13 research outputs found

    Моделирование регулируемых асинхронных электроприводов с согласующими редукторами и трансформаторами

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    Исследована работа разных асинхронных двигателей в составе регулируемых электроприводов, которые выполняют одну и ту же техническую задачу, с учетом включения таких элементов, как согласующие трансформатор и редуктор. Проведено сопоставление характеристик двигателей в статических и динамических режимах. Определены энергетические, массогабаритностоимостные показатели электроприводов. Обоснована возможность выбора лучшего варианта привода, как по вышеуказанным показателям, так и по стоимости потерь активной энергии.Досліджено роботу різних асинхронних двигунів у складі регульованих електроприводів, що виконують одну і ту ж технічну задачу, з урахуванням включення таких елементів, як узгоджувальні трансформатор і редуктор. Зроблено зіставлення характеристик двигунів в статичних та динамічних режимах. Визначено енергетичні, масогабаритновартісні показники електроприводів. Обґрунтовано можливість вибору кращого варіанту приводу, як за вищевказаними показниками, так і за вартістю втрат активної енергії.Purpose. Working out of mathematical models of the speedcontrolled induction electric drives ensuring joint consideration of transformers, motors and loadings, and also matching reducers and transformers, both in static, and in dynamic regimes for the analysis of their operating characteristics. Methodology. At mathematical modelling are considered functional, mass, dimensional and cost indexes of reducers and transformers that allows observing engineering and economic aspects of speedcontrolled induction electric drives. The mathematical models used for examination of the transitive electromagnetic and electromechanical processes, are grounded on systems of nonlinear differential equations with nonlinear coefficients (parameters of equivalent circuits of motors), varying in each operating point, including owing to appearances of saturation of magnetic system and current displacement in a winding of a rotor of an induction motor. For the purpose of raise of level of adequacy of models a magnetic circuit iron, additional and mechanical losses are considered. Results. Modelling of the several speedcontrolled induction electric drives, different by components, but working on a loading equal on character, magnitude and a demanded control range is executed. At use of characteristic families including mechanical, at various parameters of regulating on which performances of the load mechanism are superimposed, the adjusting characteristics representing dependences of a modification of electrical, energy and thermal magnitudes from an angular speed of motors are gained. Originality. The offered complex models of speed-controlled induction electric drives with matching reducers and transformers, give the chance to realize well-founded sampling of components of drives. They also can be used as the design models by working out of speed-controlled induction motors. Practical value. Operating characteristics of various speed-controlled induction electric drives are observed and depending on the chosen measure including measure of cost of losses of active energy, sampling of the best alternative of the drive is realized

    Sequential fault detection for sealed deep groove ball bearings of in-wheel motor in variable operating conditions

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    Sealed deep groove ball bearings (SDGBBs) are employed to perform the relevant duties of in-wheel motor. However, the unique construction and complex operating environment of in-wheel motor may aggravate the occurrence of SDGBB faults. Therefore, this study presents a new intelligent diagnosis method for detecting SDGBB faults of in-wheel motor. The method is constructed on the basis of optimal composition of symptom parameters (SPOC) and support vector machines (SVMs). SPOC, as the objects of a follow-on process, is proposed to obtain from symptom parameters (SPs) of multi-direction. Moreover, the optimal hyper-plane of two states is automatically obtained using soft margin SVM and SPOC, and then using multi-SVMs, the system of intelligent diagnosis is built to detect many faults and identify fault types. The experiment results confirmed that the proposed method can excellently perform fault detection and fault-type identification for the SDGBB of in-wheel motor in variable operating conditions

    Combination of Noninvasive Approaches for General Assessment of Induction Motors

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    [EN] There exists no single quantity able to diagnose all possible failures taking place in induction motors. Currents and vibrations monitoring are rather common in the industry, but each of these quantities alone can only detect some specific failures. Moreover, even for the specific faults that a quantity is supposed to detect, many problems may rise. As a consequence, a reliable and general diagnosis system cannot rely on a single quantity. On the other hand, it would be desirable to rely on quantities that can be measured in a noninvasive way, which is a crucial requirement in many industrial applications. This paper proposes a twofold method to detect electromechanical failures in induction motors. The method relies on analysis of currents (steady state + transient) combined with analysis of infrared data captured by using appropriate cameras. Each of these noninvasive techniques may provide complementary information that may be very useful to diagnose an enough wide range of failures. In the present paper, the detection of three illustrative faults is analyzed: broken rotor bars, cooling system problems and bearing failures. The results show the potential of the methodology that may be particularly suitable for large, expensive motors, where the prevention of eventual failures justifies the costs of such system, due to the catastrophic implications that these unexpected faults may have.Picazo-Rodenas, MJ.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Climente Alarcon, V.; Royo, R.; Mota-Villar, A. (2015). Combination of Noninvasive Approaches for General Assessment of Induction Motors. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 51(3):2172-2180. doi:10.1109/TIA.2014.2382880S2172218051

    The use of a Multi-label Classification Framework for the Detection of Broken Bars and Mixed Eccentricity Faults based on the Start-up Transient

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    [EN] In this article a data driven approach for the classification of simultaneously occurring faults in an induction motor is presented. The problem is treated as a multi-label classification problem with each label corresponding to one specific fault. The faulty conditions examined, include the existence of a broken bar fault and the presence of mixed eccentricity with various degrees of static and dynamic eccentricity, while three "problem transformation" methods are tested and compared. For the feature extraction stage, the startup current is exploited using two well-known time-frequency (scale) transformations. This is the first time that a multi-label framework is used for the diagnosis of co-occurring fault conditions using information coming from the start-up current of induction motors. The efficiency of the proposed approach is validated using simulation data with promising results irrespective of the selected time-frequency transformation.This work was supported in part by the Spanish MINECO and FEDER program in the framework of the "Proyectos I + D del Subprograma de Generacion de Conocimiento, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia" under Grant DPI2014-52842-P and in part by the Horizon 2020 Framework program DISIRE under the Grant Agreement 636834.Georgoulas, G.; Climente Alarcón, V.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Tsoumas, IP.; Stylios, CD.; Arkkio, A.; Nikolakopoulos, G. (2016). The use of a Multi-label Classification Framework for the Detection of Broken Bars and Mixed Eccentricity Faults based on the Start-up Transient. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 13(2):625-634. https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2016.2637169S62563413

    On the broken rotor bar diagnosis using time-frequency analysis:'Is one spectral representation enough for the characterisation of monitored signals?'

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    © 2019 Institution of Engineering and Technology. All rights reserved. This work enhances the knowledge of the diagnostic potential of the broken bar fault in induction motors. Since a series of studies have been published over the years regarding condition monitoring and fault diagnostics of these machines, it is essential to reach a common ground on why - sometimes - different techniques render different results. In this context, an investigation is provided with regards to the optimal window that should be adopted for the implementation of a proper time-frequency analysis of the monitored signals. On this agenda, this study attempts to set lower and upper bound limits for proper windowing from the digital signal processing point of view. This is done by proposing a formula for the lower limit, which is derived according to the specific frequencies one desires to put under inspection and which are the fault-related signatures. Finally, a discussion on the upper bound is put onwards; results from finite-element simulations are examined with the discussed approach in both the transient regime and the steady state, while experimental results verify the simulations with satisfying accuracy

    Advanced signal processing methods for condition monitoring

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    Condition monitoring of induction motors (IM) among with the predictive maintenance concept are currently among the most promising research topics of manufacturing industry. Production efficiency is an important parameter of every manufacturing plant since it directly influences the final price of products. This research article presents a comprehensive overview of conditional monitoring techniques, along with classification techniques and advanced signal processing techniques. Compared methods are either based on measurement of electrical quantities or nonelectrical quantities that are processed by advanced signal processing techniques. This article briefly compares individual techniques and summarize results achieved by different research teams. Our own testbed is briefly introduced in the discussion section along with plans for future dataset creation. According to the comparison, Wavelet Transform (WT) along with Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Park's Vector Approach (PVA) provides the most interesting results for real deployment and could be used for future experiments.Web of Scienc

    Induction motors fault diagnosis using machine learning and advanced signal processing techniques

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    In this thesis, induction motors fault diagnosis are investigated using machine learning and advanced signal processing techniques considering two scenarios: 1) induction motors are directly connected online; and 2) induction motors are fed by variable frequency drives (VFDs). The research is based on experimental data obtained in the lab. Various single- and multi- electrical and/or mechanical faults were applied to two identical induction motors in experiments. Stator currents and vibration signals of the two motors were measured simultaneously during experiments and were used in developing the fault diagnosis method. Signal processing techniques such as Matching Pursuit (MP) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) are chosen for feature extraction. Classification algorithms, including decision trees, support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), and Ensemble algorithms are used in the study to evaluate the performance and suitability of different classifiers for induction motor fault diagnosis. Novel curve or surface fitting techniques are implemented to obtain features for conditions that have not been tested in experiments. The proposed fault diagnosis method can accurately detect single- or multi- electrical and mechanical faults in induction motors either directly online or fed by VFDs. In addition to the machine learning method, a threshold method using the stator current signal processed by DWT is also proposed in the thesis

