856 research outputs found

    Solving Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty and in Dynamic Scenarios: From Simheuristics to Agile Optimization

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    [EN] Many real-life applications of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) occur in scenarios subject to uncertainty or dynamic conditions. Thus, for instance, traveling times or customers' demands might be better modeled as random variables than as deterministic values. Likewise, traffic conditions could evolve over time, synchronization issues should need to be considered, or a real-time re-optimization of the routing plan can be required as new data become available in a highly dynamic environment. Clearly, different solving approaches are needed to efficiently cope with such a diversity of scenarios. After providing an overview of current trends in VRPs, this paper reviews a set of heuristic-based algorithms that have been designed and employed to solve VRPs with the aforementioned properties. These include simheuristics for stochastic VRPs, learnheuristics and discrete-event heuristics for dynamic VRPs, and agile optimization heuristics for VRPs with real-time requirements.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PID2019-111100RB-C21-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the SEPIE Erasmus+ Program (2019-I-ES01-KA103-062602), the Barcelona City Council and Fundacio "la Caixa" under the framework of the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023 (21S09355-001), and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2021/065).Ammouriova, M.; Herrera, EM.; Neroni, M.; Juan, AA.; Faulin, J. (2023). Solving Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty and in Dynamic Scenarios: From Simheuristics to Agile Optimization. Applied Sciences. 13(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/app1301010113

    Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Metaheuristic for Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Synchronization Constraints and Multiple Trips

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    This work is motivated by solving a problem faced by big agriculture companies implementing precision agriculture operations for spraying practices using two types of operators, namely a tender tanker and a fleet of sprayers. We model this problem as a vehicle routing problem with multiple synchronization constraints and multiple trips with the objective of minimizing the waiting time of the sprayers and the total routing distance of the sprayers. The resulting mixed integer programming model that we develop is hard to solve using a commercial solver, owing to the dependencies caused by the spatio-temporal synchronization between the two operators. To solve large-scale instances effectively, we present an adaptive large neighborhood search metaheuristic that uses an intensive local search mechanism. We conduct an extensive computational analysis to assess the effectiveness of our solution approach and gain managerial insights into the problem by analyzing various models. The proposed metaheuristic yields high-quality solutions quickly, with an overall average improvement of 5.61% over what is implemented in practice implying significant savings in time and cost

    Integrated network routing and scheduling problem for salt trucks with replenishment before snowfall

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    Kar yağışı öncesinde ve sırasında yolların zamanında tuzlanması, trafik güvenliğini iyileştirmek ve trafik sıkışıklığını önlemek için önemli bir önleyici faaliyettir. Bu çalışmada, bir şehir yolu ağındaki tuz kamyonlarının rotalama ve çizelgeleme problemi ele alınmıştır. Ele alınan problem İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesinin yoğun kar yağışı durumlarında karşılaştığı bir operasyonel problemdir ve periyodik olarak çözülmelidir. Problemde, araç filosu tuz kapasitesi açısından heterojen araçlardan oluşmaktadır ve birden fazla tuz ikmal noktası bulunmaktadır. Hava şartları gerektirdiğinde, tuzlanması gereken yollar ve bu yollar için öncelik seviyeleri belirlenmektedir. Amaç, ağın farklı noktalarında konumlanmış olan araçların, tuzlanması gereken tüm yolları tuzlayacak şekilde ve yolların ağırlıklı tamamlanma süresini en küçükleyerek rotalanması ve çizelgelenmesidir. Tuza ihtiyacı olan her yol tek bir araç tarafından tuzlanmalıdır. Araçlar tuzlanması gereken bir yolu tuzlama yapmadan sadece geçiş yapmak amacıyla da kullanılabilir. Araçlar, tuzları bittiğinde tuz ikmal noktalarını ziyaret etmelidir. Problemin çözümü için ilk olarak bir karma tam sayılı programlama modeli geliştirilmiştir. Problem büyüklüğü arttıkça modelin performansının hızla düştüğü gözlemlenmiş ve iki aşamalı bir sezgisel yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Sezgiselin ilk aşamasında yapıcı algoritma ile olurlu bir başlangıç çözümü elde edilmektedir, ikinci aşamasında bulunan başlangıç çözümü bir komşuluk arama algoritması ile geliştirilmektedir. Çözüm yaklaşımımızın verimliliği, gerçek hayat yol ağlarını yansıtan rastgele oluşturulmuş örnekler üzerinde analiz edilmiştir.Timely salting of roads before the snowfall is an important preventive activity for improving traffic safety and avoiding traffic congestions. We study the problem of routing and scheduling of salt trucks on a city road network. The problem is motivated by the operational problem that the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality face in case of a heavy snowfall, and thereby should be solved in a periodic manner.In this problem, the vehicle fleet consists of heterogeneous vehicles that differ in salt capacity and there are multiple salt replenishment points. At the beginning of the current planning horizon, given a set of salt needing roads with different urgency levels, the vehicles start from different points of the network (i.e., their final locations at the end of the former planning horizon) and should cover all salt needing roads with the objective of minimizing the total weighted completion time of salting operation of each service needing arc. Each service needing arc should be serviced by exactly one vehicle, however, can be traversed for deadheading by a vehicle as part of its route.Vehicles visit replenishment points when they run out of salt. We first develop a Mixed-Integer Programming model for the problem. Since the performance of the model degrades rapidly as the problem size increases, we propose a simulated annealing metaheuristic, which obtains an initial solution by a constructive heuristic in the first phase, and then improves the solution in the next phase. The efficiency of our solution approach is evaluated on randomly generated instances reflecting real life road networks

    Home health care logistics planning: a review and framework

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    Home Health Care (HHC) is a growing industry in the medical services business, mainly in Europe and North America. These care services are provided at patients’ home by a multidisciplinary team using a distribution network. In this paper, an overview of the HHC services in Portugal and Brazil is presented. Additionally, a review is also presented to identify the main logistics problems associated with HHC services such as districting, routing and inventory management and the lack of integrated approaches to address them, as well as the best practices of management in the area. A framework is proposed to represent the main elements and characteristics of HHC services and their relationships. The framework suggests the use of a Decision Support System (DSS) based on optimization models and simulation approaches to overcome some of the main challenges associated to integrated approaches to address main problems, filling the gaps in the current literature. With the development of this DSS it will be possible to assist in the logistic planning of HHC teams, especially in countries like Brazil and Portugal.This work has been supported by CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development, Brazil) and COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio