23 research outputs found

    Wavelets and Subband Coding

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    First published in 1995, Wavelets and Subband Coding offered a unified view of the exciting field of wavelets and their discrete-time cousins, filter banks, or subband coding. The book developed the theory in both continuous and discrete time, and presented important applications. During the past decade, it filled a useful need in explaining a new view of signal processing based on flexible time-frequency analysis and its applications. Since 2007, the authors now retain the copyright and allow open access to the book

    Sparse image approximation with application to flexible image coding

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    Natural images are often modeled through piecewise-smooth regions. Region edges, which correspond to the contours of the objects, become, in this model, the main information of the signal. Contours have the property of being smooth functions along the direction of the edge, and irregularities on the perpendicular direction. Modeling edges with the minimum possible number of terms is of key importance for numerous applications, such as image coding, segmentation or denoising. Standard separable basis fail to provide sparse enough representation of contours, due to the fact that this kind of basis do not see the regularity of edges. In order to be able to detect this regularity, a new method based on (possibly redundant) sets of basis functions able to capture the geometry of images is needed. This thesis presents, in a first stage, a study about the features that basis functions should have in order to provide sparse representations of a piecewise-smooth image. This study emphasizes the need for edge-adapted basis functions, capable to accurately capture local orientation and anisotropic scaling of image structures. The need of different anisotropy degrees and orientations in the basis function set leads to the use of redundant dictionaries. However, redundant dictionaries have the inconvenience of giving no unique sparse image decompositions, and from all the possible decompositions of a signal in a redundant dictionary, just the sparsest is needed. There are several algorithms that allow to find sparse decompositions over redundant dictionaries, but most of these algorithms do not always guarantee that the optimal approximation has been recovered. To cope with this problem, a mathematical study about the properties of sparse approximations is performed. From this, a test to check whether a given sparse approximation is the sparsest is provided. The second part of this thesis presents a novel image approximation scheme, based on the use of a redundant dictionary. This scheme allows to have a good approximation of an image with a number of terms much smaller than the dimension of the signal. This novel approximation scheme is based on a dictionary formed by a combination of anisotropically refined and rotated wavelet-like mother functions and Gaussians. An efficient Full Search Matching Pursuit algorithm to perform the image decomposition in such a dictionary is designed. Finally, a geometric image coding scheme based on the image approximated over the anisotropic and rotated dictionary of basis functions is designed. The coding performances of this dictionary are studied. Coefficient quantization appears to be of crucial importance in the design of a Matching Pursuit based coding scheme. Thus, a quantization scheme for the MP coefficients has been designed, based on the theoretical energy upper bound of the MP algorithm and the empirical observations of the coefficient distribution and evolution. Thanks to this quantization, our image coder provides low to medium bit-rate image approximations, while it allows for on the fly resolution switching and several other affine image transformations to be performed directly in the transformed domain

    Wavelet Theory

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    The wavelet is a powerful mathematical tool that plays an important role in science and technology. This book looks at some of the most creative and popular applications of wavelets including biomedical signal processing, image processing, communication signal processing, Internet of Things (IoT), acoustical signal processing, financial market data analysis, energy and power management, and COVID-19 pandemic measurements and calculations. The editor’s personal interest is the application of wavelet transform to identify time domain changes on signals and corresponding frequency components and in improving power amplifier behavior

    Statistical and Graph-Based Signal Processing: Fundamental Results and Application to Cardiac Electrophysiology

