67 research outputs found

    Optimization Research of the OLAP Query Technology Based on P2P

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    With the increasing data of the application system, the fast and efficient access to the information of support decision-making analysis has become more and more difficult and the original OLAP technology have also revealed many shortcomings. Using the method of P2P network technology and OLAP storage query and query method, the paper has constructed a distributed P2P-OLAP network model and put forward the storage and sharing scheme of multidimensional data, OLAP query scheme based on collaboration support. Finally, the paper has shown that the scheme can effectively improve the performance of decision analysis by the experiment

    E‐ARK Dissemination Information Package (DIP) Final Specification

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    The primary aim of this report is to present the final version of the E-ARK Dissemination Information Package (DIP) formats. The secondary aim is to describe the access scenarios in which these DIP formats will be rendered for use

    Automating the multidimensional design of data warehouses

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    Les experiències prèvies en l'àmbit dels magatzems de dades (o data warehouse), mostren que l'esquema multidimensional del data warehouse ha de ser fruit d'un enfocament híbrid; això és, una proposta que consideri tant els requeriments d'usuari com les fonts de dades durant el procés de disseny.Com a qualsevol altre sistema, els requeriments són necessaris per garantir que el sistema desenvolupat satisfà les necessitats de l'usuari. A més, essent aquest un procés de reenginyeria, les fonts de dades s'han de tenir en compte per: (i) garantir que el magatzem de dades resultant pot ésser poblat amb dades de l'organització, i, a més, (ii) descobrir capacitats d'anàlisis no evidents o no conegudes per l'usuari.Actualment, a la literatura s'han presentat diversos mètodes per donar suport al procés de modelatge del magatzem de dades. No obstant això, les propostes basades en un anàlisi dels requeriments assumeixen que aquestos són exhaustius, i no consideren que pot haver-hi informació rellevant amagada a les fonts de dades. Contràriament, les propostes basades en un anàlisi exhaustiu de les fonts de dades maximitzen aquest enfocament, i proposen tot el coneixement multidimensional que es pot derivar des de les fonts de dades i, conseqüentment, generen massa resultats. En aquest escenari, l'automatització del disseny del magatzem de dades és essencial per evitar que tot el pes de la tasca recaigui en el dissenyador (d'aquesta forma, no hem de confiar únicament en la seva habilitat i coneixement per aplicar el mètode de disseny elegit). A més, l'automatització de la tasca allibera al dissenyador del sempre complex i costós anàlisi de les fonts de dades (que pot arribar a ser inviable per grans fonts de dades).Avui dia, els mètodes automatitzables analitzen en detall les fonts de dades i passen per alt els requeriments. En canvi, els mètodes basats en l'anàlisi dels requeriments no consideren l'automatització del procés, ja que treballen amb requeriments expressats en llenguatges d'alt nivell que un ordenador no pot manegar. Aquesta mateixa situació es dona en els mètodes híbrids actual, que proposen un enfocament seqüencial, on l'anàlisi de les dades es complementa amb l'anàlisi dels requeriments, ja que totes dues tasques pateixen els mateixos problemes que els enfocament purs.En aquesta tesi proposem dos mètodes per donar suport a la tasca de modelatge del magatzem de dades: MDBE (Multidimensional Design Based on Examples) and AMDO (Automating the Multidimensional Design from Ontologies). Totes dues consideren els requeriments i les fonts de dades per portar a terme la tasca de modelatge i a més, van ser pensades per superar les limitacions dels enfocaments actuals.1. MDBE segueix un enfocament clàssic, en el que els requeriments d'usuari són coneguts d'avantmà. Aquest mètode es beneficia del coneixement capturat a les fonts de dades, però guia el procés des dels requeriments i, conseqüentment, és capaç de treballar sobre fonts de dades semànticament pobres. És a dir, explotant el fet que amb uns requeriments de qualitat, podem superar els inconvenients de disposar de fonts de dades que no capturen apropiadament el nostre domini de treball.2. A diferència d'MDBE, AMDO assumeix un escenari on es disposa de fonts de dades semànticament riques. Per aquest motiu, dirigeix el procés de modelatge des de les fonts de dades, i empra els requeriments per donar forma i adaptar els resultats generats a les necessitats de l'usuari. En aquest context, a diferència de l'anterior, unes fonts de dades semànticament riques esmorteeixen el fet de no tenir clars els requeriments d'usuari d'avantmà.Cal notar que els nostres mètodes estableixen un marc de treball combinat que es pot emprar per decidir, donat un escenari concret, quin enfocament és més adient. Per exemple, no es pot seguir el mateix enfocament en un escenari on els requeriments són ben