76 research outputs found

    In Contact:Pinching, Squeezing and Twisting for Mediated Social Touch

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    A fabric-based approach for wearable haptics

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    In recent years, wearable haptic systems (WHS) have gained increasing attention as a novel and exciting paradigm for human-robot interaction (HRI).These systems can be worn by users, carried around, and integrated in their everyday lives, thus enabling a more natural manner to deliver tactile cues.At the same time, the design of these types of devices presents new issues: the challenge is the correct identification of design guidelines, with the two-fold goal of minimizing system encumbrance and increasing the effectiveness and naturalness of stimulus delivery.Fabrics can represent a viable solution to tackle these issues.They are specifically thought “to be worn”, and could be the key ingredient to develop wearable haptic interfaces conceived for a more natural HRI.In this paper, the author will review some examples of fabric-based WHS that can be applied to different body locations, and elicit different haptic perceptions for different application fields.Perspective and future developments of this approach will be discussed

    An aesthetics of touch: investigating the language of design relating to form

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    How well can designers communicate qualities of touch? This paper presents evidence that they have some capability to do so, much of which appears to have been learned, but at present make limited use of such language. Interviews with graduate designer-makers suggest that they are aware of and value the importance of touch and materiality in their work, but lack a vocabulary to fully relate to their detailed explanations of other aspects such as their intent or selection of materials. We believe that more attention should be paid to the verbal dialogue that happens in the design process, particularly as other researchers show that even making-based learning also has a strong verbal element to it. However, verbal language alone does not appear to be adequate for a comprehensive language of touch. Graduate designers-makers’ descriptive practices combined non-verbal manipulation within verbal accounts. We thus argue that haptic vocabularies do not simply describe material qualities, but rather are situated competences that physically demonstrate the presence of haptic qualities. Such competencies are more important than groups of verbal vocabularies in isolation. Design support for developing and extending haptic competences must take this wide range of considerations into account to comprehensively improve designers’ capabilities

    Optimizing Natural Walking Usage in VR using Redirected Teleportation

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has come a long way since its inception and with the recent advancements in technology, high end VR headsets are now commercially available. Although these headsets offer full motion tracking capabilities, locomotion in VR is yet to be fully solved due to space constraints, potential VR sickness and problems with retaining immersion. Teleportation is the most popular locomotion technique in VR as it allows users to safely navigate beyond the confines of the available positional tracking space without inducing VR sickness. It has been argued that the use of teleportation doesn’t facilitate the use of natural walking input which is considered to have a higher presence because teleportation is faster, requires little physical effort and uses limited available tracking space. When a user walks to the edge of the tracking space, he/she must switch to teleportation. When navigating in the same direction, available walking space does not increase, which forces users to remain stationary and continue using teleportation. We present redirected teleportation, a novel locomotion method that increases tracking space usage and natural walking input by subtle reorientation and repositioning of the user. We first analyzed the positional tendencies of the users as they played popular games implementing teleportation and found the utilization of the tracking space to be limited. We then compared redirected teleportation with regular teleportation using a navigation task in three different environments. Analysis of our data show that although redirected walking takes more time, users used significantly fewer teleports and more natural walking input while using more of the available tracking space. The increase in time is largely due to users walking more, which takes more time than using teleportation. Our results provide evidence that redirected teleportation may be a viable approach to increase the usage of natural walking input while decreasing the dependency on teleportation

    Assessing Visual Attention Using Eye Tracking Sensors in Intelligent Cognitive Therapies Based on Serious Games

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    This study examines the use of eye tracking sensors as a means to identify children's behavior in attention-enhancement therapies. For this purpose, a set of data collected from 32 children with different attention skills is analyzed during their interaction with a set of puzzle games. The authors of this study hypothesize that participants with better performance may have quantifiably different eye-movement patterns from users with poorer results. The use of eye trackers outside the research community may help to extend their potential with available intelligent therapies, bringing state-of-the-art technologies to users. The use of gaze data constitutes a new information source in intelligent therapies that may help to build new approaches that are fully-customized to final users' needs. This may be achieved by implementing machine learning algorithms for classification. The initial study of the dataset has proven a 0.88 (±0.11) classification accuracy with a random forest classifier, using cross-validation and hierarchical tree-based feature selection. Further approaches need to be examined in order to establish more detailed attention behaviors and patterns among children with and without attention problems

