141 research outputs found

    Causality Management and Analysis in Requirement Manuscript for Software Designs

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    For software design tasks involving natural language, the results of a causal investigation provide valuable and robust semantic information, especially for identifying key variables during product (software) design and product optimization. As the interest in analytical data science shifts from correlations to a better understanding of causality, there is an equal task focused on the accuracy of extracting causality from textual artifacts to aid requirement engineering (RE) based decisions. This thesis focuses on identifying, extracting, and classifying causal phrases using word and sentence labeling based on the Bi-directional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) deep learning language model and five machine learning models. The aim is to understand the form and degree of causality based on their impact and prevalence in RE practice. Methodologically, our analysis is centered around RE practice, and we considered 12,438 sentences extracted from 50 requirement engineering manuscripts (REM) for training our machine models. Our research reports that causal expressions constitute about 32% of sentences from REM. We applied four evaluation metrics, namely recall, accuracy, precision, and F1, to assess our machine models’ performance and accuracy to ensure the results’ conformity with our study goal. Further, we computed the highest model accuracy to be 85%, attributed to Naive Bayes. Finally, we noted that the applicability and relevance of our causal analytic framework is relevant to practitioners for different functionalities, such as generating test cases for requirement engineers and software developers and product performance auditing for management stakeholders

    Satellite Workshop On Language, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science for Natural Language Processing Applications (LAICS-NLP): Discovery of Meaning from Text

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    This paper proposes a novel method to disambiguate important words from a collection of documents. The hypothesis that underlies this approach is that there is a minimal set of senses that are significant in characterizing a context. We extend Yarowsky’s one sense per discourse [13] further to a collection of related documents rather than a single document. We perform distributed clustering on a set of features representing each of the top ten categories of documents in the Reuters-21578 dataset. Groups of terms that have a similar term distributional pattern across documents were identified. WordNet-based similarity measurement was then computed for terms within each cluster. An aggregation of the associations in WordNet that was employed to ascertain term similarity within clusters has provided a means of identifying clusters’ root senses

    The contribution of cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific paper—The role of Semantic Link Network

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    The Semantic Link Network is a general semantic model for modeling the structure and the evolution of complex systems. Various semantic links play different roles in rendering the semantics of complex system. One of the basic semantic links represents cause-effect relation, which plays an important role in representation and understanding. This paper verifies the role of the Semantic Link Network in representing the core of text by investigating the contribution of cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific papers. Research carries out with the following steps: (1) Two propositions on the contribution of cause-effect link in rendering the core of paper are proposed and verified through a statistical survey, which shows that the sentences on cause-effect links cover about 65% of key words within each paper on average. (2) An algorithm based on syntactic patterns is designed for automatically extracting cause-effect link from scientific papers, which recalls about 70% of manually annotated cause-effect links on average, indicating that the result adapts to the scale of data sets. (3) The effects of cause-effect link on four schemes of incorporating cause-effect link into the existing instances of the Semantic Link Network for enhancing the summarization of scientific papers are investigated. The experiments show that the quality of the summaries is significantly improved, which verifies the role of semantic links. The significance of this research lies in two aspects: (1) it verifies that the Semantic Link Network connects the important concepts to render the core of text; and, (2) it provides an evidence for realizing content services such as summarization, recommendation and question answering based on the Semantic Link Network, and it can inspire relevant research on content computing

    Learning to explain causal rationale of stock price changes in financial reports

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringWhen a critical event occurs, it is often necessary to provide appropriate explanations. Previously, several theoretical and empirical foundations which discover causes and effects in temporal data have been established. However, for textual data, a simple causality modeling is not enough to handle variations in natural languages. To address the challenges in textual causality modeling, we annotate and create a large causality text dataset, called ???Causal Rationale of Stock Price Changes??? (CR-SPC) to fine-tune pre-trained language models. Our dataset includes 283K sentences from the 10-K annual reports of the U.S. companies, and sentence-level labels, from which we observe diverse patterns of causality from each industrial sector for stock price changes. Because of this diversity and an imbalance in training data across sectors, BERT+fine-tune baseline on Sector-only data shows a biased performance. We propose to transfer from related sectors, implemented as a two-stage fine tuning framework. First-stage fine tuning transfers from related sector, to overcome the limited training resource, then the second stage follows to fine tune for the given sector. Our proposed framework yields significantly improved results for detecting causal rationale from industrial sectors with low amounts of data. Furthermore, we generate labels for 382K unlabeled sentences and augment the size of the dataset by self-training on CR-SPC dataset.clos

    Detecting Frames and Causal Relationships in Climate Change Related Text Databases Based on Semantic Features