coneguts d'avantmà i en un escenari on aquestos encara no estan clars (un cas recorrent d'aquesta situació és quan l'usuari no té clares les capacitats d'anàlisi del seu propi sistema). De fet, disposar d'uns bons requeriments d'avantmà esmorteeix la necessitat de disposar de fonts de dades semànticament riques, mentre que a l'inversa, si disposem de fonts de dades que capturen adequadament el nostre domini de treball, els requeriments no són necessaris d'avantmà. Per aquests motius, en aquesta tesi aportem un marc de treball combinat que cobreix tots els possibles escenaris que podem trobar durant la tasca de modelatge del magatzem de dades.Previous experiences in the data warehouse field have shown that the data warehouse multidimensional conceptual schema must be derived from a hybrid approach: i.e., by considering both the end-user requirements and the data sources, as first-class citizens. Like in any other system, requirements guarantee that the system devised meets the end-user necessities. In addition, since the data warehouse design task is a reengineering process, it must consider the underlying data sources of the organization: (i) to guarantee that the data warehouse must be populated from data available within the organization, and (ii) to allow the end-user discover unknown additional analysis capabilities.Currently, several methods for supporting the data warehouse modeling task have been provided. However, they suffer from some significant drawbacks. In short, requirement-driven approaches assume that requirements are exhaustive (and therefore, do not consider the data sources to contain alternative interesting evidences of analysis), whereas data-driven approaches (i.e., those leading the design task from a thorough analysis of the data sources) rely on discovering as much multidimensional knowledge as possible from the data sources. As a consequence, data-driven approaches generate too many results, which mislead the user. Furthermore, the design task automation is essential in this scenario, as it removes the dependency on an expert's ability to properly apply the method chosen, and the need to analyze the data sources, which is a tedious and timeconsuming task (which can be unfeasible when working with large databases). In this sense, current automatable methods follow a data-driven approach, whereas current requirement-driven approaches overlook the process automation, since they tend to work with requirements at a high level of abstraction. Indeed, this scenario is repeated regarding data-driven and requirement-driven stages within current hybrid approaches, which suffer from the same drawbacks than pure data-driven or requirement-driven approaches.In this thesis we introduce two different approaches for automating the multidimensional design of the data warehouse: MDBE (Multidimensional Design Based on Examples) and AMDO (Automating the Multidimensional Design from Ontologies). Both approaches were devised to overcome the limitations from which current approaches suffer. Importantly, our approaches consider opposite initial assumptions, but both consider the end-user requirements and the data sources as first-class citizens.1. MDBE follows a classical approach, in which the end-user requirements are well-known beforehand. This approach benefits from the knowledge captured in the data sources, but guides the design task according to requirements and consequently, it is able to work and handle semantically poorer data sources. In other words, providing high-quality end-user requirements, we can guide the process from the knowledge they contain, and overcome the fact of disposing of bad quality (from a semantical point of view) data sources.2. AMDO, as counterpart, assumes a scenario in which the data sources available are semantically richer. Thus, the approach proposed is guided by a thorough analysis of the data sources, which is properly adapted to shape the output result according to the end-user requirements. In this context, disposing of high-quality data sources, we can overcome the fact of lacking of expressive end-user requirements.Importantly, our methods establish a combined and comprehensive framework that can be used to decide, according to the inputs provided in each scenario, which is the best approach to follow. For example, we cannot follow the same approach in a scenario where the end-user requirements are clear and well-known, and in a scenario in which the end-user requirements are not evident or cannot be easily elicited (e.g., this may happen when the users are not aware of the analysis capabilities of their own sources). Interestingly, the need to dispose of requirements beforehand is smoothed by the fact of having semantically rich data sources. In lack of that, requirements gain relevance to extract the multidimensional knowledge from the sources.So that, we claim to provide two approaches whose combination turns up to be exhaustive with regard to the scenarios discussed in the literaturePostprint (published version

    A conceptual framework and a risk management approach for interoperability between geospatial datacubes

