584 research outputs found

    3D mapping and path planning from range data

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    This thesis reports research on mapping, terrain classification and path planning. These are classical problems in robotics, typically studied independently, and here we link such problems by framing them within a common proprioceptive modality, that of three-dimensional laser range scanning. The ultimate goal is to deliver navigation paths for challenging mobile robotics scenarios. For this reason we also deliver safe traversable regions from a previously computed globally consistent map. We first examine the problem of registering dense point clouds acquired at different instances in time. We contribute with a novel range registration mechanism for pairs of 3D range scans using point-to-point and point-to-line correspondences in a hierarchical correspondence search strategy. For the minimization we adopt a metric that takes into account not only the distance between corresponding points, but also the orientation of their relative reference frames. We also propose FaMSA, a fast technique for multi-scan point cloud alignment that takes advantage of the asserted point correspondences during sequential scan matching, using the point match history to speed up the computation of new scan matches. To properly propagate the model of the sensor noise and the scan matching, we employ first order error propagation, and to correct the error accumulation from local data alignment, we consider the probabilistic alignment of 3D point clouds using a delayed-state Extended Information Filter (EIF). In this thesis we adapt the Pose SLAM algorithm to the case of 3D range mapping, Pose SLAM is the variant of SLAM where only the robot trajectory is estimated and where sensor data is solely used to produce relative constraints between robot poses. These dense mapping techniques are tested in several scenarios acquired with our 3D sensors, producing impressively rich 3D environment models. The computed maps are then processed to identify traversable regions and to plan navigation sequences. In this thesis we present a pair of methods to attain high-level off-line classification of traversable areas, in which training data is acquired automatically from navigation sequences. Traversable features came from the robot footprint samples during manual robot motion, allowing us to capture terrain constrains not easy to model. Using only some of the traversed areas as positive training samples, our algorithms are tested in real scenarios to find the rest of the traversable terrain, and are compared with a naive parametric and some variants of the Support Vector Machine. Later, we contribute with a path planner that guarantees reachability at a desired robot pose with significantly lower computation time than competing alternatives. To search for the best path, our planner incrementally builds a tree using the A* algorithm, it includes a hybrid cost policy to efficiently expand the search tree, combining random sampling from the continuous space of kinematically feasible motion commands with a cost to goal metric that also takes into account the vehicle nonholonomic constraints. The planer also allows for node rewiring, and to speed up node search, our method includes heuristics that penalize node expansion near obstacles, and that limit the number of explored nodes. The method book-keeps visited cells in the configuration space, and disallows node expansion at those configurations in the first full iteration of the algorithm. We validate the proposed methods with experiments in extensive real scenarios from different very complex 3D outdoors environments, and compare it with other techniques such as the A*, RRT and RRT* algorithms.Esta tesis reporta investigación sobre el mapeo, clasificación de terreno y planificación de trayectorias. Estos son problemas clásicos en robótica los cuales generalmente se estudian de forma independiente, aquí se vinculan enmarcandolos con una modalidad propioceptiva común: un láser de rango 3D. El objetivo final es ofrecer trayectorias de navegación para escenarios complejos en el marco de la robótica móvil. Por esta razón también entregamos regiones transitables en un mapa global consistente calculado previamente. Primero examinamos el problema de registro de nubes de puntos adquiridas en diferentes instancias de tiempo. Contribuimos con un novedoso mecanismo de registro de pares de imagenes de rango 3D usando correspondencias punto a punto y punto a línea, en una estrategia de búsqueda de correspondencias jerárquica. Para la minimización optamos por una metrica que considera no sólo la distancia entre puntos, sino también la orientación de los marcos de referencia relativos. También proponemos FAMSA, una técnica para el registro rápido simultaneo de multiples nubes de puntos, la cual aprovecha las correspondencias de puntos obtenidas durante el registro secuencial, usando inicialmente la historia de correspondencias para acelerar el cálculo de las correspondecias en los nuevos registros de imagenes. Para propagar adecuadamente el modelo del ruido del sensor y del registro de imagenes, empleamos la propagación de error de primer orden, y para corregir el error acumulado del registro local, consideramos la alineación probabilística de nubes de puntos 3D utilizando un Filtro Extendido de Información de estados retrasados. En esta tesis adaptamos el algóritmo Pose SLAM para el caso de mapas con imagenes de rango 3D, Pose SLAM es la variante de SLAM donde solamente se estima la trayectoria del robot, usando los datos del sensor como restricciones relativas entre las poses robot. Estas técnicas de mapeo se prueban en varios escenarios adquiridos con nuestros sensores 3D produciendo modelos 3D impresionantes. Los mapas obtenidos se procesan para identificar regiones navegables y para planificar secuencias de navegación. Presentamos un par de métodos para lograr la clasificación de zonas transitables fuera de línea. Los datos de entrenamiento se adquieren de forma automática usando secuencias de navegación obtenidas manualmente. Las características transitables se captan de las huella de la trayectoria del robot, lo cual permite capturar restricciones del terreno difíciles de modelar. Con sólo algunas de las zonas transitables como muestras de entrenamiento positivo, nuestros algoritmos se prueban en escenarios reales para encontrar el resto del terreno transitable. Los algoritmos se comparan con algunas variantes de la máquina de soporte de vectores (SVM) y una parametrizacion ingenua. También, contribuimos con un planificador de trayectorias que garantiza llegar a una posicion deseada del robot en significante menor tiempo de cálculo a otras alternativas. Para buscar el mejor camino, nuestro planificador emplea un arbol de busqueda incremental basado en el algoritmo A*. Incluimos una póliza de coste híbrido para crecer de manera eficiente el árbol, combinando el muestro aleatorio del espacio continuo de comandos cinemáticos del robot con una métrica de coste al objetivo que también concidera las cinemática del robot. El planificador además permite reconectado de nodos, y, para acelerar la búsqueda de nodos, se incluye una heurística que penaliza la expansión de nodos cerca de los obstáculos, que limita el número de nodos explorados. El método conoce las céldas que ha visitado del espacio de configuraciones, evitando la expansión de nodos en configuraciones que han sido vistadas en la primera iteración completa del algoritmo. Los métodos propuestos se validán con amplios experimentos con escenarios reales en diferentes entornos exteriores, asi como su comparación con otras técnicas como los algoritmos A*, RRT y RRT*.Postprint (published version

