198 research outputs found

    New Structure of Test Pattern Generator Stimulating Crosstalks in Bus-type Connections

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    The paper discloses the idea of a new structure for a Test Pattern Generator (TPG) for detection of crosstalk faults that may happen to bus-type interconnections between built-in blocks within a System on a Chip structure. The new idea is an improvement of the TPG design proposed by the author in one of previous studies. The TPG circuit is meant to generate test sequences that guarantee detection of all crosstalk faults with the capacitance nature that may occur between individual lines within an interconnecting bus. The study comprises a synthesizable and parameterized model developed for the presented TPG in the VLSI Hardware Description Language (VHDL) with further investigation of properties and features of the offered module. The significant advantages of the proposed TPG structure include less area occupied on a chip and higher operation frequency as compared to other solutions. In addition, the design demonstrates good scalability in terms of both the hardware overhead and the length of the generated test sequence

    Control of sectioned on-chip communication

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    Enhancing HPC on Virtual Systems in Clouds through Optimizing Virtual Overlay Networks

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    Virtual Ethernet overlay provides a powerful model for realizing virtual distributed and parallel computing systems with strong isolation, portability, and recoverability properties. However, in extremely high throughput and low latency networks, such overlays can suffer from bandwidth and latency limitations, which is of particular concern in HPC environments. Through a careful and quantitative analysis, I iden- tify three core issues limiting performance: delayed and excessive virtual interrupt delivery into guests, copies between host and guest data buffers during encapsulation, and the semantic gap between virtual Ethernet features and underlying physical network features. I propose three novel optimizations in response: optimistic timer- free virtual interrupt injection, zero-copy cut-through data forwarding, and virtual TCP offload. These optimizations improve the latency and bandwidth of the overlay network on 10 Gbps Ethernet and InfiniBand interconnects, resulting in near-native performance for a wide range of microbenchmarks and MPI application benchmarks

    Evaluating techniques for parallelization tuning in MPI, OmpSs and MPI/OmpSs

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    Parallel programming is used to partition a computational problem among multiple processing units and to define how they interact (communicate and synchronize) in order to guarantee the correct result. The performance that is achieved when executing the parallel program on a parallel architecture is usually far from the optimal: computation unbalance and excessive interaction among processing units often cause lost cycles, reducing the efficiency of parallel computation. In this thesis we propose techniques oriented to better exploit parallelism in parallel applications, with emphasis in techniques that increase asynchronism. Theoretically, this type of parallelization tuning promises multiple benefits. First, it should mitigate communication and synchronization delays, thus increasing the overall performance. Furthermore, parallelization tuning should expose additional parallelism and therefore increase the scalability of execution. Finally, increased asynchronism would provide higher tolerance to slower networks and external noise. In the first part of this thesis, we study the potential for tuning MPI parallelism. More specifically, we explore automatic techniques to overlap communication and computation. We propose a speculative messaging technique that increases the overlap and requires no changes of the original MPI application. Our technique automatically identifies the application’s MPI activity and reinterprets that activity using optimally placed non-blocking MPI requests. We demonstrate that this overlapping technique increases the asynchronism of MPI messages, maximizing the overlap, and consequently leading to execution speedup and higher tolerance to bandwidth reduction. However, in the case of realistic scientific workloads, we show that the overlapping potential is significantly limited by the pattern by which each MPI process locally operates on MPI messages. In the second part of this thesis, we study the potential for tuning hybrid MPI/OmpSs parallelism. We try to gain a better understanding of the parallelism of hybrid MPI/OmpSs applications in order to evaluate how these applications would execute on future machines and to predict the execution bottlenecks that are likely to emerge. We explore how MPI/OmpSs applications could scale on the parallel machine with hundreds of cores per node. Furthermore, we investigate how this high parallelism within each node would reflect on the network constraints. We especially focus on identifying critical code sections in MPI/OmpSs. We devised a technique that quickly evaluates, for a given MPI/OmpSs application and the selected target machine, which code section should be optimized in order to gain the highest performance benefits. Also, this thesis studies techniques to quickly explore the potential OmpSs parallelism inherent in applications. We provide mechanisms to easily evaluate potential parallelism of any task decomposition. Furthermore, we describe an iterative trialand-error approach to search for a task decomposition that will expose sufficient parallelism for a given target machine. Finally, we explore potential of automating the iterative approach by capturing the programmers’ experience into an expert system that can autonomously lead the search process. Also, throughout the work on this thesis, we designed development tools that can be useful to other researchers in the field. The most advanced of these tools is Tareador – a tool to help porting MPI applications to MPI/OmpSs programming model. Tareador provides a simple interface to propose some decomposition of a code into OmpSs tasks. Tareador dynamically calculates data dependencies among the annotated tasks, and automatically estimates the potential OmpSs parallelization. Furthermore, Tareador gives additional hints on how to complete the process of porting the application to OmpSs. Tareador already proved itself useful, by being included in the academic classes on parallel programming at UPC.La programación paralela consiste en dividir un problema de computación entre múltiples unidades de procesamiento y definir como interactúan (comunicación y sincronización) para garantizar un resultado correcto. El rendimiento de un programa paralelo normalmente está muy lejos de ser óptimo: el desequilibrio de la carga computacional y la excesiva interacción entre las unidades de procesamiento a menudo causa ciclos perdidos, reduciendo la eficiencia de la computación paralela. En esta tesis proponemos técnicas orientadas a explotar mejor el paralelismo en aplicaciones paralelas, poniendo énfasis en técnicas que incrementan el asincronismo. En teoría, estas técnicas prometen múltiples beneficios. Primero, tendrían que mitigar el retraso de la comunicación y la sincronización, y por lo tanto incrementar el rendimiento global. Además, la calibración de la paralelización tendría que exponer un paralelismo adicional, incrementando la escalabilidad de la ejecución. Finalmente, un incremente en el asincronismo proveería una tolerancia mayor a redes de comunicación lentas y ruido externo. En la primera parte de la tesis, estudiamos el potencial para la calibración del paralelismo a través de MPI. En concreto, exploramos técnicas automáticas para solapar la comunicación con la computación. Proponemos una técnica de mensajería especulativa que incrementa el solapamiento y no requiere cambios en la aplicación MPI original. Nuestra técnica identifica automáticamente la actividad MPI de la aplicación y la reinterpreta usando solicitudes MPI no bloqueantes situadas óptimamente. Demostramos que esta técnica maximiza el solapamiento y, en consecuencia, acelera la ejecución y permite una mayor tolerancia a las reducciones de ancho de banda. Aún así, en el caso de cargas de trabajo científico realistas, mostramos que el potencial de solapamiento está significativamente limitado por el patrón según el cual cada proceso MPI opera localmente en el paso de mensajes. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, exploramos el potencial para calibrar el paralelismo híbrido MPI/OmpSs. Intentamos obtener una comprensión mejor del paralelismo de aplicaciones híbridas MPI/OmpSs para evaluar de qué manera se ejecutarían en futuras máquinas. Exploramos como las aplicaciones MPI/OmpSs pueden escalar en una máquina paralela con centenares de núcleos por nodo. Además, investigamos cómo este paralelismo de cada nodo se reflejaría en las restricciones de la red de comunicación. En especia, nos concentramos en identificar secciones críticas de código en MPI/OmpSs. Hemos concebido una técnica que rápidamente evalúa, para una aplicación MPI/OmpSs dada y la máquina objetivo seleccionada, qué sección de código tendría que ser optimizada para obtener la mayor ganancia de rendimiento. También estudiamos técnicas para explorar rápidamente el paralelismo potencial de OmpSs inherente en las aplicaciones. Proporcionamos mecanismos para evaluar fácilmente el paralelismo potencial de cualquier descomposición en tareas. Además, describimos una aproximación iterativa para buscar una descomposición en tareas que mostrará el suficiente paralelismo en la máquina objetivo dada. Para finalizar, exploramos el potencial para automatizar la aproximación iterativa. En el trabajo expuesto en esta tesis hemos diseñado herramientas que pueden ser útiles para otros investigadores de este campo. La más avanzada es Tareador, una herramienta para ayudar a migrar aplicaciones al modelo de programación MPI/OmpSs. Tareador proporciona una interfaz simple para proponer una descomposición del código en tareas OmpSs. Tareador también calcula dinámicamente las dependencias de datos entre las tareas anotadas, y automáticamente estima el potencial de paralelización OmpSs. Por último, Tareador da indicaciones adicionales sobre como completar el proceso de migración a OmpSs. Tareador ya se ha mostrado útil al ser incluido en las clases de programación de la UPC