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    De nos jours, nous observons un intérêt grandissant pour les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Ces bases de données sont développées pour faciliter la prise de décisions stratégiques des organisations, et plus spécifiquement lorsqu’il s’agit de données de différentes époques et de différents niveaux de granularité. Cependant, les utilisateurs peuvent avoir besoin d’utiliser plusieurs bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Ces bases de données peuvent être sémantiquement hétérogènes et caractérisées par différent degrés de pertinence par rapport au contexte d’utilisation. Résoudre les problèmes sémantiques liés à l’hétérogénéité et à la différence de pertinence d’une manière transparente aux utilisateurs a été l’objectif principal de l’interopérabilité au cours des quinze dernières années. Dans ce contexte, différentes solutions ont été proposées pour traiter l’interopérabilité. Cependant, ces solutions ont adopté une approche non systématique. De plus, aucune solution pour résoudre des problèmes sémantiques spécifiques liés à l’interopérabilité entre les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles n’a été trouvée. Dans cette thèse, nous supposons qu’il est possible de définir une approche qui traite ces problèmes sémantiques pour assurer l’interopérabilité entre les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Ainsi, nous définissons tout d’abord l’interopérabilité entre ces bases de données. Ensuite, nous définissons et classifions les problèmes d’hétérogénéité sémantique qui peuvent se produire au cours d’une telle interopérabilité de différentes bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles. Afin de résoudre ces problèmes d’hétérogénéité sémantique, nous proposons un cadre conceptuel qui se base sur la communication humaine. Dans ce cadre, une communication s’établit entre deux agents système représentant les bases de données géospatiales multidimensionnelles impliquées dans un processus d’interopérabilité. Cette communication vise à échanger de l’information sur le contenu de ces bases. Ensuite, dans l’intention d’aider les agents à prendre des décisions appropriées au cours du processus d’interopérabilité, nous évaluons un ensemble d’indicateurs de la qualité externe (fitness-for-use) des schémas et du contexte de production (ex., les métadonnées). Finalement, nous mettons en œuvre l’approche afin de montrer sa faisabilité.Today, we observe wide use of geospatial databases that are implemented in many forms (e.g., transactional centralized systems, distributed databases, multidimensional datacubes). Among those possibilities, the multidimensional datacube is more appropriate to support interactive analysis and to guide the organization’s strategic decisions, especially when different epochs and levels of information granularity are involved. However, one may need to use several geospatial multidimensional datacubes which may be semantically heterogeneous and having different degrees of appropriateness to the context of use. Overcoming the semantic problems related to the semantic heterogeneity and to the difference in the appropriateness to the context of use in a manner that is transparent to users has been the principal aim of interoperability for the last fifteen years. However, in spite of successful initiatives, today's solutions have evolved in a non systematic way. Moreover, no solution has been found to address specific semantic problems related to interoperability between geospatial datacubes. In this thesis, we suppose that it is possible to define an approach that addresses these semantic problems to support interoperability between geospatial datacubes. For that, we first describe interoperability between geospatial datacubes. Then, we define and categorize the semantic heterogeneity problems that may occur during the interoperability process of different geospatial datacubes. In order to resolve semantic heterogeneity between geospatial datacubes, we propose a conceptual framework that is essentially based on human communication. In this framework, software agents representing geospatial datacubes involved in the interoperability process communicate together. Such communication aims at exchanging information about the content of geospatial datacubes. Then, in order to help agents to make appropriate decisions during the interoperability process, we evaluate a set of indicators of the external quality (fitness-for-use) of geospatial datacube schemas and of production context (e.g., metadata). Finally, we implement the proposed approach to show its feasibility

    Multidimensional process discovery

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    Mining climate data for shire level wheat yield predictions in Western Australia

