52 research outputs found

    Hierarchical occlusion culling for arbitrarily-meshed height fields

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    Many graphics applications today have need for high-speed 3-D visualization of height fields. Most of these applications deal with the display of digital terrain models characterized by a simple, but vast, non-overlapping mesh of triangles. A great deal of research has been done to find methods of optimizing such systems. The goal of this work is to establish an algorithm to efficiently preprocess a hierarchical height field model that enables the real-time culling of occluded geometry while still allowing for classic terrain-rendering frameworks. By exploiting the planar-monotone characteristics of height fields, it is possible to create a unique and efficient occlusion culling method that is optimized for terrain rendering and similar applications. Previous work has shown that culling is possible with certain regularly-gridded height field models, but not until now has a system been shown to work with all height fields, regardless of how their meshes are constructed. By freeing the system of meshing restrictions, it is possible to incorporate a number of broader height field algorithms with widely-used applications such as flight simulators, GIS systems, and computer games

    Interactive Sampling and Rendering for Complex and Procedural Geometry

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    International audienceWe present a new sampling method for procedural and complex geometries, which allows interactive point-based modeling and rendering of such scenes. For a variety of scenes, object-space point sets can be generated rapidly, resulting in a sufficiently dense sampling of the final image. We present an integrated approach that exploits the simplicity of the point primitive. For procedural objects a hierarchical sampling scheme is presented that adapts sample densities locally according to the projected size in the image. Dynamic procedural objects and interactive user manipulation thus become possible. The same scheme is also applied to on-the-fly generation and rendering of terrains, and enables the use of an efficient occlusion culling algorithm. Furthermore, by using points the system enables interactive rendering and simple modification of complex objects (e.g., trees). For display, hardware-accelerated 3-D point rendering is used, but our sampling method can be used by any other point-rendering approach

    Methods for Automated Creation and Efficient Visualisation of Large-Scale Terrains based on Real Height-Map Data

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    Real-time rendering of large-scale terrains is a difficult problem and remains an active field of research. The massive scale of these landscapes, where the ratio between the size of the terrain and its resolution is spanning multiple orders of magnitude, requires an efficient level of detail strategy. It is crucial that the geometry, as well as the terrain data, are represented seamlessly at varying distances while maintaining a constant visual quality. This thesis investigates common techniques and previous solutions to problems associated with the rendering of height field terrains and discusses their benefits and drawbacks. Subsequently, two solutions to the stated problems are presented, which build and expand upon the state-of-the-art rendering methods. A seamless and efficient mesh representation is achieved by the novel Uniform Distance-Dependent Level of Detail (UDLOD) triangulation method. This fully GPU-based algorithm subdivides a quadtree covering the terrain into small tiles, which can be culled in parallel, and are morphed seamlessly in the vertex shader, resulting in a densely and temporally consistent triangulated mesh. The proposed Chunked Clipmap combines the strengths of both quadtrees and clipmaps to enable efficient out-of-core paging of terrain data. This data structure allows for constant time view-dependent access, graceful degradation if data is unavailable, and supports trilinear and anisotropic filtering. Together these, otherwise independent, techniques enable the rendering of large-scale real-world terrains, which is demonstrated on a dataset encompassing the entire Free State of Saxony at a resolution of one meter, in real-time

    Real-time rendering of cities at night

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    En synthèse d’images, déterminer la couleur d’une surface au pixel d’une image doit considérer toutes les sources de lumière de la scène pour évaluer leur contribution lumineuse sur la surface en question. Cette évaluation de la visibilité et en l’occurrence de la radiance incidente des sources de lumière est très coûteuse. Elle n’est généralement pas traitée pour chaque source de lumière en rendu temps-réel. Une ville en pleine nuit est un exemple de telle scène comportant une grande quantité de sources de lumière pour lesquelles les rendus temps-réel modernes ne peuvent pas évaluer la visibilité de toutes les sources de lumière individuelles. Nous présentons une technique exploitant la cohérence spatiale des villes et la co-hérence temporelle des rendus temps-réel pour accélérer le calcul de la visibilité des sources de lumière. Notre technique de visibilité profite des bloqueurs naturels et pré-dominants de la ville pour rapidement réduire la liste de sources de lumière à évaluer etainsi, accélérer le calcul de la visibilité en assumant des bloqueurs sous forme de boîtes alignées majoritairement selon certains axes dominants. Pour garantir la propagation des occultations, nous fusionnons les bloqueurs adjacents dans un seul et même bloqueur conservateur en termes d’occultations. Notre technique relie la visibilité de la caméra avec la visibilité des surfaces pour réduire le nombre d’évaluations à effectuer à chaque rendu, et ne calcule la visibilité que pour les surfaces visibles du point de vue de la caméra. Finalement, nous intégrons la technique de visibilité avec une technique de rendu réaliste, Lightcuts, qui a été mise à jour sur GPU dans un scénario de rendu temps-réel. Même si notre technique ne permettra pas d’atteindre le temps-réel en général dans une scène complexe, elle réduit suffisamment les contraintes pour espérer y arriver un jour.In image synthesis, to determine the final color of a surface at a specific image pixel,we must consider all potential light sources and evaluate if they contribute to the illumination. Since such evaluation is slow, real-time renderers traditionally do not evaluate each light source, and instead preemptively choose locally important light sources for which to evaluate visibility. A city at night is such a scene containing many light sources for which modern real-time renderers cannot allow themselves to evaluate every light source at every frame.We present a technique exploiting spatial coherency in cities and temporal coherency of real-time walkthroughs to reduce visibility evaluations in such scenes. Our technique uses the natural and predominant occluders of a city to efficiently reduce the number of light sources to evaluate. To further accelerate the evaluation we project the bounding boxes of buildings instead of their detailed model (these boxes should be oriented mostly along a few directions), and fuse adjacent occluders on an occlusion plane to form larger conservative occluders. Our technique also integrates results from camera visibility to further reduce the number of visibility evaluations executed per frame, and evaluates visible light sources for facades visible from the point of view of the camera. Finally, we integrate an offline rendering technique, Lightcuts, by adapting it to real-time GPU rendering to further save on rendering time.Even though our technique does not achieve real-time frame rates in a complex scene,it reduces the complexity of the problem enough so that we can hope to achieve such frame rates one day


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    Geração de terrenos em tempo real

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    Tese de mestrado, Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2008A geração de terrenos em tempo real é um problema complexo. Efectivamente, as necessidades de armazenamento e de processamento resultantes da quantidade de dados envolvida levantam um conjunto de problemas que tornaram esta área um tópico de investigação muito activo no domínio da computação gráfica. A maioria do trabalho efectuado concentra-se num conjunto de técnicas que procuram colmatar as dificuldades que surgem na representação de terrenos. Estas técnicas consistem sobretudo na aplicação de estratégias de culling e de nível de detalhe, com o intuito de reduzir o impacto que a representação de um terreno, especialmente os de grandes dimensões, tem ao nível do desempenho. Isto não obstante a grande evolução ao nível das placas gráficas que se tem verificado ao longo dos anos, mas que não tem sido, no entanto, suficiente para lidar com a tensão constante entre realismo e velocidade, entre fidelidade e número de frames por segundo que encontramos nesta área em particular e de uma forma geral na computação gráfica. Nesta dissertação apresentam-se conceitos fundamentais relacionados com a geração de terrenos em tempo real, tais como a representação do terreno, o particionamento espacial, o culling, o vertex caching, a coerência espacial e temporal e a utilização de vertex textures no envio dos valores elevação para o GPU. Inclui-se também a descrição dos algoritmos de geração de terrenos considerados mais relevantes, seleccionando-se dois da classe Tiled Blocks, segundo a classificação proposta por Losasso e Hoppe, para comparar o seu desempenho. Estes algoritmos aplicam duas técnicas diferentes de nível de detalhe, bastante comuns na maioria dos algoritmos desta classe e são, respectivamente, o Geomipmapping, descrito por De Boer e o GPU Terrain Rendering, descrito por Vistnes. Avaliou-se ainda a integração da técnica de occlusion culling empregue no algoritmo de Terrain Occlusion Culling With Horizons, descrito por Fiedler, e a utilização das vertex textures como alternativa no envio dos valores de elevação para o GPU. Como ponto de referência e com o intuito de avaliar a diferença a nível de desempenho, bem como verificar a necessidade de utilizar técnicas de nível de detalhe, concretizou-se também uma aproximação de “força bruta” que não utiliza nenhuma técnica de nível de detalhe.Real time terrain rendering is a complex topic. The main reason is cheer amount of geometry involved, which raises a number of problems that made this area an active topic of research in the field of computer graphics. Most of the work is centered on a group of techniques especially developed to give an answer to the problems faced when representing a terrain in real time. Culling and level of detail techniques are therefore essential tools to face the performance problems that a representation of a terrain in real time, specially a large one, brings. This despite the great technological evolution of the graphic cards over the years, which has not been, however, sufficient to deal with the constant tension between realism and speed, between fidelity and number of frames per second present in this area in particular and generally in computer graphics. In this dissertation real time terrain rendering concepts are presented, such as terrain representation models, spatial partitioning, culling, vertex caching, spatial and temporal coherence and vertex textures. Some of the most relevant real time terrain rendering algorithms are also discussed. From these, two belonging to the Tiled Blocks class, following the classification proposed by Losasso and Hope, are compared in terms of performance. These algorithms apply two different of level of detail techniques, quite common in most algorithms of this class. They are, respectively, the Geomipmapping, described by De Boer, and the GPU Terrain Rendering, described by Vistnes. Additionally the integration of the occlusion culling technique described by Fiedler on the Terrain Occlusion Culling With Horizons algorithm is evaluated as well as the use of vertex textures as way of sending the elevation values to the GPU. As a reference point and to evaluate the impact in the performance, of level of detail techniques a brute force approach that does not apply any of those techniques was also developed