    Diagnóstico de máquinas eléctricas mediante técnicas de termografía infrarroja

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] The main objective of this Thesis is the performance and validation of an automatic diagnostic system for induction motor failures, based mainly on the use of Infrared Thermography Technique. The implementation of these systems allow the detection of the failures in advance, when they are still in an incipient state, from information provided by various magnitudes of the machine, is a milestone pursued by many researchers. However, these predictive maintenance systems must possess high reliability making them suitable for a wide variety of industrial applications. Up till today, no predictive maintenance system, fully consistent and valid for the detection of a wide range of faults in electric induction motors, has been developed. The development of such systems becomes more relevant in the current context, in which the mentioned electric machines are expanding to other emerging applications, such as wind generation and driving electric vehicles. This development process consists of several complementary stages. The first phase is focusing on obtaining the thermal model, based on the energy balance of the induction motor as well as the heating curves, with the use of Infrared Thermography and the Heat Transmission Theory. This model, validated after applying it to various assemblies, will accurately predict the heating curves of the motors under different operating conditions or even in fault condition. The second stage involves the detailed analysis of the information from the infrared images obtained experimentally from the different case studies, in order to obtain the relevant data to make a more accurate diagnosis. The third step consists on the combination of the infrared thermography and the motor current signal analyses. The coupling of both will increase the diagnosis reliability and expand its applicability to a wider range of faults. Finally, the postprocessing of the data gathered from the previous stages using artificial intelligent algorithms, based on the recognition of thermal patterns, will be integrated into the automatic diagnostic system. These systems are able to minimize the human intervention in the detection process with a consequent increase in effectiveness. The future implementation of these predictive diagnostics systems may well consist of portable diagnostic equipment adapted to industrial environments. The Thesis is presented in the format of articles' compilation. It includes the two articles published in indexed journals and presented in international conferences, performed in collaboration with world renowned groups and covering the different areas and stages described.[ES] La presente Tesis tiene como principal objetivo el desarrollo y validación de un sistema de diagnóstico automático de averías en motores de inducción, basado principalmente en el uso de la técnica de Termografía Infrarroja. La implementación de sistemas que hagan factible la detección de las citadas averías con suficiente antelación, esto es, cuando éstas todavía se encuentran en estado incipiente, a partir de la información suministrada por diversas magnitudes de la máquina constituye un hito perseguido por muchos investigadores. Además, estos sistemas de mantenimiento predictivo deben poseer una alta fiabilidad, que los haga idóneos para su utilización en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones industriales. Sin embargo, todavía hoy no se ha desarrollado un sistema de mantenimiento predictivo que se muestre plenamente consistente y válido para la detección de un amplio rango de averías en motores eléctricos de inducción. El desarrollo de este tipo de sistemas cobra, si cabe, más relevancia en el contexto actual, en el que las citadas máquinas eléctricas se están expandiendo a otras aplicaciones emergentes, como la generación eólica o el accionamiento de vehículos eléctricos. El proceso a implementar está constituido por diversas fases complementarias, caracterizadas por un determinado grado de precisión en el diagnóstico de averías de motores eléctricos. Cada una de ellas consta de una parte experimental, basada en ensayos en motores de inducción, tanto del motor sano, como del motor en estado de fallo. Una vez concluida la fase experimental, se procede al correspondiente análisis y tratamiento de la información obtenida, por diversas técnicas características. Se parte de una primera fase, centrada en la obtención del modelo térmico, fundamentado por el balance energético del motor de inducción, así como por las curvas de calentamiento. Para ello se utiliza la tecnología infrarroja experimental y las ecuaciones de la Teoría de Transferencia de calor. De esta manera, a partir de dicho modelo, validado tras la aplicación a diversos montajes, se pretende predecir y comparar las curvas de calentamiento del motor, bajo distintas condiciones de operación o estado de fallo. La siguiente fase consiste en el análisis detallado de la información procedente de las imágenes infrarrojas obtenidas experimentalmente en los distintos casos estudiados, encaminada a la obtención de datos relevantes para poder