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    Climate change and the reduction of available agricultural land are two of the most important factors that affect global food production especially in terms of wheat stores. An ever increasing world population places a huge demand on these resources. Consequently, there is a dire need to optimise food production. Estimations of crop yield for the South West agricultural region of Western Australia have usually been based on statistical analyses by the Department of Agriculture and Food in Western Australia. Their estimations involve a system of crop planting recommendations and yield prediction tools based on crop variety trials. However, many crop failures arise from adherence to these crop recommendations by farmers that were contrary to the reported estimations. Consequently, the Department has sought to investigate new avenues for analyses that improve their estimations and recommendations. This thesis explores a new approach in the way analyses are carried out. This is done through the introduction of new methods of analyses such as data mining and online analytical processing in the strategy. Additionally, this research attempts to provide a better understanding of the effects of both gradual variation parameters such as soil type, and continuous variation parameters such as rainfall and temperature, on the wheat yields. The ultimate aim of the research is to enhance the prediction efficiency of wheat yields. The task was formidable due to the complex and dichotomous mixture of gradual and continuous variability data that required successive information transformations. It necessitated the progressive moulding of the data into useful information, practical knowledge and effective industry practices. Ultimately, this new direction is to improve the crop predictions and to thereby reduce crop failures. The research journey involved data exploration, grappling with the complexity of Geographic Information System (GIS), discovering and learning data compatible software tools, and forging an effective processing method through an iterative cycle of action research experimentation. A series of trials was conducted to determine the combined effects of rainfall and temperature variations on wheat crop yields. These experiments specifically related to the South Western Agricultural region of Western Australia. The study focused on wheat producing shires within the study area. The investigations involved a combination of macro and micro analyses techniques for visual data mining and data mining classification techniques, respectively. The research activities revealed that wheat yield was most dependent upon rainfall and temperature. In addition, it showed that rainfall cyclically affected the temperature and soil type due to the moisture retention of crop growing locations. Results from the regression analyses, showed that the statistical prediction of wheat yields from historical data, may be enhanced by data mining techniques including classification. The main contribution to knowledge as a consequence of this research was the provision of an alternate and supplementary method of wheat crop prediction within the study area. Another contribution was the division of the study area into a GIS surface grid of 100 hectare cells upon which the interpolated data was projected. Furthermore, the proposed framework within this thesis offers other researchers, with similarly structured complex data, the benefits of a general processing pathway to enable them to navigate their own investigations through variegated analytical exploration spaces. In addition, it offers insights and suggestions for future directions in other contextual research explorations

    Business intelligence information systems success : a South African study.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems and Technology. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2016.Business Intelligence (BI) systems hold promise for improving organisational decision making in South Africa. Additionally, BI systems have become increasingly important over the past few decades and are one of the top spending priority areas of most organisations. Yet till now, the factors influencing the success of BI systems in South Africa have not been fully investigated. The study found no scholarly research for managers and other practitioners to assess post implementation success of BI systems in South Africa. This lack of research may directly affect managers’ not knowing how best to implement BI systems and could thereby delay the successful implementation of BI systems in South African organisations. The study extends that of DeLone and McLean (2003), conducted in developed economies by applying it to a developing economy context, namely South Africa. The DeLone and McLean (2003) model has been widely utilised to study factors that influence information systems (IS) success. This study extends the DeLone and McLean (2003) by adding a user quality factor and suggests a theoretical model consisting of six factors, which are: (1) system quality, (2) service quality, (3) information quality, (4) user satisfaction, (5) individual impact, (6) and user quality. The theoretical model was formulated from the literature review. It was then validated and enhanced through a qualitative study of three interviews with end users of BI systems based in South Africa. The theoretical model was then presented to a panel of experts for verification. A questionnaire survey method was employed as the main method to collect data and to answer the main research question. Statistical analysis methods and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with SPSS was used to analyse the data. The results of the hypotheses were mixed. Three suggested that relationships were statistically significant, while the other four did not. The study finds that information quality is significantly and positively related to user satisfaction in a BI system. The results also indicate that user quality is positively related to user satisfaction in a BI system and system quality is positively related to individual impact in a BI system. The results have both managerial and research implications. The results of this study will add value to IS and specifically BI literature. Organisations, which have adopted BI or are planning to adopt BI, can use the important variables of the study to undertake an internal check to find out how they compare in terms of these variables. The unique contribution of this study is the identification of post implementation success factors of BI systems in a South African context. The factors identified also served in providing a set of management guidelines for the BI environment in South Africa

    Data Mining Applications On Web Usage Analysis & User Profiling

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003Tez çalışmasında veri madenciliği teknolojisi, fonksiyonları ve uygulamaları özetlenmiştir. OLAP teknolojilerine ve veri ambarlarına da veri madenciliğinin anahtar kavramları olarak değinilmiştir. Uygulama kısmında müşteri ve alışveriş kalıpları analizi için bir internet parakendecisinin işlemsel verileri kullanılmıştır. Müşteri segmentasyonu ve kullanıcı betimleme gibi konulardaki kurumsal kararları desteklemek amacıyla veri içerisindeki kalıplar çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır.This thesis gives a summary of data mining technology, its functionalities and applications. OLAP technology and data warehouses are also introduced as the key concepts in data mining. The usage of data mining on the internet and the decisions based on internet usage data are introduced. In the application section a web retailer’s transactional data is used for analyzing customer and shopping patterns.Hidden patterns within the data are tried to be extracted in order to support business decisions such as user profiling and customer segmentation.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen