksplorowanej problematyki badawczej stanowi ważny etap w projektowaniu dalszych badań w tym zakresie

    Encountering on the road to Serendip? Browsing in new information environments

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    Considers the continuing relevance of the ideas of browsing, serendipity, information encountering, and literature discovery in a digital information environment

    Discussions about acceptance of the free software for management and creation of referencial database for papers

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    Objetivo. Verificar o grau de aceitação, por meio do modelo Technology Acceptance Model – TAM, do software desenvolvido, que permite a construção e gestão de bases de dados referenciais de artigos científicos visando auxiliar na disseminação e na recuperação da produção científica armazenada em meio digital. Método. A pesquisa se caracteriza como quantitativa, uma vez que o modelo TAM, que norteou o estudo, é essencialmente quantitativo. Um questionário elaborado segundo as orientações do TAM foi utilizado como instrumento para coleta de dados. Resultados. Foi possível verificar que esse software, apesar de necessitar das correções e melhorias intrínsecas a esse tipo de ferramenta, obteve um relevante grau de aceitação pela amostra pesquisada. Considerações. Ressalta-se, que apesar de esta pesquisa ter sido direcionada para acadêmicos da área da Ciência da Informação, a ideia que fundamentou a criação do software utilizado neste estudo pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da Ciência em qualquer área do conhecimento, objetivando a otimização dos resultados que uma busca realizada em uma base de dados especializada pode proporcionar.Objetivo. Verificar el grado de aceptación, por medio del Technology Acceptance Model – TAM, de un software que permite la construcción y gestión de bases de datos referenciales de artículos científicos; buscando así apoyar la diseminación y la recuperación de la producción científica almacenada en medio digital. Método. La investigación se caracteriza por ser cuantitativa, ya que el modelo TAM, que guió el estudio, es esencialmente cuantitativo. Se uso como instrumento para recolección de datos un cuestionario elaborado según las orientaciones del TAM Resultados. Fue posible verificar que ese software, a pesar de necesitar de las correciones y mejoras intrínsecas a ese tipo de herramienta, obtuvo un relevante grado de aceptación por parte de la muestra investigada. Consideraciones. Se destaca, que a pesar de que esta investigación ha sido direccionada a los académicos del ámbito de la Ciencia de la Información, la idea que fundamentó la creación del software utilizado en este estudio, puede contribuir al desarrollo de cualquier área del conocimiento; buscando la optimización de los resultados que una búsqueda realizada en una base de datos especializada e este tipo pueda proporcionar.Objective. This research aimed to determine the degree of acceptance, by the use of the Technology Acceptance Model - TAM, of the developed software, which allows the construction and database management of scientific articles aimed at assisting in the dissemination and retrieval of stored scientific production in digital media. Method. The research is characterized as quantitative, since the TAM, which guided this study is essentially quantitative. A questionnaire developed according to TAM guidelines was used as a tool for data collection. Results. It was possible to verify that this software, despite the need of fixes and improvements inherent to this type of tool, obtained a relevant degree of acceptance by the sample studied. Conciderations. It also should be noted that although this research has been directed to scholars in the field of information science, the idea that justified the creation of the software used in this study might contribute to the development of science in any field of knowledge, aiming at the optimization results of a search conducted in a specialized database can provide

    Social Tagging: Exploring the Image, the Tags, and the Game

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    An increasing amount of images are being uploaded, shared, and retrieved on the Web. These large image collections need to be properly stored, organized and easily retrieved. Tags have a key role in image retrieval but it is difficult for those who upload the images to also undertake the quality tag assignment for potential future retrieval by others. Relying on professional keyword assignment is not a practical option for large image collections due to resource constraints. Although a number of content-based image retrieval systems have been launched, they have not demonstrated sufficient utility on large-scale image sources on the web, and are usually used as a supplement to existing text-based image retrieval systems. An alternative to professional image indexing can be social tagging -- with two major types being photo-sharing networks and image labeling games. Here we analyze these applications to evaluate their usefulness from the semantic point of view. We also investigate whether social tagging behaviour can be managed. The findings of the study have shown that social tagging can generate a sizeable number of tags that can be classified as interpretive for an image, and that tagging behaviour has a manageable and adjustable nature depending on tagging guidelines