126 research outputs found

    Extract, Transform, and Load data from Legacy Systems to Azure Cloud

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    Internship report presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceIn a world with continuously evolving technologies and hardened competitive markets, organisations need to continually be on guard to grasp cutting edge technology and tools that will help them to surpass any competition that arises. Modern data platforms that incorporate cloud technologies, support organisations to strive and get ahead of their competitors by providing solutions that help them capture and optimally use untapped data, and scalable storages to adapt to ever-growing data quantities. Also, adopt data processing and visualisation tools that help to improve the decision-making process. With many cloud providers available in the market, from small players to major technology corporations, this offers much flexibility to organisations to choose the best cloud technology that will align with their use cases and overall products and services strategy. This internship came up at the time when one of Accenture’s significant client in the financial industry decided to migrate from legacy systems to a cloud-based data infrastructure that is Microsoft Azure cloud. During this internship, development of the data lake, which is a core part of the MDP, was done to understand better the type of challenges that can be faced when migrating data from on-premise legacy systems to a cloud-based infrastructure. Also, provided in this work, are the main recommendations and guidelines when it comes to performing a large scale data migration

    Um modelo de arquitetura em camadas empilhadas para Big Data

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    Debido a la necesidad del análisis para los nuevos tipos de datos no estructurados, repetitivos y no repetitivos, surge Big Data. Aunque el tema ha sido extensamente difundido, no hay disponible una arquitectura de referencia para sistemas Big Data que incorpore el tratamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos en bruto, agregados y no agregados ni propuestas completas para manejar el ciclo de vida de los datos o una terminología estandarizada en ésta área, menos una metodología que soporte el diseño y desarrollo de dicha arquitectura. Solo hay arquitecturas de pequeña escala, de tipo industrial, orientadas al producto, que se reducen al alcance de la solución de una compañía o grupo de compañías, que se enfocan en la tecnología, pero omiten el punto de vista funcional. El artículo explora los requerimientos para la formulación de un modelo arquitectural que soporte la analítica y la gestión de datos estructurados y no estructurados, repetitivos y no repetitivos, y contempla algunas propuestas arquitecturales de tipo industrial o tecnológicas, para al final proponer un modelo lógico de arquitectura multicapas escalonado, que pretende dar respuesta a los requerimientos que cubran, tanto a Data Warehouse, como a Big Data.Until recently, the issue of analytical data was related to Data Warehouse, but due to the necessity of analyzing new types of unstructured data, both repetitive and non-repetitive, Big Data arises. Although this subject has been widely studied, there is not available a reference architecture for Big Data systems involved with the processing of large volumes of raw data, aggregated and non-aggregated. There are not complete proposals for managing the lifecycle of data or standardized terminology, even less a methodology supporting the design and development of that architecture. There are architectures in small-scale, industrial and product-oriented, which limit their scope to solutions for a company or group of companies, focused on technology but omitting the functionality. This paper explores the requirements for the formulation of an architectural model that supports the analysis and management of data: structured, repetitive and non-repetitive unstructured; there are some architectural proposals –industrial or technological type– to propose a logical model of multi-layered tiered architecture, which aims to respond to the requirements covering both Data Warehouse and Big Data.A questão da analítica de dados foi relacionada com o Data Warehouse, mas devido à necessidade de uma análise de novos tipos de dados não estruturados, repetitivos e não repetitivos, surge a Big Data. Embora o tema tenha sido amplamente difundido, não existe uma arquitetura de referência para os sistemas Big Data que incorpore o processamento de grandes volumes de dados brutos, agregados e não agregados; nem propostas completas para a gestão do ciclo de vida dos dados, nem uma terminologia padronizada nesta área, e menos uma metodologia que suporte a concepção e desenvolvimento de dita arquitetura. O que existe são arquiteturas em pequena escala, de tipo industrial, orientadas ao produto, limitadas ao alcance da solução de uma empresa ou grupo de empresas, focadas na tecnologia, mas que omitem o ponto de vista funcional. Este artigo explora os requisitos para a formulação de um modelo de arquitetura que possa suportar a analítica e a gestão de dados estruturados e não estruturados, repetitivos e não repetitivos. Dessa exploração contemplam-se algumas propostas arquiteturais de tipo industrial ou tecnológicas, eu propor um modelo lógico de arquitetura em camadas empilhadas, que visa responder às exigências que abrangem tanto Data Warehouse como Big Data

