7 research outputs found

    Noise Effect on the Temporal Patterns of Neural Synchrony

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    Neural synchrony in the brain is often present in an intermittent fashion, i.e., there are intervals of synchronized activity interspersed with intervals of desynchronized activity. A series of experimental studies showed that this kind of temporal patterning of neural synchronization may be very specific and may be correlated with behaviour (even if the average synchrony strength is not changed). Prior studies showed that a network with many short desynchronized intervals may be functionally different from a network with few long desynchronized intervals as it may be more sensitive to synchronizing input signals. In this study, we investigated the effect of channel noise on the temporal patterns of neural synchronization. We employed a small network of conductance-based model neurons that were mutually connected via excitatory synapses. The resulting dynamics of the network was studied using the same time-series analysis methods as used in prior experimental and computational studies. While it is well known that synchrony strength generally degrades with noise, we found that noise also affects the temporal patterning of synchrony. Noise, at a sufficient intensity (yet too weak to substantially affect synchrony strength), promotes dynamics with predominantly short (although potentially very numerous) desynchronizations. Thus, channel noise may be one of the mechanisms contributing to the short desynchronization dynamics observed in multiple experimental studies

    Analysis of Heterogeneous Cardiac Pacemaker Tissue Models and Traveling Wave Dynamics

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    The sinoatrial-node (SAN) is a complex heterogeneous tissue that generates a stable rhythm in healthy hearts, yet a general mechanistic explanation for when and how this tissue remains stable is lacking. Although computational and theoretical analyses could elucidate these phenomena, such methods have rarely been used in realistic (large-dimensional) gap-junction coupled heterogeneous pacemaker tissue models. In this study, we adapt a recent model of pacemaker cells (Severi et al. 2012), incorporating biophysical representations of ion channel and intracellular calcium dynamics, to capture physiological features of a heterogeneous population of pacemaker cells, in particular "center" and "peripheral" cells with distinct intrinsic frequencies and action potential morphology. Large-scale simulations of the SAN tissue, represented by a heterogeneous tissue structure of pacemaker cells, exhibit a rich repertoire of behaviors, including complete synchrony, traveling waves of activity originating from periphery to center, and transient traveling waves originating from the center. We use phase reduction methods that do not require fully simulating the large-scale model to capture these observations. Moreover, the phase reduced models accurately predict key properties of the tissue electrical dynamics, including wave frequencies when synchronization occurs, and wave propagation direction in a variety of tissue models. With the reduced phase models, we analyze the relationship between cell distributions and coupling strengths and the resulting transient dynamics. Further, the reduced phase model predicts parameter regimes of irregular electrical dynamics. Thus, we demonstrate that phase reduced oscillator models applied to realistic pacemaker tissue is a useful tool for investigating the spatial-temporal dynamics of cardiac pacemaker activity.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure

    Impact of neuronal heterogeneity on correlated colored noise-induced synchronization

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    Synchronization plays an important role in neural signal processing and transmission. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of neural synchronization. In recent years, correlated noise-induced synchronization has received support from many theoretical and experimental studies. However, many of these prior studies have assumed that neurons have identical biophysical properties and that their inputs are well modeled by white noise. In this context, we use colored noise to induce synchronization between oscillators with heterogeneity in both phase-response curves and frequencies. In the low noise limit, we derive novel analytical theory showing that the time constant of colored noise influences correlated noise-induced synchronization and that oscillator heterogeneity can limit synchronization. Surprisingly, however, heterogeneous oscillators may synchronize better than homogeneous oscillators given low input correlations. We also find resonance of oscillator synchronization to colored noise inputs when firing frequencies diverge. Collectively, these results prove robust for both relatively high noise regimes and when applied to biophysically realistic spiking neuron models, and further match experimental recordings from acute brain slices

    Impact of neuronal heterogeneity on correlated colored noise-induced synchronization.

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    <p>Synchronization plays an important role in neural signal processing and transmission. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of neural synchronization. In recent years, correlated noise-induced synchronization has received support from many theoretical and experimental studies. However, many of these prior studies have assumed that neurons have identical biophysical properties and that their inputs are well modeled by white noise. In this context, we use colored noise to induce synchronization between oscillators with heterogeneity in both phase-response curves and frequencies. In the low noise limit, we derive novel analytical theory showing that the time constant of colored noise influences correlated noise-induced synchronization and that oscillator heterogeneity can limit synchronization. Surprisingly, however, heterogeneous oscillators may synchronize better than homogeneous oscillators given low input correlations. We also find resonance of oscillator synchronization to colored noise inputs when firing frequencies diverge. Collectively, these results prove robust for both relatively high noise regimes and when applied to biophysically realistic spiking neuron models, and further match experimental recordings from acute brain slices.</p

    Theta oscillations, timing and cholinergic modulation in the rodent hippocampal circuit

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    The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is crucial for episodic and spatial memory, and shows rhythmicity in the local field potential and neuronal spiking. Gamma oscillations (>40Hz) are mediatepd by local circuitry and interact with slower theta oscillations (6-10 Hz). Both oscillation frequencies are modulated by cholinergic input from the medial septum. Entorhinal grid cells fire when an animal visits particular locations in the environment arranged on the corners of tightly packed, equilateral triangles. Grid cells show phase precession, in which neurons fire at progressively earlier phases relative to theta oscillation as animals move through firing fields. This work focuses on the temporal organization of spiking and network rhythms, and their modulation by septal inputs, which are thought to be involved in MTL function. First, I recorded grid cells as rats explored open spaces and examined precession, previously only characterized on linear tracks, and compared it to predictions from models. I identified precession, including in conjunctive head-direction-by-grid cells and on passes that clipped the edge of the firing field. Secondly, I studied problems of measuring single neuron theta rhythmicity and developed an improved approach. Using the novel approach, I identified diverse modulation of rat medial entorhinal neurons’ rhythmic frequencies by running speed, independent from the modulation of firing rate by speed. Under pharmacological inactivation of the septum, rhythmic tuning was disrupted while rate tuning was enhanced. The approach also showed that available data is insufficient to prove that bat grid cells are arrhythmic due to low firing rates. In the final project, I optogenetically silenced cholinergic septal cells while recording from hippocampal area CA1. I identified changes in theta rhythmic currents and in theta-gamma coupling. This silencing disrupted performance when applied during the encoding phase of a delayed match to position task. These data support hypothetical roles of these rhythms in encoding and retrieval and suggest possible mechanisms for their modulation. Together, evidence from these projects suggests a role for theta in the function of spatial and episodic memory. These oscillations have important implications for communication and computation, and they can provide a substrate for efficient brain function