    The effect of an optical network on-chip on the performance of chip multiprocessors

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    Optical networks on-chip (ONoC) have been proposed to reduce power consumption and increase bandwidth density in high performance chip multiprocessors (CMP), compared to electrical NoCs. However, as buffering in an ONoC is not viable, the end-to-end message path needs to be acquired in advance during which the message is buffered at the network ingress. This waiting latency is therefore a combination of path setup latency and contention and forms a significant part of the total message latency. Many proposed ONoCs, such as Single Writer, Multiple Reader (SWMR), avoid path setup latency at the expense of increased optical components. In contrast, this thesis investigates a simple circuit-switched ONoC with lower component count where nodes need to request a channel before transmission. To hide the path setup latency, a coherence-based message predictor is proposed, to setup circuits before message arrival. Firstly, the effect of latency and bandwidth on application performance is thoroughly investigated using full-system simulations of shared memory CMPs. It is shown that the latency of an ideal NoC affects the CMP performance more than the NoC bandwidth. Increasing the number of wavelengths per channel decreases the serialisation latency and improves the performance of both ONoC types. With 2 or more wavelengths modulating at 25 Gbit=s , the ONoCs will outperform a conventional electrical mesh (maximal speedup of 20%). The SWMR ONoC outperforms the circuit-switched ONoC. Next coherence-based prediction techniques are proposed to reduce the waiting latency. The ideal coherence-based predictor reduces the waiting latency by 42%. A more streamlined predictor (smaller than a L1 cache) reduces the waiting latency by 31%. Without prediction, the message latency in the circuit-switched ONoC is 11% larger than in the SWMR ONoC. Applying the realistic predictor reverses this: the message latency in the SWMR ONoC is now 18% larger than the predictive circuitswitched ONoC

    Scalability of microkernel-based systems

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    Scalable domain decomposition methods for finite element approximations of transient and electromagnetic problems