    A Business Intelligence Solution, based on a Big Data Architecture, for processing and analyzing the World Bank data

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    The rapid growth in data volume and complexity has needed the adoption of advanced technologies to extract valuable insights for decision-making. This project aims to address this need by developing a comprehensive framework that combines Big Data processing, analytics, and visualization techniques to enable effective analysis of World Bank data. The problem addressed in this study is the need for a scalable and efficient Business Intelligence solution that can handle the vast amounts of data generated by the World Bank. Therefore, a Big Data architecture is implemented on a real use case for the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. The findings of this project demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. Through the integration of Apache Spark and Apache Hive, data is processed using Extract, Transform and Load techniques, allowing for efficient data preparation. The use of Apache Kylin enables the construction of a multidimensional model, facilitating fast and interactive queries on the data. Moreover, data visualization techniques are employed to create intuitive and informative visual representations of the analysed data. The key conclusions drawn from this project highlight the advantages of a Big Data-driven Business Intelligence solution in processing and analysing World Bank data. The implemented framework showcases improved scalability, performance, and flexibility compared to traditional approaches. In conclusion, this bachelor thesis presents a Business Intelligence solution based on a Big Data architecture for processing and analysing the World Bank data. The project findings emphasize the importance of scalable and efficient data processing techniques, multidimensional modelling, and data visualization for deriving valuable insights. The application of these techniques contributes to the field by demonstrating the potential of Big Data Business Intelligence solutions in addressing the challenges associated with large-scale data analysis

    Technology Selection for Big Data and Analytical Applications

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    The term Big Data has become pervasive in recent years, as smart phones, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, smart meters, diverse sensors, eyeglasses, and even clothes connect to the Internet. However, their generated data is essentially worthless without appropriate data analytics that utilizes information retrieval, statistics, as well as various other techniques. As Big Data is commonly too big for a single person or institution to investigate, appropriate tools are being used that go way beyond a traditional data warehouse and that have been developed in recent years. Unfortunately, there is no single solution but a large variety of different tools, each of which with distinct functionalities, properties and characteristics. Especially small and medium-sized companies have a hard time to keep track, as this requires time, skills, money, and specific knowledge that, in combination, result in high entrance barriers for Big Data utilization. This paper aims to reduce these barriers by explaining and structuring different classes of technologies and the basic criteria for proper technology selection. It proposes a framework that guides especially small and mid-sized companies through a suitable selection process that can serve as a basis for further advances

    Tachyon: Reliable, Memory Speed Storage for Cluster Computing Frameworks

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    Tachyon is a distributed file system enabling reliable data sharing at memory speed across cluster computing frameworks. While caching today improves read workloads, writes are either network or disk bound, as replication is used for fault-tolerance. Tachyon eliminates this bottleneck by pushing lineage, a well-known technique, into the storage layer. The key challenge in making a long-running lineage-based storage system is timely data recovery in case of failures. Tachyon addresses this issue by introducing a checkpointing algorithm that guarantees bounded recovery cost and resource allocation strategies for recomputation under commonly used resource schedulers. Our evaluation shows that Tachyon outperforms in-memory HDFS by 110x for writes. It also improves the end-to-end latency of a realistic workflow by 4x. Tachyon is open source and is deployed at multiple companies.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CISE Expeditions Award CCF-1139158)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Award 7076018)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (XData Award FA8750-12-2-0331

    Big Data Now, 2015 Edition

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    Now in its fifth year, O’Reilly’s annual Big Data Now report recaps the trends, tools, applications, and forecasts we’ve talked about over the past year. For 2015, we’ve included a collection of blog posts, authored by leading thinkers and experts in the field, that reflect a unique set of themes we’ve identified as gaining significant attention and traction. Our list of 2015 topics include: Data-driven cultures Data science Data pipelines Big data architecture and infrastructure The Internet of Things and real time Applications of big data Security, ethics, and governance Is your organization on the right track? Get a hold of this free report now and stay in tune with the latest significant developments in big data

