21 research outputs found

    Set-Membership Estimation Improvement Applying HOSM Differentiators

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    International audienceThis work is devoted to design of interval observers for a class of Linear-Parameter-Varying (LPV) systems. Applying High Order Sliding Mode (HOSM) techniques it is possible to decrease the initial level of uncertainty in the system, which leads to improvement of set-membership estimates generated by an interval observer. In addition, it is shown that HOSM techniques may relax the applicability conditions of the interval observer design methods. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated through computer simulations

    Flexible Modes Control Using Sliding Mode Observers: Application to Ares I

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    The launch vehicle dynamics affected by bending and sloshing modes are considered. Attitude measurement data that are corrupted by flexible modes could yield instability of the vehicle dynamics. Flexible body and sloshing modes are reconstructed by sliding mode observers. The resultant estimates are used to remove the undesirable dynamics from the measurements, and the direct effects of sloshing and bending modes on the launch vehicle are compensated by means of a controller that is designed without taking the bending and sloshing modes into account. A linearized mathematical model of Ares I launch vehicle was derived based on FRACTAL, a linear model developed by NASA/MSFC. The compensated vehicle dynamics with a simple PID controller were studied for the launch vehicle model that included two bending modes, two slosh modes and actuator dynamics. A simulation study demonstrated stable and accurate performance of the flight control system with the augmented simple PID controller without the use of traditional linear bending filters

    State estimation for linear switched systems with unstable invariant zeros and unknown inputs

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    International audienceIn this paper the problem of continuous and discrete state estimation for a class of linear switched systems is studied. The class of systems under study can contain non-minimum phase zeros in some of their "operating modes". The conditions for exact reconstruction of the discrete state are given using structural properties of the switched system. The state-space is decomposed into the strongly observable part, the nonstrongly observable part and the unobservable part, to analyze the effect of the unknown inputs. A state observer based on high-order sliding-mode and Luenberger-like observers is proposed. For the case when the exact reconstruction of the state cannot be achieved, the ultimate bounds on the estimation errors are provided. The workability of the proposed method is illustrated by simulations

    Observation and control of a ball on a tilting

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    The ball and plate system is a nonlinear MIMO system that has interesting characteristics which are also present in aerospace and industrial systems, such as: instability, subactuation, nonlinearities such as friction, backlash, and delays in the measurements. In this work, the modeling of the system is based on the Lagrange approach. Then it is represented in the state-space form with plate accelerations as inputs to the system. These have a similar effect as applying torques. In addition, the use of an internal loop of the servo system is considered. From the obtained model, we proceed to carry out the analysis of controllability and observability resulting in that the system is globally weak observable and locally controllable in the operating range. Then, the Jacobi linearization is performed to use the linearized model in the design of linear controllers for stabilization. On the other hand, analyzing the internal dynamics of the ball and plate system turns out to be a non-minimum phase system, which makes it difficult to design the tracking control using the exact model. This is the reason why we proceed to make approximations. Using the approximate model, nonlinear controllers are designed for tracking using different approaches as: feedback linearization for tracking with and without integral action, backstepping and sliding mode. In addition, linear and nonlinear observers are designed to provide full state information to the controller. Simulation tests are performed comparing the different control and observation approaches. Moreover, the effect of the delay in the measurement is analyzed, where it is seen that the greater the frequency of the reference signal the more the error is increased. Then, adding the Smith predictor compensates the delay and reduces the tracking error. Finally, tests performed with the real system. The system was successfully controlled for stabilization and tracking using the designed controllers. However, it is noticed that the effect of the friction, the spring oscillation and other non-modeled characteristics significantly affect the performance of the control.Tesi

    Sliding mode estimation schemes for incipient sensor faults

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    This is the author's preprint vetrsion of an articles submitted to Automatica. The definitive published version is available via doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2009.02.031This paper proposes a new method for the analysis and design of sliding mode observers for sensor fault reconstruction. The proposed scheme addresses one of the restrictions inherent in other sliding mode estimation approaches for sensor faults in the literature (which effectively require the open-loop system to be stable). For open-loop unstable systems, examples can be found, for certain combinations of sensor faults, for which existing sliding mode and unknown input linear observer schemes cannot be employed, to reconstruct faults. The method proposed in this paper overcomes these limitations. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the design framework proposed in the paper. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    State and Parameter Estimation for a Class of Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems Using Sliding Mode Techniques

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    In this study, a class of nonlinear parameterized systems is considered where the unknown parameters are parameterized nonlinearly. A stability criteria for time-varying systems is developed based on Perron-Frobenius theorem, and used for designing observers. A particular sliding mode observer with an update law, which can ensure that the sliding motion converges to zero asymptotically, is designed to estimate states and unknown parameters. The developed result is applied to a three-phase inverter system used by China high-speed trains to verify the effectiveness

    Sliding Mode Control

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    The main objective of this monograph is to present a broad range of well worked out, recent application studies as well as theoretical contributions in the field of sliding mode control system analysis and design. The contributions presented here include new theoretical developments as well as successful applications of variable structure controllers primarily in the field of power electronics, electric drives and motion steering systems. They enrich the current state of the art, and motivate and encourage new ideas and solutions in the sliding mode control area

    Contribution au développement des techniques ensemblistes pour l'estimation de l'état et des entrées des systèmes à temps continu (application à la détection de défauts)

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    Cette thèse traite du problème d'observation et d'estimation des variables caractéristiques des systèmes dynamiques. Il s agit d une problématique fondamentale qui est au cœur de nombreux domaines relavant des sciences de l'ingénieur. Les travaux sont conduits dans un contexte ensembliste. Les techniques développées pour l estimation de l état et des variables d entrées ont pour objectif final le contrôle de cohérence des systèmes non linéaires à temps continu. Une première approche conjugue les relations de parité et les différentiateurs à modes glissants pour l estimation des entrées d un système non linéaire. Les domaines des entrées compatibles avec les mesures sont alors reconstruits grâce à l analyse par intervalles et aux techniques de satisfaction de contraintes. Il est montré que la relaxation des contraintes de stabilité/coopérativité pour la construction d un observateur intervalle peut se faire grâce à des changements de base déterminés de différentes manières et pouvant être variants ou invariants dans le temps. Des simulations numériques illustrent les techniques proposées. Une application à un système aéronautique est également présentée à l aide d un jeu de données réelles.This thesis deals with the problem of a dynamical system observation and the estimation of its characteristic variables; the latter point constitutes the core element in many engineering science fields. The final aim is to build a general framework for integrity control and fault detection of such systems within a bounded error context. The developments offered herein make use of parity relations, sliding mode differentiators, interval observers and constraint satisfaction problems. Input reconstruction techniques are developed for a general class of nonlinear continuous-time systems. Domains are reconstructed for the input values which are consistent with the measurements using interval analysis and constraint satisfaction techniques. It is shown that time-varying or invariant coordinate changes may relax the applicability conditions (stability/cooperativity) of the interval observer design methods. Sliding mode differentiators were also used to enhance interval observer accuracy. The proposed approaches are illustrated through computer simulations and they have been applied to aircraft servo loop control surface for robust and early detection of abnormal positions.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF