1,057 research outputs found

    Autonomic State Management for Optimistic Simulation Platforms

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    We present the design and implementation of an autonomic state manager (ASM) tailored for integration within optimistic parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) environments based on the C programming language and the executable and linkable format (ELF), and developed for execution on x8664 architectures. With ASM, the state of any logical process (LP), namely the individual (concurrent) simulation unit being part of the simulation model, is allowed to be scattered on dynamically allocated memory chunks managed via standard API (e.g., malloc/free). Also, the application programmer is not required to provide any serialization/deserialization module in order to take a checkpoint of the LP state, or to restore it in case a causality error occurs during the optimistic run, or to provide indications on which portions of the state are updated by event processing, so to allow incremental checkpointing. All these tasks are handled by ASM in a fully transparent manner via (A) runtime identification (with chunk-level granularity) of the memory map associated with the LP state, and (B) runtime tracking of the memory updates occurring within chunks belonging to the dynamic memory map. The co-existence of the incremental and non-incremental log/restore modes is achieved via dual versions of the same application code, transparently generated by ASM via compile/link time facilities. Also, the dynamic selection of the best suited log/restore mode is actuated by ASM on the basis of an innovative modeling/optimization approach which takes into account stability of each operating mode with respect to variations of the model/environmental execution parameters

    Quarantine-mode based live patching for zero downtime safety-critical systems

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    150 p.En esta tesis se presenta una arquitectura y diseño de software, llamado Cetratus, que permite las actualizaciones en caliente en sistemas críticos, donde se efectúan actualizaciones dinámicas de los componentes de la aplicación. La característica principal es la ejecución y monitorización en modo cuarentena, donde la nueva versión del software es ejecutada y monitorizada hasta que se compruebe la confiabilidad de esta nueva versión. Esta característica también ofrece protección contra posibles fallos de software y actualización, así como la propagación de esos fallos a través del sistema. Para este propósito, se emplean técnicas de particionamiento. Aunque la actualización del software es iniciada por el usuario Updater, se necesita la ratificación del auditor para poder proceder y realizar la actualización dinámica. Estos usuarios son autenticados y registrados antes de continuar con la actualización. También se verifica la autenticidad e integridad del parche dinámico. Cetratus está alineado con las normativas de seguridad funcional y de ciber-seguridad industriales respecto a las actualizaciones de software.Se proporcionan dos casos de estudio. Por una parte, en el caso de uso de energía inteligente, se analiza una aplicación de gestión de energía eléctrica, compuesta por un sistema de gestión de energía (BEMS por sus siglas en ingles) y un servicio de optimización de energía en la nube (BEOS por sus siglas en ingles). El BEMS monitoriza y controla las instalaciones de energía eléctrica en un edificio residencial. Toda la información relacionada con la generación, consumo y ahorro es enviada al BEOS, que estima y optimiza el consumo general del edificio para reducir los costes y aumentar la eficiencia energética. En este caso de estudio se incorpora una nueva capa de ciberseguridad para aumentar la ciber-seguridad y privacidad de los datos de los clientes. Específicamente, se utiliza la criptografía homomorfica. Después de la actualización, todos los datos son enviados encriptados al BEOS.Por otro lado, se presenta un caso de estudio ferroviario. En este ejemplo se actualiza el componente Euroradio, que es la que habilita las comunicaciones entre el tren y el equipamiento instalado en las vías en el sistema de gestión de tráfico ferroviario en Europa (ERTMS por sus siglas en ingles). En el ejemplo se actualiza el algoritmo utilizado para el código de autenticación del mensaje (MAC por sus siglas en inglés) basado en el algoritmo de encriptación AES, debido a los fallos de seguridad del algoritmo actual

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well

    Concurrency in prolog using threads and a shared database

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    Concurrency in Logic Programming has received much attention in the past. One problem with many proposals, when applied to Prolog, is that they involve large modifications to the standard implementations, and/or the communication and synchronization facilities provided do not fit as naturally within the language model as we feel is possible. In this paper we propose a new mechanism for implementing synchronization and communication for concurrency, based on atomic accesses to designated facts in the (shared) datábase. We argüe that this model is comparatively easy to implement and harmonizes better than previous proposals within the Prolog control model and standard set of built-ins. We show how in the proposed model it is easy to express classical concurrency algorithms and to subsume other mechanisms such as Linda, variable-based communication, or classical parallelism-oriented primitives. We also report on an implementation of the model and provide performance and resource consumption data

    Automatic dynamic updating of the PalCom middleware for Internet of Things

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    The number of devices connected to the Internet is rapidly increasing. Especially the number of Internet of Things devices. These devices contain software which, like any other software, needs to be updated. With the great amount of devices to update, this calls for a manageable updating solution which does not depend on user interaction. In this thesis we present a solution to dynamically update an Internet of Things system, by automatically updating its devices. Our solution is based on and implemented for the Internet of Things system PalCom

    Automating Object Transformations for Dynamic Software Updating via Online Execution Synthesis

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    Dynamic software updating (DSU) is a technique to upgrade a running software system on the fly without stopping the system. During updating, the runtime state of the modified components of the system needs to be properly transformed into a new state, so that the modified components can still correctly interact with the rest of the system. However, the transformation is non-trivial to realize due to the gap between the low-level implementations of two versions of a program. This paper presents AOTES, a novel approach to automating object transformations for dynamic updating of Java programs. AOTES bridges the gap by abstracting the old state of an object to a history of method invocations, and re-invoking the new version of all methods in the history to get the desired new state. AOTES requires no instrumentation to record any data and thus has no overhead during normal execution. We propose and implement a novel technique that can synthesize an equivalent history of method invocations based on the current object state only. We evaluated AOTES on software updates taken from Apache Commons Collections, Tomcat, FTP Server and SSHD Server. Experimental results show that AOTES successfully handled 51 of 61 object transformations of 21 updated classes, while two state-of-the-art approaches only handled 11 and 6 of 61, respectively

    Run-time Variability with First-class Contexts

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    Software must be regularly updated to keep up with changing requirements. Unfortunately, to install an update, the system must usually be restarted, which is inconvenient and costly. In this dissertation, we aim at overcoming the need for restart by enabling run-time changes at the programming language level. We argue that the best way to achieve this goal is to improve the support for encapsulation, information hiding and late binding by contextualizing behavior. In our approach, behavioral variations are encapsulated into context objects that alter the behavior of other objects locally. We present three contextual language features that demonstrate our approach. First, we present a feature to evolve software by scoping variations to threads. This way, arbitrary objects can be substituted over time without compromising safety. Second, we present a variant of dynamic proxies that operate by delegation instead of forwarding. The proxies can be used as building blocks to implement contextualization mechanisms from within the language. Third, we contextualize the behavior of objects to intercept exchanges of references between objects. This approach scales information hiding from objects to aggregates. The three language features are supported by formalizations and case studies, showing their soundness and practicality. With these three complementary language features, developers can easily design applications that can accommodate run-time changes

    How to have your cake and eat it too: Dynamic software updating with just-in-time overhead

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