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    The goal of cardiac electrophysiology is to obtain information about the mechanism, function, and performance of the electrical activities of the heart, the identification of deviation from normal pattern and the design of treatments. Offering a better insight into cardiac arrhythmias comprehension and management, signal processing can help the physician to enhance the treatment strategies, in particular in case of atrial fibrillation (AF), a very common atrial arrhythmia which is associated to significant morbidities, such as increased risk of mortality, heart failure, and thromboembolic events. Catheter ablation of AF is a therapeutic technique which uses radiofrequency energy to destroy atrial tissue involved in the arrhythmia sustenance, typically aiming at the electrical disconnection of the of the pulmonary veins triggers. However, recurrence rate is still very high, showing that the very complex and heterogeneous nature of AF still represents a challenging problem. Leveraging the tools of non-stationary and statistical signal processing, the first part of our work has a twofold focus: firstly, we compare the performance of two different ablation technologies, based on contact force sensing or remote magnetic controlled, using signal-based criteria as surrogates for lesion assessment. Furthermore, we investigate the role of ablation parameters in lesion formation using the late-gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Secondly, we hypothesized that in human atria the frequency content of the bipolar signal is directly related to the local conduction velocity (CV), a key parameter characterizing the substrate abnormality and influencing atrial arrhythmias. Comparing the degree of spectral compression among signals recorded at different points of the endocardial surface in response to decreasing pacing rate, our experimental data demonstrate a significant correlation between CV and the corresponding spectral centroids. However, complex spatio-temporal propagation pattern characterizing AF spurred the need for new signals acquisition and processing methods. Multi-electrode catheters allow whole-chamber panoramic mapping of electrical activity but produce an amount of data which need to be preprocessed and analyzed to provide clinically relevant support to the physician. Graph signal processing has shown its potential on a variety of applications involving high-dimensional data on irregular domains and complex network. Nevertheless, though state-of-the-art graph-based methods have been successful for many tasks, so far they predominantly ignore the time-dimension of data. To address this shortcoming, in the second part of this dissertation, we put forth a Time-Vertex Signal Processing Framework, as a particular case of the multi-dimensional graph signal processing. Linking together the time-domain signal processing techniques with the tools of GSP, the Time-Vertex Signal Processing facilitates the analysis of graph structured data which also evolve in time. We motivate our framework leveraging the notion of partial differential equations on graphs. We introduce joint operators, such as time-vertex localization and we present a novel approach to significantly improve the accuracy of fast joint filtering. We also illustrate how to build time-vertex dictionaries, providing conditions for efficient invertibility and examples of constructions. The experimental results on a variety of datasets suggest that the proposed tools can bring significant benefits in various signal processing and learning tasks involving time-series on graphs. We close the gap between the two parts illustrating the application of graph and time-vertex signal processing to the challenging case of multi-channels intracardiac signals

    Design and Analysis of A New Illumination Invariant Human Face Recognition System

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    In this dissertation we propose the design and analysis of a new illumination invariant face recognition system. We show that the multiscale analysis of facial structure and features of face images leads to superior recognition rates for images under varying illumination. We assume that an image I ( x,y ) is a black box consisting of a combination of illumination and reflectance. A new approximation is proposed to enhance the illumination removal phase. As illumination resides in the low-frequency part of images, a high-performance multiresolution transformation is employed to accurately separate the frequency contents of input images. The procedure is followed by a fine-tuning process. After extracting a mask, feature vector is formed and the principal component analysis (PCA) is used for dimensionality reduction which is then proceeded by the extreme learning machine (ELM) as a classifier. We then analyze the effect of the frequency selectivity of subbands of the transformation on the performance of the proposed face recognition system. In fact, we first propose a method to tune the characteristics of a multiresolution transformation, and then analyze how these specifications may affect the recognition rate. In addition, we show that the proposed face recognition system can be further improved in terms of the computational time and accuracy. The motivation for this progress is related to the fact that although illumination mostly lies in the low-frequency part of images, these low-frequency components may have low- or high-resonance nature. Therefore, for the first time, we introduce the resonance based analysis of face images rather than the traditional frequency domain approaches. We found that energy selectivity of the subbands of the resonance based decomposition can lead to superior results with less computational complexity. The method is free of any prior information about the face shape. It is systematic and can be applied separately on each image. Several experiments are performed employing the well known databases such as the Yale B, Extended-Yale B, CMU-PIE, FERET, AT&T, and LFW. Illustrative examples are given and the results confirm the effectiveness of the method compared to the current results in the literature

    Image Registration Workshop Proceedings

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    Automatic image registration has often been considered as a preliminary step for higher-level processing, such as object recognition or data fusion. But with the unprecedented amounts of data which are being and will continue to be generated by newly developed sensors, the very topic of automatic image registration has become and important research topic. This workshop presents a collection of very high quality work which has been grouped in four main areas: (1) theoretical aspects of image registration; (2) applications to satellite imagery; (3) applications to medical imagery; and (4) image registration for computer vision research

    A survey of the application of soft computing to investment and financial trading

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    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010