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    abstract: The subliminal impact of framing of social, political and environmental issues such as climate change has been studied for decades in political science and communications research. Media framing offers an “interpretative package" for average citizens on how to make sense of climate change and its consequences to their livelihoods, how to deal with its negative impacts, and which mitigation or adaptation policies to support. A line of related work has used bag of words and word-level features to detect frames automatically in text. Such works face limitations since standard keyword based features may not generalize well to accommodate surface variations in text when different keywords are used for similar concepts. This thesis develops a unique type of textual features that generalize triplets extracted from text, by clustering them into high-level concepts. These concepts are utilized as features to detect frames in text. Compared to uni-gram and bi-gram based models, classification and clustering using generalized concepts yield better discriminating features and a higher classification accuracy with a 12% boost (i.e. from 74% to 83% F-measure) and 0.91 clustering purity for Frame/Non-Frame detection. The automatic discovery of complex causal chains among interlinked events and their participating actors has not yet been thoroughly studied. Previous studies related to extracting causal relationships from text were based on laborious and incomplete hand-developed lists of explicit causal verbs, such as “causes" and “results in." Such approaches result in limited recall because standard causal verbs may not generalize well to accommodate surface variations in texts when different keywords and phrases are used to express similar causal effects. Therefore, I present a system that utilizes generalized concepts to extract causal relationships. The proposed algorithms overcome surface variations in written expressions of causal relationships and discover the domino effects between climate events and human security. This semi-supervised approach alleviates the need for labor intensive keyword list development and annotated datasets. Experimental evaluations by domain experts achieve an average precision of 82%. Qualitative assessments of causal chains show that results are consistent with the 2014 IPCC report illuminating causal mechanisms underlying the linkages between climatic stresses and social instability.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Finding structure in language

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    Since the Chomskian revolution, it has become apparent that natural language is richly structured, being naturally represented hierarchically, and requiring complex context sensitive rules to define regularities over these representations. It is widely assumed that the richness of the posited structure has strong nativist implications for mechanisms which might learn natural language, since it seemed unlikely that such structures could be derived directly from the observation of linguistic data (Chomsky 1965).This thesis investigates the hypothesis that simple statistics of a large, noisy, unlabelled corpus of natural language can be exploited to discover some of the structure which exists in natural language automatically. The strategy is to initially assume no knowledge of the structures present in natural language, save that they might be found by analysing statistical regularities which pertain between a word and the words which typically surround it in the corpus.To achieve this, various statistical methods are applied to define similarity between statistical distributions, and to infer a structure for a domain given knowledge of the similarities which pertain within it. Using these tools, it is shown that it is possible to form a hierarchical classification of many domains, including words in natural language. When this is done, it is shown that all the major syntactic categories can be obtained, and the classification is both relatively complete, and very much in accord with a standard linguistic conception of how words are classified in natural language.Once this has been done, the categorisation derived is used as the basis of a similar classification of short sequences of words. If these are analysed in a similar way, then several syntactic categories can be derived. These include simple noun phrases, various tensed forms of verbs, and simple prepositional phrases. Once this has been done, the same technique can be applied one level higher, and at this level simple sentences and verb phrases, as well as more complicated noun phrases and prepositional phrases, are shown to be derivable