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition Using Depth Maps and Postures

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    In this paper, we present a method (Action-Fusion) for human action recognition from depth maps and posture data using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Two input descriptors are used for action representation. The first input is a depth motion image that accumulates consecutive depth maps of a human action, whilst the second input is a proposed moving joints descriptor which represents the motion of body joints over time. In order to maximize feature extraction for accurate action classification, three CNN channels are trained with different inputs. The first channel is trained with depth motion images (DMIs), the second channel is trained with both DMIs and moving joint descriptors together, and the third channel is trained with moving joint descriptors only. The action predictions generated from the three CNN channels are fused together for the final action classification. We propose several fusion score operations to maximize the score of the right action. The experiments show that the results of fusing the output of three channels are better than using one channel or fusing two channels only. Our proposed method was evaluated on three public datasets: 1) Microsoft action 3-D dataset (MSRAction3D); 2) University of Texas at Dallas-multimodal human action dataset; and 3) multimodal action dataset (MAD) dataset. The testing results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms most of existing state-of-the-art methods, such as histogram of oriented 4-D normals and Actionlet on MSRAction3D. Although MAD dataset contains a high number of actions (35 actions) compared to existing action RGB-D datasets, this paper surpasses a state-of-the-art method on the dataset by 6.84%

    A review of smart homes in healthcare

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    The technology of Smart Homes (SH), as an instance of ambient assisted living technologies, is designed to assist the homes’ residents accomplishing their daily-living activities and thus having a better quality of life while preserving their privacy. A SH system is usually equipped with a collection of inter-related software and hardware components to monitor the living space by capturing the behaviour of the resident and understanding his activities. By doing so the system can inform about risky situations and take actions on behalf of the resident to his satisfaction. The present survey will address technologies and analysis methods and bring examples of the state of the art research studies in order to provide background for the research community. In particular, the survey will expose infrastructure technologies such as sensors and communication platforms along with artificial intelligence techniques used for modeling and recognizing activities. A brief overview of approaches used to develop Human–Computer interfaces for SH systems is given. The survey also highlights the challenges and research trends in this area