efectuar un diagnóstico de mayor precisión. El tercer paso que se plantea es la combinación del método de termografía infrarroja con la técnica de análisis de corrientes para conseguir un aumento en la fiabilidad en el diagnóstico, además de poder analizar un rango más amplio de averías. Finalmente, a partir de la información procedente de los ensayos y análisis previos y con la ayuda de sistemas de procesamiento dotados de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial, basados en el reconocimiento de patrones térmicos, se realizará la implementación del sistema de diagnóstico automático de detección de averías. De esta manera, estos sistemas evitan la subjetividad característica de la utilización de la termografía infrarroja de manera aislada, e incluso pueden llegar a eliminar por completo la intervención humana en el proceso de detección, con el consecuente aumento de efectividad. Ello permitiría la implementación futura de estas técnicas de diagnóstico en sistemas de diagnóstico predictivo, que bien pudieran consistir en equipos portátiles de diagnóstico adaptados a ambientes industriales. La tesis se presenta en el formato compilación de artículos, incluyendo tanto artículos publicados en revistas indexadas como en congresos internacionales, algunos de ellos en colaboración con grupos de renombre mundial, y que cubren las diferentes áreas y fases comentadas.[CA] La present Tesi té com a principal objectiu el desenvolupament i validació d'un sistema de diagnòstic automàtic d'avaries en motors d'inducció, basat principalment en l'ús de la tècnica de Termografia Infraroja. La implementació de sistemes que facin factible la detecció de les esmentades avaries amb suficient antelació, és a dir, quan aquestes encara es troben en estat incipient, a partir de la informació subministrada per diverses magnituds de la màquina constitueix una fita perseguida per molts investigadors. A més, aquests sistemes de manteniment predictiu han de tenir una alta fiabilitat, que els faci idonis per a la seva utilització en una àmplia varietat d'aplicacions industrials. No obstant això, encara avui no s'ha desenvolupat un sistema de manteniment predictiu que es mostri plenament consistent i vàlid per a la detecció d'un ampli ventall d'avaries en motors elèctrics d'inducció. El desenvolupament d'aquest tipus de sistemes cobra més rellevància en el context actual, en què les esmentades màquines elèctriques s'estan expandint a altres aplicacions emergents, com la generació eòlica o l'accionament de vehicles elèctrics. El procés a implementar està constituït per diverses fases complementàries, caracteritzades per un determinat grau de precisió en el diagnòstic d'avaries de motors elèctrics. Cadascuna d'elles consta d'una part experimental, basada en assajos en motors d'inducció, tant del motor sa, com del motor en estat de fallada. Un cop conclosa la fase experimental, es procedeix al corresponent anàlisi i tractament de la informació obtinguda, per diverses tècniques característiques. Es parteix d'una primera fase, centrada en l'obtenció del model tèrmic, fonamentat en el balanç energètic del motor d'inducció, així com per les corbes d'escalfament. Per a això s'utilitza la tecnologia infraroja experimental i les equacions de la Teoria de Transferència de calor. D'aquesta manera, a partir d'aquest model, validat després de l'aplicació a diversos muntatges, es pretenen predir i comparar les corbes d'escalfament del motor, sota diferents condicions d'operació o estat de fallada. La següent fase consisteix en l'anàlisi detallada de la informació procedent de les imatges infraroges obtingudes experimentalment en els diferents casos estudiats, encaminada a l'obtenció de dades rellevants per poder efectuar un diagnòstic de major precisió. El tercer pas que es planteja és la combinació del mètode de termografia infraroja amb la tècnica d'anàlisi de corrents per aconseguir un augment en la fiabilitat en el diagnòstic, a més de poder analitzar un rang més ampli d'avaries. Finalment, a partir de la informació procedent dels assaigs i anàlisis previs i amb l'ajuda de sistemes de processament dotats d'algoritmes d'intel·ligència artificial, basats en el reconeixement de patrons tèrmics, es realitzarà la implementació del sistema de diagnòstic automàtic de detecció d'avaries. D'aquesta manera, aquests sistemes eviten la subjectivitat característica de la utilització de la termografia infraroja de manera aïllada, i fins i tot poden arribar a eliminar completament la intervenció humana en el procés de detecció, amb el conseqüent augment d'efectivitat. Això permetrà la implementació futura d'aquestes tècniques de diagnòstic en sistemes de diagnòstic predictiu, que bé podrien consistir en equips portàtils de diagnòstic adaptats a ambients industrials. La Tesi es presenta en el format compilació d'articles, incloent tant articles publicats en revistes indexades com en congressos internacionals, alguns d'ells en col·laboració amb grups de renom mundial, i que cobreixen les diferents àrees i fases comentades.Picazo Rodenas, MJ. (2016). Diagnóstico de máquinas eléctricas mediante técnicas de termografía infrarroja [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62317TESISCompendi