    Joint models for information and knowledge extraction

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    Information and knowledge extraction from natural language text is a key asset for question answering, semantic search, automatic summarization, and other machine reading applications. There are many sub-tasks involved such as named entity recognition, named entity disambiguation, co-reference resolution, relation extraction, event detection, discourse parsing, and others. Solving these tasks is challenging as natural language text is unstructured, noisy, and ambiguous. Key challenges, which focus on identifying and linking named entities, as well as discovering relations between them, include: • High NERD Quality. Named entity recognition and disambiguation, NERD for short, are preformed first in the extraction pipeline. Their results may affect other downstream tasks. • Coverage vs. Quality of Relation Extraction. Model-based information extraction methods achieve high extraction quality at low coverage, whereas open information extraction methods capture relational phrases between entities. However, the latter degrades in quality by non-canonicalized and noisy output. These limitations need to be overcome. • On-the-fly Knowledge Acquisition. Real-world applications such as question answering, monitoring content streams, etc. demand on-the-fly knowledge acquisition. Building such an end-to-end system is challenging because it requires high throughput, high extraction quality, and high coverage. This dissertation addresses the above challenges, developing new methods to advance the state of the art. The first contribution is a robust model for joint inference between entity recognition and disambiguation. The second contribution is a novel model for relation extraction and entity disambiguation on Wikipediastyle text. The third contribution is an end-to-end system for constructing querydriven, on-the-fly knowledge bases.Informations- und Wissensextraktion aus natürlichsprachlichen Texten sind Schlüsselthemen vieler wissensbassierter Anwendungen. Darunter fallen zum Beispiel Frage-Antwort-Systeme, semantische Suchmaschinen, oder Applikationen zur automatischen Zusammenfassung und zum maschinellem Lesen von Texten. Zur Lösung dieser Aufgaben müssen u.a. Teilaufgaben, wie die Erkennung und Disambiguierung benannter Entitäten, Koreferenzresolution, Relationsextraktion, Ereigniserkennung, oder Diskursparsen, durchgeführt werden. Solche Aufgaben stellen eine Herausforderung dar, da Texte natürlicher Sprache in der Regel unstrukturiert, verrauscht und mehrdeutig sind. Folgende zentrale Herausforderungen adressieren sowohl die Identifizierung und das Verknüpfen benannter Entitäten als auch das Erkennen von Beziehungen zwischen diesen Entitäten: • Hohe NERD Qualität. Die Erkennung und Disambiguierung benannter Entitäten (engl. "Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation", kurz "NERD") wird in Extraktionspipelines in der Regel zuerst ausgeführt. Die Ergebnisse beeinflussen andere nachgelagerte Aufgaben. • Abdeckung und Qualität der Relationsextraktion. Modellbasierte Informationsextraktionsmethoden erzielen eine hohe Extraktionsqualität, bei allerdings niedriger Abdeckung. Offene Informationsextraktionsmethoden erfassen relationale Phrasen zwischen Entitäten. Allerdings leiden diese Methoden an niedriger Qualität durch mehrdeutige Entitäten und verrauschte Ausgaben. Diese Einschränkungen müssen überwunden werden. • On-the-Fly Wissensakquisition. Reale Anwendungen wie Frage-Antwort- Systeme, die Überwachung von Inhaltsströmen usw. erfordern On-the-Fly Wissensakquise. Die Entwicklung solcher ganzheitlichen Systeme stellt eine hohe Herausforderung dar, da ein hoher Durchsatz, eine hohe Extraktionsqualität sowie eine hohe Abdeckung erforderlich sind. Diese Arbeit adressiert diese Probleme und stellt neue Methoden vor, um den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zu erweitern. Diese sind: • Ein robustesModell zur integrierten Inferenz zur gemeinschaftlichen Erkennung und Disambiguierung von Entitäten. • Ein neues Modell zur Relationsextraktion und Disambiguierung von Wikipedia-ähnlichen Texten. • Ein ganzheitliches System zur Erstellung Anfrage-getriebener On-the-Fly Wissensbanken

    Attention Restraint, Working Memory Capacity, and Mind Wandering: Do Emotional Valence or Intentionality Matter?

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    Attention restraint appears to mediate the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and mind wandering (Kane et al., 2016). Prior work has identifed two dimensions of mind wandering—emotional valence and intentionality. However, less is known about how WMC and attention restraint correlate with these dimensions. Te current study examined the relationship between WMC, attention restraint, and mind wandering by emotional valence and intentionality. A confrmatory factor analysis demonstrated that WMC and attention restraint were strongly correlated, but only attention restraint was related to overall mind wandering, consistent with prior fndings. However, when examining the emotional valence of mind wandering, attention restraint and WMC were related to negatively and positively valenced, but not neutral, mind wandering. Attention restraint was also related to intentional but not unintentional mind wandering. Tese results suggest that WMC and attention restraint predict some, but not all, types of mind wandering

    Temporality and modality in entailment graph induction

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    The ability to draw inferences is core to semantics and the field of Natural Language Processing. Answering a seemingly simple question like ‘Did Arsenal play Manchester yesterday’ from textual evidence that says ‘Arsenal won against Manchester yesterday’ requires modeling the inference that ‘winning’ entails ‘playing’. One way of modeling this type of lexical semantics is with Entailment Graphs, collections of meaning postulates that can be learned in an unsupervised way from large text corpora. In this work, we explore the role that temporality and linguistic modality can play in inducing Entailment Graphs. We identify inferences that were previously not supported by Entailment Graphs (such as that ‘visiting’ entails an ‘arrival’ before the visit) and inferences that were likely to be learned incorrectly (such as that ‘winning’ entails ‘losing’). Temporality is shown to be useful in alleviating these challenges, in the Entailment Graph representation as well as the learning algorithm. An exploration of linguistic modality in the training data shows, counterintuitively, that there is valuable signal in modalized predications. We develop three datasets for evaluating a system’s capability of modeling these inferences, which were previously underrepresented in entailment rule evaluations. Finally, in support of the work on modality, we release a relation extraction system that is capable of annotating linguistic modality, together with a comprehensive modality lexicon
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