    Augmenting data warehousing architectures with hadoop

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementAs the volume of available data increases exponentially, traditional data warehouses struggle to transform this data into actionable knowledge. Data strategies that include the creation and maintenance of data warehouses have a lot to gain by incorporating technologies from the Big Data’s spectrum. Hadoop, as a transformation tool, can add a theoretical infinite dimension of data processing, feeding transformed information into traditional data warehouses that ultimately will retain their value as central components in organizations’ decision support systems. This study explores the potentialities of Hadoop as a data transformation tool in the setting of a traditional data warehouse environment. Hadoop’s execution model, which is oriented for distributed parallel processing, offers great capabilities when the amounts of data to be processed require the infrastructure to expand. Horizontal scalability, which is a key aspect in a Hadoop cluster, will allow for proportional growth in processing power as the volume of data increases. Through the use of a Hive on Tez, in a Hadoop cluster, this study transforms television viewing events, extracted from Ericsson’s Mediaroom Internet Protocol Television infrastructure, into pertinent audience metrics, like Rating, Reach and Share. These measurements are then made available in a traditional data warehouse, supported by a traditional Relational Database Management System, where they are presented through a set of reports. The main contribution of this research is a proposed augmented data warehouse architecture where the traditional ETL layer is replaced by a Hadoop cluster, running Hive on Tez, with the purpose of performing the heaviest transformations that convert raw data into actionable information. Through a typification of the SQL statements, responsible for the data transformation processes, we were able to understand that Hadoop, and its distributed processing model, delivers outstanding performance results associated with the analytical layer, namely in the aggregation of large data sets. Ultimately, we demonstrate, empirically, the performance gains that can be extracted from Hadoop, in comparison to an RDBMS, regarding speed, storage usage and scalability potential, and suggest how this can be used to evolve data warehouses into the age of Big Data

    The Data Lakehouse: Data Warehousing and More

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    Relational Database Management Systems designed for Online Analytical Processing (RDBMS-OLAP) have been foundational to democratizing data and enabling analytical use cases such as business intelligence and reporting for many years. However, RDBMS-OLAP systems present some well-known challenges. They are primarily optimized only for relational workloads, lead to proliferation of data copies which can become unmanageable, and since the data is stored in proprietary formats, it can lead to vendor lock-in, restricting access to engines, tools, and capabilities beyond what the vendor offers. As the demand for data-driven decision making surges, the need for a more robust data architecture to address these challenges becomes ever more critical. Cloud data lakes have addressed some of the shortcomings of RDBMS-OLAP systems, but they present their own set of challenges. More recently, organizations have often followed a two-tier architectural approach to take advantage of both these platforms, leveraging both cloud data lakes and RDBMS-OLAP systems. However, this approach brings additional challenges, complexities, and overhead. This paper discusses how a data lakehouse, a new architectural approach, achieves the same benefits of an RDBMS-OLAP and cloud data lake combined, while also providing additional advantages. We take today's data warehousing and break it down into implementation independent components, capabilities, and practices. We then take these aspects and show how a lakehouse architecture satisfies them. Then, we go a step further and discuss what additional capabilities and benefits a lakehouse architecture provides over an RDBMS-OLAP

    Experimental evaluation of big data querying tools

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    Nos últimos anos, o termo Big Data tornou-se um tópico bastanta debatido em várias áreas de negócio. Um dos principais desafios relacionados com este conceito é como lidar com o enorme volume e variedade de dados de forma eficiente. Devido à notória complexidade e volume de dados associados ao conceito de Big Data, são necessários mecanismos de consulta eficientes para fins de análise de dados. Motivado pelo rápido desenvolvimento de ferramentas e frameworks para Big Data, há muita discussão sobre ferramentas de consulta e, mais especificamente, quais são as mais apropriadas para necessidades analíticas específica. Esta dissertação descreve e compara as principais características e arquiteturas das seguintes conhecidas ferramentas analíticas para Big Data: Drill, HAWQ, Hive, Impala, Presto e Spark. Para testar o desempenho dessas ferramentas analíticas para Big Data, descrevemos também o processo de preparação, configuração e administração de um Cluster Hadoop para que possamos instalar e utilizar essas ferramentas, tendo um ambiente capaz de avaliar seu desempenho e identificar quais cenários mais adequados à sua utilização. Para realizar esta avaliação, utilizamos os benchmarks TPC-H e TPC-DS, onde os resultados mostraram que as ferramentas de processamento em memória como HAWQ, Impala e Presto apresentam melhores resultados e desempenho em datasets de dimensão baixa e média. No entanto, as ferramentas que apresentaram tempos de execuções mais lentas, especialmente o Hive, parecem apanhar as ferramentas de melhor desempenho quando aumentamos os datasets de referência