    Walking Back the System Trope: Reimagining Incarceration and the State Through a Spatial Theory Approach

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    This dissertation critiques the systems theory approach to incarceration policy, practice, and research and proposes a rhetorically informed spatial theory approach as an alternative. Offering a non-hierarchical complexity theory as a bridge between systems and space, I then integrate rhetorical listening as a strategy for navigating and operationalizing our proposed spatial theory approach. I then apply our proposed methodology to archival research, focusing on the South Carolina Penitentiary as a case study, and offer two heuretic experiments to explore the range of this methodology for archival research. I also explore potential applications of this rhetorically informed spatial theory approach in terms of civic engagement among incarcerated populations through deliberative democracy theory. Finally, I conclude that this methodology offers an avenue for elaborating the ambiguity in myriad social organizational practices that are conceived in terms of systems, crucial insights into uses of complexity in contemporary rhetorical studies, and a valuable approach for argument analysis and civic engagement in composition classrooms

    Standardized development of computer software. Part 1: Methods

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    This work is a two-volume set on standards for modern software engineering methodology. This volume presents a tutorial and practical guide to the efficient development of reliable computer software, a unified and coordinated discipline for design, coding, testing, documentation, and project organization and management. The aim of the monograph is to provide formal disciplines for increasing the probability of securing software that is characterized by high degrees of initial correctness, readability, and maintainability, and to promote practices which aid in the consistent and orderly development of a total software system within schedule and budgetary constraints. These disciplines are set forth as a set of rules to be applied during software development to drastically reduce the time traditionally spent in debugging, to increase documentation quality, to foster understandability among those who must come in contact with it, and to facilitate operations and alterations of the program as requirements on the program environment change

    Chromatin and Epigenetics

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    Genomics has gathered broad public attention since Lamarck put forward his top-down hypothesis of 'motivated change' in 1809 in his famous book "Philosophie Zoologique" and even more so since Darwin published his famous bottom-up theory of natural selection in "The Origin of Species" in 1859. The public awareness culminated in the much anticipated race to decipher the sequence of the human genome in 2002. Over all those years, it has become apparent that genomic DNA is compacted into chromatin with a dedicated 3D higher-order organization and dynamics, and that on each structural level epigenetic modifications exist. The book "Chromatin and Epigenetics" addresses current issues in the fields of epigenetics and chromatin ranging from more theoretical overviews in the first four chapters to much more detailed methodologies and insights into diagnostics and treatments in the following chapters. The chapters illustrate in their depth and breadth that genetic information is stored on all structural and dynamical levels within the nucleus with corresponding modifications of functional relevance. Thus, only an integrative systems approach allows to understand, treat, and manipulate the holistic interplay of genotype and phenotype creating functional genomes. The book chapters therefore contribute to this general perspective, not only opening opportunities for a true universal view on genetic information but also being key for a general understanding of genomes, their function, as well as life and evolution in general

    Hierarchical Graphs as Organisational Principle and Spatial Model Applied to Pedestrian Indoor Navigation