    Development and Application of Computer Graphics Techniques for the Visualization of Large Geo-Related Data-Sets

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Algorithmen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern, die es gestatten, grosse geographische und andere geo-bezogene Datensätze mithilfe computergraphischer Techniken visualisieren zu können. Ein Schwerpunkt war dabei die Entwicklung neuer kamera-adaptiver Datenstrukturen für digitale Höhenmodelle und Rasterbilder. In der Arbeit wird zunächst ein neuartiges Multiresolutionmodell für Höhenfelder definiert. Dieses Modell braucht nur sehr wenig zusätzlichen Speicherplatz und ist geeignet, interaktive Anpassungsraten zu gewährleisten. Weiterhin werden Ansätze zur schnellen Bestimmung sichtbarer und verdeckter Teile einer computergraphischen Szene diskutiert, um die Bewegung in grossen und ausgedehnten Szenen wie Stadtmodellen oder Gebäuden zu beschleunigen. Im Anschluss daran werden einige Problemstellungen im Zusammenhang mit Texture Mapping erörtert, so werden zum Beispiel eine neue beobachterabhängige Datenstruktur für Texturdaten und ein neuer Ansatz zur Texturfilterung vorgestellt. Die meisten dieser Algorithmen und Verfahren wurden in ein interaktives System zur Geländevisualisierung integriert, das den Projektnamen 'FlyAway' hat und im letzten Kapitel der Arbeit beschrieben wird

    Scalable Realtime Rendering and Interaction with Digital Surface Models of Landscapes and Cities

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    Interactive, realistic rendering of landscapes and cities differs substantially from classical terrain rendering. Due to the sheer size and detail of the data which need to be processed, realtime rendering (i.e. more than 25 images per second) is only feasible with level of detail (LOD) models. Even the design and implementation of efficient, automatic LOD generation is ambitious for such out-of-core datasets considering the large number of scales that are covered in a single view and the necessity to maintain screen-space accuracy for realistic representation. Moreover, users want to interact with the model based on semantic information which needs to be linked to the LOD model. In this thesis I present LOD schemes for the efficient rendering of 2.5d digital surface models (DSMs) and 3d point-clouds, a method for the automatic derivation of city models from raw DSMs, and an approach allowing semantic interaction with complex LOD models. The hierarchical LOD model for digital surface models is based on a quadtree of precomputed, simplified triangle mesh approximations. The rendering of the proposed model is proved to allow real-time rendering of very large and complex models with pixel-accurate details. Moreover, the necessary preprocessing is scalable and fast. For 3d point clouds, I introduce an LOD scheme based on an octree of hybrid plane-polygon representations. For each LOD, the algorithm detects planar regions in an adequately subsampled point cloud and models them as textured rectangles. The rendering of the resulting hybrid model is an order of magnitude faster than comparable point-based LOD schemes. To automatically derive a city model from a DSM, I propose a constrained mesh simplification. Apart from the geometric distance between simplified and original model, it evaluates constraints based on detected planar structures and their mutual topological relations. The resulting models are much less complex than the original DSM but still represent the characteristic building structures faithfully. Finally, I present a method to combine semantic information with complex geometric models. My approach links the semantic entities to the geometric entities on-the-fly via coarser proxy geometries which carry the semantic information. Thus, semantic information can be layered on top of complex LOD models without an explicit attribution step. All findings are supported by experimental results which demonstrate the practical applicability and efficiency of the methods

    Actas do 10º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica

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    Actas do 10º Encontro Portugês de Computação Gráfica, Lisboa, 1-3 de Outubro de 2001A investigação, o desenvolvimento e o ensino na área da Computação Gráfica constituem, em Portugal, uma realidade positiva e de largas tradições. O Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (EPCG), realizado no âmbito das actividades do Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica (GPCG), tem permitido reunir regularmente, desde o 1º EPCG realizado também em Lisboa, mas no já longínquo mês de Julho de 1988, todos os que trabalham nesta área abrangente e com inúmeras aplicações. Pela primeira vez no historial destes Encontros, o 10º EPCG foi organizado em ligação estreita com as comunidades do Processamento de Imagem e da Visão por Computador, através da Associação Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões (APRP), salientando-se, assim, a acrescida colaboração, e a convergência, entre essas duas áreas e a Computação Gráfica. Este é o livro de actas deste 10º EPCG.INSATUniWebIcep PortugalMicrografAutodes