8 research outputs found

    Improved Bounds for Multipass Pairing Heaps and Path-Balanced Binary Search Trees

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    We revisit multipass pairing heaps and path-balanced binary search trees (BSTs), two classical algorithms for data structure maintenance. The pairing heap is a simple and efficient "self-adjusting" heap, introduced in 1986 by Fredman, Sedgewick, Sleator, and Tarjan. In the multipass variant (one of the original pairing heap variants described by Fredman et al.) the minimum item is extracted via repeated pairing rounds in which neighboring siblings are linked. Path-balanced BSTs, proposed by Sleator (cf. Subramanian, 1996), are a natural alternative to Splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan, 1983). In a path-balanced BST, whenever an item is accessed, the search path leading to that item is re-arranged into a balanced tree. Despite their simplicity, both algorithms turned out to be difficult to analyse. Fredman et al. showed that operations in multipass pairing heaps take amortized O(log n * log log n / log log log n) time. For searching in path-balanced BSTs, Balasubramanian and Raman showed in 1995 the same amortized time bound of O(log n * log log n / log log log n), using a different argument. In this paper we show an explicit connection between the two algorithms and improve both bounds to O(log n * 2^{log^* n} * log^* n), respectively O(log n * 2^{log^* n} * (log^* n)^2), where log^* denotes the slowly growing iterated logarithm function. These are the first improvements in more than three, resp. two decades, approaching the information-theoretic lower bound of Omega(log n)

    Smooth heaps and a dual view of self-adjusting data structures

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    We present a new connection between self-adjusting binary search trees (BSTs) and heaps, two fundamental, extensively studied, and practically relevant families of data structures. Roughly speaking, we map an arbitrary heap algorithm within a natural model, to a corresponding BST algorithm with the same cost on a dual sequence of operations (i.e. the same sequence with the roles of time and key-space switched). This is the first general transformation between the two families of data structures. There is a rich theory of dynamic optimality for BSTs (i.e. the theory of competitiveness between BST algorithms). The lack of an analogous theory for heaps has been noted in the literature. Through our connection, we transfer all instance-specific lower bounds known for BSTs to a general model of heaps, initiating a theory of dynamic optimality for heaps. On the algorithmic side, we obtain a new, simple and efficient heap algorithm, which we call the smooth heap. We show the smooth heap to be the heap-counterpart of Greedy, the BST algorithm with the strongest proven and conjectured properties from the literature, widely believed to be instance-optimal. Assuming the optimality of Greedy, the smooth heap is also optimal within our model of heap algorithms. As corollaries of results known for Greedy, we obtain instance-specific upper bounds for the smooth heap, with applications in adaptive sorting. Intriguingly, the smooth heap, although derived from a non-practical BST algorithm, is simple and easy to implement (e.g. it stores no auxiliary data besides the keys and tree pointers). It can be seen as a variation on the popular pairing heap data structure, extending it with a "power-of-two-choices" type of heuristic.Comment: Presented at STOC 2018, light revision, additional figure

    Pairing heaps: the forward variant

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    The pairing heap is a classical heap data structure introduced in 1986 by Fredman, Sedgewick, Sleator, and Tarjan. It is remarkable both for its simplicity and for its excellent performance in practice. The "magic" of pairing heaps lies in the restructuring that happens after the deletion of the smallest item. The resulting collection of trees is consolidated in two rounds: a left-to-right pairing round, followed by a right-to-left accumulation round. Fredman et al. showed, via an elegant correspondence to splay trees, that in a pairing heap of size n all heap operations take O(log n) amortized time. They also proposed an arguably more natural variant, where both pairing and accumulation are performed in a combined left-to-right round (called the forward variant of pairing heaps). The analogy to splaying breaks down in this case, and the analysis of the forward variant was left open. In this paper we show that inserting an item and deleting the minimum in a forward-variant pairing heap both take amortized time O(log(n) * 4^(sqrt(log n))). This is the first improvement over the O(sqrt(n)) bound showed by Fredman et al. three decades ago. Our analysis relies on a new potential function that tracks parent-child rank-differences in the heap

    Verification of Costless Merge Pairing Heaps

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    Most algorithms’ performance is limited by the data structures they use. Internal algorithms then decide the performance of the data structure. This cycle continues until fundamental results, verified by analysis and experiment, prevent further improvement. In this paper I examine one specific example of this. The focus of this work is primarily on a new variant of the pairing heap. I will review the new implementation, compare its theoretical performance, and discuss my original contribution: the first preliminary data on its experimental performance. It is instructive to provide some background information, followed by a formal definition of heaps in 1.1. I also provide a brief overview of existing literature on the design of these data structures in 1.2 and discuss the methods for evaluating these types of structures in 1.3. Full details about the implementation of a pairing heap can be found in 2.2. Ongoing research has produced a variety of different types of heaps, which will be briefly discussed

    Implementation of operations in double-ended heaps

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    Existuje viacero spôsobov ako vytvoriť dvojkoncovú haldu z dvoch klasických háld. V tejto práci rozšírime dvojkoncovú haldu založenú na prepojení listov a vytvoríme novú schému nazvanú L-korešpondencia. Táto schéma rozšíri triedu možných klasických háld použiteľných pre vytvorenie dvojkoncovej haldy (napr. Fibonacci halda, Rank-pairing halda). Ďalej umožní operácie ``Zníž prioritu'' a ``Zvýš prioritu''. Tento prístup ukážeme na troch konkrétnych haldách a odhadneme časovú zložitosť pre všetky operácie. Ďalším výsledkom je, že pre tieto tri konkrétne haldy, očakávaný čas operácií ``Zníž prioritu'' a ``Zvýš prioritu'' je obmedzený konštantou.There are several approaches for creating double-ended heaps from the single-ended heaps. We build on one of them, the leaf correspondence heap, to create a generic double ended heap scheme called L-correspondence heap. This will broaden the class of eligible base single-ended heaps (e.g. by Fibonacci heap, Rank-pairing heap) and make the operations Decrease and Increase possible. We show this approach on specific examples for three different single-ended base heaps and give time complexity bounds for all operations. Another result is that for these three examples, the expected amortized time for Decrease and Increase operations in the L-correspondence heap is bounded by a constant.Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical LogicKatedra teoretické informatiky a matematické logikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Algorithm Engineering for fundamental Sorting and Graph Problems

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    Fundamental Algorithms build a basis knowledge for every computer science undergraduate or a professional programmer. It is a set of basic techniques one can find in any (good) coursebook on algorithms and data structures. In this thesis we try to close the gap between theoretically worst-case optimal classical algorithms and the real-world circumstances one face under the assumptions imposed by the data size, limited main memory or available parallelism

    Bibliography of Lewis Research Center technical publications announced in 1992

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    This compilation of abstracts describes and indexes the technical reporting that resulted from the scientific and engineering work performed and managed by the Lewis Research Center in 1992. All the publications were announced in the 1992 issues of STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and/or IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts). Included are research reports, journal articles, conference presentations, patents and patent applications, and theses