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    The main object of study of this thesis is the development of scalable and robust solvers based on domain decomposition (DD) methods for the linear systems arising from the finite element (FE) discretization of transient and electromagnetic problems. The thesis commences with a theoretical review of the curl-conforming edge (or Nédélec) FEs of the first kind and a comprehensive description of a general implementation strategy for h- and p- adaptive elements of arbitrary order on tetrahedral and hexahedral non-conforming meshes. Then, a novel balancing domain decomposition by constraints (BDDC) preconditioner that is robust for multi-material and/or heterogeneous problems posed in curl-conforming spaces is presented. The new method, in contrast to existent approaches, is based on the definition of the ingredients of the preconditioner according to the physical coefficients of the problem and does not require spectral information. The result is a robust and highly scalable preconditioner that preserves the simplicity of the original BDDC method. When dealing with transient problems, the time direction offers itself an opportunity for further parallelization. Aiming to design scalable space-time solvers, first, parallel-in-time parallel methods for linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are proposed, based on (non-linear) Schur complement efficient solvers of a multilevel partition of the time interval. Then, these ideas are combined with DD concepts in order to design a two-level preconditioner as an extension to space-time of the BDDC method. The key ingredients for these new methods are defined such that they preserve the time causality, i.e., information only travels from the past to the future. The proposed schemes are weakly scalable in time and space-time, i.e., one can efficiently exploit increasing computational resources to solve more time steps in (approximately) the same time-to-solution. All the developments presented herein are motivated by the driving application of the thesis, the 3D simulation of the low-frequency electromagnetic response of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS). Throughout the document, an exhaustive set of numerical experiments, which includes the simulation of a realistic 3D HTS problem, is performed in order to validate the suitability and assess the parallel performance of the High Performance Computing (HPC) implementation of the proposed algorithms.L’objecte principal d’estudi d’aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de solucionadors escalables i robustos basats en mètodes de descomposició de dominis (DD) per a sistemes lineals que sorgeixen en la discretització mitjançant elements finits (FE) de problemes transitoris i electromagnètics. La tesi comença amb una revisió teòrica dels FE d’eix (o de Nédélec) de la primera família i una descripció exhaustiva d’una estratègia d’implementació general per a elements h- i p-adaptatius d’ordre arbitrari en malles de tetraedres i hexaedres noconformes. Llavors, es presenta un nou precondicionador de descomposició de dominis balancejats per restricció (BDDC) que és robust per a problemes amb múltiples materials i/o heterogenis definits en espais curl-conformes. El nou mètode, en contrast amb els enfocaments existents, està basat en la definició dels ingredients del precondicionador segons els coeficients físics del problema i no requereix informació espectral. El resultat és un precondicionador robust i escalable que preserva la simplicitat del mètode original BDDC. Quan tractem amb problemes transitoris, la direcció temporal ofereix ella mateixa l’oportunitat de seguir explotant paral·lelisme. Amb l’objectiu de dissenyar precondicionadors en espai-temps, primer, proposem solucionadors paral·lels en temps per equacions diferencials lineals i no-lineals, basats en un solucionador eficient del complement de Schur d’una partició multinivell de l’interval de temps. Seguidament, aquestes idees es combinen amb conceptes de DD amb l’objectiu de dissenyar precondicionadors com a extensió a espai-temps dels mètodes de BDDC. Els ingredients clau d’aquests nous mètodes es defineixen de tal manera que preserven la causalitat del temps, on la informació només viatja de temps passats a temps futurs. Els esquemes proposats són dèbilment escalables en temps i en espai-temps, és a dir, es poden explotar eficientment recursos computacionals creixents per resoldre més passos de temps en (aproximadament) el mateix temps transcorregut de càlcul. Tots els desenvolupaments presentats aquí són motivats pel problema d’aplicació de la tesi, la simulació de la resposta electromagnètica de baixa freqüència dels superconductors d’alta temperatura (HTS) en 3D. Al llarg del document, es realitza un conjunt exhaustiu d’experiments numèrics, els quals inclouen la simulació d’un problema de HTS realista en 3D, per validar la idoneïtat i el rendiment paral·lel de la implementació per a computació d’alt rendiment dels algorismes proposatsPostprint (published version

    Timing Predictability in Future Multi-Core Avionics Systems

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAsynchronous design has a very promising potential even though it has largely received a cold reception from industry. Part of this reluctance has been due to the necessity of custom design languages and computer aided design (CAD) flows to design, optimize, and validate asynchronous modules and systems. Next generation asynchronous flows should support modern programming languages (e.g., Verilog) and application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) CAD tools. They also have to support multifrequency designs with mixed synchronous (clocked) and asynchronous (unclocked) designs. This work presents a novel relative timing (RT) based methodology for generating multifrequency designs using synchronous CAD tools and flows. Synchronous CAD tools must be constrained for them to work with asynchronous circuits. Identification of these constraints and characterization flow to automatically derive the constraints is presented. The effect of the constraints on the designs and the way they are handled by the synchronous CAD tools are analyzed and reported in this work. The automation of the generation of asynchronous design templates and also the constraint generation is an important problem. Algorithms for automation of reset addition to asynchronous circuits and power and/or performance optimizations applied to the circuits using logical effort are explored thus filling an important hole in the automation flow. Constraints representing cyclic asynchronous circuits as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to the CAD tools is necessary for applying synchronous CAD optimizations like sizing, path delay optimizations and also using static timing analysis (STA) on these circuits. A thorough investigation for the requirements of cycle cutting while preserving timing paths is presented with an algorithm to automate the process of generating them. A large set of designs for 4 phase handshake protocol circuit implementations with early and late data validity are characterized for area, power and performance. Benchmark circuits with automated scripts to generate various configurations for better understanding of the designs are proposed and analyzed. Extension to the methodology like addition of scan insertion using automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tools to add testability of datapath in bundled data asynchronous circuit implementations and timing closure approaches are also described. Energy, area, and performance of purely asynchronous circuits and circuits with mixed synchronous and asynchronous blocks are explored. Results indicate the benefits that can be derived by generating circuits with asynchronous components using this methodology
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