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    In this thesis, hierarchical graphs are investigated from two different angles – as a general modelling principle for (geo)spatial networks and as a practical means to enhance navigation in buildings. The topics addressed are of interest from a multi-disciplinary point of view, ranging from Computer Science in general over Artificial Intelligence and Computational Geometry in particular to other fields such as Geographic Information Science. Some hierarchical graph models have been previously proposed by the research community, e.g. to cope with the massive size of road networks, or as a conceptual model for human wayfinding. However, there has not yet been a comprehensive, systematic approach for modelling spatial networks with hierarchical graphs. One particular problem is the gap between conceptual models and models which can be readily used in practice. Geospatial data is commonly modelled - if at all - only as a flat graph. Therefore, from a practical point of view, it is important to address the automatic construction of a graph hierarchy based on the predominant data models. The work presented deals with this problem: an automated method for construction is introduced and explained. A particular contribution of my thesis is the proposition to use hierarchical graphs as the basis for an extensible, flexible architecture for modelling various (geo)spatial networks. The proposed approach complements classical graph models very well in the sense that their expressiveness is extended: various graphs originating from different sources can be integrated into a comprehensive, multi-level model. This more sophisticated kind of architecture allows for extending navigation services beyond the borders of one single spatial network to a collection of heterogeneous networks, thus establishing a meta-navigation service. Another point of discussion is the impact of the hierarchy and distribution on graph algorithms. They have to be adapted to properly operate on multi-level hierarchies. By investigating indoor navigation problems in particular, the guiding principles are demonstrated for modelling networks at multiple levels of detail. Complex environments like large public buildings are ideally suited to demonstrate the versatile use of hierarchical graphs and thus to highlight the benefits of the hierarchical approach. Starting from a collection of floor plans, I have developed a systematic method for constructing a multi-level graph hierarchy. The nature of indoor environments, especially their inherent diversity, poses an additional challenge: among others, one must deal with complex, irregular, and/or three-dimensional features. The proposed method is also motivated by practical considerations, such as not only finding shortest/fastest paths across rooms and floors, but also by providing descriptions for these paths which are easily understood by people. Beyond this, two novel aspects of using a hierarchy are discussed: one as an informed heuristic exploiting the specific characteristics of indoor environments in order to enhance classical, general-purpose graph search techniques. At the same time, as a convenient by- product of this method, clusters such as sections and wings can be detected. The other reason is to better deal with irregular, complex-shaped regions in a way that instructions can also be provided for these spaces. Previous approaches have not considered this problem. In summary, the main results of this work are: • hierarchical graphs are introduced as a general spatial data infrastructure. In particular, this architecture allows us to integrate different spatial networks originating from different sources. A small but useful set of operations is proposed for integrating these networks. In order to work in a hierarchical model, classical graph algorithms are generalised. This finding also has implications on the possible integration of separate navigation services and systems; • a novel set of core data structures and algorithms have been devised for modelling indoor environments. They cater to the unique characteristics of these environments and can be specifically used to provide enhanced navigation in buildings. Tested on models of several real buildings from our university, some preliminary but promising results were gained from a prototypical implementation and its application on the models

    Video-based Bed Monitoring

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    Testing of a Multiple Criteria Assessment Tool for Healthcare Facilities Quality and Sustainability: The Case of German Hospitals

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    Background: Hospital facilities are an essential part of healthcare systems, making the assessment of their quality and sustainability pivotal. Most existing evaluation tools lack a holistic and validated approach, while predominantly excluding the built environment. The Italian hospital evaluation tool SustHealth v2 addresses the shortcoming of existing applications through its structured and more integrated approach; there is the need for further testing it. Methods: The study aims to test for the first time in an international case study the multicriteria assessment tool previously developed and validated. The tool assesses social, environmental, and organisational qualities in hospitals with an online survey containing 199 closed questions sent to German hospitals. A total of 14 full replies have been collected and the resulting data analysed through descriptive statistics and heat maps identifying patterns in ownership and size. Results: Within the sample, higher scores are reported in Social Quality, while lower in Environmental and Organisational Quality. Respondents performed well in the sustainability dimensions of health promotion, waste management, and patient safety. Improvements can be achieved in energy management, facility management, and technological innovation criteria. Private hospitals slightly outperform both public and non-profit clinics. The findings presented in this study suggest a non-linear relationship between sustainability and hospital size since the highest scores were obtained by either small or large facilities. Conclusion: The study highlighted strengths and limitation of SustHealth v2. Further testing and comparison are encouraged in different context

    Epigenetics of Reprogramming to Induced Pluripotency

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    Reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) proceeds in a stepwise manner with reprogramming factor binding, transcription, and chromatin states changing during transitions. Evidence is emerging that epigenetic priming events early in the process may be critical for pluripotency induction later. Chromatin and its regulators are important controllers of reprogramming, and reprogramming factor levels, stoichiometry, and extracellular conditions influence the outcome. The rapid progress in characterizing reprogramming is benefiting applications of iPSCs and is already enabling the rational design of novel reprogramming factor cocktails. However, recent studies have also uncovered an epigenetic instability of the X chromosome in human iPSCs that warrants careful consideration