172,552 research outputs found

    The role of IgG avidity in diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in newborns and infants [Uloga IgG aviditeta u dijagnostici infekcije citomegalovirusom u novorođenčadi i dojenčadi]

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    To evaluate the value of IgG avidity in diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in newborns and infants we collected serum samples from 40 infants under 12 months of age with suspected congenital CMV infection. Sera were tested for IgM, IgG and IgG avidity. For 25 of them, virus isolation and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on urine specimens were performed. Thirteen (32.5%) patients showed the presence of CMV IgM antibodies, 3 (7.5%) had equivocal IgM result, and 24 (60.0%) patients had IgG antibodies only. Using IgG avidity, CMV infection (low avidity index-AI) was documented in 61.5% IgM positive and 54.2% IgM negative patients. Eight of nine (88.8%) IgM positive patients were positive either on virus isolation or PCR. In IgM negative patients, 46.6% urine cultures were positive for CMV and 66.6% were PCR positive. According to age, IgG avidity demonstrated acute/recent primary CMV infection in 58.8% patients younger than three months compared with 91.7% and 81.8% in 3-6 and 6-12 months old babies, respectively. In conclusion, IgG avidity is useful in diagnosis of CMV infection either in IgM positive or IgM negative children older than 3 months of age. In infants less than 3 months, transplacentally derived maternal IgG antibodies of high avidity influence on the IgG avidity result. In these children, CMV infection should be confirmed by direct virologic methods such as virus isolation or PCR

    Cosmology-independent Estimate of the Fraction of Baryon Mass in the IGM from Fast Radio Burst Observations

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    The excessive dispersion measure (DM) of fast radio bursts (FRBs) has been proposed to be a powerful tool to study intergalactic medium (IGM) and to perform cosmography. One issue is that the fraction of baryons in the IGM, f IGM, is not properly constrained. Here, we propose a method of estimating f IGM using a putative sample of FRBs with the measurements of both DM and luminosity distance d L. The latter can be obtained if the FRB is associated with a distance indicator (e.g., a gamma-ray burst or a gravitational-wave event), or the redshift z of the FRB is measured and d L at the corresponding z is available from other distance indicators (e.g., SNe Ia) at the same redshift. As d L/DM essentially does not depend on cosmological parameters, our method can determine f IGM independent of cosmological parameters. We parameterize f IGM as a function of redshift and model the DM contribution from a host galaxy as a function of star formation rate. Assuming f IGM has a mild evolution with redshift with a functional form and by means of Monte Carlo simulations, we show that an unbiased and cosmology-independent estimate of the present value of f IGM with a ~12% uncertainty can be obtained with 50 joint measurements of d L and DM. In addition, such a method can also lead to a measurement of the mean value of DM contributed from the local host galaxy

    Probing reionization with Lyman-alpha emission lines

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    Lyman-alpha emission from high-redshift galaxies may be a powerful probe of the ionization history of the IGM at z>6: the observed Lyman-alpha emission line is sensitive to the neutral fraction of IGM hydrogen in the range 0.1-1. We present calculations of observed Lyman-alpha emission lines from z>6 galaxies, illustrating the effect of varying the many free parameters associated with the emitting galaxy, its halo, and the IGM around the galaxy. In particular, we use a dynamic model of the IGM that includes the effect of IGM infall toward the emitting galaxy. Galactic winds may play a crucial role in determining observed Lyman-alpha line fluxes. We compare our model predictions with observations of two z=6.5 galaxies and conclude that, if galactic winds are allowed for, existing observations place no constraint on the neutral fraction of the IGM at z=6.5. Future space-based observations will constrain the importance of galactic winds; if winds are unimportant for the observed z=6.5 galaxies, our models suggest that the IGM neutral fraction at z=6.5 is <~0.1.Comment: 17 pages, 25 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The velocity field of baryonic gas in the universe

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    The dynamic evolution of the baryonic intergalactic medium (IGM) caused by the underlying dark matter gravity is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations in which many cooling and heating processes are involved. However, it has long been recognized that the growth mode dynamics of cosmic matter clustering can be sketched by a random force driven Burgers' equation if cooling and heating are ignored. Just how well the dynamics of the IGM can be described as a Burgers fluid has not been fully investigated probably because cooling and heating are essential for a detailed understanding of the IGM. Using IGM samples produced by a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation in which heating and cooling processes are properly accounted for, we show that the IGM velocity field in the nonlinear regime shows the features of a Burgers fluid, that is, when the Reynolds number is high, the velocity field consists of an ensemble of shocks. Consequently, (1) the IGM velocity vv is generally smaller than that of dark matter; (2) for the smoothed field, the IGM velocity shows tight correlation with dark matter given by vsvdmv \simeq s v_{dm}, with s<1s<1, such that the lower the redshift, the smaller ss; (3) the velocity PDFs are asymmetric between acceleration and deceleration events; (4) the PDF of velocity difference Δv=v(x+r)v(x)\Delta v=v(x+r)-v(x) satisfies the scaling relation for a Burgers fluid, i.e., P(Δv)=(1ry)F(Δv/ry)P(\Delta v)=(1 r^y)F(\Delta v/r^y). We find the scaling function and parameters for the IGM which are applicable to the entire scale range of the samples (0.26 - 8 h1^{-1} Mpc). These properties show that the similarity mapping between the IGM and dark matter is violated on scales much larger than the Jeans length of the IGM.Comment: 14 pages, 10 jpg-figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. References adde

    Constraint on intergalactic dust from thermal history of intergalactic medium

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    This Letter investigates the amount of dust in the intergalactic medium (IGM). The dust photoelectric heating can be the most efficient heating mechanism in the IGM where the density is very small and there are a lot of hard ultraviolet photons. Comparing the observational thermal history of IGM with a theoretical one taking into account the dust photoelectric heating, we can put an upper limit on the dust-to-gas ratio, D{\cal D}, in the IGM. Since the rate of the dust photoelectric heating depends on the size of dust, we find the following results: If the grain size is \ga 100 \AA, D{\cal D} at z3z \sim 3 is \la 1/100 Galactic value corresponding to \Omega_{\rm dust}^{\rm IGM}\la 10^{-5}. On the other hand, if the grain size is as small as 10\sim 10 \AA, D{\cal D} is \la 1/1000 Galactic value corresponding to \Omega_{\rm dust}^{\rm IGM}\la 10^{-6}.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS pink page

    The intergalactic medium thermal history at redshift z=1.7--3.2 from the Lyman alpha forest: a comparison of measurements using wavelets and the flux distribution

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    We investigate the thermal history of the intergalactic medium (IGM) in the redshift interval z=1.7--3.2 by studying the small-scale fluctuations in the Lyman alpha forest transmitted flux. We apply a wavelet filtering technique to eighteen high resolution quasar spectra obtained with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES), and compare these data to synthetic spectra drawn from a suite of hydrodynamical simulations in which the IGM thermal state and cosmological parameters are varied. From the wavelet analysis we obtain estimates of the IGM thermal state that are in good agreement with other recent, independent wavelet-based measurements. We also perform a reanalysis of the same data set using the Lyman alpha forest flux probability distribution function (PDF), which has previously been used to measure the IGM temperature-density relation. This provides an important consistency test for measurements of the IGM thermal state, as it enables a direct comparison of the constraints obtained using these two different methodologies. We find the constraints obtained from wavelets and the flux PDF are formally consistent with each other, although in agreement with previous studies, the flux PDF constraints favour an isothermal or inverted IGM temperature-density relation. We also perform a joint analysis by combining our wavelet and flux PDF measurements, constraining the IGM thermal state at z=2.1 to have a temperature at mean density of T0/[10^3 K]=17.3 +/- 1.9 and a power-law temperature-density relation exponent gamma=1.1 +/- 0.1 (1 sigma). Our results are consistent with previous observations that indicate there may be additional sources of heating in the IGM at z<4.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, matches version accepted for publication on MNRA