    On the critical role of the sensorimotor loop on the design of interaction techniques and interactive devices

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    People interact with their environment thanks to their perceptual and motor skills. This is the way they both use objects around them and perceive the world around them. Interactive systems are examples of such objects. Therefore to design such objects, we must understand how people perceive them and manipulate them. For example, haptics is both related to the human sense of touch and what I call the motor ability. I address a number of research questions related to the design and implementation of haptic, gestural, and touch interfaces and present examples of contributions on these topics. More interestingly, perception, cognition, and action are not separated processes, but an integrated combination of them called the sensorimotor loop. Interactive systems follow the same overall scheme, with differences that make the complementarity of humans and machines. The interaction phenomenon is a set of connections between human sensorimotor loops, and interactive systems execution loops. It connects inputs with outputs, users and systems, and the physical world with cognition and computing in what I call the Human-System loop. This model provides a complete overview of the interaction phenomenon. It helps to identify the limiting factors of interaction that we can address to improve the design of interaction techniques and interactive devices.Les humains interagissent avec leur environnement grĂące Ă  leurs capacitĂ©s perceptives et motrices. C'est ainsi qu'ils utilisent les objets qui les entourent et perçoivent le monde autour d'eux. Les systĂšmes interactifs sont des exemples de tels objets. Par consĂ©quent, pour concevoir de tels objets, nous devons comprendre comment les gens les perçoivent et les manipulent. Par exemple, l'haptique est Ă  la fois liĂ©e au sens du toucher et Ă  ce que j'appelle la capacitĂ© motrice. J'aborde un certain nombre de questions de recherche liĂ©es Ă  la conception et Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre d'interfaces haptiques, gestuelles et tactiles et je prĂ©sente des exemples de contributions sur ces sujets. Plus intĂ©ressant encore, la perception, la cognition et l'action ne sont pas des processus sĂ©parĂ©s, mais une combinaison intĂ©grĂ©e d'entre eux appelĂ©e la boucle sensorimotrice. Les systĂšmes interactifs suivent le mĂȘme schĂ©ma global, avec des diffĂ©rences qui forme la complĂ©mentaritĂ© des humains et des machines. Le phĂ©nomĂšne d'interaction est un ensemble de connexions entre les boucles sensorimotrices humaines et les boucles d'exĂ©cution des systĂšmes interactifs. Il relie les entrĂ©es aux sorties, les utilisateurs aux systĂšmes, et le monde physique Ă  la cognition et au calcul dans ce que j'appelle la boucle Humain-SystĂšme. Ce modĂšle fournit un aperçu complet du phĂ©nomĂšne d'interaction. Il permet d'identifier les facteurs limitatifs de l'interaction que nous pouvons aborder pour amĂ©liorer la conception des techniques d'interaction et des dispositifs interactifs

    The Evaluation of Electromyography Biofeedback on Proprioception and Balance in Healthy Young Athletes

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    Introduction: We evaluated the effect of electromyography biofeedback on proprioception and functional balance in healthy young athletes. Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 24 athletes were randomly divided into two study (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. The study group received rehabilitation exercises, including one-foot standing, squatted standing, and isometric contraction of quadriceps muscle at different knee angles, including 30, 45, and 90 degrees of knee flexion along with electromyography biofeedback. The control group received only rehabilitation exercises without electromyography biofeedback. Exercises were performed by both groups for a 4-week period in three sessions per week. Functional balance and proprioception before and after exercises were measured using the star excursion balance test and a system consisting of digital photography non-reflective markers, respectively. The data of the center of pressure and time of vertical ground reaction force using a force plate was also collected to evaluate static balance and dynamic balance, respectively. Results: The absolute error in knee joint reconstruction for 30° (P=0.005), 45° (P=0.001), and 90° (P=0.033) angles significantly decreased after the intervention in the study group compared to the control group. Star excursion balance test scores in all directions did not show any significant differences between the two groups (P>0.05), except for the anterior-lateral direction (P=0.03). Moreover, all variables related to static and dynamic balance did not show a significant difference between two the groups after the interventions (P>0.05). Conclusion: The electromyography biofeedback intervention can probably be used as a rehabilitation protocol in recovering and healing proprioception injuries resulting from sports injuries
